Racist conservative white men who solicit minority hookers and/or engage in third world tourism are evidently not quite as racist as they proclaim to be.
Aside from their hypocrisy, they are not markedly different from any other monger (provided that they are not taking advantage of underaged girls or of women who are “captive” sex workers). There is a lot of that in the third world. I’ve seen it. I lived for many years in the third world and saw how ugly that scene can be.
I may not be a saint but I was never that heartless.
Nidan, there are quite a few on this forum. They hate minorities but have no problem going to Mexico or the Dominican Republic for sex tourism.
Its not that uncommon. Ive heard of cases of abuse for example where an openly racist white man beat his skinny black girlfriend coz he hated black people. Or a skinhead who brutalized the Asian mother of his child and hid out at his Native American's house afterwards...
Icey, I see the same in reverse in the backwoods and in some cases the inner cities of MO. BLACK MAN beats the shit out of his white “baby mamma”. Not real sure how that differs. My opinion is that there is white trash, black trash, Mexican trash, yellow trash, multicolored trash EVERYWHERE. I have met some very racist people of all colors. I really don’t care for them at all. I am as white as white can be, but I absolutely love all types. Love interacting with and talking to Blacks, Mexican, Asian, etc. I am frequently found in very non white dive bars all over the Midwest. I have seen more racism between Latino and Black than any other, but that is just my personal experience. Makes me cringe when I see/hear a black guy call a Mexican guy a Ni@@er. It happens a lot. I don’t understand it, but I just assume it is a cultural issue that I am not privy too.
Not really sure why I chimed in on this thread, but here I am. Racism is never going to go away. Racism has no racial boundaries either.
Say a Mexican hates Americans going to Tijuana as a sex tourist, is very different from an American looking down on and hating Mexicans for perceived stereotypes in the US. Likewise, a Dominican hating Americans who come to fuck underage girls is different from an American hating the Dominican say for being Black for example.
Racism is not a power relationship, at least not in the simplistic way you seem to think.
Some of the vilest, most horrid racists are poor, uneducated people desperately looking for someone else to blame for their troubles and to look down upon. These are pitiful, powerless people.
Racists are not all white, by the way. I’ve known white racists, black ones, brown ones, yellow ones - just about any color you care to mention.
And, just to stir the shit a bit further, this racial pride nonsense is both stupid and dangerous. If white nationalism or white pride, Aryan pride are wrong, then why wouldn’t that condemnation also apply to black pride, Native American pride etc. etc.?
As far as I am concerned, racial and ethnic pride are close cousins of racism.
And why should I be proud or ashamed of my racial heritage? Why would anyone be proud or ashamed of their racial heritage? We can each take no credit and deserve no blame for our racial heritage. It is what it is.
Why not be proud of something we can all get behind?
This "it's only racism when it's institutional" works against your argument lol. There is institutional racism against white and Asian people in college and work force applications in that you need higher qualifications to get accepted than black people need.
CC99, attacking white privilege in institutions historically reserved for white men isn't racism. Furthermore, colleges aren't "racist" against Whites nor Asians. It however is a racist assumption to think that Blacks are unqualified for certain positions while more qualified whites are not allowed... That's one of the main tenets in modern day racism.
Lots of white people hate me. Lots of religious people hate me. Lots of conservatives hate me and so do many liberals.
Lots of people of my own color hate me because they think I’m not authentic enough or somehow just not a very good example of my race. Some think I should be proud of my heritage. I already addressed how I feel about all of that racial pride nonsense. I think it’s a load of crap.
I really don’t give a rat’s ass what anybody else thinks about what I say, how I behave or what I believe.
If someone thinks I am a racist. I don’t care. If they think I’m a N****r lover, I don’t care. If they think I’m a homophobe, I don’t care. If they think I’m gay but still in the closet, I don’t care. If they think I’m a hard ass or a snowflake, I don’t give a damn.
I’m an American and I’m free to do, say and believe whatever I deem appropriate. I can’t be bothered by other people’s hang ups. Those are the limitations on their lives, not mine.
" attacking white privilege in institutions historically reserved for white men isn't racism."
Excuses sound very similar to what the Jacobins in the French Revolution and Leninists said during the Russian Revolution but on a much smaller scale. We're not being tyrannical by slaughtering the people who used to have power even though they don't have any anymore. A new regime is in place but somehow they still have power.
The reason people think unqualified black candidates get hired is because many companies hire unqualified black candidates in order to look PC. If people don't like that assumption then removing the affirmative action laws will make it obvious that all black workers are in-fact, highly qualified for the positions they are in.
I mean, do people seriously think that ultra-liberal academia discriminates against black and Hispanic people? Its fucking ridiculous. The colleges and the media are the ones spreading the idea that discrimination is rampant in the first place.
And why are Asians for some reason exempt from SJW oppression protection? There's a lot of controversy over colleges discriminating against Asian people.
No, they think Blacks are unqualified because they're racist.
AA laws only impact gov jobs and those with gov contracts. The private sector at large is still free to discriminate, although people have nominal legal recourse.
The university system is designed to cater to students coming from better schools, the quality of basic education correlates very much to race and social class in the US.
You yourself feel a victim of institutionalized social norms regarding masculinity, and bemoan what some feminists would label toxic masculinity yet refuse to understand that normative and institutionalized racism affects people in more ways. But then white privilege allows you to do that. Just as your white male privilege allows you to buy women like chattel without thinking anything wrong of it.
I am WHITE, make fantastic MONEY, work my fucking ass off, HATE LAZY ASS MOTHER FUCKERS who blame everyone except themselves for being PATHETIC PIECES OF SHIT who are too Goddamn lazy to get off their asses and make a change. I don’t give a fuck if you are black, yellow, white, blue or whatever... if you BLAME ANYONE other than YOURSELF for YOUR LACK OF ABILITY to make a change or a positive contribution to YOUR OWN wellbeing, then you are a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!
I am what a lot of people call “a self made man.” I was born to a poor family, I studied hard, worked my way through college and a professional program, then built a solid reputation and made myself quite wealthy.
For a while, I too regarded myself as “a self made man.” Then I made a list of key attributes or circumstances that contributed to my success: good parents and role models, born in the USA, born in Texas where I could attend a top tier university at a very low cost, benefitted from a strong economy while in school and after graduation, I’m healthy, I’m at least of average intelligence and maybe a little more, I am naturally hard working and persistent.
As I reviewed the list, I realized that I couldn’t take credit for any of these factors. Change any one of them and my outcomes would have been radically different.
What if everything else was the same but my mom had been a crack addict? What if I had been born in Somalia?
Some people WEEE born in Somali. Some are slow of wit. Some people are lazy. Some people are quitters. Some had lousy parents.
Is it unavoidably their fault?
We don’t all start this race at the same place on the track.
I grew up poor, fatherless, in a shit hole white trash community with a mother that i barely knew. I still hold the belief that Only yourself can make or break you IN THE USA. Other countries are not as lucky as such that oppression definitely plays a role. I made myself because I refused to accept anything from myself except my best. My mother discouraged me in my direction and my friends did not comprehend my drive. As I look back on my success, i had nothing but hurdles. I had to fight to get accepted into professional college, had to work 20 to 40 hrs/week while in school because I had to pay my own way without mommy or daddy or scholarship or whatever. I basically decided that only I could define my personal destiny. I now live a very comfortable life while helping less fortunate people live theirs. However, I do coach them on my personal thoughts on how they too can make their lives better if they decide.
Everyone is dealt a certain hand of cards in life. I'm willing to bet that, even assuming you were born in the US, genetics and social factors will determine at least 75% of somebody's life outcome. You can win with a 2 and a 5 even if your opponent has a flush by bluffing your opponent and pretending you have better cards but it takes a lot of skill to win with those cards. Congratulations to those who do, but for a lot of other people, they just don't know what to do with the cards they were dealt with. If you are bad at lying, then that hand is completely worthless. If you're good at lying, you can pull it off.
The real question here, is this, were black people dealt a bad hand in life by being born black? Everyone agrees being born into money makes your life easier, but does being born a certain race make it easier? By that you cannot compare a black person living in poverty to a middle class white person, you have to compare middle class black people (who do exist in large numbers, even though the PC crowd seems to think they all live in ghettos) to middle class white people. I would argue that if you're born a middle class black person, that institutionally, you were dealt a better hand than middle class white people because of the existence of affirmative action programs. Socially, however, there is reasonable debate to be had on that.
IceyLoco acts as if males are so privileged and cites "you can buy women like chattel," he has complained before about how certain males expect to get laid without any effort. The funniest part of this all is that women are literally given men to them like chattel, without any effort, for free. Male privilege is such an absurd concept in Western countries its actually laughable. I don't have time to go into this. But the only thing the idea of "male privilege" proves is that human beings are incredibly susceptible to brainwashing. It shows that you can place a mountain in-front of somebody's eyes, but if you tell somebody over and over again from birth that the mountain does not exist, they will truly believe that mountain does not exist. You can tell it does though, because when you start walking towards the mountain to figure out for yourself if it does exist, everybody panics and scrambles and desperately tries to convince you not to approach the mountain.
Of course being born a certain race makes life easier. That's why whiteness is normative and white privilege is a thing.
And of course you enjoy your white male privilege.... You buy women and can enjoy paying for faux experiences where the woman lacks any agency or voice. You think you can buy women like sex dolls and dictate the experiences you have with them. This is a very privileged position.How many men have the opportunity to buy GFEs coz they can't function well enough as men to be able to deal with real women?
As someone who feels so oppressed you should have a lot more solidarity and empathy. But your white privilege makes that unnecessary.
I believe women should have the right to do whatever they wish with their bodies. I believe CONSENSUAL sex among ADULTS should be totally legal with or without financial remuneration. High end white escorts are seen as courtesans and business women. I submit to you that you are in fact being racist for assuming minority or 3rd world prostitutes are victims.
Prostitution is illegal because it violates labor laws. It doesn't have to do with sex... Gross and open lewdness charges are just tagged on to it for the lulz. Coz cops love adding on charges...its how DAs manage to win most cases...a judge will catch feelings for at least one of the associated charges.
And the exploitive relationship between sex tourists and third world prostitutes is a fact, hence why the laws of the sex tourists home country apply to them when abroad ie you can be arrested for engaging in underage or illegal sex tourism upon your return home, for a reason.
Minority prostitutes are exploited in the US....Latinas and Asian women are the main victims in sex trafficking.
Human trafficking exists and should be condemned. However, there are some Puritanicals that would equate any pfp as exploitation. I am sure that there are substantial numbers of minority prostitutes in the US that have made a free will career choice. I am likewise sure there are white prostitutes in the US that are being exploited. My point is when you assume exploitation based solely on race, you are being racist.
in this year of 2019 it ain’t a disadvantage to be an motivated smart ‘minority’ that is no longer mentally restrained to be a victim. anybody has a chance to do well now.
If you made half as much of an effort to condemn the bigotry I'm talking about when its expressed on here , as you do trying to legitimate it, you'd be better off for it.
ps: The point I'm making is the racist assholes on here who are into minority hookers are sick fucks.You have guys saying poor minority kids are out to rob them and others thinking its okay to shoot Latinos if they "look" illegal... while they enjoy sex tourism massage parlors with trafficked women...
"You buy women and can enjoy paying for faux experiences where the woman lacks any agency or voice. You think you can buy women like sex dolls and dictate the experiences you have with them."
Funny, if you reverse the genders, that's exactly how the relationships with your "bad bitches" work. Man lacks any agency or voice and get treated like a walking dildo. He has to constantly put on a tough guy act and keep side bitches or flirt with other girls or his main bitch will stop respecting and showing loyalty towards him. These relationships you have are about as toxic and dysfunctional as it gets. At least when I do it, I pay the girl pretty well and the "act" I want her to put on is to simply be kind and make me feel liked. I'm actually paying her to make sure the relationship doesn't become toxic. I don't mandate that she act like a thuggish pimp like your bitches do.
"This is a very privileged position.How many men have the opportunity to buy GFEs coz they can't function well enough as men to be able to deal with real women?"
I don't have that privilege because I'm white, I have it because my parents make a lot of money. Nobody is arguing over class privilege here.
"As someone who feels so oppressed you should have a lot more solidarity and empathy. But your white privilege makes that unnecessary."
I would have solidarity if I thought it existed. What I instead am seeing is a political party that wants more votes and is very successfully getting them by telling women and minorities that white men hate them and are oppressing them and need the Democrats laws to get them out of their oppression. The oppression story will never end, because it doesn't suit the democrats political motivations for creating it. But as the story becomes more and more absurd, their desire to squelch free speech intensifies. White men are actually legitimately hated by the left just for existing though. Conservatives don't hate women, they don't hate minorities, they hate what the left has done to so many women and minorities. Every time you get a woman or black person who speaks out against PC bullshit, conservatives celebrate that person and the left hates them. Look no further than Blaire White, a transgender woman who is loved by Conservatives for speaking out against and pointing out the hypocrisy of feminism. In the 1980s we thought we were past all this racial bullshit, but since then, relentless left-wing propaganda has made a lot of people hateful and bigoted towards white men. The left has brought back racial tensions by relentlessly squawking about it instead of just letting the idea of race die altogether which was about to happen.
So yeah, white men are angry. They're angry because the left is determined to hate them no matter what they do. White men just want to stop feeling hated for their race and gender. Don't pretend bigotry doesn't exist on the left, there are literally articles on feminist blogs about apologizing for "your whiteness."
A GFE isn't a relationship. Its a bought experience where you pay to have control over another person and dictate all of the terms of engagement.
Do you believe the sociohistoric privileges afforded only to white people not so long ago, had nothing to do with your family's ability to be successful?
The DNC uses social problems for votes, just like the Republicans use fear mongering and right wing extremism at this stage...
However, the problems exist. Women and minorities really are dealt a bad hand in this country. If it weren't the case, we wouldn't have an epidemic of racist police violence, women's rights wouldn't constantly be legally threatened, etc. These are real problems your male, white and economic privileges shield you from.
Being a white man of economic privilege, you have the privilege to not have to be aware of anyone's plight. You also have the privilege to make yourself out to be a victim... without anyone saying its because of your skin color or gender.
Relationships with bad bitches are a roller coaster ride but irrelevant to the thread.
White male anger stems from the fact that white men in this country don't want to lose their place at the top of the food chain, don't want everyone to have an equal footing and fail to comprehend that attacking disadvantage also means dismantling unfair advantages.
Remember this, your race, gender and class privilege is what affords you the privilege to be able to ignore the realities faced by other groups and the privilege to create or focus on your own perceived pitfalls as society's fault and not yours. When someone tells you to pull yourself up by the boot straps and man up, you hate it and won't do it coz you were rejected by girls when you were a teen.... Yet expect people who have suffered 500 years of slavery, cultural and social alienation, segregation etc to just forget about everything and ignore racism so it goes away....
@Fagooner, soliciting a non white hooker isn't what makes a white man racist. The point I'm making is the racist assholes on here who are into minority hookers are sick fucks.You have guys saying poor minority kids are out to rob them and others thinking its okay to shoot Latinos if they "look" illegal... while they enjoy sex tourism ,massage parlors with trafficked women...and fucking women who are part of the groups that they are racist towards and fear.
Such conservatives believe the world is theirs to exploit and act on such beliefs. Racism didn't keep White slave owners from raping their slaves. It doesn't stop wealthy white men from exploiting the child sex trade in the third world.
No I do think that poor people are dealt a bad hand. I think they're dealt a bad hand regardless of their race. Most black people are not living in poverty, might I add that its quite ignorant of you to assume they all live in poverty when its actually only 25%? And white people are 50% of the poor.
The poor absolutely do work hard for little reward, so I'm not going to tell them to "grab their bootstraps" because they already are, they are some of the hardest workers I've met. But you are confusing class privilege with racial privilege.
I suggest you go tell that to middle class women then. They'll be happy to hear it.
The poor, minorities, women, are dealt a very poor hand in this country...The fact that your privilege shields you from it doesn't mean it isn't there.
Well of course they won't be, that's why feminism is popular because feminism seeks to expand an already huge list of privileges while also giving them the excuse of being able to claim victimhood even though being female gives you a huge amount of privileges.
Feminism is the premise that women are equal. You create equality by getting rid of privilege.... and of course white men in America resist their privileges attacked.
I like the thinly disguised swastika on the site you linked...and they're confused. They list much of what is associated with conservative traditional gender roles as feminist privileges LMFAO
Funny cause I can tell you didn't read it. Cause I read it again after I posted it but you responded four minutes after it was posted. Quite frankly, that checklist only scratches the surface of all the advantages being female has in our society.
Conservative gender roles gives women privileges. Traditional societies are a give and take world where women are afforded some privileges and men are afforded other privileges. The difference is that feminism wants all the privileges of traditional society, plus more privileges that they created for themselves, no privileges whatsoever for men, and then on top of that to hate men and treat them like dogshit and then have nobody call them out on their bigotry.
Traditional roles have been relegated to white middle class women in the US. Historically minority and poor women worked just as hard as men for next to nothing.
There's nothing wrong with women being equal, and assertive women are sexy AF
Traditional society was equality. Both men and women are secretly more happy in traditional societies and their love is deeper than it is in progressive societies. Having different roles doesn't mean inferior roles. In a traditional society, women are responsible for being the mother of a man's children and nurturing them from birth to adulthood. Its an honor and a privilege to have this opportunity. Any woman who is very nurturing and loves being a mother would consider it a privilege. Working is not fun, men do it because they want their wife and child to be happy so they take on the burden of having a full time job and making the money so that they can come home to a happy wife who appreciates what he does for her. Women in traditional societies have a deeper love for their husbands than women in progressive societies do because traditional societies teach women that motherhood is an honor and a privilege and that men are actually making a sacrifice so that they can be happy. Progressive societies teach women to hate everything about men, to only care about themselves, to feel superior to men, and to use men as tools for whatever goals they have.
You mean back when it was illegal to marry someone of another race, there was segregation, women were limited in the professional fields they could enter and access to birth control was all but nonexistent.
Expecting a woman to waste her life potential and living at the whims of a man is oppressive. If she divorces, he dies, the children grow up, her potential is wasted and her ability to be a productive member of society severely crippled. Women fought for the rights they have today, they weren't handed to them.
Progressive societies teach women to be assertive and allow them to actually be able to afford to have a family. Women love men, but don't have to be dependent on us anymore. And a relationship isn't about sacrifice, its about growing together...working together, doing whats best for both. 2 incomes are definitely better than one.
Your problem is that women don't like you personally. Its not that women hate men. You portray yourself as the ultimate victim and its society's fault while you dismiss very real forms of oppression simply because you don't feel impacted by them.
I love assertive women with ambition. I've never met one who didn't make me feel like a man though. I've also fucked very outspoken activists who were very submissive with me coz they know how to treat a man. Women are normal. They're not the problem. You're heading into Elliot Rodger territory.
I'm not saying anything against you as a person. Its the concepts you bring up.... You can't have that of a sheltered view. You're dismissing actual social problems and are delving into a problem that isn't there. Women's rights are nothing to fear.Assertive women are nothing to fear.
I'm not saying we should bring back every element of 1950s society, but just because they had some bad parts (like racism) doesn't mean they did everything wrong and there is nothing that we can learn from them. That doesn't mean there aren't parts of it, that would be nice if they existed today. The 1950s had the lowest rate of violent crime in our entire history. They had much lower rates of mental health problems, there was no movement or faction advocating misogynistic attitudes or misandrist attitudes. Men overwhelmingly loved and adored women and women felt the same about men. Women were happier in the 1950s than they are today, in-fact, women's happiness has been declining ever since the 1970s. Studies show over and over again that women are happier in traditional societies. If you look at this chart, you'll see that the gender gap between happiness of males vs females is the worst in ultra-feminist Iceland, while the "happiness gap" is completely equal in more conservative Tunisia, Japan, and China.
Why? Because having a lot of power in society doesn't make you happier. Power is the world's most dangerous drug, it consumes you from the inside and blackens every part of your soul, taking down your happiness and your morality as it demands more and more and you become more and more paranoid of losing it. Power destroys your ability to connect with people on a deep emotional level, and someone who is too addicted to power eventually becomes incapable of loving anybody. People just become tools to them. Power is destructive, and it corrupts you, you should never, ever, ever give any human too much power. People have proven time and time again throughout history that the majority of people cannot handle it. Many women in progressive societies are obsessed with power and feminism is feeding that addiction like a gas pump. This is why BDSM has become so popular with women now is because feminism has taught them to care about nothing else besides power. It has also taught them that there is nothing wrong with enjoying power and that they in-fact, should seek more of it. Traditional societies strip women of a lot of their power, but they are ultimately happier and better off for it. For men, they are given just a tiny bit more, but are expected to be responsible with it and not abuse it, thus the code of chivalry that demands a man never hit a woman and to treat her with kindness. A man who does hit a woman will be rightfully stigmatized as someone who abused his power over someone else. Ultimately, power can be checked if we make sure to enforce consequences on those who abuse it.
The problem with countries like Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Afghanistan is that they give too much power to men, and they abuse it over there without any consequences. But the problem with countries like the US, the UK, Iceland, and Sweden, is that we've given too much power to women, and they are abusing it without any consequences. Traditional societies, however, are true egalitarianism, because neither men nor women have much power over the other. The imbalance of power is tiny, and whenever one side tries to abuse it, the world comes in and stops it.
It would be easy for families to live on one income if feminism had not pushed women to swarm into the workforce. Nowadays, corporations expect two earners per household and give salaries and wages accordingly. If men were the primary breadwinners in most households, then corporations would have to pay men enough that they could sustain a family on one income. What a lot of people don't seem to understand is that the 1950s did not have any laws prohibiting women from working. There were no laws making a woman having a career illegal, everything was completely voluntary. People were not unreasonable, they wouldn't fuck you over if the husband died, they did it that way because they thought it was the best way to build a family and the evidence points to them being right.
What's truly sheltered and naive is not acknowledging how much certain things have completely gone to shit since then. The natural harmony that should exist between the sexes has been destroyed, and its because feminism has gotten so many women addicted to and drunk on power and they are knowingly abusing their power over men while simultaneously claiming victimhood. This isn't about careers, this is about everything else in the feminist movement. It is becoming more and more obvious to everyone that feminism is producing a seething hatred of men among many women and men are responding back with hatred of their own. If we don't stop this tide soon our civilization may become permanently lost.
And that's why you couldn't be more wrong to say I'm going into Elliot territory. My goal isn't anything remotely resembling his. My goal is to bring balance back to the world before something terrible happens. And I'm sorry to say but the only way to bring balance back to the world is to take away a lot of women and feminism's power because they've gone off and gotten blackout drunk on it and are destroying themselves and everything around them with it. Women may not want to hear it but the only thing that will prevent a disaster is if they willingly give up their power. Men did it. Nobody acknowledges this, but black people and women didn't really "win" the power they have. White men voluntarily gave it to them. We used to have it, we decided to give it up because we thought that too many white men were abusing it. Well right now, men have no real power left, women control it all, but you're abusing it. The legal system may not give any consequences to this, and the social world may not either, but there are consequences nonetheless.
The consequences of women abusing their power over and over again is that men will stop loving them. I can already see it happening. Incels, MGTOW, the Red Pill, its all growing and its all a part of a trend where men are learning to stop loving women. Is that really what women want? Most men naturally have a deep level of love and affection for women, and that love is being lost. That's not a small thing, it doesn't come easily. Most men fight desperately to keep that love inside them. Women are terrified by what these movements actually represent yet they are doing nothing to prove to men that they aren't truly how these movements view them. They just stubbornly choose to attack those movements and call them misogynists but are doing nothing to actually prove them wrong. The burden is not on men anymore, its up to women. Women need to prove that the theories these movements have about them are wrong and empty accusations of misogyny are not going to work. They need to take real action, and show that there are real women out there who don't hate men and are ready to become great mothers. In order to do that they need to stop dating thugs or men who act like thugs, and they need to stop putting serious relationships and marriage on hold until they're too old to have kids anymore.
Women weren't better off in the 1950s. No one was, society was extremely rigid and conformist....gender roles, segregation, etc.. the things you claim to be against.
By saying White men voluntarily gave women and minorities their rights..... you're making a very ignorant and racist statement that dismisses hundreds of years of struggle to attain those rights.
And to say that the way to "save" society is to take away the rights that women have fought for is misogynistic.
The whole Incel, MGTOW, Red Pill etc movement BS is idiotic and borders on mental illness... its made up of losers who are jealous that "Stacy" wants "Chad" and that they can't be "Chad"... so "Stacy" is an evil slut and a whore and they just want her to be pure and nice and want them...
Women and men still love each other. If anything, women are extremely loving these days, coz they're desperate for something real and want relationships. Even college girls, they put up an insecure front but really just want to be Disney princesses. Most young girls are like that.
Girls get very attached to guys... Its like when you fuck them and then they text you like crazy and ask "so what are we???" and shit like that. Or they make plans for the future after a first date. They want to be held and cuddled with.
You refuse to believe that women aren't the problem, society isn't the problem... that its you....You'd rather come up with these grandiose theories than just work on yourself.
What's beyond idiotic is your passive aggressiveness and you trying to pretend you're smart by feigning ignorance of racism and acting like its fine. You won't speak up against any racist posts here, but will try to dismiss anyone who calls racism out.
The point of this thread has been mentioned yet you dismiss that as well. Soliciting a non white hooker isn't what makes a white man racist. The point I'm making is the racist assholes on here who are into minority hookers are sick fucks.You have guys saying poor minority kids are out to rob them and others thinking its okay to shoot Latinos if they "look" illegal... while they enjoy sex tourism ,massage parlors with trafficked women...and fucking women who are part of the groups that they are racist towards and fear.
Even though I’ve posted the out to you a few times, you keep forgetting, you little ass-wipe, that I’m non-white. I’ve been on the receiving end of racism, probably more than you have given my age and that racism was more widespread in my youth than it is today.
When you’ve spent decades living and traveling all over the world, when you have become conversant in dozens of foreign cultures, have lived both as part of a majority and as a member of a racial minority in several different cultural contexts, and can speak 6 languages, then we’ll talk.
Not take away rights, take away power. Feminists are basically power addicts who desperately need rehab. Women had already won all their legal rights by the 1950s.
The good thing about a society that is a little more rigid is that everybody knows what they're supposed to do and people can't just make up unwritten rules and expect everyone to follow them. Things are too confusing right now because literally everything is up in the air and there's no "norm" to use as a standard way to base your behavior around. Young people like to pretend we've thrown all the rules away but what we really did was create new ones that we just expect everyone to understand despite the fact that nobody fucking told me that that's what the rules are. What's even worse is that the rules change so frequently, I go from high school to college and people suddenly expect me to act differently despite the fact that the high school rules are already programmed into my brain. Especially when it comes to courting, its much better when the whole process is laid out in a straight line that is simple to follow and nobody is allowed to object to the way that you're courting a girl. Instead nothing we have right now is really acceptable because different people have different ideas of what is an acceptable way to court a girl. Confident girls think you should be extremely assertive and confident. Shy girls think you should take it slowly and gently. And then there's all the girls in-between with their own individual idea of how a guy should court them. Each one gets pissed off if a guy doesn't do things their way.
What would be better is if we all agreed to have one single way to court a woman and anything that doesn't abide by that method is stigmatized. But at the same time, women are not allowed to object to men who try to court them using that method. They can stop the courting at any point in the process but they're not allowed to object to the courting method in of itself. The "courting" process right now encourages sexual assault and rape because girls keep enabling guys who are excessively forward about their intentions with them and then on top of that expect men to be forward with them. Well its no wonder this leads to a rampant problem with sexual assault. If feminists really wanted to stop sexual assault they would stop empowering hookup culture, which encourages it.
Reverend, internalized racism is a bitch and not in a good way. Every group has its Uncle Toms.
CC99, That isn't true. The Equal Pay Act, CRA Title VII, legalized contraception, no fault divorce, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and other important legislative acts came after the 1950s. Women were allowed to be excluded from jury duty up to 1975....there is still no Equal Rights Amendment...
Yeah once you leave high school and are 18 you're expected to act like an adult....imagine that! That's the norm.
Girls want a guy who makes them feel some kind of way. Whether she's shy or not doesn't matter, they want a guy to guide them in the relationship, make them feel safe and comfortable.
Rape isn't women's faults.
You can't realistically expect society to change because you won't work on yourself and hone your skills when it comes to interpreting cultural cues. Things work fine the way they are now.
Yeah it was better when the way to do it didn't look a hair's inch away from sexual assault.
It was also better when we didn't have false accusations flying left right and center.
You can't program a set of rules into someone and then expect them to just change them, Once you've programmed somebody a certain way that's how they will understand how to act. You can't suddenly rewire the programming because they're in college. You can tweak it but you can't act like its possible to suddenly reprogram the entire system.
Rape happened but women were too stigmatized to report it, now they're free to report it.
Everyone enters legal adulthood at 18 and everyone is subject to a new set or rules after high school. The overwhelming majority has no problem with it. Most people enjoy the added freedom they have.
If you have a problem adjusting to college life, there are programs and services at your school that can help.
Women I meet are just sweet, caring, gentle, go out of their way to be feminine and nurturing around me. I like them... Its all about how you make women feel. What you bring out in them. The whole misogynistic racist mens rights movement is out of touch with reality.
Oh c'mon, even my mom is telling me to not hookup with slutty drunk girls because the danger of false accusations is too high. False sexual misconduct accusations are an epidemic right now. Its unfortunate that this has to coincide with an epidemic of sexual assault occurring at the same time. Both my mom and my dad agree on this and my mom even told me I should bug my room if I was going to do it so I could show the police. And its not because my parents don't want me to have sex. My mom is okay with me hiring hookers, somewhat okay with me smoking weed, and is completely okay with my daki pillow. It was hilarious, I showed her my pillow and we actually talked about what kind of soap and shampoo I should use to bathe her. My mom's attitude was "well if it helps, then that's all that matters."
College gives kids too much freedom. They have so much freedom they end up creating their own societies essentially on campus with no checks and balances imposed by the outside world to regulate things even a little. Extreme behavior of every kind runs rampant and there's no way to escape this society if you don't like it. All college really is is trading your parents rules for your peers' rules so its really not giving you more freedom unless your parents were total assholes. High school allows you to kind of escape from both if you really want to. I feel more at ease and free around my parents then I do around my peers though. At least my parents' rules make sense, and have a logical reason for existing in order to keep me out of harm's way. As long as it isn't dangerous, I can do whatever I want at my parents' house. The social rules at my school are stupid, blatantly power based, literally designed to put you in danger, and toxic to forming human connections.
Every year, and this one is no exception, I find that I'm much happier living with my parents than I am at college.
When my dad was alive, he encouraged me to get as much pussy as possible, and was okay with me coming home like at 8 am the next day if I smelled like pussy....even in high school. My mom encourages me to fuck bitches but not catch feelings. She wants grand kids though.
I've never had a problem fucking drunk and or high chicks. The worst thing they do is text you asking what happened and if it means you're a couple. Usually they try to hang around like lil puppies.
College forces you to make your own decisions, whether they're poor or not. You live with the consequences. For the most part its not bad and people are intelligent enough to navigate their way through it.
So do what makes you happy, spend time with your parents....But it doesn't make what others are doing, wrong, just coz you don't fit in.
They don't see minorities as people so they definitely don't see non white women as people, just human fuck dolls. That's what men who see hoes act like anyways.
Racism is racism. I've never bought this whole power dynamic argument as it is nothing more than a means to justify one group's hatred while demonizing another group for doing the same thing. If anything is ever going to be solved, it will be when both sides stop using a defensive lens and start looking at things from a broader viewpoint.
The whole Palestinian conflict is an extreme example of this. The Palestinians are so determined to live in a state of perpetual victimization that they will continue to fire ordinance and smuggle bombs into Israel no matter how many concessions they are given. Similarly, we are never going to ease racial tensions here until notions of oppressors and victims are put aside in favor of collaborative solutions.
Damn those Palestinains, they're as whiny and play the victim as much as the Native Americans, right? Its not like they're really oppressed like White American men who have to fight off women and minorities who think they're equal and shit!!! Palestinians should just accept being enslaved like the Blacks did back in the day!
^The alternative is to behave like whiny victims in perpetuity, no matter how many generations removed they are from whatever originally occurred. At some point that has to stop or else a different paradigm will never form.
Icey, what fluffy nonsense. At some point enough is enough. We are many generations removed from slavery and even more generations removed from the Native American genocide. None of us was alive when any of that took place. The institutionalization of victim mentality from generation to generation needs to end or nothing will ever change for the purported victims.
Yes at some point enough oppression is enough and social justice is the only viable outcome. I find it ludicrous how the bigots on here will argue so adamantly against attempts at social justice and will instead be apologists if not supporters, of oppression.
We are not centuries removed from slavery or genocide, you're looking at people's great grandparents and perhaps grandparents who were victims... and the socio-historic-economic repercussions are still with us. Your white male privilege shields you from having to ever give a fuck though.
Instead, you'll claim to be a victim for having said injustices brought up coz you identify with the oppressors...
But I do agree with you to some extent re: sex tourism to third world countries. I've never liked the thought of going to poverty stricken, corrupt and crime ridden places to take advantage of the abject misery of others.
I said generations, not centuries. Every kid now has the same educational opportunities as any other. The curriculum they are teaching in the Bronx is no different than that being taught in some vanilla white school. Also, no kid should be going hungry now with all of the social welfare programs and, indeed, we have the most obese class of "poor" people found anywhere in the world.
The true problem is not opportunity, but rather the appalling breakdown of fundamental family and social structures in minority communities. We have generations of welfare families giving birth to new generations of welfare families with no end in sight. But the problem is not limited to minorities, but also exists in lower class white families. Until more of these people place greater value on family unity and overseeing the educations of their children, nothing will change for them either. At some point, you need to stop blaming others for your miseries and take personal responsibility for improving your own circumstances.
And btw Icey, there was no silver spoon in my mouth. I was the first in my family to go to college and I paid for it all on my own. So you can bet that I have little tolerance for whiny horseshit.
School money comes from property taxes. Property taxes are much lower in poor areas....lots of absentee owners being slumlords, etc.
And there is a huge disparity between the books used, the activities available, the types of teachers hired, etc
Obesity is a form of malnutrition among the poor....stems from only being able to afford low quality foods. As well as poor knowledge regarding nutrition. Personally, I'd like to see EBT benefits accompanied by nutrition courses.
Race has historically been a euphemism for class in the US. Poor whites have been off just as badly as minorities but were fed the delusion that their whiteness carries a psychological wage... divide and conquer.
Bringing up problems and calling out bigoted mindsets isn't whining though.
We spend more per student in failing urban schools than we do on kids almost anywhere else in the country. Yet it has barely made a dent.
Baloney also on the food access comment. You can find a store like Aldi or Save-a-lot, by way of two examples, in almost every poor area in the country, each one stocked with low cost fresh fruits and veggies. It is a matter of choices and convenience, not options. The Latinos know because, unlike many American born poor, that is where you will find them shopping.
I have lived poor in this country (did it for many years) and have seen it all firsthand.
The number one problem is broken homes. It is the single biggest contributor to child poverty and the biggest definer of "haves" vs. "have nots." Combine it with victim mentality and lack of personal responsibility and what you get is generational poverty.
I actually agree with Rick here. The breakdown of nuclear/traditional families in minority communities is their biggest problem. Most families in poverty are being raised by a single parent.
^ Right. So now employers and taxpayers are expected to completely subsidize their bad decision making, including their ongoing refusal to give their kids an in-house father figure. It's not enough that we already give them free healthcare, EBT, WIC and, in the worst cases, subsidized housing. Now we must also completely foot the bill for their child care and rent too.
I'll agree that a nutrition class would be a nice requirement for EBT. Even better though would be a food preparation class. The bad choices I noted above are often due as much to a lack of basic cooking skills as anything else. It is utterly amazing how helpless our poor have become in terms of basic life skills like cooking, often because their single Moms were helpless too. If we want people to pull themselves out of despair and poverty, we have to start finding ways for them to feel some self empowerment.
A child is a blessing, not a "poor choice".... and women rarely become single mothers by choice... Nor should they be punished for it.
Welfare programs exist because the government is subsidizing private sector wages. If living wages were paid and price gouging wasn't an issue, people would be able to live without welfare. But that would cut into private sector profits, and lets not act like welfare is for the people....Chase Bank profits from every EBT transaction out there, private insurance companies benefit from managing programs for the poor.... Its the private sector for profit involvement that makes these plans so costly.
I don't believe in criminalizing the poor.
As far as empowering the poor, yeah.... community development projects... its much cheaper to build a community center in a poor area or public gardens, than it is to increase policing or build a police sub station. When we look at things like gang prevention.... You're looking at a few million dollars to enforce a single gang injunction....which just diffuses the problem to other areas. A $100 K grant to organizations like Homeboy Industries, that offer job training and employment placement does more good for a neighborhood.
last commentAside from their hypocrisy, they are not markedly different from any other monger (provided that they are not taking advantage of underaged girls or of women who are “captive” sex workers). There is a lot of that in the third world. I’ve seen it. I lived for many years in the third world and saw how ugly that scene can be.
I may not be a saint but I was never that heartless.
Its not that uncommon. Ive heard of cases of abuse for example where an openly racist white man beat his skinny black girlfriend coz he hated black people. Or a skinhead who brutalized the Asian mother of his child and hid out at his Native American's house afterwards...
Not really sure why I chimed in on this thread, but here I am. Racism is never going to go away. Racism has no racial boundaries either.
Nirvana - Reading Festival (1992)
Say a Mexican hates Americans going to Tijuana as a sex tourist, is very different from an American looking down on and hating Mexicans for perceived stereotypes in the US. Likewise, a Dominican hating Americans who come to fuck underage girls is different from an American hating the Dominican say for being Black for example.
Some of the vilest, most horrid racists are poor, uneducated people desperately looking for someone else to blame for their troubles and to look down upon. These are pitiful, powerless people.
Racists are not all white, by the way. I’ve known white racists, black ones, brown ones, yellow ones - just about any color you care to mention.
And, just to stir the shit a bit further, this racial pride nonsense is both stupid and dangerous. If white nationalism or white pride, Aryan pride are wrong, then why wouldn’t that condemnation also apply to black pride, Native American pride etc. etc.?
As far as I am concerned, racial and ethnic pride are close cousins of racism.
And why should I be proud or ashamed of my racial heritage? Why would anyone be proud or ashamed of their racial heritage? We can each take no credit and deserve no blame for our racial heritage. It is what it is.
Why not be proud of something we can all get behind?
I’m a mammal AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!
(hope i’m not a racist.)
CC99, attacking white privilege in institutions historically reserved for white men isn't racism. Furthermore, colleges aren't "racist" against Whites nor Asians. It however is a racist assumption to think that Blacks are unqualified for certain positions while more qualified whites are not allowed... That's one of the main tenets in modern day racism.
Lots of people of my own color hate me because they think I’m not authentic enough or somehow just not a very good example of my race. Some think I should be proud of my heritage. I already addressed how I feel about all of that racial pride nonsense. I think it’s a load of crap.
I really don’t give a rat’s ass what anybody else thinks about what I say, how I behave or what I believe.
If someone thinks I am a racist. I don’t care. If they think I’m a N****r lover, I don’t care. If they think I’m a homophobe, I don’t care. If they think I’m gay but still in the closet, I don’t care. If they think I’m a hard ass or a snowflake, I don’t give a damn.
I’m an American and I’m free to do, say and believe whatever I deem appropriate. I can’t be bothered by other people’s hang ups. Those are the limitations on their lives, not mine.
Excuses sound very similar to what the Jacobins in the French Revolution and Leninists said during the Russian Revolution but on a much smaller scale. We're not being tyrannical by slaughtering the people who used to have power even though they don't have any anymore. A new regime is in place but somehow they still have power.
The reason people think unqualified black candidates get hired is because many companies hire unqualified black candidates in order to look PC. If people don't like that assumption then removing the affirmative action laws will make it obvious that all black workers are in-fact, highly qualified for the positions they are in.
I mean, do people seriously think that ultra-liberal academia discriminates against black and Hispanic people? Its fucking ridiculous. The colleges and the media are the ones spreading the idea that discrimination is rampant in the first place.
And why are Asians for some reason exempt from SJW oppression protection? There's a lot of controversy over colleges discriminating against Asian people.
AA laws only impact gov jobs and those with gov contracts. The private sector at large is still free to discriminate, although people have nominal legal recourse.
The university system is designed to cater to students coming from better schools, the quality of basic education correlates very much to race and social class in the US.
You yourself feel a victim of institutionalized social norms regarding masculinity, and bemoan what some feminists would label toxic masculinity yet refuse to understand that normative and institutionalized racism affects people in more ways. But then white privilege allows you to do that. Just as your white male privilege allows you to buy women like chattel without thinking anything wrong of it.
I am what a lot of people call “a self made man.” I was born to a poor family, I studied hard, worked my way through college and a professional program, then built a solid reputation and made myself quite wealthy.
For a while, I too regarded myself as “a self made man.” Then I made a list of key attributes or circumstances that contributed to my success: good parents and role models, born in the USA, born in Texas where I could attend a top tier university at a very low cost, benefitted from a strong economy while in school and after graduation, I’m healthy, I’m at least of average intelligence and maybe a little more, I am naturally hard working and persistent.
As I reviewed the list, I realized that I couldn’t take credit for any of these factors. Change any one of them and my outcomes would have been radically different.
What if everything else was the same but my mom had been a crack addict? What if I had been born in Somalia?
Some people WEEE born in Somali. Some are slow of wit. Some people are lazy. Some people are quitters. Some had lousy parents.
Is it unavoidably their fault?
We don’t all start this race at the same place on the track.
Everyone is dealt a certain hand of cards in life. I'm willing to bet that, even assuming you were born in the US, genetics and social factors will determine at least 75% of somebody's life outcome. You can win with a 2 and a 5 even if your opponent has a flush by bluffing your opponent and pretending you have better cards but it takes a lot of skill to win with those cards. Congratulations to those who do, but for a lot of other people, they just don't know what to do with the cards they were dealt with. If you are bad at lying, then that hand is completely worthless. If you're good at lying, you can pull it off.
The real question here, is this, were black people dealt a bad hand in life by being born black? Everyone agrees being born into money makes your life easier, but does being born a certain race make it easier? By that you cannot compare a black person living in poverty to a middle class white person, you have to compare middle class black people (who do exist in large numbers, even though the PC crowd seems to think they all live in ghettos) to middle class white people. I would argue that if you're born a middle class black person, that institutionally, you were dealt a better hand than middle class white people because of the existence of affirmative action programs. Socially, however, there is reasonable debate to be had on that.
IceyLoco acts as if males are so privileged and cites "you can buy women like chattel," he has complained before about how certain males expect to get laid without any effort. The funniest part of this all is that women are literally given men to them like chattel, without any effort, for free. Male privilege is such an absurd concept in Western countries its actually laughable. I don't have time to go into this. But the only thing the idea of "male privilege" proves is that human beings are incredibly susceptible to brainwashing. It shows that you can place a mountain in-front of somebody's eyes, but if you tell somebody over and over again from birth that the mountain does not exist, they will truly believe that mountain does not exist. You can tell it does though, because when you start walking towards the mountain to figure out for yourself if it does exist, everybody panics and scrambles and desperately tries to convince you not to approach the mountain.
And of course you enjoy your white male privilege.... You buy women and can enjoy paying for faux experiences where the woman lacks any agency or voice. You think you can buy women like sex dolls and dictate the experiences you have with them. This is a very privileged position.How many men have the opportunity to buy GFEs coz they can't function well enough as men to be able to deal with real women?
As someone who feels so oppressed you should have a lot more solidarity and empathy. But your white privilege makes that unnecessary.
Bark! Bark! Ruff life...
Minority prostitutes are exploited in the US....Latinas and Asian women are the main victims in sex trafficking.
ps: The point I'm making is the racist assholes on here who are into minority hookers are sick fucks.You have guys saying poor minority kids are out to rob them and others thinking its okay to shoot Latinos if they "look" illegal... while they enjoy sex tourism massage parlors with trafficked women...
Funny, if you reverse the genders, that's exactly how the relationships with your "bad bitches" work. Man lacks any agency or voice and get treated like a walking dildo. He has to constantly put on a tough guy act and keep side bitches or flirt with other girls or his main bitch will stop respecting and showing loyalty towards him. These relationships you have are about as toxic and dysfunctional as it gets. At least when I do it, I pay the girl pretty well and the "act" I want her to put on is to simply be kind and make me feel liked. I'm actually paying her to make sure the relationship doesn't become toxic. I don't mandate that she act like a thuggish pimp like your bitches do.
"This is a very privileged position.How many men have the opportunity to buy GFEs coz they can't function well enough as men to be able to deal with real women?"
I don't have that privilege because I'm white, I have it because my parents make a lot of money. Nobody is arguing over class privilege here.
"As someone who feels so oppressed you should have a lot more solidarity and empathy. But your white privilege makes that unnecessary."
I would have solidarity if I thought it existed. What I instead am seeing is a political party that wants more votes and is very successfully getting them by telling women and minorities that white men hate them and are oppressing them and need the Democrats laws to get them out of their oppression. The oppression story will never end, because it doesn't suit the democrats political motivations for creating it. But as the story becomes more and more absurd, their desire to squelch free speech intensifies. White men are actually legitimately hated by the left just for existing though. Conservatives don't hate women, they don't hate minorities, they hate what the left has done to so many women and minorities. Every time you get a woman or black person who speaks out against PC bullshit, conservatives celebrate that person and the left hates them. Look no further than Blaire White, a transgender woman who is loved by Conservatives for speaking out against and pointing out the hypocrisy of feminism. In the 1980s we thought we were past all this racial bullshit, but since then, relentless left-wing propaganda has made a lot of people hateful and bigoted towards white men. The left has brought back racial tensions by relentlessly squawking about it instead of just letting the idea of race die altogether which was about to happen.
So yeah, white men are angry. They're angry because the left is determined to hate them no matter what they do. White men just want to stop feeling hated for their race and gender. Don't pretend bigotry doesn't exist on the left, there are literally articles on feminist blogs about apologizing for "your whiteness."
Do you believe the sociohistoric privileges afforded only to white people not so long ago, had nothing to do with your family's ability to be successful?
The DNC uses social problems for votes, just like the Republicans use fear mongering and right wing extremism at this stage...
However, the problems exist. Women and minorities really are dealt a bad hand in this country. If it weren't the case, we wouldn't have an epidemic of racist police violence, women's rights wouldn't constantly be legally threatened, etc. These are real problems your male, white and economic privileges shield you from.
Being a white man of economic privilege, you have the privilege to not have to be aware of anyone's plight. You also have the privilege to make yourself out to be a victim... without anyone saying its because of your skin color or gender.
Relationships with bad bitches are a roller coaster ride but irrelevant to the thread.
White male anger stems from the fact that white men in this country don't want to lose their place at the top of the food chain, don't want everyone to have an equal footing and fail to comprehend that attacking disadvantage also means dismantling unfair advantages.
The poor absolutely do work hard for little reward, so I'm not going to tell them to "grab their bootstraps" because they already are, they are some of the hardest workers I've met. But you are confusing class privilege with racial privilege.
The poor, minorities, women, are dealt a very poor hand in this country...The fact that your privilege shields you from it doesn't mean it isn't there.
I like the thinly disguised swastika on the site you linked...and they're confused. They list much of what is associated with conservative traditional gender roles as feminist privileges LMFAO
Conservative gender roles gives women privileges. Traditional societies are a give and take world where women are afforded some privileges and men are afforded other privileges. The difference is that feminism wants all the privileges of traditional society, plus more privileges that they created for themselves, no privileges whatsoever for men, and then on top of that to hate men and treat them like dogshit and then have nobody call them out on their bigotry.
Traditional roles have been relegated to white middle class women in the US. Historically minority and poor women worked just as hard as men for next to nothing.
There's nothing wrong with women being equal, and assertive women are sexy AF
You mean back when it was illegal to marry someone of another race, there was segregation, women were limited in the professional fields they could enter and access to birth control was all but nonexistent.
Expecting a woman to waste her life potential and living at the whims of a man is oppressive. If she divorces, he dies, the children grow up, her potential is wasted and her ability to be a productive member of society severely crippled. Women fought for the rights they have today, they weren't handed to them.
Progressive societies teach women to be assertive and allow them to actually be able to afford to have a family. Women love men, but don't have to be dependent on us anymore. And a relationship isn't about sacrifice, its about growing together...working together, doing whats best for both. 2 incomes are definitely better than one.
Your problem is that women don't like you personally. Its not that women hate men. You portray yourself as the ultimate victim and its society's fault while you dismiss very real forms of oppression simply because you don't feel impacted by them.
I love assertive women with ambition. I've never met one who didn't make me feel like a man though. I've also fucked very outspoken activists who were very submissive with me coz they know how to treat a man. Women are normal. They're not the problem. You're heading into Elliot Rodger territory.
Why? Because having a lot of power in society doesn't make you happier. Power is the world's most dangerous drug, it consumes you from the inside and blackens every part of your soul, taking down your happiness and your morality as it demands more and more and you become more and more paranoid of losing it. Power destroys your ability to connect with people on a deep emotional level, and someone who is too addicted to power eventually becomes incapable of loving anybody. People just become tools to them. Power is destructive, and it corrupts you, you should never, ever, ever give any human too much power. People have proven time and time again throughout history that the majority of people cannot handle it. Many women in progressive societies are obsessed with power and feminism is feeding that addiction like a gas pump. This is why BDSM has become so popular with women now is because feminism has taught them to care about nothing else besides power. It has also taught them that there is nothing wrong with enjoying power and that they in-fact, should seek more of it. Traditional societies strip women of a lot of their power, but they are ultimately happier and better off for it. For men, they are given just a tiny bit more, but are expected to be responsible with it and not abuse it, thus the code of chivalry that demands a man never hit a woman and to treat her with kindness. A man who does hit a woman will be rightfully stigmatized as someone who abused his power over someone else. Ultimately, power can be checked if we make sure to enforce consequences on those who abuse it.
The problem with countries like Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Afghanistan is that they give too much power to men, and they abuse it over there without any consequences. But the problem with countries like the US, the UK, Iceland, and Sweden, is that we've given too much power to women, and they are abusing it without any consequences. Traditional societies, however, are true egalitarianism, because neither men nor women have much power over the other. The imbalance of power is tiny, and whenever one side tries to abuse it, the world comes in and stops it.
It would be easy for families to live on one income if feminism had not pushed women to swarm into the workforce. Nowadays, corporations expect two earners per household and give salaries and wages accordingly. If men were the primary breadwinners in most households, then corporations would have to pay men enough that they could sustain a family on one income. What a lot of people don't seem to understand is that the 1950s did not have any laws prohibiting women from working. There were no laws making a woman having a career illegal, everything was completely voluntary. People were not unreasonable, they wouldn't fuck you over if the husband died, they did it that way because they thought it was the best way to build a family and the evidence points to them being right.
What's truly sheltered and naive is not acknowledging how much certain things have completely gone to shit since then. The natural harmony that should exist between the sexes has been destroyed, and its because feminism has gotten so many women addicted to and drunk on power and they are knowingly abusing their power over men while simultaneously claiming victimhood. This isn't about careers, this is about everything else in the feminist movement. It is becoming more and more obvious to everyone that feminism is producing a seething hatred of men among many women and men are responding back with hatred of their own. If we don't stop this tide soon our civilization may become permanently lost.
And that's why you couldn't be more wrong to say I'm going into Elliot territory. My goal isn't anything remotely resembling his. My goal is to bring balance back to the world before something terrible happens. And I'm sorry to say but the only way to bring balance back to the world is to take away a lot of women and feminism's power because they've gone off and gotten blackout drunk on it and are destroying themselves and everything around them with it. Women may not want to hear it but the only thing that will prevent a disaster is if they willingly give up their power. Men did it. Nobody acknowledges this, but black people and women didn't really "win" the power they have. White men voluntarily gave it to them. We used to have it, we decided to give it up because we thought that too many white men were abusing it. Well right now, men have no real power left, women control it all, but you're abusing it. The legal system may not give any consequences to this, and the social world may not either, but there are consequences nonetheless.
The consequences of women abusing their power over and over again is that men will stop loving them. I can already see it happening. Incels, MGTOW, the Red Pill, its all growing and its all a part of a trend where men are learning to stop loving women. Is that really what women want? Most men naturally have a deep level of love and affection for women, and that love is being lost. That's not a small thing, it doesn't come easily. Most men fight desperately to keep that love inside them. Women are terrified by what these movements actually represent yet they are doing nothing to prove to men that they aren't truly how these movements view them. They just stubbornly choose to attack those movements and call them misogynists but are doing nothing to actually prove them wrong. The burden is not on men anymore, its up to women. Women need to prove that the theories these movements have about them are wrong and empty accusations of misogyny are not going to work. They need to take real action, and show that there are real women out there who don't hate men and are ready to become great mothers. In order to do that they need to stop dating thugs or men who act like thugs, and they need to stop putting serious relationships and marriage on hold until they're too old to have kids anymore.
By saying White men voluntarily gave women and minorities their rights..... you're making a very ignorant and racist statement that dismisses hundreds of years of struggle to attain those rights.
And to say that the way to "save" society is to take away the rights that women have fought for is misogynistic.
The whole Incel, MGTOW, Red Pill etc movement BS is idiotic and borders on mental illness... its made up of losers who are jealous that "Stacy" wants "Chad" and that they can't be "Chad"... so "Stacy" is an evil slut and a whore and they just want her to be pure and nice and want them...
Women and men still love each other. If anything, women are extremely loving these days, coz they're desperate for something real and want relationships. Even college girls, they put up an insecure front but really just want to be Disney princesses. Most young girls are like that.
Girls get very attached to guys... Its like when you fuck them and then they text you like crazy and ask "so what are we???" and shit like that. Or they make plans for the future after a first date. They want to be held and cuddled with.
You refuse to believe that women aren't the problem, society isn't the problem... that its you....You'd rather come up with these grandiose theories than just work on yourself.
If a white man prefers non-white women, that doesn’t make him a racist. If he prefers non-white
Let me try again ...
This is beyond idiotic.
If a white man prefers non-white women, that doesn’t make him a racist.
If he says he is a racist but prefers non-white women then he’s clearly not as racist as he pretends to be.
Likewise for men of any other race who prefer women who are not of their race.
Until you have spent years living abroad, you can’t understand the issues and are unqualified to discuss this.
The point of this thread has been mentioned yet you dismiss that as well. Soliciting a non white hooker isn't what makes a white man racist. The point I'm making is the racist assholes on here who are into minority hookers are sick fucks.You have guys saying poor minority kids are out to rob them and others thinking its okay to shoot Latinos if they "look" illegal... while they enjoy sex tourism ,massage parlors with trafficked women...and fucking women who are part of the groups that they are racist towards and fear.
When you’ve spent decades living and traveling all over the world, when you have become conversant in dozens of foreign cultures, have lived both as part of a majority and as a member of a racial minority in several different cultural contexts, and can speak 6 languages, then we’ll talk.
The good thing about a society that is a little more rigid is that everybody knows what they're supposed to do and people can't just make up unwritten rules and expect everyone to follow them. Things are too confusing right now because literally everything is up in the air and there's no "norm" to use as a standard way to base your behavior around. Young people like to pretend we've thrown all the rules away but what we really did was create new ones that we just expect everyone to understand despite the fact that nobody fucking told me that that's what the rules are. What's even worse is that the rules change so frequently, I go from high school to college and people suddenly expect me to act differently despite the fact that the high school rules are already programmed into my brain. Especially when it comes to courting, its much better when the whole process is laid out in a straight line that is simple to follow and nobody is allowed to object to the way that you're courting a girl. Instead nothing we have right now is really acceptable because different people have different ideas of what is an acceptable way to court a girl. Confident girls think you should be extremely assertive and confident. Shy girls think you should take it slowly and gently. And then there's all the girls in-between with their own individual idea of how a guy should court them. Each one gets pissed off if a guy doesn't do things their way.
What would be better is if we all agreed to have one single way to court a woman and anything that doesn't abide by that method is stigmatized. But at the same time, women are not allowed to object to men who try to court them using that method. They can stop the courting at any point in the process but they're not allowed to object to the courting method in of itself. The "courting" process right now encourages sexual assault and rape because girls keep enabling guys who are excessively forward about their intentions with them and then on top of that expect men to be forward with them. Well its no wonder this leads to a rampant problem with sexual assault. If feminists really wanted to stop sexual assault they would stop empowering hookup culture, which encourages it.
CC99, That isn't true. The Equal Pay Act, CRA Title VII, legalized contraception, no fault divorce, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and other important legislative acts came after the 1950s. Women were allowed to be excluded from jury duty up to 1975....there is still no Equal Rights Amendment...
Yeah once you leave high school and are 18 you're expected to act like an adult....imagine that! That's the norm.
Girls want a guy who makes them feel some kind of way. Whether she's shy or not doesn't matter, they want a guy to guide them in the relationship, make them feel safe and comfortable.
Rape isn't women's faults.
You can't realistically expect society to change because you won't work on yourself and hone your skills when it comes to interpreting cultural cues. Things work fine the way they are now.
It was also better when we didn't have false accusations flying left right and center.
You can't program a set of rules into someone and then expect them to just change them, Once you've programmed somebody a certain way that's how they will understand how to act. You can't suddenly rewire the programming because they're in college. You can tweak it but you can't act like its possible to suddenly reprogram the entire system.
Everyone enters legal adulthood at 18 and everyone is subject to a new set or rules after high school. The overwhelming majority has no problem with it. Most people enjoy the added freedom they have.
If you have a problem adjusting to college life, there are programs and services at your school that can help.
Women I meet are just sweet, caring, gentle, go out of their way to be feminine and nurturing around me. I like them... Its all about how you make women feel. What you bring out in them. The whole misogynistic racist mens rights movement is out of touch with reality.
College gives kids too much freedom. They have so much freedom they end up creating their own societies essentially on campus with no checks and balances imposed by the outside world to regulate things even a little. Extreme behavior of every kind runs rampant and there's no way to escape this society if you don't like it. All college really is is trading your parents rules for your peers' rules so its really not giving you more freedom unless your parents were total assholes. High school allows you to kind of escape from both if you really want to. I feel more at ease and free around my parents then I do around my peers though. At least my parents' rules make sense, and have a logical reason for existing in order to keep me out of harm's way. As long as it isn't dangerous, I can do whatever I want at my parents' house. The social rules at my school are stupid, blatantly power based, literally designed to put you in danger, and toxic to forming human connections.
Every year, and this one is no exception, I find that I'm much happier living with my parents than I am at college.
I've never had a problem fucking drunk and or high chicks. The worst thing they do is text you asking what happened and if it means you're a couple. Usually they try to hang around like lil puppies.
College forces you to make your own decisions, whether they're poor or not. You live with the consequences. For the most part its not bad and people are intelligent enough to navigate their way through it.
So do what makes you happy, spend time with your parents....But it doesn't make what others are doing, wrong, just coz you don't fit in.
The whole Palestinian conflict is an extreme example of this. The Palestinians are so determined to live in a state of perpetual victimization that they will continue to fire ordinance and smuggle bombs into Israel no matter how many concessions they are given. Similarly, we are never going to ease racial tensions here until notions of oppressors and victims are put aside in favor of collaborative solutions.
That's pretty much your mindset, see the problem?
@icey I know we don't speak to.each other anymore but Does your dad not want grandkids ?
My dad passed away a few years ago.
We are not centuries removed from slavery or genocide, you're looking at people's great grandparents and perhaps grandparents who were victims... and the socio-historic-economic repercussions are still with us. Your white male privilege shields you from having to ever give a fuck though.
Instead, you'll claim to be a victim for having said injustices brought up coz you identify with the oppressors...
The true problem is not opportunity, but rather the appalling breakdown of fundamental family and social structures in minority communities. We have generations of welfare families giving birth to new generations of welfare families with no end in sight. But the problem is not limited to minorities, but also exists in lower class white families. Until more of these people place greater value on family unity and overseeing the educations of their children, nothing will change for them either. At some point, you need to stop blaming others for your miseries and take personal responsibility for improving your own circumstances.
And btw Icey, there was no silver spoon in my mouth. I was the first in my family to go to college and I paid for it all on my own. So you can bet that I have little tolerance for whiny horseshit.
And there is a huge disparity between the books used, the activities available, the types of teachers hired, etc
Obesity is a form of malnutrition among the poor....stems from only being able to afford low quality foods. As well as poor knowledge regarding nutrition. Personally, I'd like to see EBT benefits accompanied by nutrition courses.
Race has historically been a euphemism for class in the US. Poor whites have been off just as badly as minorities but were fed the delusion that their whiteness carries a psychological wage... divide and conquer.
Bringing up problems and calling out bigoted mindsets isn't whining though.
Baloney also on the food access comment. You can find a store like Aldi or Save-a-lot, by way of two examples, in almost every poor area in the country, each one stocked with low cost fresh fruits and veggies. It is a matter of choices and convenience, not options. The Latinos know because, unlike many American born poor, that is where you will find them shopping.
I have lived poor in this country (did it for many years) and have seen it all firsthand.
The number one problem is broken homes. It is the single biggest contributor to child poverty and the biggest definer of "haves" vs. "have nots." Combine it with victim mentality and lack of personal responsibility and what you get is generational poverty.
Latinos have huge obesity rates... and urban and rural schools are always under attack budget wise.
And yeah, of course the break down of the family unit has a lot to do with it.
I'll agree that a nutrition class would be a nice requirement for EBT. Even better though would be a food preparation class. The bad choices I noted above are often due as much to a lack of basic cooking skills as anything else. It is utterly amazing how helpless our poor have become in terms of basic life skills like cooking, often because their single Moms were helpless too. If we want people to pull themselves out of despair and poverty, we have to start finding ways for them to feel some self empowerment.
Welfare programs exist because the government is subsidizing private sector wages. If living wages were paid and price gouging wasn't an issue, people would be able to live without welfare. But that would cut into private sector profits, and lets not act like welfare is for the people....Chase Bank profits from every EBT transaction out there, private insurance companies benefit from managing programs for the poor.... Its the private sector for profit involvement that makes these plans so costly.
I don't believe in criminalizing the poor.
As far as empowering the poor, yeah.... community development projects... its much cheaper to build a community center in a poor area or public gardens, than it is to increase policing or build a police sub station. When we look at things like gang prevention.... You're looking at a few million dollars to enforce a single gang injunction....which just diffuses the problem to other areas. A $100 K grant to organizations like Homeboy Industries, that offer job training and employment placement does more good for a neighborhood.