Are liquid lapdance underwear still worth it?

avatar for rahhman1
I'm consider trying some but hopefully people here have experience with it and input on whether its worth it or not?


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Never tried them myself, but if you're in the right club you won't have anything on in the vip so I doubt they are worth it.

I had thought about trying thrm when I first found out about them here, but that was about the same time I started traveling away from Cincinnati when I club. Once I realized ITC was readily available in Louisville and OTC was available in Columbus I never gave them a second thought.
Some guys have reported their use and it seems they reported they were ok but seemed they would not use them going forward.

You can do a search on the TUSCL search box for "liquid lapdance" and maybe come up with older threads
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I used Liquid Lapdance many times a few years ago with excellent results. However, the new design is much less effective -- negative progress! Also, most of my stripper-related activities in recent years have involved either extras or OTC, so LLD has largely fallen by the wayside for me.
A well known side effect of wearing liquid lap dance diapers is an uncontrollable urge to get handjobs from trannies. Don't do it.
avatar for serrano
8 years ago
Yes, the liquid lapdance is worth use!! I LDK every time I visit club and experience is very intense. Tip is using high quality silicone lubricant like Pjur or Penchant Premium (not the stock gel). That way lube last and do not cause wet spot on your slacks as otherwise would with water-base lub. The newer LL pouch size is more reasonable unlike prior larger design, and I do not have to reposition now as with older design.

I find if I waiting a week or even two without ejaculations (it is natural due to my business schedules), the sensitivity of experience is very magnified with LL. I sometime supplementing with 1.5 to 3 g L-citrulline dissolve in 250mL water 1 hour before start dances. Make me feel like teenager again, the dances experience is so intense feeling with grind or stick shift over pant. Additional benefit is grind does not leave you raw feeling...I remember without wearing LL sometime aggressive dancer actually cause thin layer of skin peel off my genital taking about a week to heal.

As my work require travel me to many place with business associate. Often we are visit club with so many beautiful women but notorious for low ITC mileage (like Vegas alas). So I use the LL for make most of my business club visit to enjoy, maximize pleasure gift from these young beautiful girl, as I cannot indulge the VIP extra due to my needs for maintain certain level of business conduct at SC around business associate.

Perhap my situation is unique for my need to use LL. Ironic, as many girl after I LDK in LL they ask me to take their number and then I having much success for OTC.

It worth trying, as cost is only 15 US$, less than cost of single dance at most club.
Shit...I may need a try
Bah. I'll just cum in my boxers. Some mention that they want to maximize the grind feeling by going commando in thin slacks. The sensation is just fine for me with thin slacks and boxers. As pathetic as this is to admit, I'm used to that soaked feeling after an LDK. My only worry used to be it leaking out to my slacks. But after multiple LDKs and no leakage I'm set. Wouldn't want any to get on the girl and have her be grossed out. Most girls as I've seen don't care if you cum, just as long as you don't get anything on her and tip her well at the end of the dance. Hit the bathroom after, wipe off as much as you can, and ready to recharge for another possible LDK or just head home and pass out.
TFP I do agree

My current situation that works perfectly for me has been

Ultra thin athletic shorts or pants that is black for two reasons. One the obvious hiding the cum stains and two passing them off as dress slacks with clubs with dress codes. Usually got yo wear a collard shirt that matches if I'm trying to pass dress code inspection but if not a normal tee shirt

I go comando and my gear is water resistant so it actually doesn't leek through

I agree with the tight Girl their really isnt much more to do
These pants sound like a lot of effort with adding lube and pouches and all types of shit. I usually wear a dress shirt and slacks. If they look like regular dress slacks it MIGHT be worth it.
I suggest a condom that is lubricated on the inside. Many brands are sold pre-lubed that way, and in my experience most will perform just as well as (I would guess, based on the reviews here), or even better than, Liquid Lapdance shorts perform.
What's the secret to keeping the condom on ?

I'm a grower not a shower

So it's difficult unless I have an erection
avatar for Rick999
8 years ago
I've never seen liquid lap dance underwear. Is this the name of it?
avatar for DBix
8 years ago
When seeking an LDK, I have always just used an un-lubed condom. The fact that they are smaller than what I use for "normal" activities, and dry, helps prevent them from coming off prior to use, as I too tend to be a grower and not a shower. Typically, effective application still requires at least a partial chub, but things seem to remain in place even with some shrinkage in between application and use. Coupled with thin athletic shorts, I used to be able to take care of business in 2-3 songs. Unfortunately, since beginning ADD meds last year, LDKs have become damn near impossible to achieve these days, at least not within my desired timeframe and budget.
avatar for SomeIrishGuy
8 years ago
Personally? I think some polyester dress pants and an unlubed condom are pretty much perfect. Going commando also makes a huge difference.

Yeah that is what they are called, just Google "liquid lapdance" and you should come up with the website
Buying dances is for chumps, and paying for ejaculation services is just paying money to exacerbate your own sexual frustration.


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