
avatar for larryfisherman
What the most you’ve ever paid for a BBBJ from a stripper?


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avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
I bet you tried giving yourself a blowie to save money
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
$330 for me
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
More than I want to admit. Let's just say it was north of your amount Larry.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Larry, I understand that the rate might be that high. But why would you pay that when one way or another you can get GFE - FS, and without too much trouble you can have girls that you are fucking in your own bed and spending the night with.

BJ till completion, for me that is more a special type of thing to do in the context of an ongoing sexual relationship. Most of the time if it is P4P, do FS. BJ is just a little preliminary things. Most girls will just do it if you've datyed them and if FS is coming.

That is how I see it.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
So Warrior15, same question to you.

avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
I'm not exactly "bragging" about what I paid. More like embarrassed.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Okay, but why not get the girl into FS, real nice GFE-FS? Why not start fucking her regularly in your own bed?

You can still be giving her money, but it won't need to be that high.

avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
Depends on how you define “paid.” I assume you are referring to ITC. Does this include room fee (if applicable)? Does it include the cost of “regular” dances, or are you asking about just the upcharge for the extra service? Depending on how you do or don’t count these components, I have paid between $0 and $300.
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
I'm counting the total dollars spent to get me that BJ. That would include the room charge, fee for dances before, and then the ultimate event.

What happens to me is I have a few drinks in me, I"m turned on by the girl, she had my dick in her hands and I have money in my wallet. The little head starts making the decisions.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
^ I think it happens to most of us.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Warrior, you've got to learn to drive it yourself, make it go your way. Otherwise you are really just getting your wallet sucked dry.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^ Pick the girl you would want the most, like regular TLN's, and then proceed.

avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
7 years ago
Last one I paid $100
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
What is the first thing you want to do when engaging with a woman in a P4P setting?

You want to start getting her off script, getting her to open up to you and to just start letting it happen. You want to get her to accept money from you, without there being any obligation. And you want her to just let things flow, and then of course that preliminary makeout session, without having had to negotiate anything.

avatar for londonguy
7 years ago
Never had just a BJ. It's always an OTC session with FS.
avatar for Leonard313
7 years ago
Never have. It's either FS or a handie.

I think I paid for just a BJ at a massage parlor once...probably $80 at most.

If I'm not willing to drop cash...usually a blowie is more expensive than I'd want to pay. If I have the $$$ to mentioned above....why drop a poo load of money for just that when the whole deal can cost just a little more?
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I go with the above two. At AMP's the standard offering is HJ. With BJ 'till completion, that could be touchy, not what they are used to. But I always get FS, and not by talking the girl into it or making it like she sells that, but simply by getting her off script by talk and a front room makeout sessions.

avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’ve paid $120 for a itc bj recently. I know I overpaid - but it was worth it. I enjoyed the view of the dancer - so I considered it ok.

I had s girl offer $500 for a vip bj - and I had to say no.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^ Would these girls have given you ITC FS?

And was all of this after a front room makeout session, as that makes all the difference. And also if you select and approach the girl, the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with, and she can see that.

avatar for TFP
7 years ago
I've gotta give props to all the guys in here who haven't responded in a harsh way to SJG. Especially Warrior 15, who SJG has the nerve to be trying to give advice to.

I guess I'm the only one who gets utterly annoyed at this no review, no experience sharing clown trying to question people's method of having fun in the club. Telling you not to get BBBJ's and instead go for FS because it's his preference. After all this time this chump still doesn't realize that folks have fun in different ways.

I gotta get on you guys level. You pay him no attention, no matter how many times he posts. Bravo to you fine members.

As for the topic, unfortunately I can't really contribute because I haven't had a BJ till completion. Hell, the short BJs I've had haven't even been BB but covered. But I can understand paying a lot, it happens sometimes. Is what it is.
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
Every one has the right to post whatever they want. :-)
avatar for a21985
7 years ago
300. I was desperate but was not desperate enough to pay for what this dancer with GPS was trying to get for FS. Not one of my prouder moments.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Warrior15 thankfully Founder doesn't feel that way anymore. Otherwise we'd still be scrolling through miles of 'Rick Dugan is a fag' and 'Vince Michaels is a pedophile' threads. I guess dealing with SJG isn't so bad when you think back on that.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Why would he say that Rick Dugan is a fag and Vincemichaels is a pedophile?
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
TFP is referring to the people that Founder banned for saying those things. And I do thank Founder for doing that.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
> Why would he say that Rick Dugan is a fag and Vincemichaels is a pedophile?

Maybe he was being ironic about Rick Dugan. Or if not, I want in on that action. Men in polyester suits are known to wash their balls obsessively to compensate for whatever, which I find hot as hell.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i could quote warrior15. “I'm not exactly "bragging" about what I paid. More like embarrassed.”
absolutely way tooooo much. and she fuckin insisted on a condom after i first tipped her in advance.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
so... what do i pay NOW for a bbbj? i’ll go $20.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
Could you assholes please stop cluttering this thread about Rick Dugan's junk?
avatar for Cowboy12
7 years ago
$120 in a very, very dive club that is now closed.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
I’m talking about everything (including room fee if applicable). I’m not talking about if you got regular dances before.

In my situation it was early on in my career, and I was very horny. The champagne room cost was $330, I’m not sure how much the club took out of that. We talked beforehand and we agreed to a BJ. I didn’t tip her afterwards though.
avatar for jester214
7 years ago
$250, which included the room/drinks and a nicetip to the waitress. It was a good blowjob but probably not that good.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
I've never received a blowjob worth paying for, so I'm not going to hand over hard earned money for a useless blowjob. ITC isnt really possible here and there isnt the value for me for otc.

avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
$50, from my favorite fat stripper Sunshine.
avatar for skwalker
7 years ago
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
$300. Yes, I know, that’s a lot. But water is a more expensive in the desert than in a jungle. Plus, it was a first time experience that I convinced myself I “had to have”.
avatar for abqspencer
7 years ago
$300 to the girl, $75 for the upstairs "area", $20 tip to mgr, $30 tip to waitress....

And that was a covered one :( Supposed to be for an hour, but she started cleaning up and heading back down stairs after I popped. wtf.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
@abqspencer- Damn!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
TFP, shoot your mouth off, go ahead. Assume you know things which you could not possibly know. Assume people need to earn approval from you. Whatever, you amount to nothing but noise.


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avatar for TFP
7 years ago
SJG you need to look at your latest post to me, then look in the fucking mirror.

YOU are the one that keeps telling people in this thread they need to seek FS, not BBBJ. As if they need YOUR approval to do something. YOU assume you know things about them, which you obviously don't. YOU are the one the amounts to noise, and nothing else.
avatar for abqspencer
7 years ago
@larryfisheman...yeah. I enjoyed it, but it was too much. Then later when I googled her number (she volunteered it to me), I find out she's a pro on the side. Could have easily had more fun and done more outside the club.

And the next day I did. Not with her, but a true pro. And it was phenomenal.

Thus my recent escort vs extras post! LOL!
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Abq I was thinking the second thing. For my next trip to Vegas I might skip the club one night and try to get the girl to my room instead.

Last year would have been perfect but I wasn't staying in a hotel room alone. I met a dancer at Spearmint Rhino in Vegas Friday early morning at 4am. Had a great VIP session with her and I asked if she'd be there the next night. She said she doesn't work Friday or Saturday night (guess she wasn't hot enough for that prime shift). But she offered me her number for some OTC action. Even texted me at 11pm later that night and asked if she could stop by. Thinking back it would have been WAY better for her to come for an hour or more than to spend that same amount of cash ITC where I'd only be getting an LDK.

This time I'm definitely trying to pop my OTC cherry.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
Most ever, if you include dances it was 60 to 100 including tip for at least 4 songs. I warned her I was almost out of money but had enough to buy some dances. She surprising didn't complain about the money but that she didn't get to taste anything yet. A bouncer almost caught her. Ruined my mood when the bouncer showed up suddenly.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
TFP, you act like you know things about people, me and others, which there is no way you ever could.

I don't talk about mongering with people I meet f2f, that would be really stupid.

I can post here because I can and do deploy a privacy wall where it is needed.

TFP, you need to spend some time on a toilet.

avatar for TFP
7 years ago
^^^^^^Show me some examples of how I assume I know about other people. Not including you, because I'm convinced you're an idiot, I'll happily assume that. But other people on here, where have I assumed I know something about anyone else?

And where have I ever said anything about discussing mongering face to face? I've never once brought that up. So what are you talking about?
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
TFP, again, I talk her online because I can and do maintain a privacy wall. If you keep bashing your head against my privacy wall, then those cuts on your forehead will certainly turn into scars.

avatar for abqspencer
7 years ago
Forgot to mention about mine above.

She started at $600! She said it’s 30 songs times $20 per song so $600 for the hour.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^^^^^ Front room makeout session -> You invite her to the backroom -> Home Toda La Noche -> Regular TLN.

May not actually go this far, but if you select the girl with this in mind, it will still always be a good experience.

avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Privacy wall? Cuts on my forehead? What the holy hell are you.........SJG yeah you're an idiot. I forgot the age old theme with you. I, or anyone else asks you a question expecting a response. But then you suddenly forget how to read and go off on a tangent about some totally left field shit that I wasn't even asking or talking about.

Thanks for the reminder that it's pointless trying to engage in a conversation with you.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
TFP, see all the carbonized squirrels on the ground? What ever you do, do not ever even touch the electrified barbed wire which runs along the top of my privacy wall. If you were to do that, there would be nothing in my power which would help you.

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