A Very Wholesome Weekend at FC

I figured I would provide an update regarding working here in a post Covid-19 world.
My previous discussion post can be found here: /discussion.php
If you haven't read that discussion, please do and then come back here because questions you have might be answered in that post.
I also uploaded two photos of their list of rules. /photo.php and /photo.php (I have no idea why they uploaded like that because they were taken in portrait, but oh well).
I called the club to ask about auditioning and they gave me a phone number for the Motor City Showgirls. They arrange all auditions now apparently. This is the type of club where girls will come and go frequently, so I understand why the club managers don't want to deal with paperwork for an individual they may never see again after that one shift.
Given that the house fee is $100 after the first three songs in VIP, I figured I would try to tell them I was new since I hadn't stepped foot in there since 2019. New girls get free house tip out on their first night. Unfortunately, I was recognized by the DJ. We walked into the club together and he told me a little about what to expect for the evening.
Masks are optional now given that the CDC proclaimed the day before that fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear them indoors. We were told by the dj and housemom to say "yes" if we got asked if we were fully vaccinated.
I had to fill out a new contract and provide a new stage name because my name (that I've had since 2012) is taken by a regular house girl. Girls were quiet when they came in and many don't talk to each other. There were a few familiar faces from the last time I worked here and one who I know from Legends. She was the only other dancer I talked to throughout the whole night.
In my previous discussion post referenced above, I had stated the house mom will lock up dancers' bags in a room. This is for the girls who don't have a locker. Well, that has changed. Now bags are left under the counters in the dressing room. Thankfully, I brought a suitcase lock with me and locked the zippers on my bag together.
All of the fines and fees I wrote about in my previous post are still in place. The tip outs are as such:
DJ $20
Mom $10
Freelance fee $75 (no freelance fee if on schedule for the week)
Valet $8
VIP/Room fee $100 only after three songs (no room fee for brand new dancers on their first night or if the dancer does zero "dances")
There is one change to the fines and fees though. The late fee used to be $50 after 7:00 pm and then it would go up by $10 every hour after. Now, if you don't make the 7pm stage review, you are charged an immediate late fee of $30 which goes up $10 every half hour after.
The stage rotation is exactly the same with five positions throughout the club. Being on that stage is not fun at all. Others have complained that the girls aren't enthusiastic on stage. There's not much to do up there to entertain given that there's only one pole and the stage is extremely slippery. First, you have to enter the stage from the stairway above. If you're on the first floor sitting and called on main stage you have to go around the club to go upstairs walk all the way around the club again only to descend the stairs onto stage. It does offer a nice aesthetic for an entrance onto stage though. But the stairs and whole stage are slippery from girls wearing lotions and oils and probably dried jizz. I was wearing brand spanking new 8 in platforms and was literally gliding across the area I was in. I showed up there to dance, not ice skate across the stage. It was a scary experience actually. Regardless, with how small the other stages are and given mainstage is an ice rink and the one pole is slippery as hell from numerous mysterious liquids, it's not easy to put on a show or appear enthusiastic while trying not to fall and break an ankle.
At 10pm, the tent opened outside. It's connected through the main entrance so you technically don't actually go outside per se. You do have to have a wristband on to enter the tent which verifies that you paid your entry fee. There are two portable X-Pole X-Stages in the tent. The stage rotation changed for the tent. We were running the 2 stage positions on the main stage and then stages 3 and 4 became the two in the tent. On Saturday, the rotation changed again to add one stage position. So it was main stage, and then 3rd was the bar stage, then 4th and 5th in the tent. I do not know if it will be open during the week, but I assume it will be. It is the only way they can serve alcohol after 11pm. There are heaters in the tent, lounge chairs, and an actual real bar set up. It's actually quite nice in there. The bouncers will not let you leave the tent with a drink if you want to go back into the club for the restroom or to VIP.
The hallway entry into the tent has very thick carpeting and is not Pleaser platform friendly. A few girls fell and I almost biffed it a few times, too (but didn't thank God). Everyone's favorite strip club mogul, Alan M., was there to open the tent. The dj told me Alan's visiting for a week and a half and everyone (dancers and staff) has to be on their best behavior basically. Alan seems nice, but all business. I respect that about him. He did approach me and asked for me to watch one of the cables just above one of the x-stages though. I did tricks at the top of the pole and my foot grazed the cable. Oops.
The djs on both Friday and Saturday played all EDM. They had to because the strip club God was visiting. I was told they could play some rock for me once Alan leaves town.
The staff and managers don't seem to make an effort to get to know the entertainers. Everyone is all business, which is fine (it's just an observation I made). The VIP attendant was the only staff member who didn't mind chitchatting the two days I was there. He also hooked me up with a nice $400 customer who was "looking for a cute girl to take to VIP". The great thing about this customer - he did not want extras. Only normal dances.
I typically ask the customer what their offer is if they express interest in VIP. $200-$400 range was stated by every customer I spoke with. This is based off of my own experience with those I talked to though. And again, our tip out, if we're on time and on schedule, is $138.
I put myself on schedule for next week at FC. I've never worked there on a week night, so it will be interesting for me. Not every customer is looking for extras, so it is possible to make a little money at FC by not doing them. Stage tips were very plentiful on Saturday with a few groups hanging out next to the stage, too.
Three different staff members told me the club will drive girls to/from the club if they have transportation issues. FC is about 10 mins down the road from me and my car is shit, so I asked a manager about it. He was distracted and busy, so I will have to get more info about the transportation service another time.
But FC is probably the best option to work at in MI currently given they're the only club in the state open until 2am and getting away with serving alcohol after 11pm. If anyone has any questions, ask away. I will do my best to provide the most accurate and honest info.
last commentNice write up. Thanks.
You are a beautiful dawn on the darkness of covid
I haven't seen Alan in years. He used to visit the club frequently and check on everything that was going on. He never looked happy.
OMG an Alan sighting! The only place I had ever seen him is in Penthouse but I saw him there a lot.
I would see quite a bit in FC awhile back but, during the day, dressed casual with a baseball hat on.
Good detail WW. Thanks.
It's not that he looked unhappy, but more like he was alert and concerned about the tent opening going smooth without any issues. On Saturday, I caught him sitting in one of the lounge chairs amongst a tiny group of gentlemen. It was a quick look at him to see who he was basically, but he looked deep in thought.
I didn't really have any money goals.
Thanks for the update which was appreciated. This sentence though caught my attention: "We were told by the dj and housemom to say "yes" if we got asked if we were fully vaccinated." This is why I won't be in a club until I'm fully vaccinated myself. I know even being vaccinated has some risk, but I'm expecting every dancer to tell me she's vaccinated, truth or not. And I understand that and won't blame them, c'est la vie.
I'm temporarily immune because I just had it and can't get vaxxed until next month now. Because masks protect others from droplets from me, I know me wearing a mask won't prevent me from getting it again and due to my temp immunity I strongly feel others are safe around me. But I can't make everyone I encounter and work with put one on. And I know it's all wrong and unethical. We ALL take a risk when we step outside of our homes to go anywhere. I definitely don't want it again. The second time is always worse than the first time. However, we also can't work from home forever.
On the 20th, it will have been two months since my first symptom and I was told I have to wait about 90 days before I can get the first dose. I don't foresee myself working much in June until I get the first dose though; solely because I'm beginning to have some of the post covid issues (hair loss, tinnitus).
Anyway it's wrong, but it would be us against the entire club unfortunately.