
Comments by Been_There_Already (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How does this site compare to 1 year ago?
    Call.Me.Ishmael - it feels very different, but your response leads me to believe it's my perception that's changed, not the site. It feels like there are more trolls and less useful content, but perhaps it's just me. "^^^^ U put him on ignor huh when u just joined this month. Dont have the balls 2 post as urself no more #TROLL" Here's a great example from txtittyfag. Good to see some things never change. And to be honest, I can't find my old password, hence the new username.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How does this site compare to 1 year ago?
    "The point is that you can't compare TUSCL now to a year ago without factoring in a user like Dougster." I'll accept that perspective. But I eventually put him on ignore because he was fighting a crusade that I didn't care to read about, so if we do factor him in, I might not comprehend some of the replies.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How do you handle aging?
    Here's what I'd do: 1) Eat healthy and drink less than you did in your younger years 2) Exercise 3) Shave your head with clippers every few days - girls like confidence better than they like hair, so just don't let it bother you 4) Act sophisticated and dress nice, maybe even dress ten years younger than you are, but if you dress any younger than that it will appear kind of sad 5) Pay hot, young, naked girls to sit on your lap and treat you like a king . . . or pay them to do even more if you have the wherewithal 6) Don't spend all of your money on strippers. As you age you should accumulate more assets, and perhaps you can eventually start spending a bit of your dividend income to better your strip club experiences . . . but don't let yourself turn into an old broke dude . . . the older you get the clearer it becomes that strippers couldn't give a fuck how young or old you are, so long as you're spending . . . so do all of the above and allow yourself to gracefully grow into a sophisticated gentleman with both income and investments working to help him stay happy at the strip club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How does this site compare to 1 year ago?
    "Compare this site to a year ago. But ignore a user who had a great impact on the site a year ago." Wait a minute, are you saying that Dougster was a real user, not a troll?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Dancer dollar awareness?
    It really depends on the club and how crowded it is. I've had a lot of success getting the attention of the girl I wanted by tipping with a larger bill. Of course, even if she notices, there's no guarantee that she's not going to get off stage and go sit with a regular. At the same time, I've had girls come sit with me after I tipped them well and as they're counting their money say something like "Shit, someone gave me a ten". I also had one girl hand it back and ask if I meant to do that. But if it's dark and crowded, I throw singles instead of handing out larger bills.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anyone ever have a good OTC experience?
    Yes, it's the -- if she hadn't done something really nice for you -- part that seems to have confused everyone.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anyone ever have a good OTC experience?
    I find the lack of responses to this post, vs the number WILLYSGOTAWOMAN received, to be very revealing.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    What percentage of dancers do otc?
    I agree with DC9428 - there's a reason why we prefer strippers over hoes, and if you spend enough time with the same one it's not difficult to determine whether or not she's just a hoe posing as a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    What percentage of dancers do otc?
    I think nicespice makes a lot of sense, but I also think the economics behind this are regional, and in different areas the scenario changes. Where I live you can easily get a girl out of the club on a weeknight at a reasonable price that's comparable to what she would have made a work. So it often comes down to, would she rather see you outside the club for a nice dinner and a comfortable bed, or spend the evening in heels swinging around the pole and catering to whoever happens to walk through the door. I can't count the number of times I've heard "I'd rather hang out with you than go into work" and their behavior and availability tend to supported the statement. It could be different with different customers. Who knows. Also, what about the regulars who will switch to a different girl if you don't see them OTC? I don't know what nicespice has going for her (probably a lot), but she seems to think she can dictate the place and activity and they'll keep coming back. This is a woman who I'd definitely like to get a dance from! And if it's good I'll buy more. But if OTC is off the table, then I may not be back. It depends on who texts me that week.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strippers that complain
    If I don't know the girl then complaining is the worst way for her to sell me a dance, but if I've known her for a while I prefer that she act more like herself and less like a stripper, so I expect her to complain about the things worth complaining about.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    What percentage of dancers do otc?
    DC9428 seems to understand the economics of all this. I agree with him completely.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    If You Could Move
    I'd go someplace where the dancers are cute in girl next door (no fake boobs) kind of way, and where my money will go farther than it does here. Perhaps Lexington KY. Or maybe somewhere right between Indianapolis (love Brad's Brass Flamingo) and the Hip Hugger.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    What percentage of dancers do otc?
    I've got a buddy who's not going to waste time with a girl OTC unless there's full penetration involved. I, on the other hand, won't waste time with a girl OTC unless she's hot as fuck, and my approach is to respect their boundaries. He consistently fucks strippers for cash who aren't any better looking than the women he catches in real life, while I'm consistently with hot women, and some of them eventually give it up. Different approaches for different people. It's all about what you want out of it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    What percentage of dancers do otc?
    Even if no sex is involved, seeing each other OTC is a better deal for both because the club doesn't take a cut. I get her attention for the entire evening for about the cost of 1 hour in VIP. She doesn't have to share it with the club, spend time dancing on stage for singles, or approach customer after customer hoping the next one will be a spender. I don't think she even wants me coming back to the club, and the few times I have I've felt like it's a waste. OTC without full service is a real thing. And if that's what you want you can snag better looking girls than you will if you're trying to turn the stripper into a prostitute.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Have you ever moved for a possible CF?
    If you're filthy rich and money isn't an object, sure go where you want for whatever reason for as long as it makes you happy. But if you are making sacrifices and inconveniencing other aspects of your life, this is serious RIL behavior and my advice is to take a bit of a break from clubbing.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Do you want to change the game with your fave?
    No all girls do everything. If you like the experience and you like the girl, then keep seeing her. My CF doesn't do everything, but she does a lot nonetheless. I love hanging out with her and I'm completely content the way things are. I've found that the prettier and sweeter the girl, the less she does, so it's a trade off. I prefer pretty and sweet over dirty and whorish. But that's just me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Plans to meet for my first OTC in forever
    If you like her then why don't you just ask her out on a date? Her invitation to you revolves around her being at a specific club, which is very different than a date.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Plans to meet for my first OTC in forever
    "Someone told me this before, but take away money from the equation and that is when you'll see her true intentions." I don't think this is a fare comment to make about strippers. We go to the club knowing that they are there for money. We offer even more money if they'll meet us at a hotel. And if we keep doing it, then we shouldn't suddenly expect it to be about more than a p4p relationship. A stripper could just as easily say about a customer "take the sex away and you'll see his true intentions". It's an exchange, and very rare for it to progress into anything other than that. But if you enjoy each other's company, then the exchange is better. As far as this specific post is concerned, never spend money ITC on something that you expect to be delivered OTC. If I come see my CF in the club then I'm doing something extra for her and I expect some dances in return, that's it. OTC still costs what OTC costs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Anyone ever have a bad OTC experience?
    Never a really bad one, just a bunch that weren't good enough to do repeat business. I've heard stories about plenty of bad ones, especially from the girl's perspective.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What are the pros and cons of seeing the same girl repeatedly?
    "I'm confused by the "she might get bored with you" comment." I'm interpreting it to meen that it might affect her performance. Sure, she's there for money, but a customer with other redeeming qualities is easier to work with . . . until she gets bored and it's purely nothing more than work.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What are the pros and cons of seeing the same girl repeatedly?
    "Likewise, *she* might become bored with *you*." georgmicrodong - that's good food for thought. I hadn't really considered this potential because her motivation is of course different than mine, and implies an ability to continue forward in spite of boredom. I think I'm still keeping visits infrequent enough that this could take a while to happen, but we'll see. "Over time the SS fades with a lot of dancers. You get more of their real personality and less #stripperfilter." PaulDrake - I've seen a fare amount of SS fade away, but not completely of course. I doubt it ever completely goes away, and everything she says will always need to be taken with a grain of salt. But her real personality isn't bad at all. I like it. I'd also like to know how everyone on here reacts to stories their CF might tell them about naive customers she's recently dealt with that were easy to tale advantage of. On the one hand it tells me that she does things that she knows better than to try with me, and I view her willingness to share these stories with me to represent a certain amount of respect. On the other hand, I think it's healthy that she reminds me of what I'm dealing with when it comes to girls like this. She's never done anything sneaky with me, just flirts and asks for money, so she's pretty much doing her job.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What are the pros and cons of seeing the same girl repeatedly?
    tahoecruz - it almost sounds like you're describing my ATF. Did you ever at any point start to feel like she was taking it for granted, and if so, what did you do to get things back on track. I really don't feel that way yet, but it's been so good for a long time that I'm kind of like well, it can't be this good for ever, so if she ever does start taking it for granted maybe I'll put her off an extra couple weeks and see if that changes her attitude??? I'm open to other suggestions.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Have you guys tried this?
    Salty.Nuts - I've tried that approach. You might have better luck, but whenever I do they think I'm a cop. With one of them, once we got past the "I'm not a cop" faze, we got a thing going for about a year, but I never ended up paying the high prize I offered earlier in my approach.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    But at least a nigga, nigga rich
    Need advice on dealing with strippers and hoes? Ask!
    "someone who spends their money on them without them having to hustle, that really feeds their egos." There is something to be said for a low-maintenance customer, so to speak.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tell me about . . .
    "I think it is more her recognizing that she benefits from cultivating a dependable customer just as I value the benefits of developing the relationship with a fav." I feel the same way. And have yet to see a sign that she sees it any different..