If they did that I'd have a whole lot of 'Sufficient', 'Good info', and 'Great review' comments. That's all I ever write. Unless the review is phenomenal, which I've only seen about 3 of those.
I like those pending reviews I read where I can tell exactly who wrote it due to the writing style. For example, I reviewed one of a club in CT and just a paragraph in and I knew it was my buddy Orangepicture. Didn't even need to read the rest, just scrolled down and clicked yes.
Definitely DO NOT put the comments from the unpublished reviews in the review. Like tfp i have been filling that in with canned responses. The site is constantly changing and founder is always doing something new. Who knows what founder has in mind.
My stock comment is “useful” if I vote yes. That’s both how I look to approve and it’s my way of saving time. If a review is actually one that I think is very good, I say something different. So the comment on screening unpublished reviews is different than when I want to comment about a published review. At least that’s true for me.
It does seem like there are fewer comments though. Not sure why.
I like those pending reviews I read where I can tell exactly who wrote it due to the writing style. For example, I reviewed one of a club in CT and just a paragraph in and I knew it was my buddy Orangepicture. Didn't even need to read the rest, just scrolled down and clicked yes.
I like that idea.