
Comments by wiffle shwaffle

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    It was me. (An open letter to Founder)
    I have a lot of catching up to do. Can someone give me the ELI5 version of this story?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Two of Three
    Great review. It makes me miss the place.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Getting better
    Cool. I be sure to forward your unnecessary and unwanted opinion to Whisper. I'm sure you're extremely boring, hefty, and aged yourself. Plus, your personality is obviously much more negative than anything you can even say about her... so go fuck yourself with your judgement. πŸ˜ƒ We're independent contractors. We can do whatever the fuck we want. And that includes teaching baby strippers if we want to. If you have a problem with that, like you apparently do, then fuck off to elsewhere or go be a pimp or something so you can control the girls and what they do. And did you mean TEMPT? If you're going to try to bash women and an establishment, at least make yourself sound more credible with correct spelling, dumb ass. You sound like the least amount of fun to be around. No wonder you had a bad time. Nobody wanted to fucking be around your negativity. πŸ˜‚
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sexy like a chocolate strawberry
    Fun weekend night at FC
    "the DJ kept reminding the ladies over the music that they needed to pay their tips out if they hadn’t done so." We *have* to pay our tip out no later than 1:30am otherwise we're fined extra. Our tip out is paid to the dj and it's done this way (rather than at the end of the night in the locker room) to prevent girls from leaving without paying the bar, to avoid congestion waiting in line all at once to pay the dj, and also so the dj isn't overwhelmed with 300 girls shoving $120 tip outs in his face all at once. The reminders they give are actually helpful to us who lose track of time. Hopefully this gives you some perspective as to why th DJs do that.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anyone else been played by Trish6547?
    "This site is supposed to help mongers make smart decisions about how they spend their money on clubs and dancers." But it also shouldn't be a place where you openly invite others to now harass her either. Are you just impatient and she hasn't gotten around to fulfilling her side or did she actually play you? If she played you, how? By ghosting? And if she played you, the article section is literally not for you to openly shit talk an entertainer like that. ✌️
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    keep the receipts
    It honestly seems like OP made up some wuss bitch fit story to tell just to obtain temp VIP access as he has failed to address anything said in the comments by anyone.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Let's Make a Deal . . . .
    "If she was a night time independent dancer, (Not a scheduled dancer) and it was her only gig, then she owed about $325 tip out." No, no. Not true unless she showed up suuuuper late that night. $10 to house mom, $20 dj, $75 freelance only if not on schedule, $100 to the house if or after doing 3+ dances/songs in vip. And late fees are $30 after the first half hour of the shift and an additional $10 per half hour afterward. If she was very late that night, then she could totally owe $300+, but if she was on time or even a half hour late and still freelancing, then no. Disregarding that though, how in the fuck was this approved as a "review"? Founder needs a new forum on here specifically for the little bitch boys to whine about the dumbest and most mundane shit.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Why No Clubs In Dover Delaware?
    Local ordinance banning sexually oriented businesses. You're welcome. Do your own research next time.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    PSA: Stop writing/approving reviews that connect girls by name to extras
    It's clear some "men" here don't care about the lives of the girls they want juicy details about. Leaving names out of reviews is dumbing them down. The fuck. It's not that difficult to write "I got my dick sucked by a hot blonde." And then if you want to know more, fucking pm the person instead of putting our lives and jobs at risk. The hell is wrong with some of the crybabies above. And that eros prick can just fuck off and get run over by a semi. Fucking moron.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Most ridiculous strip club policy
    In regards to OP's topic, clubs do that for liability reasons in case of a raid while the vip is happening. But what do I know? I've just been told that by managers when I've inquired and I'm a dumb stripper. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    keep the receipts
    I know local sports games are played on the tvs, but the NBA finals is something they wouldn't play unless the Pistons were playing.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    When porn stars get signed to an agency are they legally unable to...?
    "When porn stars get signed to an agency are they unable to sugar date, escort or shoot for pay content?" Yes, unless the contract has a clause about it. But I've had offers extended to me outside of my agent. I refuse to shoot content with amateurs who wAnT tO tAkE PhOtOs. πŸ™„ They are literally just looking for an escort at a cheaper rate. And then they go post the stuff on porn hub. I send all inquiries to my agent and PR if contacted by someone looking to collab. They know who's legit and who isn't. And a very large number of porn talent escorts.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    keep the receipts
    That's the thing though - Flight Club was ALWAYS closing at 2am while every single other bar in the State was closing at 11pm. It's just that Flight stopped serving food and beverages at 11pm. OP is an idiot who should have gone to Bogarts or a normal bar. All he did was piss and moan about high prices and poor service. And for all we know, he could just be full of shit and the poor service he claims to have received is a result of an action of his he's leaving out. Dude also sounds cheap as fuck. He should have known better going to Flight not dressed in a polo since he's been there in the past. From the start, everyone already perceived him as cheap with him bitching about the door fee. Why the fuck would any waitress bother with good service when the customer was already whining before he even got inside the actual club. Dude needs to take some midol and change his tampon. πŸ™„
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sunday Funday
    *can say WITH confidence. Sorry. Tiny ass space to write in and proof read with.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sunday Funday
    I worked that night and can confirm it was quite busy. $300 is the indeed the going rate. Some of the pimp girls may charge $500+ and can't or refuse to budge from that. However, after being there for about a month now and inquiring with customers, I can say in confidence that nobody is doing anything for less than $200. But $300 is what most shoot for. As for the girl you're interested in, I do have some tea. And without coming out and saying exactly what it is, I'll instead advise you to read a few reviews ago to where I had talked about pimp girls working there. Five of those you mentioned are involved with a "group" lead by a "manager". The group was named in the comments of that review and you can also find them on Instagram (including the girl you're interested in).
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    keep the receipts
    You must be a blast to hang out with in real life. This entire review is a giant bitch fit. Everyone knows FC as the classiest and most expensive club in Metro Detroit. This is my home club btw. So, after walking in there and seeing the decor, did you actually think you were going to see basketball on tv? Did you even show up there for the girls or to watch basketball? πŸ˜‚ I will agree with you that some of the staff is passive aggressive and somewhat rude. As for the "ambience and how it makes guys feel", I'm assuming you are used to dive bars or shitholes. Alan Markowitz knows his club is the best and classiest and he makes sure only the best works there. He also wants to deter riff raff at his club - ergo no sports and making you change to make yourself look like a gentleman at an actual gentleman's club. πŸ˜‚ And honestly, waitresses at all strip clubs are notorious for not returning change. Come on, dude. If your experience was so tragic that you had to write a novella bitch fit of a review, you could have just spoken to one of the managers. They can be quite accommodating to customers who are not having a good experience and will do what they can to fix it. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Okay, here we go... Best 10 bands you've seen live?
    KISS in Vegas at The Hard Rock Casino.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    β€œDa New Tent”.........
    I'll try putting it into perspective like this: On the 15th, the second day the tent was open, girls were talking about how that night was one of their best nights. It was my second best night ever. The VIP attendant said it was busy all night for him. On Friday, the 21st, the first night the tent was closed, roughly half of the customers dipped out once last call was called and a lot of girls bitched in the locker room about having a bad night. It was one of my worst nights dancing. The tent makes everyone happy and stay until close. Everyone wins. Dancers, bar sales, and customers.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    β€œDa New Tent”.........
    Tent reopens on Tuesday. It was closed Friday and Saturday and will be tonight and tomorrow. Once last call was announced on Friday, customers were going to leave. Last call in the bar kept getting pushed further and further back until around 12:30. The tent is reopening based off of what was seen when last call was called Friday and also because many of us bitched/whined/complained (or whatever adjective you want to use) about how it drove our VIP sales and the bar's alcohol sales up as more of a benefit to everyone if it remained open.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wiffle Waffle seems to be bugging out
    They're trying to give shit to me and scare me off because they are clearly insecure and have issues themselves. There's a reason they're on this forum talking about paying for sex and where to get it from. They're so insecure and immature, that they can't stand to be told what to do and don't like it when a woman stands up for herself because they want to feel in control. I bet they were bullied and butt fucked in school by jocks. Poor wittle babies. I am so sorry to everybody here that I have self respect and stand up for myself to the human excrement that wipes itself across these forums. Last I checked, I'm not the one creating threads about people to shit on them (Muddy) or creating multiple profiles to troll proving I have no life and need therapy (Desert). I'm so sorry to all the forum members on here that these little kids run rampant on here. Again, there's a very clear and loud reason they're on here creating these threads and making such comments. I shall remain unbothered because I am still better than and so much more above them. And especially Jim, who is still ignored. I have no idea what he said, but I'm sure it was a lovely and eloquent compliment given he's such a kind hearted and polite human being. πŸ˜‚ I uploaded photos of myself basically to troll the trash. I noticed "Gee Love" quickly changed his tune. He's still a piece of shit though, much like Jim is. And if Muddy would love to apologize for creating this thread, I think many of us would actually appreciate that. But until then, he can also fuck off. 😘πŸ₯° And Desert, I strongly believe your compliments are sarcastic. Honestly, just don't from now on. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit work weerecap
    Another man telling a woman what to do. And you wonder why women don't smile? Perhaps, try tipping next time to even make sure it was me you're referring to and offering unsolicited suggestions to.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    A Very Wholesome Weekend at FC
    I'm temporarily immune because I just had it and can't get vaxxed until next month now. Because masks protect others from droplets from me, I know me wearing a mask won't prevent me from getting it again and due to my temp immunity I strongly feel others are safe around me. But I can't make everyone I encounter and work with put one on. And I know it's all wrong and unethical. We ALL take a risk when we step outside of our homes to go anywhere. I definitely don't want it again. The second time is always worse than the first time. However, we also can't work from home forever. On the 20th, it will have been two months since my first symptom and I was told I have to wait *about* 90 days before I can get the first dose. I don't foresee myself working much in June until I get the first dose though; solely because I'm beginning to have some of the post covid issues (hair loss, tinnitus). Anyway it's wrong, but it would be us against the entire club unfortunately.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    A Very Wholesome Weekend at FC
    It's not that he looked unhappy, but more like he was alert and concerned about the tent opening going smooth without any issues. On Saturday, I caught him sitting in one of the lounge chairs amongst a tiny group of gentlemen. It was a quick look at him to see who he was basically, but he looked deep in thought. I didn't really have any money goals.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit work weerecap
    I am the queen of RBF. 😏 I think the $40 cover is because of the tent. They know they're lucky to be able to stay open (and now serve alcohol) past 11pm. They also know, being the only club open after 11pm, they'll be a for sure go to spot.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Did I miss the Flight?
    I believe the tent will be open during the week. It's the only way they can serve alcohol after 11pm.