What are the pros and cons of seeing the same girl repeatedly?

avatar for Been_There_Already
I'm generally not a repeat customer, but the one I'm hanging around now is ATF material and it would be difficult to find another one like her. I've been going back to this one for a while now and in many ways the long-term thing is different than what I was expecting. I know what I think the pros and cons of giving up variety for regular dependability are, but am curious to see what other people like/don't like about sticking to the same girl.


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A con is some of them will start taking advantage of you/taking you for granted after awhile

A pro is you’ll get better mileage from her than she would give to a customer she’s dancing for the first time.
- unambiguous and guaranteed service
- "frequent flyer" rates

- you may get bored of it over time

To me as soon as the repetition isn't as stimulating and exciting you move on. It's not complicated. Just keep seeing the same stripper as long as you are enjoying her service for that price. When you get bored, see another stripper.

I've been seeing my ATF DS for two years now. About a year into it I developed a backup CF and the change up helped me not get bored of the repetition with ATF DS. About three months ago I started developing two other faves. Now I'm back to just seeing my ATF DS because my exploration of variety was a confirmation that she's still ATF and DS status. But again if I get bored I will start exploring other backups.
Echoing the Con pointed out by larryfisherman. However, if you picked the right girl, you should be able to honestly tell her that you are feeling taken advantage of and will end the relationship if it continues.

Expanding on the Pro pointed out by larryfisherman. I have gotten OTC action from a couple of fine women because I built the relationship by spending my time ($) on them exclusively. In one case, she does not do OTC, but this blond, DDD, 9, decided that she liked me enough that she was happy to meet me privately. And in the club, she took big risks with the rules for me. Broke my heart when she quit the business, but I got to have her monthly for over two years. Great person. High sex drive. Loved hanging out with her.
tahoecruz - it almost sounds like you're describing my ATF. Did you ever at any point start to feel like she was taking it for granted, and if so, what did you do to get things back on track.

I really don't feel that way yet, but it's been so good for a long time that I'm kind of like well, it can't be this good for ever, so if she ever does start taking it for granted maybe I'll put her off an extra couple weeks and see if that changes her attitude??? I'm open to other suggestions.
To expand on my pro, awhile back a stripper I had been trying to get OTC for six months finally agreed to OTC. She told me I was the only customer she’s ever done OTC with. I believed her because strippers never lie.
- You know what you’re getting. And if she’s become a regular, that probably means what you’re getting is pretty good.

- Interaction increases over time as you learn to “trust” each other. “Trust” isn’t *quite* the right word, but comes close.

- The relationship becomes more relaxed.

- Things could progress farther than you thought possible, e.g. OTC sex on an extended and regular basis.

- Boredom. I am lucky. Both my wife and my ATF are fine with me having sex with others, so that one isn’t really an issue for me. Likewise, *she* might become bored with *you*.

- Catching feels. Our (and by that I mean “male”, no offense lopaw, women tend to be more pragmatic about feelings than men) brains are wired such that sex triggers hormonal changes that evolve into what we call love. Bareback sex accelerates that process because some of those hormones are exchanged between partners, and serve to strengthen the emotional bond. Unless you’re a psychopath.

- Neediness. She might come to depend on you more than you’re comfortable providing.

- Reality. If either one of you is exhibiting personality traits that aren’t really you, i.e. you have a “club” persona, it will be harder to maintain over time. If the real people turn out to be incompatible, you could end up “divorcing” in a messy fashion, especially if feelings have cropped up.
Been_There_Already, I had one OTC girl that flipped pretty fast from being appreciative to unappreciative. My solution was to cut her loose and find another. As luck would have it, the replacement was a friend of hers. There was a danger that the friend would turn on me when they compared notes, but quite the opposite occurred. The original girl got super friendly and was putting out (literally) the right stuff to get back to my good graces. And her friend continues to be a joy to be with.

Short Version: Plenty of fish. Dump the rotten ones before they stink up everything.
I think a lot depends on what you are looking for. How much fantasy do you want? Over time the SS fades with a lot of dancers. You get more of their real personality and less #stripperfilter. It should be noted that though most guys say they want this a lot of the time they really don't.

For me I love the friends with benefits thing but it takes time to develop. I like having a deeper long term relationship with someone. But I love having someone who continually keeps trying to work and improve to give me the best selfish sexual experience possible.

The downside for what I am looking for is that you may not get that from every dancer. You don't know up front what depth a relationship will ultimately get to. And some dancers have a "routine" that they stick to instead of learning to give me specifically what I like.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
6 years ago
Same Pros as everyone else.

Another con is she may expect the same amount of money from you. Its amazing that while we try to write off dancers as mindless they have an incredible memory when it comes to money. For example if you get comfortable getting 4 songs and giving a 40 dollar tip and the next time you come and get 3 songs and give a 20 dollar tip she will give you the "did I do something wrong?" look.

While some favs will increase mileage some girls will take you for granted and decrease thier mileage. I had one fav who would be take off her top pop a nip in my mouth and give me an assjob to completion. After I came back 2 weeks in arow suddenly the dance was PG rated with her keeping her top on and giving me a half hearted LD. The simple fix for this is to pick up another fav in the bar and watch her expression as she sees a guranteed $100-$200 walk out the door every 2 weeks.
Pro - Not having to worry if she can stretch enough to handle you.

On a serious note, I find at an extras club after a couple of FS sessions, that girl will seek you out and expect that your VIP that day will be with her. Part of that is because she knows what to expect and that you will treat her right (assuming you treat her right or she is not seeking you out) and knows you know what to expect ans far as money and delivery. But part of that is she knows you are there to fuck someone in VIP and she is going to get to you before some other girl gets your money.
"Likewise, *she* might become bored with *you*."

georgmicrodong - that's good food for thought. I hadn't really considered this potential because her motivation is of course different than mine, and implies an ability to continue forward in spite of boredom. I think I'm still keeping visits infrequent enough that this could take a while to happen, but we'll see.

"Over time the SS fades with a lot of dancers. You get more of their real personality and less #stripperfilter."

PaulDrake - I've seen a fare amount of SS fade away, but not completely of course. I doubt it ever completely goes away, and everything she says will always need to be taken with a grain of salt. But her real personality isn't bad at all. I like it.

I'd also like to know how everyone on here reacts to stories their CF might tell them about naive customers she's recently dealt with that were easy to tale advantage of. On the one hand it tells me that she does things that she knows better than to try with me, and I view her willingness to share these stories with me to represent a certain amount of respect. On the other hand, I think it's healthy that she reminds me of what I'm dealing with when it comes to girls like this. She's never done anything sneaky with me, just flirts and asks for money, so she's pretty much doing her job.
I'm confused by the "she might get bored with you" comment. I get bored at work all the time; but I do my job because I don't get bored of the paycheck. The only time a stripper seemed bored with me was when a better paying customer was around.
I've been offered OTC by dancers when I'm a regular way more times than by a new chic.

Favs will give you the down low on the club and other clubs in the area. Intel is better than TUSCL can offer.

Cons: Breaking up can be hard to do.
"I'm confused by the "she might get bored with you" comment."

I'm interpreting it to meen that it might affect her performance. Sure, she's there for money, but a customer with other redeeming qualities is easier to work with . . . until she gets bored and it's purely nothing more than work.
@Been_There: That’s exactly the way I meant it. You no longer really interest her, and she starts just punching the time clock.
Thanks BTA - That makes sense. I probably underestimate the human factor a little bit.
Whatever they are, the pros outweigh the cons because if they didn't you wouldn't keep seeing her.
Someone mentioned it up there but one of the biggest cons I think is that if you see a certain girl too much she'll expect you to spend a certain amount every time. If not the mileage of the dance goes down. And another con I can think of is lack of novelty. You may grow bored of the same girl

As far as the pros go, that depends on what you want with the girl. Do you want just LDK worthy dances? Do you want OTC sexual fun? A relationship? The list goes on and on; it varies per person. Personally I think the pros outweigh the cons
cheaper than marriage. rent. and ability to easily trade up.
Where are your review BTA?
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