Voting Yes to a bad review

Not in Kansas anymore
There is currently a PoleKatz review from a dancer on the unpublished list that has no specifics about the club, it is just a rant about how cheap the customers are. I should have copy/pasted to this thread, but didn't think of that until I had already voted.
My question is: Is there any value to posting a bad review if it is likely to open a dialogue in the comments section?
I kind of enjoyed the comments given to prior posts that under the current system might not see the light of day.
last commentI down voted it a short while back sounds more like the bitch has a bad attitude.
No value to publishing a review b/c of how bad it is - as you mentioned, if you wanna discuss a bad reviews then copy/paste it onto a discussion thread
I agree with your assessment. Maybe she is just having a bad day. If that post is truly reflective of her attitude, I would like to see it posted with a name attached just so I have some idea of who to avoid.
The review just published, I left a comment there for the poster that it sounds like her attitude is costing her tip money and who knows what else.
Wtf. I voted yes cuz i wanted to put that cunt on blast.
So it did get published?
She has an entitled SW attitude - thinks custies should throw $$$ at her just b/c she's there and showed up
^fuck what that hoe thinks. Lol
A lot of people are not good at the their job - strippers not making $$$ always blame the custies where it can often be them (dancers) that is the reason they're not making $$$
Chessmaster tore that girl a new asshole in the comments. Lol!
What a royal cunt bitch. Chessmaster said it best.
Wow. Job well done by all those who commented.
She responded and the response is even worse than the review. I feel upset that this girl makes any money with her shitty attitude. I'm sure she does a good cover up job. Hopefully the PLs are seeing through it and not buying shit off of her anymore. Hopefully that's what prompted her to make that sorry ass post.
Tfp i couldn't agree more.
Anybody have a link?
Nevermind, found it.