
Comments by TFP (page 97)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What do we learn on these boards?
    And I have txtittyfag on ignore so I had to logout to even see what he posted. Seeing his posts, plus the other threads he started, makes me remember why I put him on ignore. It was a lot worse when VM was around but generally he's still a pretty negative poster. I've only seen him post in a non insulting way a couple times out of the many other times he posts.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What do we learn on these boards?
    Wow, that IS a trip, Echo. I had been lurking the site for awhile before my join date though. Still, you joined before I even started lurking so yeah.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who will be 1000
    I should be close. I predict I'll be after the 1000 mark though. Seems to be at least 2 HK reviews per day lately.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What do we learn on these boards?
    I concur with Papi on both his posts: the PLs back on 2004 seem way more well spoken. And I'm talking about myself also in the group of not so well spoken PLs. And this was a cool topic to revive. And I've always had the same thought that Juice posted here five years ago: we should have a thread filled with links to the best and most informative threads in TUSCL history. And like nicespice, I FINALLY see where the txtittyfag name came from. I guess he succeeded in running txtittyfan off the board as I never see him post here anymore.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Compare & Contrast Russians & Cubans
    I'd ignore the messages also. Crazy to hear that he PMs you asking for a response. Yet the way he responds to you in the public discussions (not taking any of your well thought out responses into consideration and repeating his same garbage) it's plainly not worth it. You see how you responded to each of his questions by repeating it and then responding? He doesn't know how to do the same. You ask him something and then here comes the privacy wall talk and all types of other bullshit. But hey, you said you have a soft spot for folks like him. So have fun with this dude who is more stuck on front room make out sessions than anyone should ever be stuck on anything.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Stage only clubs?
    ^^^^lucky guy! I've yet to meet any TUSCL member, let alone a dancer from here. Hopefully sometime in the future.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Compare & Contrast Russians & Cubans
    Ime +1 Watching nicespice waste her time talking to this shithead SJG is almost as frustrating as the dancers in the club who waste their time with nonspending fucktards. While a dude like me waits till she finally gets the clue the other dude is a broke ass poser.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Stage only clubs?
    Glad to see you back, Zoey101. I hadn't seen you in awhile and thought you were back to lurking only.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Thanx mr wonderful for giving me a trust on here!!
    You have plenty of trusts, why did you only thank Misterwonderful?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    ^^^^^^It sure did. He looked like absolute dog shit in the last 5 minutes of that game. He couldn't complete a pass to save his life. Too bad, since Khalil Mack had the game of his life. All the Raider fans here were rooting against Chicago, which seemed strange to me. I wanted them to win.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Nicole's idol
    My bad, Flagooner. You are absolutely right. It wasn't a break of serve. Osaka had already broken Serena and was ahead 4-3. The game penalty just consolidated the break of serve for her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Nicole's idol
    Nicole1994 well next time you see those users do that, call them out on it. Seems like you were calling out Cashman in this instance, but IMO he wasn't trying to paint women as emotionally unstable with his comment. Nina if you didn't read Cashman's comment then you missed the entire point that this debate between Nicole and myself stemmed from. And my 'putting words in Cashman's mouth' comment was directed towards Nicole, not you. Not sure why you thought it was to you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Nicole's idol
    Well I won't get into that debate. All I know is that IN THIS INSTANCE, Cashman said nothing about that. He said Serena specifically couldn't keep her emotions in check. Which once again, was correct. And you're right, any human male or female would have had problems containing their anger at that point. Still, it's not fair to group all the men on this forum together. Just because some guys on here have made unfair comments in the past about women and emotions it doesn't mean all of us men on here think like that. It's like you and Nicole both read way too far into Cashman's comment because of what some other guys have said in the past.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Plans to meet for my first OTC in forever
    Yeah I'm also confused. What makes you think any OTC action should be for free? Is it because you spend money on her in the club? That's not a legit reason at all.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Nicole's idol
    Ok Nicole I get what your real point was. Which actually now that I look it, was unfounded. I believe you made your comment about emotions after Cashman made this post: Serena let her temper get the best of her. She was down, as she was barely in the first set. Then the warning for coaching got in her head. The remainder of the match involved her inability to control her emotions, and her declining level of play. I feel badly for Osaka as she wasn’t able to enjoy her well earned tournament victory. Hopefully that big check she got will ease her pain. All he said was, Serena couldn't control her emotions after the first violation. Which was true. He didn't say she couldn't control her emotions because she's a woman. And Cashman also didn't say anything about men being able to control their emotions any better than woman. Not sure why you felt like you needed to put words in Cashman's mouth. There was no need to pull the womens equality card here.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Nicole's idol
    I actually agree with Nicole1994.....wow. I watch a ton of tennis and I've seen and heard men curse the umpire smooth the fuck out and not get any kind of warning. The first warning she got was for coaching, which was BS because a lot of players coaches do the second type of thing that Serena's coach did. However they NEVER call it, but now in the biggest match of the year they call it? If they're gonna call it, they have to call it fairly across the board. The call for racket abuse is half and half, it's all at the umpire's discretion. I've seen the same type of racket smash overlooked numerous other times. But not the case here. Sucked for Serena. However the conversation with the umpire and the subsequent 3rd violation (which WAS a break of serve, Flagooner) was unfairly administered IMO and this is the point I agree with Nicole about. Throughout Serena's entire conversation she never used foul language. The worse she did was call the umpire a thief. Do you know how many men's matches I've watched, where prominent players insult the chair umpire all while using foul language? And still NOT get a warning. Sure these guys did get violations plenty of times. But in the finals of the US Open or any Grand slam the umpire is usually a bit more lenient. You named a few with Johnny Mac and Jimmy Connors. Don't forget Andy Roddick. Or even the golden boy himself Federer had a meltdown in the US Open 2009 finals. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AZB9JfhzLzE The warning usually comes within the conversation. The umpire tells the player that if they keep it up, they'll get a violation. This umpire did nothing of the sort with Serena. Just gave her a third violation, which was a definite game changer. It sucked because Osaka was outplaying Serena the entire time and didn't need any help from the umpire. She handily won the first set and the match was on serve, even after Serena got the point violation. We may have been treated to a dogfight had the game violation not been assessed. All that did was taint the victory and make the entire situation uncomfortable for Osaka the rest of the time, which was a damn shame.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Is everybody ready for some football
    Can't wait! My Niners have a tough test for the first game. GoVikings, I hope we can hand y'all a week one disappointment.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    LDK discussion
    I actually considered getting a custom made shirt that said "Will tip for LDKs" but then I chickened out. Maybe one of these days I might muster up the courage. I can only imagine how many dancers would be like "what's an LDK?".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Best musical artist of all time
    Fucking nicespice LMAO Rebecca Black. I hated how all my friends told me I looked like the black dude who rapped in that video. Only because we both squint when we talk.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Sjg's brick wall
    Countryman I tried the same thing with SJG awhile back. Except I didn't offer to pay for any portion of his trip or anything like that. I simply suggested he take a trip to either Las Vegas or TJ, since both are practically in our back yard. He took offense to it though. I'll never understand his 'logic'.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why are people so down on SJG?
    My main problem with SJG is that he insults anyone who doesn't follow his preference for connecting with dancers. The main point I and many others in this site keep trying to get through his stubborn head is THERE IS NO ONE CORRECT WAY TO HAVE FUN IN THE CLUB! But yet he insists on telling people that you must have a front room makeout session and not buy dances. And if you don't follow that script, he insults you. Trying to debate with him is useless, as he doesn't acknowledge a single word you say and repeats his points over and over. All the other gripes posted above are also valid. Basically, he contributes his opinions and facts and if you don't agree he calls you a derogatory term. That mindset makes him a pretty weak member on a discussion forum.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    $160/month apartment in Dominican Republic
    For a second there Shadowcat had me thinking he was Sultan of Atanta with the square footage he listed. Lol!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why are people so down on SJG?
    Anislee I'll take you up on that expense paid TJ trip. Lol!