Tips for dealing with strippers perfume/lotion/etc

Short of having a second change of clothes before you head home, how do you deal with that? Just avoid ones with a ton of perfume? Tips for getting rid of it?
And even if you do have a change of clothes, some of that stays in your hair, skin, etc.
And even if you do have a change of clothes, some of that stays in your hair, skin, etc.
The spray tan is a challenge - as it isn’t always obvious. But that shit can be a nuisance.
I had a buddy “spill” glitter in his car twenty years ago to explain his occasional glitter covered clothes.
A second change of clothes, plus a quick wipedown, is the only way to be sure. I've always held the view -- and continue to hold it -- that if you don't have a change of clothes, you secretly want to get caught. It's just atrocious judgement not to have at least that, IMO. When I was married, my gym bag was just always in my trunk, and underneath the gym clothes and towel, was the jeans and shirt I could always change into.
You're right that perfume will stay on your skin, but it comes out of skin far more easily and is more easily covered up with a scrub-down of scented soap. If it's in clothes, it stays there; if you don't smell it anymore, you've just gone noseblind to it -- it doesn't mean someone else can't smell it on you.
I even had an explanation in the incredibly unlikely event that she went through my gym bag, and wanted to know why I always carry both work and gym clothes in there!
Cigar on the drive home is a great idea. To be safe, mix in some cigar smoking at other times so it's not suspicious.
Nothing even close. And a change of clothes is so insanely simple to do, with a little foresight, I don't understand why that would ever not be part of your process. Even if you take unscheduled trips, a gym bag in your car (if you have one) is all you need to carry extras.
Also - you will need to show some results - or lose a little weight - if you are pretending to be working out.
Her: you selfish bastard you go to the strip club just to hurt me
You: no honey I did it for you, so I could join a gym and live longer, so we’ll be together in our old age and healthy. I only was thinking of you
When the Mrs realizes you are using the gym - and are getting in shape - and might live longer - the funny part of the discussion starts to scare the shit out of her!
On the occasions where I am going straight home I grab my container of Noxema wipes and give myself a good wipe down (face, neck, ears, etc.). I use several wipes; they are really good at removing dirt/makeup and they have a fresh, clean smell. My SO knows I have oily skin and that I use the wipes when I travel to keep my face fresh. As others have said, a change of clothes is a must especially if you can't shower and change.
Used to be down my way you could do that IN the club! However, it was costly and very heavily monitored.