
Comments by TFP (page 138)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    What do you tip for LDK? (That's lapgasm for MrDeuce!)
    See you didn't answer the question. Stating your opinion isn't an answer to why you must state the same opinion in every fucking thread about LDK over and over. I'm gonna conclude that you simply are incapable of having a two way conversation and of seeing another's viewpoint. Despite that, I'll still answer your question. Yes, there are plenty of women I see where I live OUTSIDE of the strip club that are worth the chase. When I go to strip clubs however, it is not my intent to chase any of them. I don't want to date a stripper. But what I like about them is you pay money, you get pleasure and it's done. Simple and easy. Plus if you've been paying attention to my posts, I actually seldom go to strip clubs. For the last 3 years I've only gone about 3-4 times per year in Las Vegas. Why in the hell would a persue a stripper that lives in a different state? Still, I highly enjoy my time in those strip clubs, which is why I found this site. To hear of others good experiences. My problem with you SJG is that you simply don't understand that different people have different likes. You denounce anything that you're not interested in and have no ability to have a regular conversation where you take an opposing viewpoint and respond to it. I believe I've tried to be civil with you, however you lack the ability to return the favor.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    What do you tip for LDK? (That's lapgasm for MrDeuce!)
    So it seems you can't read. Or you don't know how to hold a conversation. Because all I asked you to do is simply answer my question above and I will answer yours. You can't even do that. Based on this interaction with you I wonder how the hell you even converse with women. I hope you actually respond to them and not just talk to yourself in their presence. Much like you've done on multiple threads in this forum. Justme62 you mean I'm gonna lose the ability to cum from a 30 minute lapdance? If so, that sucks. Hard to believe that can happen.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    What do you tip for LDK? (That's lapgasm for MrDeuce!)
    Oh so you're ready to have a civil conversation now? Ok I'll answer the question you just asked me IF you respond to my earlier question. Why do you feel the need to repeat your same OPINION in every thread dealing with LDK? It's the same folks participating in these threads and it's easy to see who enjoys it and who doesn't. The people who don't enjoy cumming in dances simply don't post in here. I recommend the same to you. Because I can tell you, your posting that same line does nothing to change our minds and everything to sink our impression of you even lower.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    What do you tip for LDK? (That's lapgasm for MrDeuce!)
    SJG why do you always feel the need to repeat the same line over and over in a thread about lapgasms? I hope you don't actually think you are changing anyone's mind about anything. In actuality all you're doing is taking up space and being a general fucktard. What I recommend is simply avoiding any thread about LDK/lapgasms. Same way I wouldn't comment on a thread about DFK or any other thread you might start because I'm not into what you're into. I don't go into those threads and put down folks because of my OPINION about those activities. For the love of God, how is that so hard for you to understand???
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    What do you tip for LDK? (That's lapgasm for MrDeuce!)
    MrDuece, your part of the world sounds awesome. And you have a great amount of experience based on your records. Since my first trip to a strip club at age 30 nine years so I think I've only been SCing about 30 times since then. In the past 3 years I've only gone 3 or 4 times each year, and that's all on the same weekend in Vegas. So I'm still a relative noob and look to you experienced guys for tips and advice. Since my experiences are just in Vegas it's a lot different in price and experience compared to you guys in parts of the US where the rules are a lot more lax. At some point in my life hopefully I will experience all the stuff that you guys talk about in your reviews. Until then, Vegas VIP lapgasms will work for me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    What do you tip for LDK? (That's lapgasm for MrDeuce!)
    I tip similar to Juicebox69, half of whatever the service. For me it's usually during a 30 minute $200 VIP so if she was extra cool ie let me grab and suck her tits and didn't change grinding positions when I lightly grab her hips then I tip her $100. I'll tip $50 for anything less.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are liquid lapdance underwear still worth it?
    These pants sound like a lot of effort with adding lube and pouches and all types of shit. I usually wear a dress shirt and slacks. If they look like regular dress slacks it MIGHT be worth it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are liquid lapdance underwear still worth it?
    Bah. I'll just cum in my boxers. Some mention that they want to maximize the grind feeling by going commando in thin slacks. The sensation is just fine for me with thin slacks and boxers. As pathetic as this is to admit, I'm used to that soaked feeling after an LDK. My only worry used to be it leaking out to my slacks. But after multiple LDKs and no leakage I'm set. Wouldn't want any to get on the girl and have her be grossed out. Most girls as I've seen don't care if you cum, just as long as you don't get anything on her and tip her well at the end of the dance. Hit the bathroom after, wipe off as much as you can, and ready to recharge for another possible LDK or just head home and pass out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    The Chase, and Front Room Makeout Sessions, versus Chumps and Losers
    ^^^^ I don't think he has. It's terribly annoying and ruins what would otherwise be an excellent forum with a bunch of excellent chaps who I wouldn't mind hitting up a strip club with.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    The Chase, and Front Room Makeout Sessions, versus Chumps and Losers
    What is it with you and got damn DFKing??!! Swear to God you act as though your favorite thing HAS TO BE everyone else's favorite thing. We know you like front room make out sessions and how you feel about dances. No need to repeat it a million fucking times. You will not change anyone else's mind on their own likes and beliefs. So please shut up about it already.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Airdance clubs: what are they good for?
    @Subraman also it's funny that you mentioned Sapphire and Spearmint Rhinos in Vegas. I've had the best LDKs ever in those 2 places. I'm headed to Vegas in about 3 weeks and those 2 places are definitely on the list of places to go. Debating the other 2 clubs I will hit. Anyway it's hard for me to think that an SF club can compare to that. Especially in quality of the girls. My type is pretty standard: big ass and big tits, doesn't matter if real or fake. Vegas had plenty, SF not so much.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Airdance clubs: what are they good for?
    Thanks for the Intel, Subraman. TBH I didnt do any VIP at either Hustler or Gold Club. But that was because I was using the same strategy that I used in Vegas: get some dances from the dancers I thought were the best looking. Whoever had the best dance I take to VIP. But in SF that didn't work for me. For one, in the Gold Club that Sunday night I went I didn't see many of my type. And the one that was my type gave me the first air dance I've ever had. On top of that they don't get topless when they give you the dance, unlike Vegas. Immediately crossed that place off my list. Then at the Hustler Club the girls looked a bit better but still don't get topless when they give you a dance. Plus it wasn't enough grinding for my taste. I figured if the lap dances are like this why pay more for VIP, I don't want 30 minutes of this crap. As for extras clubs, I'm a relative newb when it comes to SCs so I'm not in the loop of which ones do extras. The most SCing I've done in SF was one night where I met another PL at a bar. Didn't even know this dude and struck up a conversation. He asked what I was up to and I told him point blank that I was about to go on a strip club binge. He was like 'me too!'. So we decided to hit em up together. He even put me on to the wristband you can buy that gets you access to like 5 different clubs. He was pretty knowledgeable about the girls at all the clubs, which let me know he was an experienced PL. I'd pick a girl and he'd be like 'she's bad news man's. Sure enough it'd be a crappy dance. Best club we visited IMO was Centerfolds. The private dance area was more private than most clubs. But since the other clubs were so low contact I didn't try my luck although if I were braver I probably could have had more fun. Still, I didn't have any kind of gropey fun like I always do in Vegas. Which SF clubs do extras?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Airdance clubs: what are they good for?
    I was wondering this same thing myself. But the reasons listed here make sense....for other folks. For me, if it were the only option I just wouldn't go. It's why I don't really mess with San Francisco strip clubs in my area. After starting my SC career in Las Vegas where you can pretty much molest girls non stop, SF was a total shock. I didn't know what an air dance was until hitting the Gold Club one evening. Hustler Club was a little better but it was 50% grind, 50% airdance. Opposed to Vegas 90% grind, 10% air and even in those short air sequences you're grabbing/slapping ass until she sits back down. SF strip clubs aren't even air dance clubs yet I still don't like them because it's not heavy 2 way contact and the girls are good looking but not standouts like Vegas. TBH Ive only been clubbing in those 2 cities so I know I missing out big time based on accounts from folks on this forum. It's cool, my time will come. Wow did I get off topic or what? Back on topic: air dance clubs are good for nothing IMO lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Tall vs short dancers - have a pref ?
    I usually like taller girls but in the club it doesn't matter. Although if I had that stand up dance that Papi was talking about I'd want her to be 5'5 or taller. 5'5 in heels and above usually has their ass line up perfectly with my crotch since I'm 6'1. I remember a time when I asked a dancer who looked almost my height in heels for a dance. She asked me to buy her a drink first. I looked at the bar and it had a ridiculous line. So I agreed and stood behind her the whole time in the line talking and grinding against her ass lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Likes large natural tits
    You LDK'ed. What next?
    've had a couple who were able to tell, the others were clueless when I LDK'd or at least they acted like they were. No dancer made a big deal over it. Since I usually LDK at the end or near the end of a 30 minute VIP it's usually just cuddle for minute and then I tip her well for her performance. I had one ask for a tip afterwards. What's funny is that I was gonna tip her my usual $100 but since she asked for it it made me kinda mad and I just tipped her $40 instead. Not sure how I'd handle an LDK in the middle of a dance. Although I remember one VIP session where I bought an hour instead of my normal 30. This chick had huge, fantastic boobs and while she was going through all the lapdance positions she got to the titfuck over the pants one. I grabbed a hold of those fantastic melons and kept her there. She knew what was up and stayed there until I exploded in my pants. Then she sat on my lap and we chit chatted about random shit while I fondled the hell out of her boobs. She offered OTC. I asked about the price and she said $1000. FUCK no I thought, and politely declined. I was still a rookie (pretty much still am) so I didn't know about negotiating the price until I found this forum. Sorry for the story, I'm kinda long winded as I'm sure you guys have noticed.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Strip Club Decline
    @Nemesisk7 you're right, I haven't been to any strip clubs outside of the US. I don't even have a passport yet. But I'm confused why you're telling me that American strip clubs are garbage compared to foreign ones? I never brought up any such comparison. As for Hong Kong being the #1 strip club on the site, well no duh. I've obviously never been there but from descriptions alone it pretty much has something for everyone, unless you're not into Latinas. You can get VHM in the club if that's as far as you want to take it. Or you can just go fuck. Pretty much everyone leaves getting what they wanted.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Strip Club Decline
    Yeah checking out free cams I understand. Sometimes they pop up while I'm looking at porn and of the girl is fine I'll stay and watch. In that time I'll hear the ch-ching and her thanking guys for spending money and think wow what a waste. As for air dance establishments if that's the most a city will allow then I'd rather have nothing. But hey, if they're making enough money to stay in business then I guess it's worth it to someone. Just not my cup of tea. I guess I have to remember that the same way I feel about web camming and air dances is the same way others feel about strip clubs. Why pay all that money to just be teased, they ask. When my anti strip club friends ask me that I always think 'well I LDK so it's not really a tease'. Of course I don't say that lol. But still, I guess it's just my (our) thing. Last year enroute to a strip club in Vegas a cab driver offered to take me to an AMP instead. He says 'for what you're about to spend at the strip club you can pick out a girl and actually bust a nut'. I declined, probably for the reason someone mentioned above. You're crossing a different line IMO when you hit one of those places. Nothing wrong with it at all, but I feel much less guilt at a strip club vs an AMP.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Strip Club Decline
    I read this whole discussion and there are two things that I don't understand. How is web camming so popular? Sure it's a live girl that you can tell what to do but that's it. Why would anyone want to sink money into that when other then your commands there is no physical interaction? For every command you have for a girl you can search the oceans and oceans worth of free porn and find a girl doing the same thing. Free! Also, what is the appeal of an air dance? It almost sounds like camming to me, except that the girl is in front of you. But much like camming, you still can't touch and you're spending money for it. I'm sorry but I wish no one supported air dance clubs, or web camming. Free web camming? Fine. Paying for it? Fuck no.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Follies Code
    Damn. Going to Vegas next month and I'd love to get one of these. 4 nights, four different strip clubs. Now my mission is to find the one that does wall dances.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Follies Code
    That stand up lap dance sounds like the greatest thing ever! The way Papi describes it sounds like it would easily be my preference of lap dance. Why don't other clubs do this? Or do they, and I'm just out of the loop? I'd LDK like a muthafucka with one of those lol!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Million Dollar Body-10 cent face
    Yeah, the body is the most important thing for me also.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What is ...
    Wow, a lot of guys dislike fake tits. I fucking LOVE them! Well, some of them. I like the chicks that get them nice and firm but still bouncy and squeezeable. I don't like the ones where they feel like you're grabbing two rocks that don't move anywhere. As for the subject I'm a boob guy definitely, but she gotta have ass also. I consider myself easy to please because I'm only looking at 3 things: boobs, ass, face. 2 out of 3 is ok if it's just big boobs and ass. Body of a goddess, face from hell? Send her my way if you don't want her lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Some tattoos just make you say "why?"
    Well the dudes in the comments sure like it. Me, I can't get past the scars on her arm. She's definitely a cutter. It's a hobby that I don't understand but hey, to each their own.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Very nice club, pretty girls, fun atmosphere
    Nice to see you back, PinkSugarDoll! Thanks for the review and filling us PLs in on what we really want to know. You sound like a great dancer with the way you say you like your customer to have fun even though the bouncers come through. Still, the club sounds a little too restrictive when it comes to us custies. How would you rate the contact during dances here vs, say, LV Sapphire floor dances? If they're comparable then that's a good sign at least.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    San Leandro, CA
    Still Can Get Conned
    Wow that sucks. And then the bitch had the audacity to try to get you to go for an hour with the same empty promise? Can't stand girls like that. If you don't kiss, just say so. Don't lie just to get a quick sale. And definitely don't try to lie again for another sale, you look like a nothing but a scam artist, plain and simple. I wish you had her name so you could put her on blast here. Not like the TUSCL users make up even 1% of patrons to Rhino, but still. Hate ROBS like that.