
Comments by TFP (page 110)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    NBA Part 20
    Yes! I hate losing Javale but us getting Boogie is huge!! I dont know how the Warriors keep getting these great acquisitions but I love it. We needed a big man bad and he fits in perfectly. He can shoot the three and his defense is great. Just gotta keep that temper in check. Both him and Draymond stay getting T'd up lol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    7 bucks a month
    The VIP membership is actually what entices me to even go to clubs out here. My area clubs aren't that great. But I'd rather visit and possibly have a good experience than just pay $7 and read all day about other people's great experiences. One visit a month isn't that hard. Or just do one night and hit three different clubs. Boom, three months of membership right there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    "just the right amount of wrong"
    Ha, SJG you're so easily triggered these days. I didn't even call you a no car having, bicycle riding, broke ass, no woman getting, failure to launch living with your mom at 50, no social skills having, demented, fucked in the head off your meds, creepy, sleepy time rapist or anything like that. Yet you wanna hurl threats about dealing with me f2f. That's not even a threat because you don't even go anywhere. You can't go to Vegas, you can't go to TJ, all you do is stay on this forum acting a dumb ass. Reciting accounts of other people's experiences and shit. A shining example of what belief of stripper shit and divorce results in. Now to try to be on topic in your shitty ass thread, the ad is doing what ads are supposed to do: entice you to go to their hotel. You can interpret that ad however you want but really now, what are you hinting at? That this hotel experience can somehow be like the Tijuana experience? Cosmo won't care how you view their ad, as long as they get your money and get you to stay there. . But don't try to blame their advertising department when you get locked up for trying to entice some young girl you just met in the lobby to a makeout session.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    "just the right amount of wrong"
    Wow, this is acting like a jerk? I simply suggested you go live life. When you ask questions about all these places that are just a short flight away it makes me wonder why you don't just go find out for yourself. Per your own admission, you say you're caught up in affairs that prevent you from going anywhere. All I'm saying is, maybe these affairs are preventing you from experiencing fun. You ask all these questions, clearly you must be interested in finding out about these places. We'll both TJ and Vegas are a short flight away. I'm just suggesting you go at some point. You've been asking about TJ for over 5 years just from what I've seen on these forums. The affairs that you say stop you from going? They're seriously holding you back.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    "just the right amount of wrong"
    Damn SJG, it seems all you do is stay home and read about all these places. You're a grown man, why not just fucking go? If you really live in San Jose, a flight from Mineta to McCarran can be had for $59 each way at certain times of the year. Much like a flight from San Jose to San Diego for TJ. I can understand questions to London guy about FKKs or questions about places halfway around the world. But TJ and Vegas are practically our back yard in the Bay Area. Go! Live life! Fuck asking questions for a decade. These 'affairs' that you always speak of are preventing you from living your life and gaining some new experiences.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Booths in strip clubs
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Booths in strip clubs
    Lol Chessmaster your post to SJG immediately made me think of that movie 'The Golden Child' with Eddie Murphy. As a matter of fact, I feel like saying that line to SJG every single time he makes a dances for chumps post: You're breaking my heart, asswipe.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    I'm waiting to see what other superstar joins him. We know it won't be Paul George. Is it Kawhi? Because if it's just him and the youngsters they won't be winning a championship. They'll make the playoffs, but that's it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For those of you that like full figure models.
    @Chessmaster yeah I agree. I bet the men who prefer the petite spinners see the thick women we prefer as fat. Like you said, it leaves them all for me so I don't mind at all.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For those of you that like full figure models.
    I don't even think a 50mg Viagra pill could get me hard seeing that shit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    What is there to do around Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club if you're not in the mood
    You're going in September also?? Which day? I'll be there the 13th/14th and the 16th/17th.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    ID scan in San Francisco clubs?
    Haha yeah, I meant Roaring 20's.....that expensive, rip off ass place where they try to charge $400 for a 30 minute VIP. Fuck outta here.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    ID scan in San Francisco clubs?
    I've been to four clubs in SF in the past six months. Little Darlings, Condor, Rolling 20's, and Deja Vu Centerfolds all did ID scans. Not sure about the others. But if a divey club like Little Darlings does ID scans they probably all do. What's so bad about ID scans? I've seen other threads on this where people are worried about privacy. But yet there's Facebook and Google who monitor your every waking move. Shit, I get 6 or 7 scammy ass phone calls a day so my info is getting out regardless it seems. As long as I don't fall victim to identity theft I'm not too concerned.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    What is there to do around Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club if you're not in the mood
    Misterwonderful thanks for the info! I have the book and the card so I guess I'm good. Warrior15 I believe you only need the passport book when you do the interview for the global entry. Once you get the global entry card you won't need the book.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    What is there to do around Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club if you're not in the mood
    @Misterwonderful with the passport card are you able to use the ready line getting back into the US?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    TUSCLer Theme Songs
    SLD, fuck yeah! Damn, you guys on this forum know me too well lol!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Strippers wearing the same outfit?
    Haven't experienced this, thankfully. About the closest I got to that was on a weekend in Vegas. At Spearmint Rhino I had dances with a girl wearing a neon green one piece bikini. Her dances were great but I didn't like that for her to go topless she'd just pull the shoulder straps to the side. Yet still, her mileage was excellent, for a Vegas club at least. The next day I went back and there she was again. She approaches and asks if I like her new outfit. I look, and it's the exact same type of bikini she wore last night but neon orange instead. It was at that moment that I vowed to only get dances with women wearing tops that could be removed completely. The opposite of the issue in this post, was a girl in a COI club who obviously was well prepared. Over the course of my three hours in this club I saw this girl do four outfit changes. I remember for my VIP with her she ended up using her outfit to wipe my cum off her back. After seeing all her other changes I was trying to guess what each guy did to ruin her outfit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Would you take either of these 2 for a dance?
    The one on the left is all me! That long blonde hair, that pretty face, and those yummy tits peeking out of that bra. Yeah!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    fake asses.
    No surprise, Chessmaster and I are on the same page regarding this issue. Just like with fake tits, I love the fake asses that feel soft and closer to natural. When girls get the fat transfer, it's big but still nice and soft. Those hard ass implants suck. Just like fake tits that feel like rocks suck. Chessmaster you would love Sky at Paradise Showgirls in COI. She has that cartoonish figure that you spoke off. Tiny waist, flat stomach, enormous ass. But it's nice and soft and oh so good feeling. If only she didn't have those rock hard fake tits she'd be pretty much perfect IMO. MisterWonderful do most of the fake ass having girls at HK have soft asses (fat transfer), or hard asses (implants)?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    TUSCLer Theme Songs
    LMAO fucking excellent man! Watched every one and I think they're highly appropriate. I was trying to guess what each one would be. Didn't guess any correctly though. For SJG I was trying to think of a song where the subject is about fucking a goat but couldn't think of one. Your selection for him is civil, so good on you. Mine pretty much sums me up. Thinking of someone who loves big tits. I know rh48hr loves some big boobs so I'll suggest this one for him: https://youtu.be/AE3yia1AJeQ
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    anyone going to Tijuana this weekend
    Have a great time! And there's PLENTY of articles, reviews, and general threads on this site talking everything about the Hong Kong experience. In addition to the article Papi linked, if you have access to reviews I highly recommend the trilogy of reviews that TUSCL member Echopizza wrote detailing his HK trip. He covered A LOT of fine points that you might not even think of. Part 1 is here. https://www.tuscl.net/rev.php?id=332732
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What do you think of this one?
    And like C.M.I said, I'd rather go through thread after thread of rate the Instagram girl, than reading thread after thread of LE mongers, Asian sex slaves tied in basements, and pervs with HIV trying to infect as many women as possible.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What do you think of this one?
    Chessmaster and Phatboy, as far as I'm concerned, both have the Midas touch with their Instagram links. Pretty much guaranteed to be my type. This chick included. Phatboys links of Asian chicks in the other thread was in point as well. I might not agree with some of the stuff you say Phatboy but hey.....we seem to have the same taste in women.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    SJG Quote: "In Mexico prostitution is not totally dishonorable. It is one of the
    Phatboy that's an assumption he makes. No one here has said they think the girls that share their bodies with us for money are beneath us. SJG is the one that always assumes that. My problem with SJG is that he thinks that only things he likes to do is 'the right way' to have fun.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wish all Hooter's girls looked this good
    Phatboy and Chessmaster:. We can't go clubbing together. We'd definitely be fighting over the same women. You lovers of pretty, skinny, no booty having chicks? Let's hit the club together!