
Comments by PaulDrake (page 54)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Dancers' Music.
    I tune the music out. I wish it was quieter.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I have entirely stopped going to strip clubs on Fri/Sat nights
    @Dominic77 - I didn't notice a big difference at first either but as I got more experienced I can tell a big difference. There is less hustle and the dancers are more appreciate of modest regular spending. I know my CF tries to make $200 in a shift so buying $100 of dances is a big deal.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    @SJG - If you get a female employee at Burger King to DFK with you does that mean she will have sex with you. Or does that only work at strip clubs?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Lots of clubs near me have buffets. Some suck and a few are nice (men's club). I have never seen one that dancers weren't allowed to eat at.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you think the patron's looks can affect the mileage they'll receive by a danc
    Female perception of male attractiveness is really weird. Here is some public data from OK cupid: https://theblog.okcupid.com/your-looks-and-your-inbox-8715c0f1561e Basically women are super harsh in their rating of men's attractiveness. There was another more recent study that said that a median guy was only rated a 1.5 on a scale of 10. Quite surprising given the perception that women care less about a guys looks that vice versa. Given the data I tend to think that even those of us who have had attractive vanilla wives/gfs still probably aren't perceived as being attractive ourselves. Additionally I have seen other comments on the pink forum similar to Amelia's that say dancers are actually uncomfortable around guys they perceive as hot.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    The beauty of a good magic trick is the magician tells you what he is going to do. I am going to make SJG do what I tell him to do. Remember he won't stay silent as that would concede him to be the inferior mind. And he is unwilling to debate me. So now I will remove the third option: @SJG - I demand you reply to this thread again. Don't concede anything or express any willingness to proceed with a civil discourse. Keep evading all of the simple logical questions I have posed to you. Make an excuse about privacy. Mention your imaginary enchanted border fence. And throw in one or two other nonsensical additions.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    It will be interesting to see how he responds now. If he doesn't respond that is conceding submission to me but there is no good response he can reply with that doesn't make at least a small concession or diving deeper into obvious madness. Which was my plan all along... It's funny because I do think there was a tiny bit of truth to his system at least at one time. And I am the only one giving him that olive branch. I think over the years of trolling combined with some likely mental health issues it ballooned into the weirdness we are at today.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    You are absolutely right SirLDK. I planned and set a trap for him and he walked right into it. The only way out is to make the tiniest of concession. @SJG - You fell for my trap because I am smarter than you. If you want to post specific examples of your accusation that I am a troll I am willing to have a dialog at any time. Additionally if you want to discuss the concerns I raised about your PUA system I am again willing to discuss in a civil manner. Check mate
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    So will he answer or continue to evade...?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    I am legitimately curious to your response to my previous statement so I'll repost it. I think this is a legitimate criticism: I think the biggest problem with your delusion is that there is a tiny shred of truth to it. Strippers like to be treated like normal girls. They don't like to be treated like sex dolls, broken dolls, or helpless baby birds. But to think that a hot college girl will drop her panties from a little DFK is obvious nonsense. And you aren't just talking about getting college girls to go after similar age attractive guys, you are talking getting college girls to fuck crusty old broke ass ugly men. There are thousands of professional PUAs out there getting paid to give advice on picking up women and none of them have figured out your system...?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    It seems like I have really backed you into a corner here. Continuing to evade simple questions is exactly how a troll would respond. But answering them like a normal person I admits a tiny bit of defeat.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    @SJG - Can you point to any example of someone saying something positive about you being on this forum? Or if you don't want to answer that can you explain how that would violate your privacy wall (point out the comment of another person). Do you see yourself as an internet troll? I had a buddy in offline life who was apparently an internet troll. He was definitely a weirdo but not an asshole at all in person. We shared a hobby and he wasn't secret about his online troll persona. It was really strange seeing this twisted second side of a person.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    @SJG - I can understand wanting to keep your identity a secret. Do you think someone on here is trying to find your personal info? Can you point to any examples? Regardless of your own privacy concerns can you see how others find incongruency in posting details about most topics but never about your PUA system? It looks to me that the community as a whole tends to post comments disparaging you and trying to get you to leave. Do you see it some other way? Why keep posting the same things over and over, or in your own language why keep "bashing your head against a wall"? Can you point to any examples at all of forum members here thanking you for your PUA system or any useful advice you have given out?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Stage Leeches
    To me tipping at multiple stages is not stage leeching. Stage leeching is literally following the dancer around the room. It does happen A LOT at Baby Dolls Dallas.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    ISO clubs in CT with chubbies
    @Lovdemcurves - I think it's awesome you are into chubby girls. But why go after them in SCs instead of the civilian dating world? I am not ragging on you at all. Just genuinely curious as to your mindset or what you get in the SC experience versus the real world.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    @SJG - I totally understand not wanting to talk about mongering face to face but this isn't face to face. This is an anonymous site where the only discussion is literally about mongering. I can even understand not wanting to post super specifics on a forum. But you are constantly spewing super specific PUA tactics and not willing to confirm that you have ever successfully used them yourself. The only reason not to confirm any degree of success is that you have had none. I think the biggest problem with your delusion is that there is a tiny shred of truth to it. Strippers like to be treated like normal girls. They don't like to be treated like sex dolls, broken dolls, or helpless baby birds. But to think that a hot college girl will drop her panties from a little DFK is obvious nonsense. And you aren't just talking about getting college girls to go after similar age attractive guys, you are talking getting college girls to fuck crusty old broke ass ugly men. There are thousands of professional PUAs out there getting paid to give advice on picking up women and none of them have figured out your system...? FUCKING DELUSIONAL
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is anyone else ...
    I also am declining the short useless reviews.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    would you still be DTF over this civvie...?
    Sounds like you were really horny and ready to go. Then the discussion was distracting and you lost your boner. Then it was awkward so you bailed. Nothing wrong with the first two part but I would bet if you had hung around and relaxed everything would have been fine.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    One thing I have noticed is he never talks about specific experiences where he can point to his system working. If I had a wizard robe and hat that magically made college girls want to fuck me for free I would definitely have some stories to tell. Maybe he only has enough cash to go to a club once or twice a year and then has the secondary delusion of the club owners conspiring against him?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drug dealers in the club.
    @chessmaster - If I was going to contact the club anonymously with a complaint/threat about kicking the drug dealer out I would probably first do it over email. It would be important to have a detailed description of the dealer including date/time/appearance and any other details. The point is to give them a written record of the complaint such that could be used against them later if they don't clean things up. Any halfway smart manager can read between the lines there. If that doesn't work then complain on social media publicly with a burner social media account (again make sure to post a detailed description of the dealer). Oh and tag the police on the post.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drug dealers in the club.
    I would complain anonymously or even threaten to contact the cops, again anonymously.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I have entirely stopped going to strip clubs on Fri/Sat nights
    @Dominic77 - 50-70 dancers is not hyperbole. That is pretty normal for the highest volume clubs in my area during nightshift.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    @Sirlapdancealot - I would agree about SJG's reactions. And in this thread it is a little different as we are actually pointing out clear logical fallacies in his delusion. One thing I was thinking that might work is to post a disclaimer every time he posts his diatribe. Not attacking him just making it clear to the casual reader of this site that his advice should not be taken too seriously.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
    I was thinking to myself how crazy delusional this guy really is. To believe that young women are all totally powerless not to fall in love with older men if they can just get them to sit on their laps and kiss them. And that he is the only one who knows about this secret power, and no one will listen to him, and one strip club company is conspiring to stop him... That level of mental health issue isn't something that develops overnight. There probably had to be long term mental health issues.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Porn vs. Prostitution
    So before I went to a strip club I had no idea that lap dances were full contact. I thought they were all air dances and at one point I actually spent some time looking into the idea of setting up a porn production company and hiring amateur porn models. There are a few hurdles to setting up a porn company for your own legal sexual pleasure. First you need to make sure it looks and operates like a real porn company. You don't need customers or to actually make money but you would need to setup an LLC, business bank account, and all of the other dressing. None of this terribly difficult but it is a PITA and makes it much harder to be anonymous. Next you need to find a willing amateur model. Unless you want to be really deceptive on craigslist (which you don't remember we are trying to do this is a 100% legal way) you need to build up a resume. So you need to go on model mayhem and start contacting models and paying them for photo shoots. Many of the girls there will do nude modeling for pay. Then from there work your way up to more hardcore stuff once you have a resume. Ultimately as you can gather it is not worth the immense effort and time. You could setup a production company and hire escorts. If you can successfully explain this to an escort, get her to sign a contract and a photocopy of her drivers license... So pretty much not going to happen.