
Do you ever feel like you got hit by a shit truck?

>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Some days I just hardcore zombie mode through the day


  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Was this after I was hitting on you?
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    Was Mack driving it. LOL

    Yeah. Some days are like that. Just trying to get thru to next day.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    LOL! i'm just tired
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Drink some Yerba Matte tea. That will kick your ass Into gear
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    The less frequently I hit the gym, the more I get in a funk - when I stop going to the gym I start regressing - often times I drag my ass into the gym after debating w/ myself of the reasons I shouldn't go (too-tired today; etc) - but 95% of the time I force myself to hit the gym I feel much-better when I leave than when I walked in.

    Regular exercise is key - we humans were not made to sit around not using our bodies/muscles/joints - we are made to move around and be active o/w we sorta get off balance - kinda like parking a car for months and not moving it - usually it will not run or not run-well after being idle so long.

    Another key for me is getting enough sleep - I can't function normally if I have not had enough *good* sleep - I've heard that it's not so bad if one has a couple of bad sleep nights as long as one is able to make it up w/ some good sleep nights later on.

    And of course eating well; not just eating less; is also a key-part - def cut out the junk-food - garbage-in garbage-out - feed yourself unhealthy stuff and expect to not feel your best.

    Stress and worry wears me out - I'm a born (or perhaps made) glass-half-empty type person and I often worry about stuff and this I feel often robs me of my energy and well-being - now that I'm in my late-40s I've gotten a bit better at it likely due to the stuff I've gone thru in life and have managed to come out the other end - life def should be looked at as a marathon where there are gonna be rough stretches along the way but one has to keep going till they catch that 2nd-wind.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Or maybe you just need some good dick


    Sex is a great exercise and does wonders for one's well-being
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Jerk off more
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    sometimes if I get less than 3 hrs sleep or don't get enough water to drink. Or if I did something really physical the entire day before (lay bricks, excavate, etc). Sure
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I had a job in my early 20s as a lab tech (chemist) for a waste stream recycling facility. Some days I might have smelled like I was hit with the contents of the shit truck. no joke!
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    Sometimes I feel like I have been chewed up by a wolf and shit over a cliff
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Same. I think a former roommate told me once “were it not for the dog, I don’t think you would ever leave the bed.”

    When I am actually determined and motivated I can do a lot. But it comes in bursts and then it’s back to being low energy and listless again. I’m my own worst enemy there.

  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    The philosophy that has worked well for me is to never ever go a whole day without making forward progress on something in my life. Even if it is small I make myself accomplish something.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Same. I think a former roommate told me once “were it not for the dog, I don’t think you would ever leave the bed.”

    When I am actually determined and motivated I can do a lot. But it comes in bursts and then it’s back to being low energy and listless again. I’m my own worst enemy there.

    ^ yeah I'm like that
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I think it's lack of sleep. It isn't too bad I guess but pretty sure haven't had an 8 hour sleep night in 3-4 weeks now ugh. I don't really do cardio at all or very minimal and rare still. I do some strength training (not like over the top though). My muscles are too good damn fucking tired right now even if I wanted to do that cardio fuckery I hate. I eat ok. Not too unhealthy but not like a total health nut either. I watch what I eat to an extent anyways unless I take a lot of time off then fuck it I'm gonna enjoy myself. Life is too short to not eat these god damn fucking custard donuts and all my other vices lmfao. I'd have no limits everyday if it wasn't for this job honestly.sometimes I'm so god damn fucking exhausted and hungry but literally not energy to even eat
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I might also see a Dr about a few chronic pain issues that affect my ability to do or not do certain things on stage. I really hate seeing doctors. Most of the time they do nothing tohelp anyway so I stopped going unless I seriously need to.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Lots of great comments. I like the exercise comment by Papi Chulo and the goals comment by Pauldrake.

    @nicespice... I totally agree with your statement "I am my own worst enemy" Most of our problems are between our ears and we get in our own way.

    @ blahblahblah. I have these same issues with periods of being unmotovated and really tired. Some of it I atribute to burnout. I have times of year I work crazy hours and go on little sleep. It takes a while to recover my energy. One time when I had very low energy and was getting enough sleep I found out i had a blood sugar issue. After doing something about that my energy came back quickly. Some nutrient deficiencies can cause low energy. You mentioned chronic pain... I have had issues with this also. These issues were traced back to acid in my system from bad diet and stress. Detoxing and alkalizing. Now I eat less acidic foods. More raw fruits and veggies and less processed foods. Red and black grapes, cherries, and any kind of mellons are the most potent foods for detoxong acid.

    Going back to PaulDrakes comment on progressing on something every day... Here is the short version. About 7 years ago I acomplished a huge goal that involved several years of planning and execution. After that I coasted for about 3 years feeling like I needed a breather. Depression set in and took my energy level down. I got to a point where I didnt feel I could not get any lower and almost gave up completely. Then by random chance I listened to something positive about a someone who had nothing and became a highly successful person. He talked about goal setting. I realized I had not set any new goals in 3 years. I started doing that again and feeding my mind with positive things every day. It was hard work to dig out from the very dark place I was, but totally worth it.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    A lot of this sounds like depression to me, I agree with those that say exercise and diet can alleviate most of these problems, a side benefit to exercise is sleeping comes easier. Myself I swim every day, I lost over a hundred pounds a few years ago and at the age of 64 I am healthier than I was through my mid fifties, I feel great am fairly active, eat healthy, don’t really let myself have those type of thoughts that lead to the type of malaise the OP refers to.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    w.r.t. doctors, I try to find/research the best ones, not just a doctor - a lot of doctors often can't find what's wrong with a person till that person finds the right doctor
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    There could be an emotional component and IME it does seem more women suffer from this type of issue than men
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Red and black grapes, cherries, and any kind of mellons are the most potent foods for detoxong acid.

    ^i might have to look into this thanks. I am aware that tart cherries and their juice is a natural painkiller so maybe all this crazy detox shit is legit idk.

    I do have some actual pain that isn't just in my head lol, but I will agree these issues are better when in a good mood. I am aware of the effect of mood on pain, but I have some actual real pain that is there regardless. Some I know stretches/exercise or other self treatment other issues are newer and beats me.

    Papi, do you just Google around looking for reviews on doctors? It took like at least 5 fucking visits to various ones until one of them figured out I had a tendonitis issue somewhere and sent me to physical therapy somewhere which turned out to be a miracle for me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    w.r t. finding a good doc, other than word of mouth I usually go to the United Healthcare website and look for the specialist I need - then I look for ones from top schools - then I read reviews online about the doc - not foolproof but it's a way (AFAIK one can search the United website for docs w/o actually being a member)
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    ok i'll look into this, thanks
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    ^i might have to look into this thanks. I am aware that tart cherries and their juice is a natural painkiller so maybe all this crazy detox shit is legit idk.^

    Tart cherries do work for pain relief. All the berries and mellons I mentioned as well as tart cherry detox acid. All pain comes from acid. Another natural pain reliever is ginger
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Papi: "w.r t. finding a good doc, other than word of mouth I usually go to the United Healthcare website and look for the specialist I need - then I look for ones from top schools "
    Good advice, and that's what I do, too. Having a national PPO is huge advantage over something like an HMO if you need something out of the ordinary.

    However, I would add that doctors can be too young and too old. For example, surgeon fresh out of Harvard medical school should be avoided; 70-yr-old near retirement is probably too old. Sweet spot for MDs would probably be in early 50s.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Academic, teaching hospitals are often the best.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    In your case @Dougster I'd pay attention to finding the the best psychiatric care possible. We don't want you to slit your your wrists or hang yourself.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Smashing that like button
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
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