
RIL roll call!

Saturday, April 14, 2018 10:05 AM
Okay.. it’s Spring. Where are all of the RIL’s? I know you guys are dying to tell everyone about new love interest, and get some good advice. Don’t be scared!


  • a21985
    6 years ago
    I'm an RIL with your avatar pic, BJ99. Any advice for me there?
  • Sven69
    6 years ago
    Hi, I'm glad I found this list of strips site. In my country, we do not have these types of clubs. I hope that soon I will visit the United States and in my trousers with the Bj99 stripper I had very good dance and climax explosion. Excuse me for my bad English, I'm using the Goggle translator. Sven.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Where’s that “send money” button when you need it? ;P
  • orangepicture
    6 years ago
    I'm fighting it, but one of the girls I get dances from regularly has her hooks in me something fierce! They say the best way to get over a girl is by getting under a different girl, so I am trying that out.
  • Sven69
    6 years ago
    Wonderful creation who you call BJ99? I loving your soapy profile picture. I hope some days will come to my country so I can give all my money and have sex together. It's my dream stripper. I'm sorry to use the Goggle translation. Sven.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Sven needs to meet Mamisan.
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    Sven, maybe I can help, I am fluent in your native tongue: Эгер душ Уй менен жыныстык кийин керек болот? Мен айына бир гана жолу сууга көрүшөт, бирок, бардык жерде какая бар.
  • Sven69
    6 years ago
    Greetings my new America friend a21985! Do you know the dancer Bj99? I think she's calls Bj99 because she does lots of great blowing jobs every night. I hope to visit her club soon and try warm blowing job. Is OK, yes? America great country. Thank you, sorry for a bad English, I use Goggle Translate. Sven.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’m enjoying the google translate...
  • Titus23
    6 years ago
    I like Sven. Can we keep him?
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I aim for 99! ;P
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    I’m not scared, but It doesn’t feel like spring in Detroit yet! After many month$ I’m happy to report I’m almost over my broken heart about my atf/sugar baby. To get there though I’ve run through an incredible string of random strippers, SA women, & AMP encounters. I’ve recently met an age appropriate, classy, smart civilian lady who seems to be genuinely interested in me, does this count? Lol. She doesn’t have alot of money and I’m resisting the urge to help her with things she needs & sticking with traditional dating. So advice wise, what should I be aware of for potential concerns since I haven’t been with a “regular” woman in so long?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ 1%er stripper.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ @BJ99
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    To me, a RIL is an extreme PL. The distinguishing feature of the RIL is that he declines to try and escalate with the girl by trying to see her outside. He only wants to see her ITC, and within the club rules. He often visits frequently and unloads a great deal of money, when he could just as well be wearing out a mattress with her. SJG What About Me [view link] Nikki Haley [view link] US Launches Strike [view link] US And Allies Launch Strike [view link] Russia Warns US [view link] Real Reason For War In Syria [view link]
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    my brain is failing me and urban dictionary ain’t helping. what is a RIL?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Sven's Google translate is actually more comprehensible than some of the reviews written on TUSCL
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I wouldn't stoop to the level of being a RIL - I'm just a PL
  • Sven69
    6 years ago
    Sven likes San Jose man's interesting words. How to wear a mattress with Bj99? Every night Sven masturbates in Bj99 photography, only image that is too small is problem. Can I have big picture of Bj99 sexy bottom? My dream is a prostitution with bj99 in a club with wonderful explosions and swallowing. Is allowed, yes? Thank you, great American friends. Excuse me for my poor speech, I use Goggle's translator. Sven.
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    @justme - there's a glossary link at the bottom of the page. Any acronym that throws for a loop here can usually be found there. In stands for regular in love. In other words, the ultimate PL.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    You mean they don't all love me for reals?? Now I'm sad in the pants.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    thanks a21985. i forgot that feature. and a enlarged pic of bj99 would be nice.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Sven69 try sending dick pix all the ladies love them even more than chocolates.
  • Sven69
    6 years ago
    Friend twenty and five, thank you. How can I send penis picture to my love bj99? Is permitted, yes? America great country. Sorry my poor letters, I use Goggle translate. Sven.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I'm thinking Sven could possibly be a troll - his location shows as Latveria which is a comics fictional city
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Just make it your avi!
  • Sven69
    6 years ago
    Miss Bj99. I hope you will come to my country early so Sven spend a lot of money with you and share a gangbang style with many of my countrymen. Is my dream. Great national celebrations here soon, you will have grand money from many men, some very old. Do you have a passport? Sorry if poor understanding, I use the Goggle translate. Sven.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Justme62, RIL = Regular In Love SJG
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    No way @ Papi could Sven69 be a troll, everybody knows that Latveria is in Wakenda ;)
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    I’ve given up on love, cuz I’ve been hurt before. I might make an exception for the inflatable type.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    Does it still count if I had big nights with 4 dancers since then to work off the energy of the crush? #2 and #4 were pretty awesome, too. I totally get the old woman who swallowed a spider to catch the fly now. Definitely up to the bird, despite it being fucking absurd. I need to work on better signs for when I stand at the interstate off-ramp down the street from the club.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Sorry baby. I want the date before I start paying. But I do like that avatar.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Not yet this year but its only April.
  • Sven69
    6 years ago
    I'm sorry, Mr. Father Chulo, I'm so grateful to you as an author. I'm trying to read your reviews, but every time they break Goggle translate, they too long to work. Prostitution you write about is forbidden in my country, so I use a fraud location. Will not go to the secret police. I hope to reach many USA soon to enjoy the love with bj99 for money. A kiss that is exotic with her long tongue that I cannot image. Enjoy kissing, and be licked, gradually become aggressive by the slender dick. Forgive my words in English, I use Google translate. Sven.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    Like upright not yet this year, but it’s still early.
  • jaredlucas
    6 years ago
    Sven. You rock !
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Is Sven Mamisan with a Latverian accent and poor grammar?
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    “Sven's Google translate is actually more comprehensible than some of the reviews written on TUSCL” BEST comment in thread. @Bj99: Does it count if it’s the same one I was in love with last year? And the year before? And the year before that?
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Sven is the Eastern European version of Juice.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I'm having Latverian day dreams like what if strip clubs had a sign up, BJ booth, $20 for 15 minutes, $40 for 30 minutes, pick your girl or girl tag team if one girl gets tired after 15 minutes. Or another daydream, you spot BJ girl in the grocery store in short shorts and see underboobs with an undersize tank top that leaves not much for the imagination. She's looking at the bananas and then spots you. She starts running her hands up and down a banana and smiles at you. Then you wake up.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO blowing jobs. 99 times!
  • gothamyte
    6 years ago
    Sven = Balki Bartakamus from Mepos Forgive my spelling, I using Samsung spelling translator
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Thanks to Sven for making this discussion both interesting and amusing! Bj99 would gladly accept the sperm of Sven and his countrymen. She has an incredible body - and I’m not sure your countrymen have enjoyed a woman of her level of hotness!
  • Titus23
    6 years ago
    Not sure if I count as an RIL. Sure, I met her in a club, but after my second visit, we started going on OTC dates, overnights, etc with no money involved. Now, the only time I see her in the club is when I'm her ride. She's got the owner to give me a free year membership, and my two drink minimum is on the house. She doesn't want me dancing with anyone else when she's there, but tips are ok. It's actually created a fun situation with a different girl where she tries VERY hard to get me to dance with her. I feel like at this point, if I said yes, it would ruin all the tension we've built up!
  • orangepicture
    6 years ago
    Sounds like you have a dancer girlfriend Titus.
  • Titus23
    6 years ago
    Sort of orange. More like a dancer FWB with some feelings sneaking in. I'm pretty sure she fools around with a few other people (I know of one, her ex), and that's fine. But she did tell me she loved me last night when she was drunk. It's an interesting situation.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Bj99 what say you? Do you have any RIL stories to tell?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^^^ It sounds to me like @Titus's girl is the ultimate cock block.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    Love is a chumps game
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    A stripper told you she loved you? I’d not put too much faith in that one. Most strippers love you when you have money -
  • Titus23
    6 years ago
    @Flag - in the club when we're together? Yah. But when I go back to the club on her off days, it makes up for it. They seem eager to try to make up for lost time. @Cash - Normally, I'd completely agree with you. But, this girl doesn't get my money. I think I tipped her $50-60 on stage throughout the time we were in the club together. Typically we don't even go to the club. We spend the day going out, having fun, doing normal couple shit. And we spend our nights in more exotic ways. Now, she knows I have money, so maybe that's part of it and she just wants in on that. I'm cool with that. But, I don't pay her for her time. I'll buy dinner, cover travel expenses when we go somewhere, get a nice hotel room for us, etc. This girl legit just likes to spend time with me, and I with her. It feels more like dating than anything else, so she may be legit (in her own way) with what she's saying.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    "Sven likes San Jose man's interesting words." Brilliant!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Titus23 based on your description of your dates - I’d agree that she appears to legitimately enjoy your company. I hope things continue to go well for you. Regardless of what she might want in the future - it’s important to enjoy the way it is now.
  • Titus23
    6 years ago
    Agree. I'm very much living in the moment. I really like this girl and we have a great connection, but I'm not a fool. She's ghosted on me for over a month before. I know she has some stuff in her past that causes her to run at any hint of something difficult. I'd hate to lose her, but I'm not going to be destroyed if I do. Hurt maybe. I'm human after all, but it won't break me.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Glad you have that outlook. It’s iffy with these girls - especially early on. Hopefully it will be a good time when it comes together.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Ok so I'm an RIL (not really) with my ATF DS and now her current backup CF has made a good run at taking over the #1 spot. I went to see my backup CF just now and she just gave me the best beyond GFE tease in the main room at a table that I have ever had in 20+ years of mongering, made me LDK in two very high mileage LDs, and to top it off she gave me a second LDK at the bar just before I left. In less than one hour she did everything I ever wanted in a strip club visit and now I am contemplating going to see her most of the time. Should I? As far as beyond GFE sexy teasing at a table, tonight she did it all to me. As I rubbed her back to start she continuously grinded her perfect apple booty into my hard cock as she sat spoon with me and had my hard cock in the standard 'hot dog' position between her buns. Not to just leave the boner teasing at that, she also reached back and stick shifted me OTP and (bonus) rubbed on my balls. I also was able to squeeze and stroke her ass cheeks all over my hard dick as I moved from rubbing her back to massaging her ass. I was rock hard from just all this, but not to stay in just one position, she also straddled me cowgirl, pressed her perky B cups into my chest, and grinded her pussy all over my hard cock as I grabbed both her ass cheeks hard, spreading her wide, and grinded back up into her at a slow and discreet pace. LMAO I had a hard time forgetting that we were in the main room and didn't want to be seen grinding into her too much. She kept her bra and thong on but it was basically a high mileage LD right at the tables. And it was an awesome prelude to getting dances. I have had all kinds of main room dick teasing in 20+ years of mongering and tonight without a doubt it was the best. Cost me ZERO tip too. She wanted to do it just for fun with me. I've never met a stripper like her that literally has complete fun being a complete slut tease and doesn't expect anything but getting dances. I told her she was making me so hard my eyes were starting to roll and she just laughed and started stick shifting me and rubbing on my balls harder. She outright admitted too that she likes to push the main room limits and so she wants to do the teasing that is not allowed. That's why she's beyond GFE to me. She's a USE main room provider, the Ultimate Slut Experience. And then when we got dances she was once again very high mileage. I would say if anything stands out about her she gives an awesome OTP BJ. But her grinding in either CG or RCG positions is awesome and she also lets me take over and hold her and grind my hard cock up into her pussy however I want. And yes she did my favorite thing at the same time she grinded which is rub on my balls. LDK in two songs was no problem. Paid her $60 which was the total I spent on her for the entire evening. So then as I am leaving we decide to sit at the bar so I can finish my drink as she waits to go on stage. And as I sit on the stool she stands and sets her ass back onto my dick and grinds into it to the beat of the music. And I didn't even plan for this but I end up getting hard again and reposition my hard cock so it is again 'hot dogged' in between her ass. And once again I use my hands to squeeze and stroke her ass all around and up and down my once again raging boner. And LMAO as we are talking about whatever, for the first time in my life, right there at the bar I make myself LDK again, just as the song ends and she has to go on stage. She hugs and kisses me on the cheek good-bye as I give her perfect ass one last squeeze and leave. LOL so now I'm conflicted. My ATF DS is awesome too in terms of slut teasing at the bar but she doesn't outright stick shift me and rub on my balls. But she is a 9-10 with one of the sexiest bodies that I've ever seen and backup CF is an 8-9 and has a perfect ass and built like a fitness model. In the end my ATF DS is hotter and sexier looking and the backup CF is sexier acting. Who would you choose?
  • orangepicture
    6 years ago
    That is kind of a tough one Sirlapdancealot, but I personally have been leaning more towards dance experience over looks as of late. I have two primary girls at my favorite club. If I'm looking neutrally at the situation, one of them is a 9looks/8body girl that does full DFK and insists on extensive FIV, but her HJ technique is weak. The other girl is arguably a 10face/10body girl with a great HJ technique but no DFK and no FIV. I was trying to keep my dance session amounts with them equal, as they each offer a different but fun experience, but as of late I've been giving the 9/8 girl much more attention as her dances are much more sensual and that is what I am looking for. The 10/10 girl is JUST starting to notice the sway in dance preference, but I can't see her upping her game.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @orangepicture thanks for sharing your perspective. LOL we both have a good "problem". And I know what you are saying in terms of service but honestly I am splitting hairs. My ATF DS does quite well in terms of main room teasing and giving me toe curling LDKs. And what ultimately makes my ATF DS the best ever is really how hot her body is and feels. She is a PAWG with huge all natural tits and the texture of her exquisitely smooth and soft but still taut skin is ridiculously sexy to me. Her body truly feels so good to touch and rub my hard dick and balls into. Also her all natural DDs feel better than backup CF's perky Bs rubbing on me. Plus just looking at her makes me hard. So in the end, she's really going to stay ATF DS to me but LOL I love that her backup is so damn slutty acting. FYI I also told my backup CF a couple of weeks ago when I hadn't seen her in a while that I go to another club more. I didn't mention my ATF DS but LOL it was a way of dropping a hint to her that she's not my #1. And honestly I think it had an affect. And if I see my ATF DS less because if her, hopefully it will have a similar affect. If anything, the competition is a good thing and I will try to parlay it for more.
  • orangepicture
    6 years ago
    Well, you are lucky that they work at different clubs so you can also keep your worlds apart. My situation is, unfortunately, becoming more of a tight rope to walk. I told the 10/10 girl that she is my Saturday day shift dancer and that the 9/8 girl is my M-F day shift dancer for when I get the chance to make it to the club on a M-F. But as of late, I've been making an effort to get over to the club more during the M-F time period instead of Saturdays. 10/10 girl, who works both time slots has mentioned that she has noticed my change in schedule as of late.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    nice situation sir lap dance a lot.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @orangepicture if you play it right your 10/10 girl will want to keep your business so maybe she will step it up. And being at the same club as 9/8 may work out fine. A few years ago at the same club I went from seeing my then 9 ATF to an 8 who gave better mileage LDs. They worked on the same shift most days. It was awkward turning down the 9 for a few weeks but if she had a problem with me she hid it well. Eventually the 8 became my CF and I never got dances again from the 9. But I still saw and tipped her on stage. @justme62 it really is a good situation. I am a nitpicky PL when it comes to looks, in particular body, and truly with both of these strippers I have found hotties that are hot as fuck to me while also being super flirty and sexy. It's really a good phase of my PL life right now.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Be honest with yourself. Which do you look more forward to seeing? Which one do you consistently more enjoy spending time with?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @flagooner ATM it is close to 50-50 with either. My ATF DS has the slight edge just because she is so damn hot and sexy looking. I've met hot as fuck strippers like her before but usually they provide lesser service than ones less hot because they can get away with it. My ATF DS is unique in that she is top notch in both looks and service categories. In 20+ years of mongering she is unique. I've had at least three ex CFs/ATFs in the past that were even hotter, "perfect" 10 types, but they were nowhere near the level of service as my ATF DS. I know a lot of PLs will take service over looks but part of my enjoyment of this hobby/addiction is to find and LDK with the hottest all natural stripper that I can find while also having a great slutty tease experience before. I can go into any Portland club and find a somewhat attractive and sexy LDK and dick teasing stripper. But there isn't much of a thrill in that. I like the thrill of getting a 9-10 hottie to do it all.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Understood. Other questions to ask yourself Is the original getting stale, the experience monotonous? Do you expect the new one to have staying power or do you suspect it may lose its new shine?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @flagooner to me I never like to "predict" when things go stale. When it happens I just move on. It takes care of itself. I am also a creature of habit and a little OCD so I very much enjoy "the same thing" even if it is repetitive. It takes a very long time for me to get bored or feel the monotony of something. I think at this point unless my ATF DS drops in service significantly she's going to remain #1 best ever and I will be seeing her indefinitely. On occasion she takes me for granted at the club and makes me wait to get quick dances out of the way, but for the most part she gives me a ton of slutty tease attention and I usually spend at least 15 minutes spooning with her at the bar, so I can put up with her occasional blow offs. And now with backup CF so slutty and good to me I am not too worried anymore if things with ATF DS go stale. I guess in the end I just need to find a way to keep seeing both (within my budget).
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Why not ask your ATFDS for some stick shifting?
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @PaulDrake she does it fine in the LD area but at her club it is brighter and she also does not push the rules limits out in the main room. It isn't so easy for her to grab my dick and start stick shifting at the bar or tables like at my backup CF's club. And LMAO even though she doesn't stick shift me (LOL boo-hoo) in the main room, she basically allows me to play with myself via massaging her ass as we spoon anyway. I have had numerous occasions where I could have made myself LDK in the main room because it felt so good. And I'm telling you, her fine PAWG ass and skin texture of it is AWESOME feeling to have it wrapped around and squeezing and stroking my hard cock! By contrast my backup CF has a great ass too but it is literally smaller and so I don't get as much actual physical contact with my dick with hers. LMAO I'm really splitting hairs here, and I guess what I'm saying is that my ATF DS doesn't even need to stick shift me in order for me to get teased in the main room to the point of a raging boner. And besides and I know this is all on me, I actually don't like to be a stripper "trainer" too much and script to them what I want. It goes back to me wanting the thrill of having a stripper give me more and more dick teasing by her own doing rather than just trying to "dictate" specifics. It's worked well so far with ATF DS because she reads me well and automatically responds to things when she notices I like something a lot. In the end I want strippers that actually have their own good time with me and are genuine about wanting to make me feel good in the process. I think it helps to prevent things from going stale and monotonous as flagooner was getting at.
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