
Why are strippers like blunts?

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs

Q. Why are strippers like blunts?

A. They get passed around until they're all used up and then they get thrown away.


last comment
avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 yrs ago

nigga what da fuck is this shit? ain't nobody got time for dat shit.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

They both turn normal guys into losers.

avatar for Icey
6 yrs ago

Where do you think your misogyny stems from?

If you hate strippers so much, why do you see them?

Do you really hate yourself for not being able to get female attention in any other way so you project it onto the women?

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago


IceyLocoSoCal 2 Vegas

15 Hours Ago

First off, no need to troll my thread. If you don't like it, don't post on it. If someone talks about something you don't like IRL do you get your friends to harass them for it? If not, don't do it here.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago


avatar for nicespice
6 yrs ago

Jackslash has consistently made jokes about dancers, customers, and any other group alike. He can maybe be judged on the execution of his jokes (I thought this one was pretty funny), but not his values.

He has also been consistently positive towards me and other dancers on here.

At minimum, he is definitely less misogynistic than a troll who is always insisting that both dancers and full service sex workers alike have little agency and can’t function without a man managing their money and life.

Hooray jackslash! And hooray for the loser leaf!

avatar for Icey
6 yrs ago

25, calling out misogyny for what it is, or xenophobia, Islamophobia and other right wing BS on here isn't trolling. BUt wait, you couldn't care less unless someone says something your Zionazi ass doesn't like.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^ Lol

avatar for nicespice
6 yrs ago

*Oh, I wanted to clarify my above statement. It might have sounded like I was dissing on his joke punchlines.

But I meant to say that if he’s going to be attacked, attack him than that instead of values.

I personally think most of his jokes are amusing.

avatar for jackslash
6 yrs ago

Thanks, nicespice.

avatar for jackslash
6 yrs ago


avatar for Icey
6 yrs ago

A lot of racists, xenophobes, misogynists etc think what they say is okay as long as they mask it as a thinly veiled "joke"

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^ And of course none of your statements could ever be considered racist or antsemitic, you are a humorless whiny crybaby, in all of my time here I have never seen Jack attack another poster, his character speaks for itself as does yours. Yours says nothing good about you.

avatar for wonderdog69
6 yrs ago

It's only a joke if someone laughs.

avatar for Icey
6 yrs ago

25 yeah "jokes" he'd never share in public about how women should be passed around and thrown away show his "character"

avatar for Iam4u2screw
6 yrs ago

@Jack - I love your jokes, please keep posting them.

@Icey - loosen the hell up. Just because he tells jokes about strippers and PL's doesn't mean he is an asshole. He is a fucking comedian and enjoys spreading laughter, even if it is on a board dedicated to the strip club scene. Would you call a black comedian the same thing for telling jokes focused on other blacks? Would you say anything to a gay comedian who makes gay jokes? Or an Asian that makes Asian jokes. He is making jokes about strippers and customers, so he is technically targeting the group he includes himself in.

We as a nation have become pussies when we regard anything that has a chance to be offensive to someone else. The fucking millennials and their "oh I can't say anything that might be offensive" attitude is ruining this country. Why can't we go back to the good old days when a comedian could say anything and yes it might offend someone, but overall it is taken as what it fucking is, a JOKE by the majority. If you don't like what the comedian is saying, then don't good to see them or in this case, read his posts. So Icey, stop being a whinny ass and if you don't like Jack's jokes, them either skip them or put him on IGNORE and you won't see them.

avatar for Icey
6 yrs ago

Internalized racism exists too.

Calling shit like this what it is isn't being a pussy. And ignoring it is the problem. Call it out

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^Son I’d like to see you call me a zionnazi to my face, tough guy on the keyboard. Come around my mostly mixed upper class neighborhood wearing a swastika, you’d leave in an ambulance. Betcha the black and Hispanic neighbors would be the first on you.

avatar for Iam4u2screw
6 yrs ago

@Icey: if you are going to make statements like "Internalized racism exists too". you should know what the true meaning is of the words you use.

racism noun

rac·​ism | \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-


Definition of racism

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b : a political or social system founded on racism  

3 : racial prejudice or discrimination

And just incase you question the meaning of prejudice in #3, see below

prejudice noun

prej·​u·​dice | \ˈpre-jə-dəs


Definition of prejudice (Entry 1 of 2)

1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights

especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims

2a(1) : preconceived judgment or opinion

(2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge

b : an instance of such judgment or opinion

c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics



prejudiced; prejudicing

Definition of prejudice (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1 : to injure or damage by some judgment or action (as in a case of law)

2 : to cause to have prejudice

So you see, if you are going to use words like racism, know what the hell they mean. When someone of a specific group makes fun of themselves, it is not racism because they are not insulting another group outside of their own group. What Jack is doing is not racist or internalized racism as you state exists also because he is in the group that is targeted by his jokes. Can what he say be taken as an insult, by some yes it can, but by the majority of his audience it is taken for what it is, just plain funny. Now if he is a white guy telling black jokes, that would be different, but he is telling stripper and PL jokes, so he isn't.

Get over yourself and your attitude that the majority on this board are woman haters and see strippers as a simple commodity to be purchased and used as they desire.

Finally, how can a black guy/woman, telling black jokes be racist because he/she is not inferring 1 group is better than another, they are cracking jokes about themselves essentially. This also applies to my earlier question about Asians telling Asians jokes, gays telling gay joke, etc.

avatar for chessmaster
6 yrs ago

"25 yeah "jokes" he'd never share in public about how women should be passed around and thrown away show his "character"

As opposed to them letting you "take care" of them right?

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

I don’t get your point chess master, I’m pretty careful not to make obvious bigoted comments, I don’t have a problem maybe you can explain yourself to me.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^ sorry bro I got it now I needed to look at it in the third person;)

avatar for Johny5
6 yrs ago

So how did a joke turn to this kind of discussion? lol wtf take it as it is and move on god damn. Guys be sensitive in this forums lol

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

Fucking Millenials

avatar for TrapBaby304
6 yrs ago

Wow you put so much effort into defending misogyny and bigotry on TUSCL.

avatar for MackTruck
6 yrs ago

Someone shit the bed on this one

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