
What percentage of dancers do otc?

I've got a bad feeling about this.
Monday, September 10, 2018 9:49 AM
While you might think its not that far of a stretch from dancing naked to p4p..... how many if the girls draw the line at stripping? What's your success rate in asking?


  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    My success rate in asking is 100%: I have never asked and thus no one ever said no. As a result I have no interest in how many dancers do it whether its zero or 100 %.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    I only ask those who I feel will agree. It frequently is determined by asking "what happens in VIP?" I other instances during a Champagne Room visit she will bring it up and what she offers will guide what I ask. Finally, if all else fails I'll ask if she believes in the hereafter. If yes, then I say, "Then you know what I'm here after."
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    There are lots of variables. For example, do you mean how many will do otc for $300 or less, or how many will do otc for $1,000?
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    What do you define as OTC? Does this include going out for a meal? Or you mean what would be defined as prostitution?
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    It’s generally accepted on this site that OTC is a euphemism for prostitution. There might be a meal involved, though.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Sometimes customers will offer a meal or shopping and try to reassure me it’s not a P4P thing. Except I don’t really take their word for it on the minimal strings attached. And I’m especially careful on boundaries. So whether a “prostitution” thing or not, I don’t go for it. Also johnsmith69 hit the nail on the head with “how many will do otc for $300 or less, or how many will do otc for $1,000?” Because yes, most dancers do end up doing a form of OTC when the money is higher.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Ah I was gonna say tons of dancers do OTC if it simply means seeing the guy outside the club in some form not necessarily prostitution. I really don't know how common OTC hooking is but seems fairly common from my observations.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    To many variables to even guess. My success rate increases in proportion with how much I'm offering.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I heard gossip about a friend going to Vegas with a customer and shared the same hotel room. But nothing happened so I guess it wasn’t hooking? (At that’s point, if I was willing to go that far, then lol I would have just had sex with the customer but okay) I don’t get the point of doing OTC if you’re not willing to fuck the customer. If your MO is no extras, then keep them in the club because as soon as you see them out OTC they won’t spend on you ITC anymore. Fantasy ruining and all.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Idk sometimes you can get paid to stuff your face OTC which I've personally done so I know this is a thing. I have heard of some girls getting paid money to hang out with dudes OTC like at either the girl's place or his, but idk if this is a thing or how they manage this without extras tbh. Could be a thing though I just am not personable enough to pull this off I guess hahaha. Another girl told me she got paid to smoke a blunt with someone OTC. But yeah if a girl is going for bigger money OTC then probably hooking is the way to go for sure.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Poledancer famously answered this: nearly 100% o.0 It's about *timing*. Q. "Sometimes the customers here guess at what percent of girls do itc extras or otc. What’s your best guess?" A. "hunt 100% at times. heres what i mean every girl working never thought they'd be dancers so it the time is right every girl would at the very least consider it if not actually do it. its all about timing." Q. "1. If you are working in a club where girls can easily get away with extras, say there’s 20 girls working any particular night, how many of those 20 are performing extras. 2. If a club is strict on extras but a dancer can get away with it if she’s extremely careful, how many of those same 20 are performing extras? 3. Same 20 girls, how many of them regularly meet customers outside of the club for OTC?" A. "its hard to give a hard number but as i said before all 20 are at least somewhere in their mind thinking about it or even a step further considering it." [view link]
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Well one time I solicited a customer for OTC. But it wasn’t for anything sexy, I just wanted my car looked at for a potential repair. But I was also offering cash to fix it, not any other favors. Plus I brought my friend’s mom with me. And that’s true,blahblah. I guess if a customer is isn’t a club regular, it’s possible to get a little bit of dough just to hang out at a bar or restaurant or something.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @nicespice Do you think that's a common reason girls might be hesitant to do OTC? Their income from that regular will drop since they don't see them at the club anymore (or they might see someone else they're trying to OTC) and perpetual OTC is not likely?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Oh absolutely. Many dancers observed before me once you see a customer OTC (sex or no sex) they don’t want to bother with ITC anymore. Heck, there was a poster a couple of days ago asking that same question (visiting her for LDKs when he already succeeded on FS with her) and a lot of responders here said “what’s the point”
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I would guess most, at some point, it’s just with whom, is the first question and how much is the second.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    It comes down to how badly they want or need the money. THere are girls who start stripping and turn to full time hoeing coz they think its easier. The smart strippers realize the goal is to make as much money doing as little as possible.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    as for percentages who knows i think every woman has her price, stripper or not, and the price isnt high just depends on necessity
  • RossVa
    6 years ago
    100% of the non StripperWeb strippers do OTC.
  • Been_There_Already
    6 years ago
    Even if no sex is involved, seeing each other OTC is a better deal for both because the club doesn't take a cut. I get her attention for the entire evening for about the cost of 1 hour in VIP. She doesn't have to share it with the club, spend time dancing on stage for singles, or approach customer after customer hoping the next one will be a spender. I don't think she even wants me coming back to the club, and the few times I have I've felt like it's a waste. OTC without full service is a real thing. And if that's what you want you can snag better looking girls than you will if you're trying to turn the stripper into a prostitute.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Thats a fair point of view, I don’t subscribe to it but it’s reasonable!
  • Been_There_Already
    6 years ago
    I've got a buddy who's not going to waste time with a girl OTC unless there's full penetration involved. I, on the other hand, won't waste time with a girl OTC unless she's hot as fuck, and my approach is to respect their boundaries. He consistently fucks strippers for cash who aren't any better looking than the women he catches in real life, while I'm consistently with hot women, and some of them eventually give it up. Different approaches for different people. It's all about what you want out of it.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    I really think the number is a variable based on how much you are willing to offer, how she feels about you (is the vibe a creep or cool), how long she has known you, is there other benefits being with you like future reliable income or something she likes about you. I honestly feel the number is very high in absolute terms as her perfect customer (like 80%+) but if you are a cheap creep its gonna feel like 5%. Stop being cheap and a creep and the number goes up... I have gone OTC with non-extras dancers but that takes some time and $ investment to develop that relationship.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    My personal experience. I have been offered OTC about 70% of the time. I have only excepted about 10% of the time as I will only do OTC with someone I'm truly intrested in spending some time with, not just having sex. ITC is different.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I think there are many variables that play into whether a dancer will consent to otc. It may be close to impossible to provide a reasonable guess regarding the percentage. An uneducated guess is 65%. I’m thinking it’s more than half - but it’s less that 75%.
  • aham5
    6 years ago
    @johnsmith69 you're saying everyone has their price? I mean, you'd do an ugly ass fat chick for $$$.... right?
  • Been_There_Already
    6 years ago
    DC9428 seems to understand the economics of all this. I agree with him completely.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @DC9428 I think nicespice is saying that once most PLs have successfully completed the challenge of FS OTC with a stripper, they probably won't continue seeing her OTC or ITC. Whereas if the girl just continued holding out, maybe the PL would continue seeing her at least a little while longer if not indefinitely. Now you don't strike me as a hit and quit type of PL at least concerning your ATF/CF. Similarly, we both would probably prefer longer term OTC arrangements with our ATFs than seeing them ITC, but many other PLs (and dancers) may see it differently.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    34.23% Exactly.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @DC Too many customers don’t respect that a stripper is a person who is working a job, and they want to get out of having to pay for her time. There is one comic out there that makes fun of this: [view link] One of the leverage a dancer has with this behavior from customers, is that a customer can see the other customers in the room and be forcibly reminded of why he needs to pay for her attention. Pull her “out” and then it’s a constant bid against the stripper to spend more and more time together for less and less money. Now, a lot of this gets avoided when a stripper is more “businesslike” and it turns into a P4P or sugaring scenario. Then, it’s less of a problem. (But even then, a stripper will have to put her foot down on things. For example, one of the songs from Cardi B’s mixtape before she got big [view link]) But if the goal is to not do extras, then a customer needs to stay in the club. With the possible exception of a few paid outings here and there with a customer in a public setting. But don’t do this with a potential regular.
  • aham5
    6 years ago
    I'm hearing most of you referencing OTC with a regular , someone you've got to know over several visits. Many of us only get to a SC city a few times a year. ( work or travel)
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    I don't know if this is common everywhere, but here, if a stripper misses work she has to pay a fine that's around the same as the house fee. So if she's missing work to turn tricks, depending on how much she's charging, it could be easier to just dance all night and hustle for tips than to fuck five or more guys in that period of time.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    As others have said or alluded to, I think the answer to the OP depends a lot on whether he’s asking OTC percentage at market rates based on a given strippers looks, personality and location or whether he is asking OTC percentage that includes extremely high offers from customers who just feel like they have to have a certain stripper and have the money to throw out there.
  • aham5
    6 years ago
    @huntsman my question was ones that DO OTC, not what hypothetically they might agree to if the fantasy price was high enough. Yeah, I get it that (most) everyone is a whore for the right amount. Most of us dont have that kind of cash to spend... and those that do probably dont need to spend it on strippers.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Yes, aham, I can read your question. Included in what percentage “do” OTC would be those who do it for the price most can or will pay but some “do” OTC based on higher offers. If you’ve read the other replies to your thread, you’d see that JohnSmith, CMI and others have mentioned the same thing. You can certainly clarify your question, as you just did, but don’t take issue with a comment that responds to what you posted prior to your clarification just now.
  • Been_There_Already
    6 years ago
    I think nicespice makes a lot of sense, but I also think the economics behind this are regional, and in different areas the scenario changes. Where I live you can easily get a girl out of the club on a weeknight at a reasonable price that's comparable to what she would have made a work. So it often comes down to, would she rather see you outside the club for a nice dinner and a comfortable bed, or spend the evening in heels swinging around the pole and catering to whoever happens to walk through the door. I can't count the number of times I've heard "I'd rather hang out with you than go into work" and their behavior and availability tend to supported the statement. It could be different with different customers. Who knows. Also, what about the regulars who will switch to a different girl if you don't see them OTC? I don't know what nicespice has going for her (probably a lot), but she seems to think she can dictate the place and activity and they'll keep coming back. This is a woman who I'd definitely like to get a dance from! And if it's good I'll buy more. But if OTC is off the table, then I may not be back. It depends on who texts me that week.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    I think this is impossible to assess because of how many dancers are selective (matter of timing like someone said) and bc they will almost always lie about it to the other customers and dancers. The percentage of girls who will regularly and openly offer takeout to anyone and everyone willing to pay a reasonable price is low in most places
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @DC9428 Well i can't speak for nicespice, but many clubs aren't extras friendly. Some are downright impossible (no VIP or private dance area). Even at extras clubs, girls can still get in trouble if caught (technically they may not allowed to do them) or worry about LE. Then there's all type of surveillance or monitoring or even a lack of complete privacy which may make either or both parties uncomfortable. So in those cases, a dancer can often hide behind those "concerns" to avoid having to do extras ITC, whether she would do them or not. Once a PL actually has FS OTC with said dancer, he may also have no interest in "half-measures" ITC. But the dancer still needs to work ITC because even if the PL wanted to continue these OTC arrangements, he's not likely to support her by himself unless he treats her like a very expensive sugarbaby, which is unlikely. His seeing her once or twice a month for a few hundred dollars per session may not be worth it for her to see him OTC instead of working ITC. Now you could argue that she could just see him on her days off, but that's extra work and time for her (overtime if you will) and not at her convenience so the whole situation becomes flaky for both sides. It would work out better for her if she just saw him when she was working and preferably during one of her slower shifts albeit with no extras.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    @Aham5144 posted: “What's your success rate [with her] asking?” @Aham5144 posted: “Many of us only get to a SC city a few times a year. ( work or travel) … my question was ones that DO OTC, not what hypothetically they might agree to if the fantasy price was high enough. “ Aham5144, I only club a few times a year. So I don’t get the luxury of knowing dancers over repeated visits over a long period of time. No regulars for faves for me. With HER asking, if I talk to 4-7 dancers on a club visit. 1-2 of them will pitch OTC to me on the same night having met them. So, 25%? 1 out of 4 or 2 out of 7. That’s been pretty constant and reliable. There are definitely girls down for it. And that fits within the 35% success rate of the same-day-OTC-master’s 35% claim with HIM doing the asking. Here: [view link] :) In closing, My gut feeling is THEY know once you OTC with them, they know most of your money probably won’t be available ITC, but will be available OTC. She seems to accept and understand that from experience. And it can actually make good business sense. Because she knows if she has a slow ITC week or month, then her OTC guys can take care of her. So it’s like two sets of customers she juggles. Even if you’re a once a month guy or less (despite what other poster claims). It’s still a good bit of change. And every little bit or more than she might have made ($0).
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    I think what some of you are missing is the fact that hoes turn more than one trick a day. If she's not at the club, and you make an arrangement then you're just one out of however many tricks she's fucking that day. So 5 tricks at $300 a pop is a great day for her.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    No, I'm talking OTC, they don't have just one trick, thats not profitable for them.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    3 to 5 tricks is very doable
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy: PhayBoy99 - definite troll account
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    If by OTC we mean having sex, like most have noted in here, then it is doable. If she's spending hours having sex with one guy for $300 its not worth it. If she's being paid to be with someone for hours with no sex, its not worth it either. An hour, two top is very doable and profitable if she's hoeing
  • Been_There_Already
    6 years ago
    I agree with DC9428 - there's a reason why we prefer strippers over hoes, and if you spend enough time with the same one it's not difficult to determine whether or not she's just a hoe posing as a stripper.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    if shes turning tricks she's a hoe...
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    What percentage of victoria's secret cashiers do OTC? 75% if the money is right.
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