Let’s say your current job was going to transfer you anywhere you wanted inside the USA tomorrow. Your family (if you have one) was cool with the move and your housing situation was taken care of too.
Where would you go and why there? OR if you’re totally happy where you are what keeps you there?
Colorado. It's not great for clubbing (or so I've heard), but where there's a will there's a way.
The economy is very strong in Colorado right now. So there's that. I'm also very active outdoors (hiking, camping, backpacking, etc.). Colorado is brilliant for all that stuff.
I am on the same page as call me Ishmael. Iblove the outdoors so Colorado, Washington, Idaho, western Montana. All of these places are paradise to me. I am sick of the brown dry desert. Too much sun I like seasons.
My heart is set on the west including the pacific west and mountain west. Nowhere else appeals to me as a long term option. I might be biased as I am from there.
I should clarify. I mean I’ve met some really awesome girls in my travels and not necessarily to move for just her but what she represents, like “woah if I met this girl I wonder what else I could find here” that was more me. Falling in love with scenes through a few girls (whether it be right or wrong)
Ft Lauderdale/Boca Raton, FL. I don't like cold weather. The club is scene is as good as anywhere. Lot's to do. Lots of upscale areas to live in. No income tax.
^ Actually his advanced age means he will be losing his driving privileges soon, and in The Villages the get around in golf carts no license needed. ;)
Shailynn I've know people who moved to Vegas but unless you are a stripper and raking it in most people tire of the place about two years in many of the strippers do. Even the people that profess to love it get real sick of the 100 degree plus days June-September and the fakeness that comes with every part of the place.
And I lived in NYC for a few years in the Midtown East area Chelsea Area which at the time was the up and coming place to live. I liked living there but as you get older it also becomes tiresome. I had a decent size group of friends--all single and all of them swore they would never leave the city. Not a one of them is there anymore. About the time you hit forty the suburban flight starts to take place.
I'm happy right where I'm at. A suburb of Atlanta with 15,000 population. It has everything I need within 10 minutes and is not too far from Follies. Plus my kids and grand kids are here. I moved here from So Cal 30 years ago and hated the humidity in the summer but have gotten accustomed to it.
If I had to pick a place to live based on climate it would be Santa Barbara CA or Santa Fe NM.
Years ago, I skied in Aspen. Rode a lift with a local. He said the town was filled with people who moved there thinking they would leave their troubles behind. Instead, they found their troubles followed them, but now they didn’t have family or friends to support them.
I'd go someplace where the dancers are cute in girl next door (no fake boobs) kind of way, and where my money will go farther than it does here. Perhaps Lexington KY. Or maybe somewhere right between Indianapolis (love Brad's Brass Flamingo) and the Hip Hugger.
Warren - my best friend loved there for 3 years and I went and visited at least 20 times over that 3 year span. I always joke Vegas is the only place where I can’t wait to get out of but as soon as I land back home, I can’t wait to get back.
I love poker, the fancy buffets and the sportsbooks. Proof that I’d go out and be bankrupt and homeless in a gutter within 6 months of moving there because I’d have no discipline.
I have another close friend who live in manhattan with 2 kids under the age of 3. Yeah, he’s trying to desperately move further out. I don’t have any kids so that wouldn’t be an issue.
Of course all my picks are fantasy and not reality.
"I would like to live in Manhattan, preferably in a penthouse overlooking Central Park. All I need is an income increase of $2 million a year." i'm in nyc. you will be miserable here regarding the strip club scene. you got it good over where you are at. the only advantages nyc may have is variety of food, no need for a car and very easy access to daily amenities(newspaper, food, cigarettes, etc) but then again if earning 2 mill a year i guess you could fly to detroit every other week.
The thing about Vegas is location to many other cool places. Within 4-5 hour drive are some good metro areas along the coast and mountainous regions to escape summer, then 8 months out of the year the weather is gorgeous for their low cost of living and no income tax, low property tax.
The whole southwest is that way, and I don’t like the snowy winters in the northern Rockies. The Pacific Northwest is too expensive, cloudy, and shitty traffic. Everyone is dressed like they’re going on a hike.
I like where I live, and not looking to move, but if money was not an object, San Diego would be a great place to live. The house I live in would be about 500,000 more in San Diego so I'll Just stick to my yearly vacations there.
I’ve lived many places in the eastern half of the US in the past few years. Choosing from that list I’d have to say Austin, TX. The weather and the clubbing are both truly outstanding in ATX.
last commentThe economy is very strong in Colorado right now. So there's that. I'm also very active outdoors (hiking, camping, backpacking, etc.). Colorado is brilliant for all that stuff.
I am sick of the brown dry desert. Too much sun I like seasons.
Same page as the others: booming economy there, tech jobs, outdoor activities.
But if I really had to make a choice it'll probably be Texas or Florida
Hawaii would be my first choice. Honolulu.
Boulder Colorado my second.
I haven't spent enough time in San Diego to know if I could live there but I enjoy visiting.
I’d live in NYC if I could live in Manhattan, and not some other borough and have to ride a train everyday into work.
I’d probably go with Austin, TX. I could actually afford to live there and there’d be plenty to keep me occupied. Aiming high would be Seattle.
And I lived in NYC for a few years in the Midtown East area Chelsea Area which at the time was the up and coming place to live. I liked living there but as you get older it also becomes tiresome.
I had a decent size group of friends--all single and all of them swore they would never leave the city. Not a one of them is there anymore. About the time you hit forty the suburban flight starts to take place.
If I had to pick a place to live based on climate it would be Santa Barbara CA or Santa Fe NM.
I’m happy where I am.
I love poker, the fancy buffets and the sportsbooks. Proof that I’d go out and be bankrupt and homeless in a gutter within 6 months of moving there because I’d have no discipline.
I have another close friend who live in manhattan with 2 kids under the age of 3. Yeah, he’s trying to desperately move further out. I don’t have any kids so that wouldn’t be an issue.
Of course all my picks are fantasy and not reality.
i'm in nyc. you will be miserable here regarding the strip club scene. you got it good over where you are at. the only advantages nyc may have is variety of food, no need for a car and very easy access to daily amenities(newspaper, food, cigarettes, etc)
but then again if earning 2 mill a year i guess you could fly to detroit every other week.
The whole southwest is that way, and I don’t like the snowy winters in the northern Rockies. The Pacific Northwest is too expensive, cloudy, and shitty traffic. Everyone is dressed like they’re going on a hike.
1. The Strip, and all the people who enjoy it.
2. The people in the suburbs who never go to the Strip.
My guess is that locals who avoid the Strip lead happier lives.
Outside of the US: I used to live in the Frech/Walloon part of Belgium and I would kill somebody to afford to move back.