
Nicole's idol

Everything written by this member is a fact.
Lost her composure and lost the championship.

She has no class. This is not the first time she has acted like a petulant little child.


  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    At 36, I think it's amazing that she got to the finals. Competitive people don't lose well. I don't really have a problem with that. Serena has had a extremely successful career. But probably time to move on.

    Not that I am agreeing with Nicole on anything though.
  • Warrior is fucking lame..the fact that he had to emphasize he doesnt agree with me when this lost wasnt anything about what I said but rather just my idol..lmao some ppl stay hating and have no lives

    Guess it is time 4 nicole to move on .nicole out
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    No doubt that she is competitve, and some say the most dominant athlete ever, male or female.

    But true great champions present themselves with high character. And in my book how you carry yourself is just as important as the winning.

    It has happened too many times that she points blame on her failures elsewhere.
  • Btw..kind of reminds me how rousey lost and didnt recover bc of that ..not that serena wont have more wins, but their attitudes were synonymous
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ yes, very similar reactions.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I didn't watch it, but I think Serena puts a lot of pressure on herself and I think she wants to retire owning every record and puts a lot of pressure on herself bc of it.
  • londonguy
    6 years ago
    I thought the crowd were very disrespectful.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    People in NY were disrespectful ? Really ???
  • londonguy
    6 years ago
    Oh, they have a reputation for being that rude then? Shame on them.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    The venue is in a place called "Flushing" as in toilet.................

    I've attended a few US Open matches over the years if they coincided with a business trip to the area.

    This isn't Wimbledon. The Queen isn't in attendance and you don't drink tea or eat strawberries.

    And I doubt it was anything on the rowdy scale compared to when John McEnroe played--especially the late night matches at the Round of 16 or Quarterfinals level.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ thats what I was going to say she isn’t any worse than MacEnroe or Connors when they were playing
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ thats what I was going to say she isn’t any worse than MacEnroe or Connors when they were playing actually MacEnroe was a major pain in the ass screaming at umpires, smashing rackets and generally exhibiting poor sportsmanship often.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    I watched the entire match. Flagooner is right that Serena has had a few outbursts.....but I don’t think she did/said anything too bad. Athletes lash out at refs/umpires all the time
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Serena Williams is one of the best athletes to ever grace your TV screen.

    She's still worth nearly $200 million bucks and has plenty of titles to her name.

    Haters will hate, though.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Donald Trhmp is one of the best real estate developers to ever grace New York city.

    He's still worth over $1 billion bucks and was elected President of the United States.

    Haters will hate, though.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Perfect example flag. And Donald throws a little tantrum each night on Twitter.
  • Btw.. Serena isnt my idol..jim Carey is lol..
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    Why were you watching tennis anyway?

    Couldn't find an exciting 1-1 tie soccer games to watch?
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Lol Flagooner. That's a laugh. Yes, I wish I were a fat 72 year old man with pasty skin and fake hair who has to buy his friends, wives, and elections. Ya got me there.

    And I don't think anyone is hating on wannabe billionaire Donnie the connie, who has become the global punchline of a joke.

    Not sure why you took a break from licking his ass to randomly bring him up about an unrelated topic you started about a tennis player. Lol.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I didn't watch the match - read a blurb on espn.com and seems the umpire was a bit too-anal if not possibly biased, i.e. I've seen a lot of players smash their racket out of frustration and don't recall it being an automatic penalty
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ watch the clip. The tennis announcers fawn all over Serena. Chris Evert at least seemed to acknowledge that it is the rules.

    The rule hasn't been around that long so you can't compare to the '70s.

    It was only a penalty because it was the second infraction. It would have only been a warning if it was the first.

    Then she called the chair ump a thief. Can't have that disrespect. Needed to escalate to the next level which was the game. It wasn't like the game penalty was a service break. That would have really hurt.

    @25, tennis hasn't been interesting since the days of McEnroe, Connors, Nastase, ...
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    @flagooner you don’t find Nadal, Federer interesting?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago

    I'm quite certain that Donald Trump doesn't want to be a stoned mid-20s mulatto with hair extensions who has to play with old men's cocks to make money either. You got him there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah, the umpire acted within the rules but I think there was room there to let Serena vent via the racket-smash especially since the penalty was gonna cost her a point - I'm not sure if it's the norm now to always penalize a player for smashing a racket but when I used to follow tennis more closely I don't recall umps penalizing a player every time when he smashed his racket (whether the penalty was a warning or a point-loss)
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @ GoVikings.
    Not really. They are awesome players, but the sport lost me decades ago.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I don't watch tennis much, but when I was flipping through stations I saw her melting down so stopped to watch the trainwreck.

    I'm sure the ump could have been more lenient, but it's hard to fault him. She is the one that forced the issue and just kept going further and further.

    I feel bad for the other girl who totally outplayed Serena today but had her accomplishment trivialized.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ good point

    Fuck you Jackie
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Back to @GoVikings
    Sampras and Agassi was moderately interesting but Sampras had no personality. The whole sport has become too vanilla.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    EchoPizza for the win tonight
    “Why were you watching tennis anyway?

    Couldn't find an exciting 1-1 tie soccer games to watch?”
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I missed that one. Good one.

    International break.
    The club fixtures start up again next weekend.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "I'm quite certain that Donald Trump doesn't want to be a stoned mid-20s mulatto with hair extensions who has to play with old men's cocks to make money either. You got him there."

    So there is something wrong with being a mulatto? Please, tell me what that is and why you are trying to use it in a negative fashion.

    But I guess by saying Trump wouldn't want to be a "mulatto" is your subtle attempt at admitting he's racist.

    As for "extensions," I've never gotten a weave, wig, etc. I used to wear clip ins only at work, but haven't since 2017 now that my hair is 18" long. Lol. And it's very beautiful and thick as most "mulatto" hair tends to be. You jealous?

    And I'm sure Trump would rather be back in his mid 20s than being the 72-year-old joke of the planet. Haha.

    You silly racist. Please continue. I'd love to verbally eviscerate you.
  • Every time I see this I cringe . it cringed me that I said Serena was my idol, whether trolling or not

    I prefer not to look up to someone who blames in the gender card when she broke the law

    I like jim carey.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Relax on the racism claim. Assuming I inferred something negative to being mulatto just shows your insecurity. I was just using a parallel to your post, or did you not recognize it?

    fat - stoned

    72 year old man - mid 20s

    pasty skin - mulatto

    fake hair - hair extensions

    has to buy his friends, wives, and elections. - play with old men's cocks to make money

    ^ "I'd love to verbally eviscerate you."

    I'd rather you just blow me. I've heard the 2 quarters in my pocket should cover it.

  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "fat - stoned"
    ^Fat and stoned are neither synonymous nor related. Nice try.

    "72 year old man - mid 20s"
    ^Yes, the 72 year old man lusts over young women in their mid 20s and he himself wishes he was younger.

    "pasty skin - mulatto"
    ^No. 'Mulatto' is a term that I myself, as a 'mulatto,' am proud to claim. It is also a term that is used in a derogatory fashion; a perfect example of that is the way you just used it towards me. You should have just called me a nigger, and foolishly tried to defend yourself. Also, 'pasty skin' has nothing to do with whether or not someone is white. Pasty skin is skin that looks unhealthy, which Trump's does, even though he likes to dye it orange instead. I guess that's what eating Big Macs all your life does to you.

    "fake hair - hair extensions"
    ^My hair, I'll reiterate since you're illerate, is thick and 18 inches long. I do not wear extensions. Trump, on the other hand, is now bald; he has to have cosmetic surgery to make it appear that he has hair. And even then, he's still bald.

    "has to buy his friends, wives, and elections. - play with old men's cocks to make money"
    ^Again, with the rest of what you are trying to pass on as 'comparisons,' (???) these are two different topics with no relation, dumbass.

    "I'd rather you just blow me. I've heard the 2 quarters in my pocket should cover it."
    ^You could never afford me. Plus, I prefer not to engage in sexual relations with men so old that they have continuous white glob in the corners of your mouth. Keep your 50 cents and buy yourself a cheap toothbrush. It'll be the best investment you've ever made.
  • minnow
    6 years ago
    I don't watch tennis, it's too much of a racket...….
  • Hi flag

  • Lolol @minnow
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    If Nina is charging 50 cents, then I’m setting my blow jobs at 49!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Serena let her temper get the best of her. She was down, as she was barely in the first set. Then the warning for coaching got in her head. The remainder of the match involved her inability to control her emotions, and her declining level of play.

    I feel badly for Osaka as she wasn’t able to enjoy her well earned tournament victory. Hopefully that big check she got will ease her pain.
  • Lmao at dudes saying serena couldnt control her emotion...oh..as if men who yell at refs for every similar things AND SAY worse things are emotionally controlled ?

  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I was busy watching titties on stage last night. Missed all the excitement here.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I know my memory is worse than a dancer when someone I don't recognize remembers me from ages ago. I believe drinking beer and meeting thousands of dancers could cause me to forget a few.
  • rossl
    6 years ago
    No takers yet?!?? Nice - count me in, Luv! ;-)
  • Lmao at dudes saying serena couldnt control her emotion...oh..as if men who yell at refs for every similar things AND SAY worse things are emotionally controlled ?

  • Lmao at dudes saying serena couldnt control her emotion...oh..as if men who yell at refs for every similar things AND SAY worse things are emotionally controlled ?

  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I actually agree with Nicole1994.....wow. I watch a ton of tennis and I've seen and heard men curse the umpire smooth the fuck out and not get any kind of warning.

    The first warning she got was for coaching, which was BS because a lot of players coaches do the second type of thing that Serena's coach did. However they NEVER call it, but now in the biggest match of the year they call it? If they're gonna call it, they have to call it fairly across the board.

    The call for racket abuse is half and half, it's all at the umpire's discretion. I've seen the same type of racket smash overlooked numerous other times. But not the case here. Sucked for Serena.

    However the conversation with the umpire and the subsequent 3rd violation (which WAS a break of serve, Flagooner) was unfairly administered IMO and this is the point I agree with Nicole about. Throughout Serena's entire conversation she never used foul language. The worse she did was call the umpire a thief. Do you know how many men's matches I've watched, where prominent players insult the chair umpire all while using foul language? And still NOT get a warning. Sure these guys did get violations plenty of times. But in the finals of the US Open or any Grand slam the umpire is usually a bit more lenient. You named a few with Johnny Mac and Jimmy Connors. Don't forget Andy Roddick. Or even the golden boy himself Federer had a meltdown in the US Open 2009 finals. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AZB9JfhzLz… The warning usually comes within the conversation. The umpire tells the player that if they keep it up, they'll get a violation. This umpire did nothing of the sort with Serena. Just gave her a third violation, which was a definite game changer.

    It sucked because Osaka was outplaying Serena the entire time and didn't need any help from the umpire. She handily won the first set and the match was on serve, even after Serena got the point violation. We may have been treated to a dogfight had the game violation not been assessed. All that did was taint the victory and make the entire situation uncomfortable for Osaka the rest of the time, which was a damn shame.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Have no interest in this but it was front page news. Her fine was $17,000 to be taken out of her 1.85 million for runner up. That must be hard to take.
  • So @Tfp..although men get away with worse things, i wasnt making an argument that what the umpire did was wrong. Just bc other umpires l jet other men get away with it, doesnt speak to what that particular umpire let other men get away with and not get away with , so it is wrong to say that what the umpire did was discriminatory ..

    But again, it is so hypocritical for men to constantly poke at women on the basis that they are more emotional rather than rational by claiming that women cry such as how do they do when drunk or like how serena did, because if these acts classify women as "women letting their emotions get the best of them", then men are equally emotionally unsound, given the fact that they can yell and get violent or just be more of a nuisance when drunk to the same extent that women cry when drunk

    For the Serena case, like i. Said, I am.not making a judgement about the validity of what the umpire did, since it was a complicated incident . however , to say that she was overly emotional is to ignore the extent to which male tennis players react the same way she did to the same extent , if not to a greater extent
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Ok Nicole I get what your real point was. Which actually now that I look it, was unfounded. I believe you made your comment about emotions after Cashman made this post:

    Serena let her temper get the best of her. She was down, as she was barely in the first set. Then the warning for coaching got in her head. The remainder of the match involved her inability to control her emotions, and her declining level of play.

    I feel badly for Osaka as she wasn’t able to enjoy her well earned tournament victory. Hopefully that big check she got will ease her pain.

    All he said was, Serena couldn't control her emotions after the first violation. Which was true. He didn't say she couldn't control her emotions because she's a woman. And Cashman also didn't say anything about men being able to control their emotions any better than woman. Not sure why you felt like you needed to put words in Cashman's mouth. There was no need to pull the womens equality card here.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "He didn't say she couldn't control her emotions because she's a woman. And Cashman also didn't say anything about men being able to control their emotions any better than woman."

    I am not going to argue whether Serena's behavior was right or wrong, and I'm not putting words in anyone's mouth; however, when men say things along the lines of women not being able to control their emotions, even if it not meant to be, it resonates on an attempt to further the stereotype of women being over emotional. And please don't say this isn't true. Guys here talk about it all the time.

    The truth is, many of the great male tennis players have also had "outbursts" or an ability to control their emotions; it is typically human nature to have flawed moments when one is unable to control those emotions. However, when women do it, it tends to be focused on women in general being overly emotional, whereas when men do it, instead of being called "emotional," they're "just being blunt," or "just being a powerful, assertive man," or "just having a rough day."
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Well I won't get into that debate. All I know is that IN THIS INSTANCE, Cashman said nothing about that. He said Serena specifically couldn't keep her emotions in check. Which once again, was correct. And you're right, any human male or female would have had problems containing their anger at that point.

    Still, it's not fair to group all the men on this forum together. Just because some guys on here have made unfair comments in the past about women and emotions it doesn't mean all of us men on here think like that. It's like you and Nicole both read way too far into Cashman's comment because of what some other guys have said in the past.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    TFP - I didn't even read cashman's comment. TBH I haven't read anything he has typed since he started being an asshole towards me for no reason, so I skipped past that. I just read yours. That is why I said I wasn't putting words into anyone's mouth. I didn't.

    I didn't group all men on this forum together, and I won't. I said men here talk about women's "emotional instability" all the time, which is true. I didn't say all of them do. In fact I've been having some very pleasant private conversations with several of the men on this forum, and I wouldn't be doing so if I thought they were all the same.
  • I'm sorry for putting words into cash man's mouth, since even tho many men would say what cash man said as a way to show how women are overly emotional, idle if that was intention so I'm sorry for making it seem as if that was his intention

    With that being said, I dont take thr content of my argument back,just whonit was directed to.it was directed to men and SOME OF the men on tuscl(not all of them.. I know they exist but idle which users specifically ) who would and who do use what serena did as a way to show how women are emotionally unstable, while they continue to ignore the equal number of men who do the same thing
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    “In fact I've been having some very pleasant private conversations with several of the men on this forum”

    Glad you have been enjoying our sexy talk chica.

    And of course women are emotional. How else you think I get them to pay me $5000 to start.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Nicole1994 well next time you see those users do that, call them out on it. Seems like you were calling out Cashman in this instance, but IMO he wasn't trying to paint women as emotionally unstable with his comment.

    Nina if you didn't read Cashman's comment then you missed the entire point that this debate between Nicole and myself stemmed from. And my 'putting words in Cashman's mouth' comment was directed towards Nicole, not you. Not sure why you thought it was to you.

  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    TFP - I must have been confused because your comment came directly after mine. My bad.
  • Tfp calling them out is besides the point, as not only have I already done that when I first began to post, but also bc o have stated that I stand by all of the content of my argument just made bc I believe it constituted a relevant response to cash man claim since he brought up something that hasnt been specifically stated my men on here, but is a misconception many of Men make about women .

    Cash man simply articulated a view that other men frequently and consistently use to attack women . that is why I had to address it.the fact that he wasnt one of the men who make the same claim to target women as a whole just means I regret directing the comment at him in particular , rather than the content which I don't regret discussing in any way
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ "...however, when men say things along the lines of women not being able to control their emotions, even if it not meant to be, it resonates on an attempt to further the stereotype of women being over emotional. "

    It's sad that we have become so PC that you can't make an observation about a specific incident and a specific individual without fear of being labeled misogynistic, racist, homophobic...

    Yes, men have meltdowns too. White men at that. But this specific incident didn't involve a white man.

    To not offend the thin-skinned (and no, that is not another word for mulatto in case you were going to accuse me of such) I guess my first sentence should have read.

    "I'm not saying this had anything to do with her being a female because men have exhibited similar behavior, but Serena lost her composure and lost the championship."

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could give our fellow citizens (oops, humans) the benefit of the doubt instead of stifling communication.

    So often these accusations are simply the result of super-sensitivity, looking for something to cry persecution over, or premeditated attacks.

    It's really sad.

    On a completely separate issue...

    I wonder if Serena was having her period.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I do not believe it was a service break.

    The other girl was getting ready to serve but gave the balls to Serena to serve the next game. I assumed that meant it was the other girl's game that was given.

    I might be mistaken, it has happened once or twice before.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    First off - Nina - I offered an apology directed towards you several days ago. If you didn’t read it, I apologize again for my behavior, I was wrong.

    My statement was not a comparison of men vs women. My statement was that Serena was highly emotional during that match. She was offended when she was warned for coaching. If she left it at that - and didn’t smash her racquet after being broken - there would have been no point loss to her. However, she didn’t control her emotions. Her emotional state declined quickly, and she lashed out at the chair umpire.

    I believe that you must look at the escalation of anger and frustration displayed by Serena. When she continued to lash out at the chair umpire, I believe his actions were appropriate.

    I have watched Serena play for over 20 years. I’ve seen her anger get the best of her. I’ve seen her mature, and learn to handle her emotions in a more adult manner. However, I put that aside yesterday, and I still view her actions as inappropriate.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I wonder if Serena’s $17,000.00 fine is tax deductible?
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    My bad, Flagooner. You are absolutely right. It wasn't a break of serve. Osaka had already broken Serena and was ahead 4-3. The game penalty just consolidated the break of serve for her.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    To me sports is entertainment first and foremost, and watching Serena's tantrum was pretty fun so I have absolutely no problems with what she did.

    I just find it very interesting how she kept going back again and again about how she's not a cheater and would never cheat at tennis....
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