
Comments by TFP (page 116)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^Show me some examples of how I assume I know about other people. Not including you, because I'm convinced you're an idiot, I'll happily assume that. But other people on here, where have I assumed I know something about anyone else? And where have I ever said anything about discussing mongering face to face? I've never once brought that up. So what are you talking about?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Darn robo callers
    I get a ton of these a day also. Like 5 or 6. Like someone else said if it's some weird ass out of state number.ber I don't answer and I block the number. If it's local and I answer and I hear the obvious robo call.I just hang up and block the number. It's annoying, but not too much trouble.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Abq I was thinking the second thing. For my next trip to Vegas I might skip the club one night and try to get the girl to my room instead. Last year would have been perfect but I wasn't staying in a hotel room alone. I met a dancer at Spearmint Rhino in Vegas Friday early morning at 4am. Had a great VIP session with her and I asked if she'd be there the next night. She said she doesn't work Friday or Saturday night (guess she wasn't hot enough for that prime shift). But she offered me her number for some OTC action. Even texted me at 11pm later that night and asked if she could stop by. Thinking back it would have been WAY better for her to come for an hour or more than to spend that same amount of cash ITC where I'd only be getting an LDK. This time I'm definitely trying to pop my OTC cherry.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SJG you need to look at your latest post to me, then look in the fucking mirror. YOU are the one that keeps telling people in this thread they need to seek FS, not BBBJ. As if they need YOUR approval to do something. YOU assume you know things about them, which you obviously don't. YOU are the one the amounts to noise, and nothing else.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Hong Kong review
    SJG once again, showing just how one track minded you are. This dude straight up said he has thoughts of offing himself and just wanted to lose his virginity before he did it. Yet your advice is still for front room DFKing. Amazing. As for leaving the best hotties for you.....everyone on this site knows you won't be going to Hong Kong anytime soon. So all the folks here who do go to Hong Kong and actually DO get that DFK action you ramble so much about, they can rest assured that their chica's lips have never touched yours.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    ^^^^^playoff Rondo is always a threat. Way different than regular season Shaqtin a fool Rondo.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anyone ever take Viagta or Cialis before hotting the club?
    Abq I realized that, I was responding that Galiziabob has already written acoulle reviews for his HK visits. He's probably waiting till a month passes for his next one.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Scam Alert
    Haha I've seen that joke on Facebook a while back. Sounds like some shit I'd do.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Voting Yes to a bad review
    She responded and the response is even worse than the review. I feel upset that this girl makes any money with her shitty attitude. I'm sure she does a good cover up job. Hopefully the PLs are seeing through it and not buying shit off of her anymore. Hopefully that's what prompted her to make that sorry ass post.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    Fuck that! We already blew a 3-1 lead in the finals and no one will ever let us live that down. No way we let these fools come back on us. This series is already over in mind, even if they win this one 'pride' game. Bravo for them, now come back to Roaracle and get that ass spanked! I am absolutely worried about the Pelicans. They look fucking unstoppable right now. Cousins going out was the best thing that ever happened to them. Plus their head coach Alvin Gentry was an assistant to Steve Kerr for a few years so he knows the ins and outs of our team already. Scary stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if we lost that second round and gave way to a Pelicans/Rockets Western finals. I'd root for the Pelicans all the way from that point on.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Hong Kong review
    So the OP of the review finally posted a response and it's kind of disturbing. Still don't know if we're being trolled. But with a response like this I'd give him the benefit of the doing and wish him well so he doesn't go to extreme measures in case it is true. Here is his response: BeauR One day, I will become human. 13 HOURS AGO @TFP I’ve been strongly considering suicide for a while now, I figured I might as well try traveling and having sex before I off myself. @Dblednmike I’ve been to a strip club once before but didn’t particularly enjoy it. It’s just colourful language, I am actually completely normal and sane, with above average intelligence. @The bouncers patted everyone down. I think they only asked my age because I look so young. @Vishap I previously rented the room for the night, I paid nothing to bring her up.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    Voting Yes to a bad review
    Chessmaster tore that girl a new asshole in the comments. Lol!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Scam Alert
    Keep trying to get a working link! What kind of scam were these girls running anyway?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anyone ever take Viagta or Cialis before hotting the club?
    Abq, he's already written a couple reviews for the place already.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drug dealers in the club.
    Huntsman I'd guess he was talking about the Hell's Angels.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    age for your second fuck. (not with the same partner as your first.)
    Second experience was with the next GF after the first of two years.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    age for your second fuck. (not with the same partner as your first.)
    23. Was with my first GF for two years. Second experience was pretty fun, since this time she was the one with less experience than me. It was fun with me being the tour guide through all the positions this time. I pretty much got to manhandle her with her just happy to be doing some naughty stuff. Good times!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The OFFICIAL SanJoseCreep "Woe is me my wife left me" thread
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I have entirely stopped going to strip clubs on Fri/Sat nights
    I agree in every way with this. Unfortunately my only free time are those shitty weekend times. So it's either go then or not at all. Still, I'm gonna try to find some time to check out the weekday day shifts. When I go on vacation I usually go on day shifts and indeed, have my best experiences then.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    somewhere fun
    review process = few comments?
    If they did that I'd have a whole lot of 'Sufficient', 'Good info', and 'Great review' comments. That's all I ever write. Unless the review is phenomenal, which I've only seen about 3 of those. I like those pending reviews I read where I can tell exactly who wrote it due to the writing style. For example, I reviewed one of a club in CT and just a paragraph in and I knew it was my buddy Orangepicture. Didn't even need to read the rest, just scrolled down and clicked yes.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    At what age do you lose your virginity ?
    I didn't use a condom either. I was an idiot. I didn't use a condom for the first 4 girls I was with. I would pull out and cum on her belly or her back every time. I never got any of them pregnant but looking back now I'm absolutely lucky I didn't pick up any STDs. I was so dumb! Shit, WE were so dumb, none of the girls objected at all to getting raw dogged. It was the fifth girl that talked some sense into my dumb ass, thank God for her. I definitely spoiled myself going raw the first times though. Using condoms afterwards was rough. Didn't like the whole 'stop what we're doing and put on the condom' bit and the lessened feeling at all. Got used to it after awhile thankfully.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    somewhere fun
    review process = few comments?
    I don't think so. It does seem like there are fewer comments though. Not sure why.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    At what age do you lose your virginity ?
    I was 21. I thought I was one of the latest to do it but this site has showed me that I'm not. It was worth with my GF who said she only had sex 3 times total prior to our time (or so she said). Contrary to all the virgin jokes about cumming in two minutes it took much longer. Mainly because I was so nervous at first that I wasn't enjoying it. Started with her on top and after a long while of that switched to mish which was more enjoyable and then to doggy which I really loved. If we started in doggy I probably would have only lasted 2 minutes.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Hong Kong review
    Tahoe touched on every thing that had me questioning the review. Mainly the traveling over a thousand miles to do something that doesn't interest him much. Like Tahoe said, the Canadian clubs are already more liberal as a whole than the US clubs. So why travel all his way when you could've went to places in Canada to have the same experience? Cheaper in Mexico, yes, but I'm sure that round trip ticket wasn't cheap. Cums but did not orgasm, I'm thinking since he's a virgin, maybe he had some precum and assumed he came? I don't know. All I know is, when I cum I have a simultaneous orgasm 100% of the time. Kinda crazy to me that this guy says he came but didn't orgasm. The KISSING IS DISGUSTING is like a direct shot at SJG, especially since it took place in the same place that SJG rambles on and on about despite having never been there. Kinda funny actually. Maybe he'd feel different about it if he first kissed someone he actually had feelings for? Shit I don't know. These days, I can meet a girl for the very first time and as long as she's attractive I'll kiss her and it feels pretty damn good to me. The negotiating prices, maybe I can give him a pass. If he knows about Hong Kong he's probably done quite a bit of research and knows that negotiating is possible.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Hong Kong review