iceyloco is very clearly a troll

New Jersey
no reviews has ridiculous points that no man would ever seriously consider. fuck this person. hit ignore.


Yes. I am king of the trolls
^ you should fly the crap duster over the crap troller;)
Is it the same person who was animating Phatboy? Seems to have the same cringey attempt at street vibe, with Nicole1994-level intellect behind it, maybe?
PhatBoy99 petitioned founder to have his profile name changed to IceyLoco.
@25 thank you for supporting my new business vanture
A troll for not having the same life experience as you? Grow the fuck up. there are different people in this world and not pandering to your little ego or having different experiences isn't trolling.

You call me a troll for not being a trick while you ignore all the racism and misogyny on here.
^I hope you’ll allow me to invest in your new venture, it it’s successful we should be able to flush that turd, lol
No, we call you a troll because you live in the basement of your mommy's house and your comment about shit you know nothing about.
^^That was for Mack Truck
I know more about strippers than any of you with your paranoid trick BS on here.
My question is, if IceyLoco is not a troll according to himself, why is he even here posting if not to troll? Icey, wouldn't posting on a board that centers around something you DO AND ENJOY be a more enjoyable and fulfilling place to spend your time? Is arguing really that fulfilling? It seems like you do not enjoy spending time is strip clubs or respect the women who do it, so what are you getting out of this board?
I enjoy clubs and hoes and strippers. I don't enjoy the vocal minority on here posting racist classist misogynistic bs over and over, viewing strippers as beneath them yet having no problem paying them. Don't expect to act like a paranoid trick and not get called out on it.

blondebombshell. never said clubs pay me.
His M.O. appears to be the same as SJG. Has SJG taken on an alias because so many have him on ignore?
@ Shadowcat That's a possibility, but SJG usually comes on here after PM west coast time, this jackass comes on before and after lunch, also on west cost time, but usually doesn't post during the lunch rush.
Shadow: really, you see that? I see practically no intersection between the two. At the highest level, I feel like SJG believes what he says, thinks he's making a contribution, and just plain doesn't care what anyone else thinks. IceyLoco is clearly an alternate persona, a pretend street (and cringey at that) persona that was created to troll and disrupt.
I find most of you cringey but don't accuse you of being trolls. You don't have much experience with people who aren't like you. Welcome to my world lmfao
Subraman - like SJG he runs his mouth off about things that he knows nothing about. At any rate he is a waste of my time.
@Icey: aren't you contradicting yourself by saying "I enjoy clubs and hoes and strippers" or at least, according to you, joining in with the classist group talking down to strippers and considering them below you. Last time I check, calling a woman, regardless of her job, a whore or a hoe is talking down to them. It does not matter if they consider themselves a whore or a hoe, it is not your place to demonstrate your lack of respect for others and especially women. Would you like them referring to you as John instead of your real name whenever you interact with them. Just as being called a John is disrespectful to you, calling a women a whore or a hoe is also.

Simple respect and courtesy is not hard to do. I was raised to respect people until they prove they are not worth my respect. I would venture to say, the majority of the people posting here were raised to respect others, until proven otherwise, and especially in regards to women. To me, a stripper is a woman working to support herself, regardless of what she does while in or outside the club. I do not believe I have EVERY called strippers, and especially the women on this board, a whore or hoe because they have not done anything to loose my respect. If I have, then that was a mistake on my part and I apologize to the woman I referred to. You my friend can definitely not say that.
^ever, not every
Having real experiences vs the trick experiences you have, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. Quite the opposite.

Hoe isn't a bad word.
And once again IceyLoco proves my point that he does not respect woman.

18th post on this thread and I quote "A bitch who rides a stationary bike..." for you that do not want to hit the link. I wonder if he would call his mother that if she opted to use a stationary bike for exercise? If he does, then I would really question his morals and upbringing. Last time I checked Bitch means a female canine of some sort or to state displeasure with something, so please tell me how you calling women bitches is not disrespectful?…
@Icey: you are correct, hoe is not a bad word if referencing the tool used to till soil or the act of tilling the soil using a hoe. Nowhere is it used as a reference to woman, except in the online urban dictionary, which is not a credible source.
Back when IceyLoco was still PhatBoy99 figuring out "his" troll persona, he was a lot less nice about dancers:


IceyLoco said "Don’t be afraid to discipline her. Eventually you’ll have to. Be manipulative with her feelings. When that works it means you have her mind and her heart. If you beat her she’ll just be afraid of you. That’s a bitch move unless you really have to. If she fucks with your main bitch keys your car gets violent with you, then slap the shit out of her. One of the best ways to fuck with her is to make sure she knows you have side bitches."

Via this thread:…
I said beating her is a bitch move but slap her if she hits you first. Work on your language comprehension skills. And with any woman in any relationship you have to assert yourself.
That's not actually what that post says. And it's right there. Looks like you're the one who isn't much of a reader, miss.
This is too funny. Look. no one bout that life is gonna tell you being a trick is a good thing. And being a trick doesn't mean you know shit about these bitches. its the opposite. You just don't like me contradicting your preconceived notions that make you feel good about yourself.
No. I don't like you advocating violence and abuse towards women. Even if you are a troll in character, it's shitty.

You're a useless human playing the role of a horrible human being.
-->"No. I don't like you advocating violence and abuse towards women. Even if you are a troll in character, it's shitty"

Agree. Not taking the troll persona seriously, but the person behind it is really -- like most trolls -- a miserable shitty person.
If a bitch hits you or your bitch, slap her. Nothing wrong with self defense.
Thanks for stepping up to prove my point. You're shit at being human.
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