Comments by Iam4u2screw
discussion comment
6 years ago

8mm Swedish Erotica was my first porno. No plot, just a lot of sex. And no sound.
discussion comment
6 years ago

New Jersey
@Icey: you are correct, hoe is not a bad word if referencing the tool used to till soil or the act of tilling the soil using a hoe. Nowhere is it used as a reference to woman, except in the online urban dictionary, which is not a credible source.
discussion comment
6 years ago

New Jersey
And once again IceyLoco proves my point that he does not respect woman.
18th post on this thread and I quote "A bitch who rides a stationary bike..." for you that do not want to hit the link. I wonder if he would call his mother that if she opted to use a stationary bike for exercise? If he does, then I would really question his morals and upbringing. Last time I checked Bitch means a female canine of some sort or to state displeasure with something, so please tell me how you calling women bitches is not disrespectful?
discussion comment
6 years ago

New Jersey
^ever, not every
discussion comment
6 years ago

New Jersey
@Icey: aren't you contradicting yourself by saying "I enjoy clubs and hoes and strippers" or at least, according to you, joining in with the classist group talking down to strippers and considering them below you. Last time I check, calling a woman, regardless of her job, a whore or a hoe is talking down to them. It does not matter if they consider themselves a whore or a hoe, it is not your place to demonstrate your lack of respect for others and especially women. Would you like them referring to you as John instead of your real name whenever you interact with them. Just as being called a John is disrespectful to you, calling a women a whore or a hoe is also.
Simple respect and courtesy is not hard to do. I was raised to respect people until they prove they are not worth my respect. I would venture to say, the majority of the people posting here were raised to respect others, until proven otherwise, and especially in regards to women. To me, a stripper is a woman working to support herself, regardless of what she does while in or outside the club. I do not believe I have EVERY called strippers, and especially the women on this board, a whore or hoe because they have not done anything to loose my respect. If I have, then that was a mistake on my part and I apologize to the woman I referred to. You my friend can definitely not say that.
discussion comment
6 years ago

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
^that was meant for Nicole
discussion comment
6 years ago

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
^Congrats to getting A's on your papers. When you GRADUATE with a 4.0 from GRAD school TWICE, you can question my academic abilities until then, just go pleasure yourself you unpleasant person. If you need a translation, go fuck yourself bitch.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
@DC: anyone can be non-judgmental and accepting if they are getting paid to be. That is something you need to remember. Also be advised that you will have to be VERY non-judgmental and accepting of what they do with other guys and that you might be getting sloppy thirds or more every time she comes over/home from work and you have sex. Just food for thought before you date a stripper/escort.
discussion comment
6 years ago

New Jersey
My question is, if IceyLoco is not a troll according to himself, why is he even here posting if not to troll? Icey, wouldn't posting on a board that centers around something you DO AND ENJOY be a more enjoyable and fulfilling place to spend your time? Is arguing really that fulfilling? It seems like you do not enjoy spending time is strip clubs or respect the women who do it, so what are you getting out of this board?
discussion comment
6 years ago

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
^25 you are assuming the wattaburger is that desperate for people to hire him.
discussion comment
6 years ago

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
^ Regardless of what Ski writes, at least you can understand it. You don't need to agree, just be able to read it without guessing what he is trying to say. Nicole needs to expand her vocabulary and learn to spell, so everyone can read what she says and understand it.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Detroit strip clubs
@Mack: maybe no PLs were hurt in the making of this joke, but isn't he inferring that she is crazy. How dare he insult the mentally challenged by calling them crazy. Whose to say if she was mentally challenged or not and if so, how dare he insult her.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; )
Just joking Jack. Great joke by the way.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Just know I got 4 new topics, then everything else is from July, 2017. Yeah something is really f'ed up
discussion comment
6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
Haha...have you beat 25. Mine were from 2005 and 2006 mixed together
discussion comment
6 years ago
Living well and enjoying my retirement
^I agree with GMD. Mine was all messed up, I closed it, and when I came back it was working, but I don't know if I refresh that it will be messed up again
discussion comment
6 years ago

Trap Jumpin
@Trap: you are making an assumption that all men are doing OTC behind the wife's back. When I was married, I still went to strip clubs, but NEVER went past a simple lap dance on a couch. Now that I am single, there is no longer anyone, except myself, to answer to, so please stop making general assumption of all the men here.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I dated a stripper a long time ago then married a "former" stripper. Biggest mistakes in my life. Thank god I got out of the marriage without kids and alimony.
That is why I will never date a stripper, so you see some of us are experienced with it and have learned from our mistakes.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Detroit strip clubs
@Icey: if you are going to make statements like "Internalized racism exists too". you should know what the true meaning is of the words you use.
racism noun
rac·ism | \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-
Definition of racism
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b : a political or social system founded on racism
3 : racial prejudice or discrimination
And just incase you question the meaning of prejudice in #3, see below
prejudice noun
prej·u·dice | \ˈpre-jə-dəs
Definition of prejudice (Entry 1 of 2)
1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights
especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2a(1) : preconceived judgment or opinion
(2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge
b : an instance of such judgment or opinion
c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
prejudiced; prejudicing
Definition of prejudice (Entry 2 of 2)
transitive verb
1 : to injure or damage by some judgment or action (as in a case of law)
2 : to cause to have prejudice
So you see, if you are going to use words like racism, know what the hell they mean. When someone of a specific group makes fun of themselves, it is not racism because they are not insulting another group outside of their own group. What Jack is doing is not racist or internalized racism as you state exists also because he is in the group that is targeted by his jokes. Can what he say be taken as an insult, by some yes it can, but by the majority of his audience it is taken for what it is, just plain funny. Now if he is a white guy telling black jokes, that would be different, but he is telling stripper and PL jokes, so he isn't.
Get over yourself and your attitude that the majority on this board are woman haters and see strippers as a simple commodity to be purchased and used as they desire.
Finally, how can a black guy/woman, telling black jokes be racist because he/she is not inferring 1 group is better than another, they are cracking jokes about themselves essentially. This also applies to my earlier question about Asians telling Asians jokes, gays telling gay joke, etc.
discussion comment
6 years ago

Everything written by this member is a fact.
I want to know, does flagonner have a phone is his room or does he have to go to the nursing station to call here? : )
discussion comment
6 years ago

Detroit strip clubs
@Jack - I love your jokes, please keep posting them.
@Icey - loosen the hell up. Just because he tells jokes about strippers and PL's doesn't mean he is an asshole. He is a fucking comedian and enjoys spreading laughter, even if it is on a board dedicated to the strip club scene. Would you call a black comedian the same thing for telling jokes focused on other blacks? Would you say anything to a gay comedian who makes gay jokes? Or an Asian that makes Asian jokes. He is making jokes about strippers and customers, so he is technically targeting the group he includes himself in.
We as a nation have become pussies when we regard anything that has a chance to be offensive to someone else. The fucking millennials and their "oh I can't say anything that might be offensive" attitude is ruining this country. Why can't we go back to the good old days when a comedian could say anything and yes it might offend someone, but overall it is taken as what it fucking is, a JOKE by the majority. If you don't like what the comedian is saying, then don't good to see them or in this case, read his posts. So Icey, stop being a whinny ass and if you don't like Jack's jokes, them either skip them or put him on IGNORE and you won't see them.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Just ship them off to Flagooner's old folks home where they can dine on fruit cups to they hearts content while entertaining him.
discussion comment
6 years ago

God Bless Dancers
Actually I would prefer BlondBombShell in lingerie, that way I get to unwrap her. ; )
discussion comment
6 years ago

The problem with the Patriots and why they won't make the Super Bowl is there defense and inability to keep defenders out of the pocket. I can run faster than Brady and I have 2 bad knees, so when the pocket collapses and Brady has to run, it is often a yard loser play. Their defense is getting worse as the season goes, so at this rate, they are going to be lucky to make it past the first round of the playoffs. The Chiefs or Chargers are the most likely candidates to make the final game. So yeah, you should have taken the bet at $2000 because it will probably be easy money.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Hubba. hubba....Merry Xmas to everyone I guess.
Thx April
discussion comment
6 years ago

Check her out at the Lodge