I've noticed that most local strip clubs here in Indianapolis play almost nonstop rap music. This in a city where the majority of customers and dancers are not black. I've talked to my favorite dancers about this. A lot of them don't actually listen to that type of music themselves. The last five I talked to had the five following favorites: White Stripes, Marilyn Manson, The Doors, Nirvana and Bob Seger. So the club dj is by no means playing what the girls like. I've talked to the girls and they also tell me the big spender types aren't really big rap fans and that rap actually attracts the type of customers into the club that the big spenders don't want to be around. So what exactly is the purpose of this and how has it come about? The girls seem perfectly capable of dancing to other types of music when it's played so they don't have to play rap for the reason that it's the only type of music that can be danced to.
Most of it comes down to the beats per minute of the music.... the modern rap is about the only current music that is in the 80-110 BPM with out the club DJ actually knowing how to change the tempo of the music w/o distorting the song .... fast enough so that "energy is added to the atmosphere" yet slow enough that the dancers are not looking like epileptics. Or to be blunt... most club DJ's are DJ's in name only and more emcees
last commentAlso, 65% of people who buy hip hop songs and albums are WHITE, so the customers and dancers not being black really has nothing to do with it.