
What do you tip for LDK? (That's lapgasm for MrDeuce!)

In a brilliant place!
Saturday, July 8, 2017 8:13 AM
I tried to work some magic at a local non-extras club. Alas, I was denied. But she did grind pretty well and I managed to LDK. I paid $80 for 15 minutes and tipped her $40 for the LDK. What would you have paid? Also, should I have told her about my brilliant dachshund friend and pet frogs? Do you think that would have swayed her toward some more hardcore action?


  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I am a frequent LDK or LapGasm Disciple my self so I will express my two cents on the subject some as the Master LDK himself goes the cheap route and I do believe he dosnt tip extra for what he feels is already factored into the price but I can not speak for the Master himself and I do not have this on any authority just my thoughts from talking with him over the years. my actual method sounds similar to what you did 4got. as a rule of thumb I tip 50% of what I paid for if I cum. a few examples if I paid for 5 dances for $100 and had a LDK I would tip $50 extra IF I had paid for 1 dance for $20 and LapGasm I would tip $10 extra I believe you get the point
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Ldk probably doesn't tip. Could be rong.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Im pretty sure he does not like 75% to 25% lol
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    I tip similar to Juicebox69, half of whatever the service. For me it's usually during a 30 minute $200 VIP so if she was extra cool ie let me grab and suck her tits and didn't change grinding positions when I lightly grab her hips then I tip her $100. I'll tip $50 for anything less.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    I guess I'm cheap. For a lapgasm (thanks for the recognition, 4got!), I usually tip the cost of one lap dance, so if she gets me off in three $15 lappers, I give her $60. I've never gotten even a whiff of a complaint, and some girls have made me cum with lap dances *dozens* of times. The record-holder is a stripper who danced for me for 18 years (!), ages 18-36, and brought me to my happy place 48 times in about 80 attempts. For a BBBJCIM in a 30-minute VIP room, which generally costs $150 in my part of the world, I usually tip $50. Yesterday I tipped $70 because she had voluntarily switched from CBJ the week before (which was unsuccessful) to BBBJ this time, with delightful results. Come on, guys (and girls): Tip your waitress and bartender every time, and tip your strippers when they get you off or otherwise go above and beyond the call of duty!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Find the girl you want to be walking up with in the mornings. Save your jizim for her. SJG Alban Berg - LULU [view link]
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    7 years ago
    Never had one.
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    I look at it a little differently. For me: the quicker the LDK happens, the larger the tip. If I'm paying more in dances, paying a larger tip on top of (or especially 'because') I got more dances is hustling backwards. She doesn't get credit for my control when it's her job to make me lose it.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    SJG, you reviewless, hyper-repetitive troll, has it occurred to you that many of us don't usually *want* to wake up with a stripper? OTC is sometimes a nice change of pace, and I have *loved* my 10 or so dates with my ATF over the past year, but most of us generally want to get in, get off, and get out. Yesterday I spent 6 hours at a club (!) and enjoyed 2-3 lap dances with each of three different hotties and a BBBJCIM with a fourth, but I had no desire to take any of them home or to a hotel. Why should your notion of the correct way to interact with strippers, based as far as I can tell on no actual experience, be normative for the rest of us who actually *go* to strip clubs?
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I don't tip unless they swallow.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Hey MrDeuce, if they don't have attractive desirable girls at your local strip clubs, I'm sorry for you. If all you want is something akin to masturbation, just done at a very high cost, and you want to pay money to exacerbate your own frustration, oh well. These women let you classify them as 'strippers', and you don't want to spend much time with them or come to know them, what can I say. Where does this brain damage start? Interesting question. I guess this is what we have strip clubs for, certain kinds of strip clubs, for taking money off of CHUMPS. SJG Jesus Taught Hermetics [view link]
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Boom ! Told yeah LMFAO Thanks King for the confirmation
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    MrDuece, your part of the world sounds awesome. And you have a great amount of experience based on your records. Since my first trip to a strip club at age 30 nine years so I think I've only been SCing about 30 times since then. In the past 3 years I've only gone 3 or 4 times each year, and that's all on the same weekend in Vegas. So I'm still a relative noob and look to you experienced guys for tips and advice. Since my experiences are just in Vegas it's a lot different in price and experience compared to you guys in parts of the US where the rules are a lot more lax. At some point in my life hopefully I will experience all the stuff that you guys talk about in your reviews. Until then, Vegas VIP lapgasms will work for me.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Buying dances is a chump's game, and paying money for ejaculation services is just aggravating your own already severe sexual frustration. SJG
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    I tip similar to what you guys have said. Around 50%, sometimes a little more depending on what bills I'm carrying.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So when Adam and Eve got banished from the Garden of Eden, is that when pants were invented, to substitute LDKing for FS? SJG
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    SJG why do you always feel the need to repeat the same line over and over in a thread about lapgasms? I hope you don't actually think you are changing anyone's mind about anything. In actuality all you're doing is taking up space and being a general fucktard. What I recommend is simply avoiding any thread about LDK/lapgasms. Same way I wouldn't comment on a thread about DFK or any other thread you might start because I'm not into what you're into. I don't go into those threads and put down folks because of my OPINION about those activities. For the love of God, how is that so hard for you to understand???
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So TFP, where you live, what is the problem, don't they have girls that you would like to chase after? SJG
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Oh so you're ready to have a civil conversation now? Ok I'll answer the question you just asked me IF you respond to my earlier question. Why do you feel the need to repeat your same OPINION in every thread dealing with LDK? It's the same folks participating in these threads and it's easy to see who enjoys it and who doesn't. The people who don't enjoy cumming in dances simply don't post in here. I recommend the same to you. Because I can tell you, your posting that same line does nothing to change our minds and everything to sink our impression of you even lower.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So now I'm starting to understand, you like to buy dances and cum. This is your idea of sex and your idea of what to do when with beautiful women? SJG
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i haven't had a ldk in like forever it seems. i envy the young.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Do you agree that if a guy makes a habit of going into strip clubs and seeking that, instead of FS, and OTC FS, and seeing girls for longer periods of time, that there is something wrong going on and that he is for some reason just paying money to exacerbate his own sexual frustration, as well as making a fool out of himself in front of beautiful girls? SJG
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Again instead of answering a direct question you chose to state an opinion you are a real fucktard!
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    So it seems you can't read. Or you don't know how to hold a conversation. Because all I asked you to do is simply answer my question above and I will answer yours. You can't even do that. Based on this interaction with you I wonder how the hell you even converse with women. I hope you actually respond to them and not just talk to yourself in their presence. Much like you've done on multiple threads in this forum. Justme62 you mean I'm gonna lose the ability to cum from a 30 minute lapdance? If so, that sucks. Hard to believe that can happen.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The answer is very simple, buying dances is a chump's game, and paying money for ejaculation services is simply exacerbating your own sexual frustration. When I have been in situations like that, which I do not seek, mid level mileage, no way to get a front room makeout session going, not really conducive to FS, but dry humping is clearly on the menu, I have opted for DATYing dancers. And that has always gone over extremely well. A good way to go if seeing the girl outside is an objective. They respond strikingly well to it. But with our local no touching clubs, that is okay, as it is very cheap, and the talk with the girls is good. Open ended potential for future outside contact of all types. And at our underground circuit, things are very lose and the girls are constantly offering OTC, with either words or deeds. Clip joints, 'wanna dance' places, are just for separating marks from their money. And San Francisco had not been like that. SJG
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @TFP SJG is an egotistical little shit he thinks his opinion actually matters. He is also delusional thinking some woman he just met wants to have a make out session with his fugly self what a jerk by anyone's standard.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    And TFP, you expect a girl to dry hump you for 30min? FS, where you can lead it, for 30min, and with varying rhythm, fine, but expecting a girl to grind you for that long. Yipes! SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    With our beloved Latina escorts, they are that friendly. Almost like what is widely reported about Tijuana. Sorry Twentyfive if you've not gotten that many good times with women so that you would understand this. SJG
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    I suggest that many LDK lovers would say that ejaculating (whether in the mouth, in the pussy or in one's own shorts) is relieving their sexual frustration, not exacerbating it. If ejaculating in one's pants exacerbates one's sexual frustration, then that one would be wise to avoid it. If ejaculating in one's pants relieves one's sexual frustration, then that one would be wise to seek it. I agree with the many that cannot understand why anyone would repetitively assert that there is something wrong with another PL that derives pleasure out of LDK. To each his own. Vive la difference. Let it go. SJG, you are judging others' preferences and that's not cool and that's partly why you incur such vitriol.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    That is the best they can do when in the presence of a beautiful girl? And they can't in anyway make it more mutual, or so that the girl, one the could have selected, is going to start going for them? And facing that doesn't in and of itself increase their sexual frustration and sense of futility? Being confronted with it right there, that even with a pocket full of money, they can't treat a girl better than that? That doesn't increase their sexual frustration? Deriving pleasure, wake up man, people who do that are being played for chumps. And judgmental, simply to say what is completely obvious? That this is so obvious is why they are angered when it is simply pointed out. Jerking off is cheaper and less complicated!!! SJG
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    See you didn't answer the question. Stating your opinion isn't an answer to why you must state the same opinion in every fucking thread about LDK over and over. I'm gonna conclude that you simply are incapable of having a two way conversation and of seeing another's viewpoint. Despite that, I'll still answer your question. Yes, there are plenty of women I see where I live OUTSIDE of the strip club that are worth the chase. When I go to strip clubs however, it is not my intent to chase any of them. I don't want to date a stripper. But what I like about them is you pay money, you get pleasure and it's done. Simple and easy. Plus if you've been paying attention to my posts, I actually seldom go to strip clubs. For the last 3 years I've only gone about 3-4 times per year in Las Vegas. Why in the hell would a persue a stripper that lives in a different state? Still, I highly enjoy my time in those strip clubs, which is why I found this site. To hear of others good experiences. My problem with you SJG is that you simply don't understand that different people have different likes. You denounce anything that you're not interested in and have no ability to have a regular conversation where you take an opposing viewpoint and respond to it. I believe I've tried to be civil with you, however you lack the ability to return the favor.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    ^^^ "But what I like about them is you pay money, you get pleasure and it's done. Simple and easy." To quote my idol Charlie Sheen, "I don't pay hookers for sex. I pay hookers to go away after sex." The LDK (or anything ITC) is very similar. Get my jollies and get on with life. Now, this is pretty hypocritical of me to say at the moment, since I'm hitting the SA circuit pretty hard at the moment (for me, the fall months are more conducive to having a single go to girl, rather than chasing the stripper or massage girl of the week). Lots of extra crap to deal with. Article pending.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    I've been following that article by Subraman. Interesting stuff indeed. I look forward to seeing yours.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    TFP, You might want to do what I did a year ago, put SJG on ignore. Your life will be better....
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    And TFP, you expect a girl to dry hump you for 30min? FS, where you can lead it, for 30min, and with varying rhythm, fine, but expecting a girl to grind you for that long. Yipes!" So I take it you've never gotten a 30 minute VIP anywhere, SJG? The girl doesn't grind you for 30 minutes straight. It's more of going through a series of moves that she performs. The seductive dance in front of you where she pretty much shows off what she's got. Then plants herself on you facing you and puts those boobs right in your face and usually here I can't help but grab hold and start sucking. All the while she's slowly grinding you. Then she stands up and turns around and gives you a full view off what she's about to put on you. Cup that ass, admire that phatty before she puts it to work. Then she positions herself right on Mr. Happy and goes to work for a good couple minutes. You look down and just admire that whale tale going to work against your now massive member. Then she stands up, bends down and simulates a blow job. Then a little higher up and simulates a tit fuck. After that she turns around and does that move where her back is to you and she leans back and puts her head on your shoulder looking back at you. This position gives you a fantastic view of her full firm tits and you can't help yourself but to grab two handfuls while she smiles at you. Then she plops in your lap and gives you some conversation. Then after that its back to work through the positions again. So no, you fucktard. It's not 30 minutes of grinding. Doesn't mean the other stuff isn't stimulating.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    During the simulation blowing jobs and Titty fucksing I usually pop off like a champagne bottle
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @TFP "I've been following that article by Subraman. Interesting stuff indeed. I look forward to seeing yours." That article was very helpful to me, too. The research period ends Wednesday, then it's on to the writing.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    why is this thread all about sjg?
  • ime
    7 years ago
    he is a cunt who derails everything
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    ROFL ... I "tip" no extra at all for that thing which you call a LDK, but because that is a fucking stupid name, I call it the act of having an orgasm from a lap dance. I am already (by the very definition of the term) experiencing a lap dance. Therefore, I am also highly likely to be paying for a lap dance. Extra payment for enjoying the lap dance is not even thought of. Such extra payment would imply that normal levels of payment would be expected even for non-enjoyable lap dances.
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