
Comments by eyeofodin (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for your Buck
    January and February went guys are paying off holiday gift. Summer before major holidays. Follow warren and Ishmael's advise. If your girl goes after tax refund money spender... she is fishing for minnows, whales and dolphins rarely get a refund. Says a lot about were her priorities and game planning skills are at this stage of her career..
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    NY Giants Hoping To Finish Season Worse Off Than Cleveland Browns
    Giants better not finish with a worse record.... someone is planning a perfect 0-16 parade here. I want to see that happen.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Need a little advice or maybe a reality check
    Is it this good? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqG75UhN6yo if so enjoy
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Best club for extras in the NEO/ Akron Area.
    Stopped in the Royalty room once... once is the key word. Felt like a HIV infection waiting to happen or one of the dancers would have an opiate OD in front of me. Could not get out of there fast enough. But had a fun time in the front part.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Stripper is friend's Daughter
    Her Grandmother was a burlesque dancer in the 50's that married well and divorced even better.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Whaht would you do
    Shadowcat and I have (had in his case) the same type of sister and the same reaction..... except mine never came to her senses- she has spent decades making her life harder than it needed to be and has reached an expertise level rarely seen outside the SC universe. But If I walked into a club and my sister was on stage I'd LMAO, she is a old wrinkled up leather face.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Stripper is friend's Daughter
    It happened to me twice with the daughters of people I had contact with on a regular basis. If it was a long lost friend of school chum, I don't count it as a big deal, odds are I will not run into them and if I did I would not bring it up but would respond if asked. 1st time was the daughter of my dock mate at the club I belonged to.. it was uncomfortable. I take a few customers to a non extra local club and say to them, " I think I know that girl" and get the yeah right ribbing. She gets off stage and runs over and jumps in my lap and says, "Don't tell my parents you saw me here, but my Grandmother know what I';m doing". She was still in High School and just turned 18. We go off and chat for a while and it turns out that she wants to travel around Europe for a few months before starting school and need to make some cash because her Mother is against the her traveling with her friends at 18 by themselves, but her Grandmother said she would match whatever money she made to help fund the trip and stripping was her Grandmothers idea. So I never said a word to her parents but did corner her Grandmother at a changing of the guard ceremony and confirmed her story. What made it uncomfortable was I kept seeing her as the pre teen I knew her as. Asked her to give me a call when she was quitting so I could go back to the club when she was not going to be there anymore. I was invited to her university graduation party and she was grateful that I kept my promise. Second one was just flat out funny to me. Saw the daughter of the guy that owned the business next door to where I worked. Stunningly beautiful girl btw. She avoided me, so when she was on stage out if courtesy I would go out and have a smoke, A couple of days later I see her Dad and he thanks me from his daughter to not making her feel awkward. She told her dad what she was doing as a preemptive move in case I would talk. Once again, a girl I've known since she was a kid. She got married and had kids and left the club. Some times I kick myself for not sneaking a peak, for she was stunning, but then I do feel better about myself for being discreet. I know I have seen other guys daughters I know in passing.. but it has never bothered me. Never been in the situation where I got a dance and had some fun with one before I knew who she was. Depending on how close or how often I was in contact with the father would most likely determine my level of buyers remorse or joy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    strip club music selection
    Most of it comes down to the beats per minute of the music.... the modern rap is about the only current music that is in the 80-110 BPM with out the club DJ actually knowing how to change the tempo of the music w/o distorting the song .... fast enough so that "energy is added to the atmosphere" yet slow enough that the dancers are not looking like epileptics. Or to be blunt... most club DJ's are DJ's in name only and more emcees
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer variety in clubs
    "The fact of the matter is that the club owners can't make the women who don't want to strip be strippers. They have to hire whoever walks through the door." could not be a truer statement. I was talking to a buddy that runs/hires for a national chain of SC's.... he was saying five to seven years ago they could be selective in who they let dance in the clubs but there has been a shift in the attitude/rational/societal norms of the women auditioning. The non generational (following in Mommy's footsteps), non hard drug user, no kids,etc supply of auditions has for the most part dried up (some but far and few between). His exact wording before elaborating on the topic were,"the cool factor is gone from stripping, pop culture has changed" The house fees are what cover a fair portion of the overhead (in the larger clubs) and the clubs take what they can get and try to do their best to keep the dealers and pimps from following the new dancers into the club. To the point of bringing in private "drug dogs", locker searches and rotating internal security from club to club. Between all the clubs under their umbrella there are probably 400-500 "contractors" on average and screening and standards are dropping every month.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Family friend came into my club tonight.
    "Maybe this has been asked here before, but it does raise the question in my head. Have any of you mongers spotted an acquaintance/friend/relative/etc dancing at your local clubs? " Friend's daughter (3)-crazy horse, brass ass, and flight club Frat brother's wife - juicy lucy's High school friend (2)- christies, deja vu Indiana University friend (4)- PT memphis, christies, brass ass, some local club in vegas GF's fellow worker (GF with me - both elementary school teacher) some dump in Newport KY Friend's sister in law - Columbus gold Friend's cousin - Hustler My doctor's nurse - Cheerleaders Sister's neighbor - Alcatraz There maybe more but that's all that stick out. It;s creepy to bring up personal questions in a SC within ear shot of others. One time was talking with one of the University friend and her uncle came in and was acting creepy like your family friend - her family knows what she did for a living so she told him to stop being a jackass ( well not that politely). I always said hi to the ones I knew from outside the SCs and never made a big deal out of seeing them or them seeing me. Like BJ99 said if he cannot be direct avoid answering/contact with him.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Getting To Know Non-Dancing Staff At The SC
    " I know they have my back. " --- think again, I spent eight years working in bars, nightclubs, dance clubs(discos) and even a short stint in a SC during undergrad and grad years. Sat door, worked the floor, bar tended and spent five years as a floor manager or GM of multiple clubs The staff does not have your back. For the most part, consider a smile from the staff getting "grin fucked" - there are exceptions but that is rare and reserved for those they drink with outside the home club,
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Post Your Favorite Music Videos
    not an official video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH3Vx_r98mE
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Post Your Favorite Music Videos
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPSktrg6GO0 just in case you cannot understand Tom Waits Smelling like a brewery, looking like a tramp, I ain't got a quarter, got a postage stamp Been five o'clock shadow boxing all around the town, Talking with the old man, sleeping on the ground Bazanti bootin al zootin' al hoot and Al Cohn Sharing this apartment with a telephone pole And a fish-net stocking, spike-heel shoes, Strip tease, prick tease, car keys blues And the porno floor show, live nude girls, Dreamy and creamy and brunette curls Chesty Morgan and Watermelon Rose Raise my rent and take off all your clothes With trench coats, magazines, a bottle full of rum, She's so good, make a dead man come Pasties and a G-string, beer and a shot Portland through a shot glass and a Buffalo squeeze Wrinkles and Cherry and Twinkie and Pinkie and Fifi live from Gay Paree Fanfares, rim shots, back stage, who cares, all this hot burlesque for me (scat) Cleavage, cleavage, thighs and hips From the nape of her neck to the lipstick lips Chopped and channeled and lowered and lewd And the cheater slicks and baby moons She's a-hot and ready, creamy and sugared And the band is awful and so are the tunes (scat) Crawling on her belly, and shaking like jelly, And I'm getting harder than Chinese algebrassieres And cheers from the (hmm) compendium here "Hey sweetheart" they're yelling for more You're squashing out your cigarette butts on the floor And I like Shelly, and you like Jane And what was the girl with the snakeskin's name? And it's an early-bird matinee, come back any day, Get you a little something that you can't get at home Get you a little something that you can't get at home It's pasties and a G-string, beer and a shot Portland through a shot glass and a Buffalo squeeze Popcorn, front row, higher than a kite, and I'll be back tomorrow night, And I'll be back tomorrow night (scat) Songwriters: Tom Waits Pasties and a G-String lyrics © BMG Rights Management US, LLC
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Not so good Wednesday
    Safety statement was more of a relative thing compared to other clubs in the area. I should have made it clear the neighborhood is not that safe to begin with.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I said it is hit or miss.. when it is as miss it is a huge miss. One day does not make a trend, yet on one visit you know how the place is every night?. You must have a MA not a MSc or MBA. You tout your education yet call a comment on a strip club review protected speech? An educated fool is by far more of a shame than an uneducated fool.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Me defensive? I agreed with you it can be bad at times. Your spouting off on a site run by a private entity is not a Constitutional protected rIght, I know you’re an uneducated dolt, I only hope it is due to a mental impairment and not willful ignorance.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    HornyGoatWeed -"They NEED new dancers and NEW management IMO!" relax or buy the place and show them how it's done since you know how and what should be done in your expert opinion to make it up to your standards. with this being your only review and having photos of an other club on you profile page -- you are going to take lots of heat for a 1,1,1 review that is filled with anger after only one visit. So much anger about others comment "The Lady doth protest too much, methinks"
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    If the night is a "MISS", cut your losses early and get out ASAP... it is not going to get any better.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I've been to Stiletto's a couple of times. It is definitely hit or miss, and the misses are huge misses. Never seen it as bad as described but 3,3,3 is not out of the realm of possibilities for me on a bad night. On other occasions 3,7,8 were warranted. Are the dancers as good looking as Blush... nope. IS there fun to be had, yep.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Better to not mention names......unless she is a ROB
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    There are $10 dances as well, Lap dances at the low top tables between the bar and stage.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Nice place needs better dancers
    " told me this was a no touch place" glad to hear she was honest with you
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    A waste of time
    Regulars sit at the bar and the dancers for the most part leave them alone unless they know each other. Try sitting at a table if you want company, especially if you’re an old man
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    They have to be able to do better than this.
    Missed opportunity - I was planning on stopping by there on Tues, but got behind on a project at work. I could have seen the white polyester suit in action. Note: daytime cover is only enforced if there are three dancers or more working. I'm pretty sure the I know who the "hot" dancer is, better than average friction but lacks enthusiasm, if it is the petite pretty face, perky breasted, dark haired very early twenties dancer.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Thank you
    6-10 dancers on a Saturday? DMC must have fallen on hard times. Used to be 20-30 dancers on a weekend night.