
Comments by PaulDrake (page 55)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just another PL
    Pros and cons of LDK?
    I wear cotton boxers I am never a fan of commando personally.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Just another PL
    Pros and cons of LDK?
    I used to use cotton boxers and black golf slacks you have 10 seconds to tell the dancer to stop afterwards before she will get any cum on her (which you totally should do). However personally even with those I still felt worried about potential fluid issues so I got the golf rain pants as originally discovered by sirlapdancealot. The walter hagen pants from dicks sporting goods are a thin single layer and waterproof except at the seams so you are fine to let the dancer keep grinding or sit on your lap afterwards. The golf pants also look like slacks so paired with a golf shirt you won't get flagged for any dress code issues like with sweatpants. And they have no zipper, and the pockets have a hole so you can reach right inside the pants. There are a minority of dancers who are not OK with LDKing but you can always tell. I never LDK if I think the dancers is not cool with it or is a totally new baby stripper who might be ignorant. I am also opposite of sirlapdancealot that I tend to openly discuss it with any regular dancers and have even had some that wanted to feel my pants for themselves to see that they were dry after explaining that they were waterproof. With the golf rain pants the inside is lined with latex it's almost like a condom for your whole lower body. With that I tend not to feel any moisture afterwards. Maybe it is the insulating factor, I don't know. But after getting those I don't feel the need to rush out of the club afterwards.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    @Subraman what's your reasoning for the coffee thing?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    RIL roll call!
    Why not ask your ATFDS for some stick shifting?
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    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Booking Hotel Rooms: Android Apps
    I like kayak.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    @Jonsnow76 - I am not saying your marriage isn't fine. I am suggesting working to make what you have even better. Use this as an opportunity.
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    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    I agree with Bj99. You don't want her to feel like you are holding holding her back. Let her try it once, set some limits, and then work on your marriage.
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    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Help someone write a better review
    Again I don't think you need to remove free VIP just make it free VIP for a week for short reviews.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Help someone write a better review
    One solution would be to offer longer VIP membership to long reviews and really short membership (5 days) to short reviews. That would eliminate the conflict from people angry they have to rewrite a review. Next I would recommend moving the review guidelines to another separate page. Then you can go into more detail and spread the existing text out making it more readable. It would also be good to post a link to a few example reviews. I know Papis are excellent and I know my most recent review was very detailed and would be a good example: https://www.tuscl.net/profile-reviews.php?id=604670&s=1 Instead of listing what each paragraph should contain it might be better to just list a bunch of example questions the reviewer could answer. And then state that a good review should answer at least half of those questions.
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    6 years ago
    Traveling through Texas
    @Titus23 - I would agree with the other comment that Baby Dolls is at worth a quick stop. It isn't what you are looking for so spend an hour there before going to the Men's Club or the Lodge (they are all right next to each other). @minnow - You bring up some good points. However while I am not personally an extras guy I don't judge those who are. And I don't see discussing how to get extras as always equivalent trying to get the best deal. It is just a side effect of the clandestine nature of the enterprise. It is a secret world so information must be traded in secret (here). Paul Drake was the detective on the TV show Perry Mason BTW. @PinkSugarDoll - I am sorry but I am going to have to deduct you 10 cool points. New GTRs are the worst! Unless you are talking about the older ones then they are pretty rad.
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    6 years ago
    Traveling through Texas
    @minnow - I would disagree that Tuscl is totally about getting the max mileage for as cheap as possible. Yeah there are some here that are all about that but there are a lot of people like myself that just want to play fair. Strip clubs are setup to fleece guys out of as much money as possible if you aren't careful.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Traveling through Texas
    I guess to put it another way the experience of the girls not asking you for anything is not something you should expect. It might happen, or they might be pretty blunt in negotiating a fair rate for their time, or they might try to negotiate for everything you have.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Traveling through Texas
    I have no doubt at your home club you could probably pay out half as much and get the same service. I am not trying to bust your balls here just making sure you understand that. Obviously part of the experience you are wanting is being the big spender so if that makes you happy then go for it. In your home club you are probably undoubtedly one of the bigger spenders and a regular. So most girls are smart enough to not try and milk you for more than what you are willing to give. However at the high end Dallas clubs that won't necessarily be the case. The girls there are definitely much more used to whales and likely much more shameless about getting whatever they can out of you. And since you aren't a known regular I would recommend having dinner at the club to start your night. Both of those clubs have excellent food.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Traveling through Texas
    So if you decide to stop in Dallas the two places I would recommend hitting up are the Men's club and the Lodge (and do them in that order). I normally strongly recommend against the Lodge but for the experience you are looking for it is actually a good fit. Both of these are gown or close to gown clubs. The Men's club environment is like a mix between a 5 star hotel and the playboy mansion. It has floor to celing windows with sunlight beaming in during the day giving it a unique classy vibe. There are semi-private and private VIPs. The semi-private VIP has a pool and hot tub and I can see chilling with girls in a hot tub being a unique experience you might enjoy. The Lodge is similar but different. It has three themed areas: a hunting lodge, a library, and the VIP is a bar modeled after the movie Casablanca. Just like the Men's club the semi-private VIP has it's own pole so buying access and then making it rain will probably get you the experience you are looking for. I would caution you to set a budget and stick to your guns. I would imagine the girls at these high end clubs are more skilled hustlers than what you are used to.
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    6 years ago
    Traveling through Texas
    Need more info to give a better recommendation. Are you looking for day or night shift? Extras or not? How many visits are you trying to get out of your budget? What sort of environment/experience are you wanting? I thought San Antonio is a pasties city. $3000 will go a long way in DFW dayshift. You could probably buy a beer, bunch of dances, and 1-2 hours of conversation every weekday for a whole month.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Club Reviews by Dancers
    If a fave of mine mentioned crappy treatment I might offer to meet her at another club or possibly OTC.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Paying for time or dances?
    @Papi - there are dudes that like the experience of taking care of women, SA caters to that pretty well.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Paying for time or dances?
    @TonyT2 - What the fair rate for a dancers times varies. In NYC on Saturday night with a high demand girl is a different story to midweek dayshift where I live in Texas. To give you a specific example I can tell you that my CF wants to make $200+ per day, so if I buy 4-5 dances from her ($100 total) she is super happy to stick to my side for the hour or two I spend in the club. No extra tipping or drinks required. There are more dancers than paying customers at most places so it is a buyers market. If you are respectful regular most girls will work hard to keep you as a customer. To make thing simple, as you stated you are in love with this girl and worried you aren't paying her enough. Yes you are paying her enough. Unfortunately no matter how much you pay it is not going to make her fall in love with you. You might be a good candidate for SA, you should check it out.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    If she only wants to do it once or twice a month I wouldn't be particularly worried. Why not let her try it once and see how it goes. As pinksugardoll sort of stated it might end up being a fail at least as far as the money goes. But it might be better for you to let her fail rather than hold her back. Past that if I were in your shoes I would think hard about how I could do a better job giving her whatever she is missing (affirmation, compliments, etc). Please don't take this as a personal dig, I freely admit I have problems myself I am not trying to say I am better than you. Best of luck my bro!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Personally I might be ok with one short day a week but not a full schedule.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    No more cash
    India just tried to do this (go cashless). But they still had to keep some cash. They still have small bills and I think limit the amount you can deposit every month.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Lenny Dykstra = Gone
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Strange Dreams w/ My Ex-Wife
    Go die in a fire
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FKK TOUR service my experience
    Seems like the best way to do it would be to use the tour group for one or two days, then whatever else on your own.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Free candid nude photos
    @Liwet - Lot of old dudes on here...