Dancers' Music.

avatar for Eve
I just finished attending a rock music festival for the weekend, and kind of on a side thought, I realized that I don't think it's ever been discussed if a music can affect the girl's attractiveness or performance (to the guy's point of view) on stage. There are always threads on judging just the club music by itself, and you can never fully win with a room full of customers with a variety of tastes (If we play hip hop, people whine that we don't play rock. If we play rock, people whine that we don't play hip hop. We play classics, people complain that we don't play modern (or 'club') music, etc etc).

But this question would apply to a club where dancers set their own playlists and song requests. Have you ever tipped or got a dance from a girl because she danced to that one song that just happened to be your all time favorite song or you just really dig the genre of music she dances to? Have you ever flat out refused to tip a girl because her music taste was far from your liking? Does it have the slightest influence at all as to how much you like her?

There have been plenty of times where girls have been tipped due to the customer liking their songs or even being taken back for a dance or two, even if they're not the type of girl they're looking for or remotely pretty. And there have been plenty of times where customers (usually younger groups or even geezer groups) wouldn't tip a cent on stage - even to the most attractive girl the club had to offer - or sometimes refuse a dance from a dancer they like, because they were so put off by the music that they couldn't get in the 'mood' so to speak.

What are your monger thoughts?


last comment
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
I usually tune out the music as it just becomes "background noise." Whenever a favorite song is played, I usually pay more attention to the set for whatever reason. That in itself could make the dancer a bit more attractive in my eyes (but nothing drastic like a 7 moving up to an 8). I think a tip I would offer a dancer is to play music you are comfortable with (whether that's a top song on the charts is irrelevant). Transition to music that are a bit unique and not as popular now. I say that because I do get tired of hearing all of the popular songs all day
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> Does it have the slightest influence at all as to how much you like her?

In my case, there are two factors. Some music just puts me in sort of a chill trance and life is good and I can't stop tipping just because.

The other part of it is if the song that plays into our current stage of CFdom.

If they won't stop playing non-music like butt rock, it's hard to get in a vibe, but if the DJ plays something amazing to mix it up from the buttrock, that's tip-worthy, and I'll walk away from the dancer and tip him to make sure he knows that he's doing a good job.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
I can't help but think it helps him out when he can say to the manager: This customer keeps tipping me when I play X kind of music. Can we go outside the lines of buttrock and post-authentic hip hop now and then?
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
The music has little effect on how much I like a dancer. As an exceedingly shallow male, I'm all about looks.

I have asked dancers if they would dance to certain music such as Lady Gaga. They have asked the DJ and the DJ will usually comply.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I rarely watch a girl on stage, but the song does make a difference when getting a lap dance. I prefer long songs.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
I tune the music out. I wish it was quieter.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I'm an old fart so I don't have much appreciation for most strip club music. I do find that when the DJ plays her favorite song she gets into it more. Just once I would like to see and hear a dancer dance to Ravel's "Bolero". I'd be willing to tip a dancer on stage $10 to try just a short version.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I work at a club where we get to pick our own music, but I’ll often approve songs that my favorite dj finds for me that I don’t love, bc he’s a guy, and has a different perspective. If I catch him using a song for breaks, or randomly for other girls, I have him remove it from my list.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
Doesn’t make that much difference to me. I don’t like most strip club music as I tend to favor classic rock, which isn’t played much nowadays (back when I was starting my SC career, it was just called “rock” and it was played a lot). I would never get a dance from a girl just because I liked the song that was playing. However, there have been times when I have been talking to a girl intending to get a dance and a song I like comes on so I asked her to dance to it, or I been getting dances and was ready call it quits and a song comes on that I like, so I changed my mind and ask her to continue dancing. On extremely rare occasions I have had a girl request a song from the DJ and, of course, if it is played I’ll get a dance.
avatar for sshrfrsky
7 years ago
I have gone to stage and tippped just based on a song if it's a favorite band and more obscure than what is typically played. If there is a similar taste in music with a dancer and she is at least somewhat attractive to me then I very likely will get dances. But I won't discount a girl what's so ever just based on song choice. If she's hot and gives a good dance, not a ROB, I will spend time and money on her. But yes as silly as it may be seem, dancing to and having the same taste in music as me is a factor. My ATF is a very attractive woman, has a good head on her shoulders, never makes me feel pressured to spend on her no matter how long we sit and chat but it was her music selection that got the ball rolling for me.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
My ATF danced to my favorite genre of music (rock), but it was her looks that got my interest more than her taste in music, and it was the dance mileage that kept me going back to the club to see her...and did I mention that she was beautiful?
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
It matters and it matters most if the girl is actually dancing to the music and is into it. That moves her up in my book. I like all kinds of music depending on my mood so as long as it matches the girls enthusiasm the vibe gets there for me.

I once had a CF where we had fun picking her song routine while I was seeing her. That was fun and set the mood nicely. I think it helps if the girl gets to pick her set in general vs the DJ.

My only beef is when I am in VIP and some mood killing song comes on we both dont like and its like wtf is that?!?! Not much to do about that except grease the DJ before going in VIP and I have never done that.

avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
I don't really care what the music as long as it's not too loud. I want to be able to have a conversation. But Upright is correct in that it matters that the girl is into what is playing. Having the girl pick out her songs is a good idea. My personal preference to music is classic rock. But I don't think very many 20 something year old girls are going to get into AC/DC, Van Halen, or Motley Crue.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
“My only beef is when I am in VIP and some mood killing song comes on.”—I don’t pay that much attention to music on the floor, but it basically becomes nonexistent to me in VIP.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> Having the girl pick out her songs is a good idea.

Having a DJ who picks up on her vibe can be even better. For example, it happened where I was tipping the DJ all night one night and he came up with some original shit that I was into.

> My personal preference to music is classic rock. But I don't think very many 20 something year old girls are going to get into AC/DC, Van Halen, or Motley Crue.

Except when they are bebe. Did you wash your balls before coming in?
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
Overall I tend to tune out a lot of the stage music, but occasionally in clubs where dancers choose their music it does make a difference in my interest level. A couple of times I've tipped a dancer I might otherwise have ignored because her set included an obscure song that I knew/liked. It can be a sign of other common interests/tastes that contribute to the ineffable "chemistry" that could turn a single dance into an ATF situation.

I've also had a dancer get especially motivated by certain songs/genres of music. One young blonde young MILF was brand new to dancing when I met her. I was planning to wrap up our LD session when a country soung came on for another girl's stage set. She was so excited to hear country music I felt obliged to get another dance. It was clear from the performance comparison that she was a true fan. :-)
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
certainly i have my preference... but i prefer the dancer to pick her music.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
This is a two part question of whether the music can affect a girl’s attractiveness and performance. As to attractiveness, I think it makes a difference to me if I like the song. If it’s not an enjoyable song, it’s just background noise. A better song puts me in a better mood so I suppose it makes an 8.5 a 9 to me. As to performance, I assume a stripper will be more into the performance if she likes the song.

As a side note, I also like it when the strippers pick their own music. They will probably be more into it and that makes it more fun. Plus, it creates a talking point as far as what kind of music they like and why. Music is one of the few topics that is easy to discuss for both parties and tends to bring out a little bit of honesty and personality because it is fairly non threatening.
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Music matters. I can spend 100s more if it its my spot.
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
Funny thing is that I've had just as many customers ask me "If we go to VIP, will the DJ play better music?" as much as the guys that ask me "How long is each song in VIP?".
So it may be a half and half split between the general customers that do take music into account of their experience mongering and the guys that just simply tune it out and make the girls their main priority.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@EveHartley I like your avatar but there is a question I have had for a while now, do you have some kind of STD, because your tag line doesn’t make sense. I mean you could be on America’s cock, but how are you in America’s cock?
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
There was one dancer who put a great deal of time into her appearance and her outfit that really caught my eye as she danced. She chose jazz & kind of electro-funk and really had a choreographed routine. So many strippers come out on stage , get naked, and sprawl out, crawling from customer to customer.
I was so enthralled with this dancer that I did 10, $20 lap dancers with her 4 weeks in a row. The music and the dance were different and made her far more attractive.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
@25, I took that to mean she must be in the Midwest. ;P
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Hmm.. but then I suposse there’s more to do w a cock, than in the Midwest. Hmm...
avatar for ATACdawg
7 years ago
Just once, I wish that a dancer would dance to "MacArthur Park" while I'm getting a lap dance. Why? Because it's 17 minutes long!! ;-)
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> how are you in America’s cock?

I looked hard for the cultural reference of "Miami Florida, like a dick in the water", I think it was 2 live crew, but the internet has forgotten about it.

She didn't say "just the tip" so, I'm thinking it's that.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
Ok, I was following this until the “in America’s cock” stuff. In the classic TUSCL tradition, the topic has changed. But I was wondering the same thing as 25. Eve, can you enlighten us?
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
^^^ This is just a guess. Florida is sort of shaped like a penis, and she lives in Florida.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
"Florida is sort of shaped like a penis"

Lol. What?
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
s275 got it.
Look at a geographical map of America and say that Florida is not the dick of the continent.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
I remember seeing a comic by J. Kliban where its a world map and the the US is says "Hey Europe, eat my Florida!" :P

Yea Florida is Americas cock.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Well limp dick maybe. :)
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
"So many strippers come out on stage , get naked, and sprawl out, crawling from customer to customer. "

Because those girls use the basic "sex sells" technique. Usually the girls that are less reserved and more lewd on stage receive more stage-side attention than the girls that like to actually set up an extravagant show for their rotation because their argument is "Guys are simple. As long as they see a pussy, they'll throw money at you. Fuck the extra stuff".
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
"Well limp dick maybe. :) "

I never said it was a big cock!
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Well thanks for clearing that up for us, I was having trouble sleeping, I’ll be fine now. ;)
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
"Because those girls use the basic "sex sells" technique. Usually the girls that are less reserved and more lewd on stage receive more stage-side attention than the girls that like to actually set up an extravagant show for their rotation because their argument is "Guys are simple. As long as they see a pussy, they'll throw money at you. Fuck the extra stuff"."

This just tells me that they are more engaged with the audience, rather than lazily moving their body on stage and maybe getting someone to tip. And yes, sex does sell in our current society. That rings true to men and women
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
Mystery solved but I will never look at a U.S. map the same way again. :)
avatar for ATACdawg
7 years ago
If Florida is the cock, would that make New Orleans the asshole?
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
I tend to stage tip extra when I hear a song like Pantera's Walk or similar heavy metal since it isn't played as often and I like it. It's fun. Sue me.

I kind of miss the old stage shows and I tip accordingly when I see a stage show I like but I understand sex sells with most guys. It's just the way it is.
avatar for lolruned
7 years ago
"I kind of miss the old stage shows and I tip accordingly when I see a stage show I like but I understand sex sells with most guys. It's just the way it is."

Can you elaborate on what old stage shows were like from your experience?
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
Any burlesque type of a stage show. Anything with costumes, props, and a SLOW strip tease. A show where her moves, steps, pole are in step with the music and look choreographed and sexy. I like where she interacts with me, others stageside, and/or the whole audience trying to solicit tips and/or participation.

I'm not expecting fire tricks or feather boas .. but I wouldn't say no either.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
It appears to me there is often a disconnect b/w how dancers see things and how custies see-things and what dancers think will get a custy's attention.

As an analogy - if a restaurant is super-fancy but the food sucks, I personally don't wanna visit that restaurant; for me it's about the food first-and-foremost.

Similarly - for me it's all about the dancer's look and if she's my type - if she's my type and they're playing polka I'll still want to get dances w/ her just as much - if she's not my type I won't get dances w/ her b/c I'm really digging the song.

I like getting lots of dances from many different dancers, thus that's what I use my SC $$$ for - i.e. I do very little if any stage-tipping - in essence "good-music" does not really get me spending more - it might get me in a bit of a better mood, but unlikely it will dictate my spending.

And actually - if it's a song that I really like, I actually prefer not to get a dance to it so I can enjoy listening to it (if I'm getting a dance then I'd be distracted).

Also - if it's a song a girl really likes at times I've had the issue that she's more into the song than me as the custy paying for the dance.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Being 48 I'm not big into hip-hop although I do like some songs - but given that I like black-dancers w/ big-booties, I do enjoy seeing how they dance/twerk/bounce-dat-ass and move those wide-hips to the hip-hop beat/sounds.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
IMO - she was stupid calling her thug BF to come handle things - that's fucking stupid - would you call your homeboys if you had an issue AT WORK.

She got fired for being STUPID - you don't get into it w/ a customer in any business - you let those in charge (boss, etc) handle-it - she escalated the situation and put the club in a bad-spot and drew LE attention to the club getting her lowlife crew involved.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ wrong thread
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
You can’t please everyone, but I would go with the most popular genre. Hip hop seems to be the most popular genre now.
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