I put your ATF on a winning team
Where is the logic in men who solicit prostitutes, cheat on their wives, ogle at strippers, cum in their pants during lap dances, grope strippers and solicit them.... Yet talk down on women who are sexually assertive....
Slut-Shaming Actually Makes Life Worse for Straight Guys, Too
“He knows very, very little about real female sexual pleasure.”…
Yeah, not my favorite verbiage.
Ogle at strippers, grope strippers, I prefer the words, admire, caress, but won't argue that.
Guilty on those.
Only god knows what language it was in, certainly predates English.
I guess everything is okay when you "claim" to use it in an affectionate manner.
Your use of "bitch" is degrading regardless of how you try to justify it.
Oh... and "Frenulum" is just a term of endearment.
No passive aggressive intended.
I admire assertive women, I live with one. And dislike disparaging - of most everything.
He's a hypocrite.
The hypocrisy of this thread is also epic for the persona that this poster is attempting to portray. Explaing the obvious irony would be just stupid.
So basically, girls' biggest fear is that some people might give them a label that has been rendered pretty much powerless in 2019 and actually makes the accuser look worse than the victim.
Men's biggest fear is that a girl, not being able to tolerate possibly having this mostly powerless label, will then lie to everybody and say that he raped her, which could then result in his entire life being ruined and him spending a decade or two in prison. But even if he was found innocent of the charges he will probably end up the next victim of the liberal media lynch mob as a "rapist who got away with it," no matter how strong the evidence is supporting that he is innocent, and he will be unable to ever get a job again because of this label following him. All because accusing him of raping her gets her out of being called a slut or a cheater.
But despite the very real fact that accusations just like these are flying around everywhere and you've personally seen several people you know get falsely accused of some kind of sexual misconduct which they barely managed to escape from with their life and reputation, you're still supposed to act confident around girls and just kinda, trust them not to ruin your life despite knowing full well that they could destroy your life with one sentence. None of the times you get rejected are allowed to phase your confidence, none of the people around you who's self-esteem and trust in women have been destroyed by girls who falsely accused them is supposed to give you doubts about your own trust in girls. And if are not confident in how you pursue sex with them, you will be called a pussy pansy, a beta cuck, and a whiner. Instead you're expected to confidently walk around trying to fuck every girl regardless of rejection and pretending that nothing's wrong, that nothing is going on in the world, that your life cannot be destroyed because of what you're doing. In the meantime, nobody suggests that women should do anything to make guys feel more comfortable about sex.
But nah, that's not the important issue, the important issue we really need to focus on is that some girls might be a little embarrassed cause somebody mildly insulted them with a label that honestly has no power beyond the high school years and doesn't even really have that much power in high school either. Instead of focusing on the fact that we're afraid of losing our lives if we pursue women, we're instead told to give even more attention to women's exaggerated problems.
Now do you see why waifus are 100x better than drunk girls you don't know or trust?
That's just red pill BS from guys who have never had a girl want them.
Waifus aren't girls....