Getting irritated reviewing review after review where the reviewer just states a singular opinion with no other club details and/or is just a generic review which can describe half the clubs in the US.
i think most clubs are the same. Reviews should focus more on when (time/day), girls (#, body types, race), prices of dances (front room, VIP, CR). Are girls allowed to drink in front room
It can be annoying to read several reviews in a single sitting. I find folks try to tell too much about extraneous crap - and they add subtle digs towards the dancers - to sound clever. It’s a waste of text.
I don’t care to read jokes about toothless dancers (in reviews). I appreciate folks sticking to the facts.
I agree. I’ve kept the bar pretty low because this is a review site and it needs content. Therefore, I approve pretty much any review that is minimally useful. That said, there are a lot of reviews that could apply to any club in the U.S. and don’t tell me anything unique about the club being reviewed.
If someone has been in a club they sure as shit can at least tell us about cover charges and the number of strippers working as well as the day and shift of the review. If they can’t do that, then I vote “no”.
First of all I only read and vote on the reviews for clubs that I have an interest in. Half of those get rejected for being too short. The ones I like I simply reply with "Good information, etc".
I only review the ones for clubs with which I'm familiar. If the review contains useful information, even a little bit, I tend to vote in favor of the review. Thus far, I've rejected about 30% of the reviews.
I've noticed a lot of those kind of reviews. At the start, I was voting no on them all. But after seeing so many of them getting published, I started thinking I was setting the bar too high. So, I've been ignoring most of them lately unless they're really terrible.
I know its probably a lot of development work, but I really like the idea of a sliding scale for how much credit you get and/or a way to rate reviews. That way marginal reviews can still be approved & more importantly it'll be easier to see the good reviews when looking at a particular club.
@papi... I understand where you're coming from. That said, you shouldn't be very surprised that the average strip club customer isn't exactly a wordsmith.
The common denominator is 'horny', not 'literate'.
^ I think many of them are just lazy and are writing a review just for the free VIP and thus do the bare-min and put something together that probably took them 3-minutes to write
IMO the current reviews guidelines are too general and vague, it should have s bullet-list of basic-requirements such as:
* parking situation (small, big, free, valet)
* cover charge
* drink prices
* dance pruces
* description of the dancers, not just the chick you got dances with and you're reminiscing about (how many and how they looked in terms of looks, ethnicity, high or low hustle, dancers friendly or GPS, sausage-fest or good ratio)
* dance mileage
* club layout - doesn't have to describe every square-foot of the place but at least say if it's a small, medium, or large club and describe the seating situation (few seats, plenty of seating, free/paid seating)
Sounds like a lot but all that can probably be described in a single paragraph of 3 to 5 sentences, it's just wanting to write a decent review vs just wanting to get free VIP..
After those club basics then reminisce about your personal experience.
Breaking up a review into 2 basic sections may help.i.e.
1) Club Info (parking, cover, dance/VIP prices, drink prices, brief or detailed layout description, # of dancers and a description of the overall dance-crew)
I'd take reviews that had at least 3 of the 7 elements you describe. I don't even care which 3. Not every review has to be perfect, but I think every review should offer some value beyond a "I had a good time" or "it sucked"
You guys are forgetting one basic thing, most of the reviews we are talking about, are written by lazy cheap asses, that just want to get the free VIP for a specific reason, like on vacay Or something similar.
^^^ I don’t think founder actually read most of them I believe he read a few but for the most part it probably was taken care of by a computer program that was set up to reject certain things, like too short of a write up.
@Papi, I've been following these threads on new reviews (Standard, votes, approval) posted here since @founder move to a VIP community approval process. I've been trying to get a feel for what a good review should have (Since my pathetic attempt was a *club ad of the day*). I had wondered what "A level work" would look like. I don't think I got much feedback except for shailynn and a little from you. But in the last couple days I've learned more about what makes a good review than I have in the last 2 years. So thank you, it is helpful.
I want a write one. For now, I'll just post my review (that I wrote a couple month back) as a forum post. Its reads more like a PG-rated penthouse letter.
"... I have been to CHEETAH many times. The girls are mixed. You can find whites(rare), blacks, cubans, venenzula, mostly latinas. Most of them know just basic english. Coming to the girls, i went to this place on different days. Most of the timesI dont find the same girl on different days, i guess they are assigned a particular day. Girls are beautiful but half of them will be in their late 30s. And there are other girls who are so beautiful. All the girls go around asking to take them for dance but are not very pushy except for one or two. Girls get completely nude during the dance after 1 or2 songs. I had really good time and some of the girls were so beautiful that i couldnt just resist taking them for dance. Overall it is a pretty decent club where you dont go further than lap dances ..."
^ I don't recall how I voted on it - I think I voted no b/c w/ all his visits you'd think he would know the cover-charge and dance-price.
But - he still did give some details - I give the review a C or C- - barely passing - def does not seem made-up or super-generic - he does mention some details of the club which are accurate per my experience.
Not gonna say that is the worst I've seen, my point was there is not one bit of useful information, not even a cover charge mentioned. Whoever the fucking idiot that voted yes on a piece of shit like this doesn't even get it, this lazy cocksucker can't be bothered to put in one drop of effort, and he has access to the same information that we have for the next 30 days. That pisses me off ! I'm not asking for a Papi class review, but at least give me something that tells me that you actually went there, and what can I expect, how hard is it to tell me how much a beer is? SMH
The prices are good information to have but it doesnt have to be rehashed in every review imo. Something else to consider. A lot of posters writing these sub par reviews just joined. This dude joined 21 hours ago. How do they know what a review should look like if they havent been a vip to read other reviews?
@Chessmaster I don't think it's acceptable to justify not providing general information on the premise that "it's covered in other reviews" unless the reviewer him/her self is the one that posted the earlier review(s). How many reviews should I have to read before that info is covered? Two? Five? Ten? And especially for clubs that aren't reviewed as frequently, all of the Chulo criteria are subject to changes over time - even physical layout, e.g. club gets rid of private VIP, adds a stage, etc.
Realistically, we're probably never going to get to a point where every review has a much substance as the Chulo standard, but IMHO that doesn't mean we shouldn't be more discerning about the lack of meaningful content in most submissions.
last commentI don’t care to read jokes about toothless dancers (in reviews). I appreciate folks sticking to the facts.
If someone has been in a club they sure as shit can at least tell us about cover charges and the number of strippers working as well as the day and shift of the review. If they can’t do that, then I vote “no”.
"... Got to the club - grabbed a beer - was approached by a brunette I liked and got some dances ..."
It's as if they were writing the review for themselves instead of providing info about the club.
Focusing on the dancers is what i like to read on the reviews; for example: age range, body type, white/black/asian/latin
What types of details are you looking for PC
I know its probably a lot of development work, but I really like the idea of a sliding scale for how much credit you get and/or a way to rate reviews. That way marginal reviews can still be approved & more importantly it'll be easier to see the good reviews when looking at a particular club.
The common denominator is 'horny', not 'literate'.
* parking situation (small, big, free, valet)
* cover charge
* drink prices
* dance pruces
* description of the dancers, not just the chick you got dances with and you're reminiscing about (how many and how they looked in terms of looks, ethnicity, high or low hustle, dancers friendly or GPS, sausage-fest or good ratio)
* dance mileage
* club layout - doesn't have to describe every square-foot of the place but at least say if it's a small, medium, or large club and describe the seating situation (few seats, plenty of seating, free/paid seating)
Sounds like a lot but all that can probably be described in a single paragraph of 3 to 5 sentences, it's just wanting to write a decent review vs just wanting to get free VIP..
After those club basics then reminisce about your personal experience.
1) Club Info (parking, cover, dance/VIP prices, drink prices, brief or detailed layout description, # of dancers and a description of the overall dance-crew)
2) describe your personal experience
Imagine how @founder felt when he was the only one doing it.
I want a write one. For now, I'll just post my review (that I wrote a couple month back) as a forum post. Its reads more like a PG-rated penthouse letter.…
"... I have been to CHEETAH many times. The girls are mixed. You can find whites(rare), blacks, cubans, venenzula, mostly latinas. Most of them know just basic english. Coming to the girls, i went to this place on different days. Most of the timesI dont find the same girl on different days, i guess they are assigned a particular day. Girls are beautiful but half of them will be in their late 30s. And there are other girls who are so beautiful. All the girls go around asking to take them for dance but are not very pushy except for one or two. Girls get completely nude during the dance after 1 or2 songs. I had really good time and some of the girls were so beautiful that i couldnt just resist taking them for dance. Overall it is a pretty decent club where you dont go further than lap dances ..."…
But - he still did give some details - I give the review a C or C- - barely passing - def does not seem made-up or super-generic - he does mention some details of the club which are accurate per my experience.
I'm not asking for a Papi class review, but at least give me something that tells me that you actually went there, and what can I expect, how hard is it to tell me how much a beer is? SMH
It will be in Latin here it is.
“Viti vini veci “
Realistically, we're probably never going to get to a point where every review has a much substance as the Chulo standard, but IMHO that doesn't mean we shouldn't be more discerning about the lack of meaningful content in most submissions.