
Comments by PaulDrake (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Can anyone top my worst ATF visit in clubbing?
    @NJBalla - First of all are you making an appointment with her for a specific time? Next one of the things I have found that works for me is to always say thank you when a dancer does things I like. She wants to make you happy, letting her know what you appreciate is the easiest way for her to do that. Once my ATF made me wait, I was a little pissed and took a week off from seeing her. I was pretty frustrated and I think I messages Subraman for advice on how to handle it without being a whiny bitch. The next visit she didn't make me wait and I paid her a few bucks more and just straight up said something like, Hey I really appreciate you not keeping me waiting, I really enjoy the feeling of having you cling to my side from the moment I come in the club, last time when I was here you had another customer and I had to wait a while which I didn't enjoy, I don't want to be a little whiny bitch and complain so instead I am tipping you a little extra as a way of saying thanks. She is getting a few extra bucks so she is happy and you have communicated what you want and set some expectation for the future. And if you don't get the experience you want in the future you can just tip less which will alleviate some of you anger/frustration. Now the downside of this is you are spending a little extra and you may need to do that on a recurring basis. The question is that extra cash worth it to you?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Can anyone top my worst ATF visit in clubbing?
    @Titus23 - If I remember correctly you give dancers like $1000 each visit right? @NJBalla - How much do you spend on your ATF each visit and how often do you go see her? I can usually get Titus23 levels of whale treatment for around $100-140. Instead of spending more in a single visit I go twice a week, make an appointment for a specific time at the beginning of her shift, buy food, plus a few other tricks: - I make it clear that on slow days if my CF offers me more time for free I am happy to spend less time with her on busy days. And when a busy day comes I live up to my end of the bargain and make sure to explicitly state it - I make it clear that if she has a Titus23 level whale that I am cool with her blowing me off in that instance. But she needs to let me know immediately, never keep me waiting, never rush me or give me half her attention - I tip more or less depending on how long we are talking. And I always quickly state why I am giving more or less tip this to make sure my CFs understand which removes her motivation to get me in and out quickly - If she has other potential customers, I'll sometimes offer to chat less and get in/out quicker but only pay for dances and not tip at all Usually for me after a short while of being a super loyal, reliable and easy to deal with customer I get whale treatment. She is waiting for me when I get there and will hang as long as I want. Even when my ATF has a genuine whale come in who buys out her day she won't actually blow me off and they have to wait for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Do you ever feel like you got hit by a shit truck?
    The philosophy that has worked well for me is to never ever go a whole day without making forward progress on something in my life. Even if it is small I make myself accomplish something.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Can anyone top my worst ATF visit in clubbing?
    I don't get it? What did she do wrong? Sounds like she gave your her full attention while she was with you instead of splitting time between you and her other regular. What is wrong with that? Personally I get annoyed if a fav is rushing me or splitting her attention.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What if you caught your son on this site?
    I would discourage it because if he was my son he would be young enough to not likely have the disposable income to be a hardcore PL. If he did have the income probably have a discussion about fantasy versus reality, and keeping emotional/physical/time/financial boundaries in check.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How often do you masturbate?
    I did it once a day for probably around 20 years. Then starting this year I only do it once or twice a month, instead I am getting an LDK twice a week.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    @blahblahblah23 - Look you are totally right that getting some big titties is going to make you more money in the club. But a lot of what makes money in the club is what 50yo dudes like. If you are planning on marrying one great. But it does seem that younger guys prefer medium sized boobs compared to the older crowd. What is considered beautiful in and out of the club are a little different.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is stripping sex work ?
    Grey area
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    Customer Hunting.
    I think what the OP is asking is in a situation where a dancer gets multiple offers for dances is there any behaviors that can raise or lower your priority. As others have stated asking directly for a dance makes all the difference. Not asking for her to come talk to you, directly stating you want to get dances. I usually go further and ask if she if she is free after she gets off stage or if she has something promised already. That sets it as more of a commitment and makes it harder for her to prioritize someone else who comes up to tip after me. If a dancer does say she already has a prior commitment I have started saying I might not be at the club for long, make it clear that I am a regular, and then see what other days she will be working. Do any of the dancers here care how grabby a guy is on stage? One previous fav of mine hated that and would de-prioritize guys who wanted to push the limits on stage. She would still go to them just put them last on her list.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Sheldon!
    Obviously there seems to be a difference between what preferences the hardcore PLs state and what dancers actually report. I don't think either side has any reason to be lying. The truth is probably that most guys don't prefer implants but the average non-hardcore PL is not as picky. So getting implants can boost a girls income. I think there is something primal about big tits. I am not a big tit guy at all, other than nicespice (who's tits are epic BTW) I have never bought a dance from a girl with big tits. I tend to prefer small or medium.... BUT if a girl has big tits it draws my eye. If they are really massive I am drawn to glance and then simultaneously turned off by them which I don't understand.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    @Titus23 - I think I mistyped what I meant. I meant that for a weekly meeting to pay a monthly cost equal to renting an apartment seems like a starting point (on the low end). If you are paying a girls rent each week then yeah she is going to be very very happy. Pulling up your area (kansas city, mo) I don't see much for rent under $500. So lets say $800 is a better starting point for rent then $200 a week would be a low but not cheapskate offer.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    @nicespice - what makes you cringe about sugaring?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    One thing I have been looking at when seeing allowances on the sugaring forum is what is rent in that geographical area. For a weekly arrangement an allowance equaling a normal rent payment for that area seems pretty reasonable, and helps explain some differences in what numbers people report. @nicespice - those SBs on tumblr sound like the higher end of the market, also how long ago was this? @pinksugardoll - I have no doubt you could easily find someone to give you $5k a month. Especially if you can find guys in the SC. Even on SA the amount of SBs who are in your age range with your body type are super rare, compared to 18-22yos. The only counter points I would make are: 1) the competition is totally unlike the SC, there are 20 girls to guys in my area, if you restrict it to guys that are looking for long term arrangements that number is probably more like 50:1 2) the "Kia" end of the range on SA are millenials that have been hooking up for free on tinder and consider any cash a bonus Here is the sugaring forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    @Pinksugardoll - I would agree with what you are saying if you modify one thing. Every time you say "sugar relationship" change it to "traditional sugar relationship". Past that pinksugardoll, I would honestly expect you to be someone who could absolutely command a much higher allowance than a 20 year old girl next door type. So I am not surprised that you would consider some of the numbers quoted here on the low side.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    If you read the sugaring forum it seems pretty well split between catching feelings one way versus the other. Maybe less guys post there? A lot of guys who like being SDs enjoy being a provider and I don't think care about stopping paying. Paying gives them power.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    @twenty five- good point on the catching feelings. The fact that SBs commonly catch feelings for their SD is something that seems not too uncommon which is totally unlike other forms of paid sexual entertainment.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    I guess the one other thing is that in many cases you can find a sugar baby where each of you are going to be exclusive to the other. That is WAY different than anything else in the stripper/sex worker world.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is anyone here a sugar daddy? Why do you do it?
    It's not necessarily thousands. If you read the sugaring forum on reddit people talk about 200-500 per meet being pretty normal. A lot of guys on here have talked about $300 being a very realistic number. So that isn't really more than what a lot of guys spend in the club. I have considered it, at the $200-250 per meet range that is something l could afford weekly (and all I want is LDKs) and for that I would probably be able to get 3-5 hours of time including a fun activity (hike, movie, museum), lunch/dinner, and an orgasm at a hotel. If I remember correctly that $250 amount was what you were giving you ATF to hang with her at the SC. Wouldn't you rather do that OTC and do some fun activities with her? Past that unlike the SC I would argue that sugar babies are way less "pretend" than strippers. If you read the sugaring forum it seems that finding genuine connection is really important to both sides of the arrangement.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Aggressive Stick-Shifting in the DMV
    As far as nitrogen in tires go I have never heard the "air leakage" being the actual primary benefit. It has more to do with the water vapor in normal air expanding with temperature and causing the PSI in the tire to go up and down with temp. Nitrogen has less pressure variance. Or just get a drier for your air compressor. Some of the wheels I own have 2 valve stems so you can fill one side with nitrogen and open the other valve to "purge" the air out and get pure nitrogen inside. Never bothered with it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Aggressive Stick-Shifting in the DMV
    @SJG - Are you asking about a dual clutch transmission or double clutching a traditional manual? The easiest way to think about what a dual clutch transmission is that it is actually two separate manual transmissions and clutches. One clutch sends power to one trans which has gears 1, 3, and 5. Then the second clutch sends power to the second trans which has gears 2, 4, and 6. So with the car in first gear the first clutch is engaged and power is sent through first gear. At the same time the second clutch is disengaged but sitting waiting for you ask for second gear. The moment you select second all the computer has to do is disengage the first clutch and engage the second which takes as little as 8 milliseconds which makes a dual clutch shift faster than any other type of shiftable transmission. Double clutching a traditional manual transmission is when manually shifting to a lower gear you put the transmission into neutral, release the clutch, then rev the engine to a specific rpm, then push the clutch back in and finally shift to a lower gear. Double clutching is most commonly used when road racing a car to get the transmission to shift into a lower gear at a higher speed than what it would normally be willing to do. Racing drivers normally do this while braking which is referred to "heel and toe" shifting. However before the advent of synchronized transmissions you had to do it on all cars, and it is still today in semi trucks.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    South Carolina
    Champagne Room at Platinum West in Columbia, SC
    Also ever heard of the phrase "your mileage may vary" you might get everything you might get nothing. To get a hint read the reviews...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    PL Psychology
    It isn't just when guys get rejected for sex that their insecurities come into play. It is a lot of the other times they get angry, like when someone comes on here to complain that girls are on their phones and not approaching them, or the hottest girl at the club who doesn't have to hustle doesn't approach them. It's adolescent insecurity manifesting as anger.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New lack of bumping feature
    A system where only posts from different users will bump a thread to the top would work really well. So a second post in a row from the same user doesn't bump a thread to the top.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New lack of bumping feature
    Wow that is totally amazingly awesome! Brilliant compromise between allowing older threads to be bumped and not letting SJG use the forum as his personal thoughs diary.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    PL Psychology
    @blahblahblah23 - You are right they shouldn't take it personally. The same thing could be said for l dancers who cry in the dressing room after getting turned down for a dance. It's the same exact thing, adolescent insecurities.