SJG Quote: "In Mexico prostitution is not totally dishonorable. It is one of the

They never tell you what you need to know.
SJG Quote: "In Mexico prostitution is not totally dishonorable. It is one of the ways that women claim their rights."
This is one of the most fucking delusional guys on the planet. No wonder he has to tie up women to have sex with him. I hope Mamisan bashes your purple Huffy bike into a million pieces.
last commentI’m guessing you are one of the two folks to read SJG’s delusional drivel about women’s rights and prostitution laws in Mexico!
He’s out of his mind. I saw the topic - and it smelled like more delusional BS - from that fucked up mind of his. I skipped the reading - and waited for someone to post about this numbnuts and his bizarre logic.
You forgot to say he's naive. The creep doesn't understand that Mexican street whores are basically junkies and lying thieves, the same as American street whores but he likes to fantasize about them being some superior, noble, empowered souls before he chloroforms them, duct tapes them, then rapes them while they're out.
But, but, but "Like Water for Chocolate" is his "proof"!
You can't make this shit up any better.
He's delusional, not naive. Naive implies a level of innocent faultlessness. Jackhammering the square pegs of reality into the round holes of personal fallacy isn't innocent.
I farted in mexico
Q. What did the Pope say when he saw a Mexican prostitute taking a shower?
A. "It's a miracle!"
Citing movies is showing a level of desperation (in his search for validation) that is rare even for him.
As Ishmael mentioned, he’s not naive, he’s searching for support for his bizarre theories online. Once he finds a shred of support, his theory is validated, and is elevated to fact (in his mind).
One of my favorite movies is Leaving Las Vegas. I could cite many aspects of that film as fact to support my bizarre infatuations with altruistic whores. However, I know it’s fiction, and therefore it can’t be cited as it’s not reality!
ADJECTIVE (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment."
There are a coupe definitions of naïve, that's one of them and it sums up some of the many faults that the creep possesses.
That’s certainly a stupid bit, but nowhere has he ever topped the thread, where he introduced his firewall. than a few days later was outed as Lloyd. That’s his number one hit. Nothing has topped that yet. lol
^ @Che if san_jose_creep reads your post you can bet he is going to come back at you with insults and derision.
I agree with you. He doesn't even go to strip clubs and he simply uses TUSCL as a defense mechanism to deal with the trauma of ruining his own life. His sole "contribution" to TUSCL is how NOT to monger.
The 2 things I find most intriguing about SJG:
He has a weird sense of morality that includes not lying where other people likely would. It would be easy for him to say "yes I have made out with strippers and got them to fuck me for free because of that" but that would be a lie and he doesn't seem to be willing to lie.
Why the fuck does he repeatedly visit a web forum where people constantly mock him. It is like when a runt dog only gets abused but keeps coming back for more. I have heard of prisoners in solitary that do this, purposefully get in trouble to fight with the guards because that is the only human contact and touch that they can get. To me this is the saddest insight into the guy, I feel sorry for him.
I don't feel even a bit sorry for him.
If @founder booted @SJG we wouldn't have fun threads like this.
Law of Unintended Consequences.
You can always put him on ignore.
@PaulDrake All his behavior is from the combination of his narcissism and using TUSCL discussions as his "therapy" for dealing with the trauma of losing his wife and thereby ruining his life.
He doesn't lie but he embellishes everything (or deflects by using his faux "privacy wall") because he's a narcissist and wants to look good.
Because of his narcissism he sees himself as superior to everyone including all those that mock him on TUSCL. Ultimately he truly believes he's entitled to free FS with strippers and AMP whores and that they want to be his GF (because he yearns for a woman's affections because he lost it with his wife), so to him a TUSCL PL that pays strippers for anything is a "chump". By looking at TUSCL this way he constantly gives himself an ego boost by posting here. The mockery and ridicule he regularly gets is a defense mechanism.
It's beyond sad.
^you guys give him too much credit. The simple truth is he’s a moron!
Prostitution isn't empowering anywhere. Look, no normal woman is going to enjoy selling her body to any man who wants it and doing whatever he wants. Women do it out of severe desperation, whether its for drugs, to survive, forced by a pimp or whatever.
Bitches have a hard enough time being sober and shaking their titties, let alone having sex for money.
I must apologize - as I can’t stop reading the analysis of this lunatic. There’s something interesting about PaulDrake’s comment about SJG’s telling the truth (until he erects his privacy wall).
It would be much easier for SJG to tell us of his fictitious trips to strip clubs, and of his DFK and TLN experiences, than it would be to exist as the non-clubbing member.
However, if he was a Clubber, he’d be another of us chumps (his words - not mine). He’d be opening himself up to criticism that he dumps on our activities.
His rationalization for his activities is bizarre - and SirLDAlot has provided some impressive insights into the narcissism that is inherent in each of his comments.
I know a guy who used to sell drugs to party girls a lot. You would be surprised at how easily a bump of coke can turn any bitch into a hooker. Some of them can be as bad as street whores. When it came to street whores he'd only fuck them if they were starting out. Once they become strung out, take the money and run.
@Cashman1234 Literally everything san_jose_creep posts is a part of his elaborate justification that his failure at marriage was not his fault. He's doing everything he can to avoid facing that truth. LOL we talk about him not lying but yet his entire TUSCL existence is built upon the one lie he tells himself.
Shailynn and Fellow Dingbats, you ladies should stick to your knitting circle.
Remember, SJG does not treat women as prostitutes, not in any situation. SJG does not divide women into two categories, or seem them as disposable.
In future travels, with any women with whom intimacies are shared, the intent will be to foster a long term alliance. Lots and lots of people will be getting recruited into an expanding business venture, so such women will be greatly valued.
Do some reading, or at least learn to read. Prostitution is so extremely common in Mexico that it talks all about it even in general audience travel books. The practitioners are not seen as part of some self-destructive drug addicted underclass. Mostly it is just women who want a reliable and decent income for themselves and their children, but are not willing to stay in an abusive marriage to get that. Mexico's political left, now the MORENA Party, has always stood up for the rights of prostitutes, as it does for all women.
That it is all legal and above ground makes it safer, healthier, and more gentile. This is also how Amnesty International sees decriminalization.
Mexico has a proud history, and prostitutes are an integral part of it.
About what life is like, read this:
SJG you're partially right. The dirty underbelly exists as well though. Like human trafficking with underage Central American bitches
^^^^ What Amnesty International says is that yes that does exist. And the best way to protect sex workers from abuse is de-criminalization, bringing it out into the day light.
And then look at some of the sidewalk pictures I have posted. You tell me?
Dear San Jose Guy,
Hey duckbreath, just because someone wrote it doesn’t make it fact. In the meantime why don’t you try to get back together with your goat.
Sincerely, Shailynn and all the dingbats
SJG I agree with you. Thats why its legal in Mexico, to try to help the women, let them do their thing in a safer environment. and yeah it opens doors for some to get help and provide for kids whatever without the fear of pimps boyfriends etc.
Shailynn and Dingbats, time for the West Texas Christian Glee Club rehearsal. Only a 3 hour drive, but need to get moving now.
PhatBoy, what I have read is that in TJ they mostly have no need for pimps. Usually they only need pimps when it part of a criminal underground, illegal.
As far as regulating it, what I read is that it has been mostly to try and limit disease spread. As to why they don't try to completely abolish it, as is the case in the US, is simply because in Mexico no one is that stupid.
They'll never abolish it. Cheating is too big a part of Mexican culture and there are always gonna be those who turn it into a hustle.
Limiting the spread of disease and giving the girls a safer place to work from is the main objective.
The problem with legal prostitution in the US, like with legal weed, is that corporate greed and over taxation take over and it just creates a bigger draw for the illegal market
Dingbat here!
I believe that prostitution should be legal in the USA as well. It is the world’s oldest profession because there is a demand. If a supply existed without a demand - the industry would not remain.
That being said, no father wants his daughter to become a whore when she is a working adult. That is possibly the least arguable fact stated in this discussion. So, the means of providing a continual supply of whores is dependent upon women being down on their luck, and in need of quick money.
So, SJG can offer his rationalizations regarding the historied tales of prostitution in Mexico as empowerment. He can locate more obscure novels that provide support for his cause. He can try and use slurs to discount others opinions - but he isn’t armed with rational truths.
I highly doubt - if a Mexican whore was given a choice - to remain working as a street whore - or to take a basic job - for a similar wage - that she would continue to fuck strangers found on the street. I don’t have convoluted internet research to support that conclusion - only common sense. So if the profession is empowering - why wouldn’t they want to remain as whores?
Well, the only legal prostitution we have in the US is in the licensed houses in NV. And there are all kinds of screwy laws in place there. The women have no power. So none of the legalization advocates look to the NV model.
And even DV was not able to make much work under NV laws when they bought The Chicken Ranch in Pahrump. So they've instead put $4 Meg into their TJ place.
Most of the advocates now just call for de-criminalization. Then the women will have the power and be free agents.
There have been various ballot initiatives locally to try and bring this about in San Francisco. No results yet.
Back to one of my main points, I do believe that in Mexico, because of their history, the prostitute has a special place of honor in the building of their nation.
Like the US, Mexico is a revolutionary nation, and they do honor this.
^^^^^^^ AWESOME!
but still don't underestimate Mexico and its women.
no one is saying prostitution is a desirable career, but its there and not going anywhere.
Yes, it is not going anywhere. But some do seem to be saying that it is a desirable career. Look at some of the TJ street pics. Draw your own conclusions.
SJG, its desirable compared to some other options, sure....its not easy money but its fast money and it can and does help some of these poor woman who come up north from villages and shit or are escaping terrible situations.
DC9428 hoes do what they're paid to do. they dont choose their partners nor the sex acts performed. being used like that takes a toll. and i guarantee most of them use drugs to deal with it same with strippers. stripping isnt easy
In my view, if the girl is just a desperate character, serving the desperate, that is not going to be much fun.
But if she is a specialist, offering herself as a costumed sexual fantasy, and delivering with the quality that only a pro specialist can, then that could be really fun.
^im sure if you search the Internet you can find shit to support any side you wish to take in a debate about anything, that don’t make it so, it just makes it a stupid argument.
Remember, SJG NEVER treats women as prostitutes.
Remember SJG never meets any women ever unless he has chloroform and a rope.
I cant pay directly though, I wont get hard.
I feel that as one ages, erections are saved for when they are to be used. And for me, that is only when a woman has really opened up, lowered her psychological defenses, and become ready for an emotional attachment to form.
Is that what you meant PhatBoy?
For myself it seems like somewhere between civvie and pro is best. That way the girl is getting the best of all possible worlds. Not disposable or ever disrespected. But always being taken care of.
That is the point, to convert her to a mistress, someone who is taken care of, but is not just being paid.
@SJG - Why do you keep coming back to a place where there is so nothing but hate for you? Do you think this is healthy?
That is exactly how I see it, and exactly my sentiments about the women.
They respond well to people who treat them no different than they would treat any other woman.
The biggest mistake a guy can make is to walk in there with an attitude which divides women into two categories.
SJG, kind of. Im not saying I have to be in love with her, but there has to be something there. I need to feel that she wants to be with me and likes me at least.
When its just for money its too mechanical. Its worse than sex for drugs. With sex for drugs they do their best to be on your good side coz its a good deal for them. If I give a chick money and she just starts sucking my dick or spreads her legs and tells me to fuck her, it doesnt turn me on.
I get turned on the most by making them submit and enjoy what they do and want to do it.
I agree about respecting prostitutes, even if its not the best choice theyre still just people doing the best they can given their situation.
Money is what lets her be there, instead of doing some bullshit job.
But of course, the initial attraction is what make it happen. That's why I always say you want to select and approach the girl yourself. She will feel that right inside of her bones.
@DC9428 I don’t disrespect them, and like I said you can disprove anything if you are willing to overlook facts, just because there are outliers, doesn’t make what I said untrue or make your hypothesis correct.
^one other thing I never claimed they were all victims, people make bad choices all of the time of their own free will and often live to regret those choices.
The main mistake most guys make is believing that women should be separated into two categories, and so they are treating the women they find in P4P venues as something different from ordinary women,.
And you see that over and over in the postings on this forum.
^ Your main mistake is you assuming that you know what other guys think of women and what a Mexican whore thinks of you.
We see you post like that all over the boards.
"Remember, SJG does not treat women as prostitutes, not in any situation. SJG does not divide women into two categories, or seem them as disposable."
But he does talk incessantly about "pumping loads into them all night long" like breeding cattle, and sounds creepy as fuck referring to himself in the third person.
Also, I still don't think you've ever seen a vagina.
^This is stupid the moron doesn’t think there’s a difference between women that are willing to do P4P and those that aren’t. He has rocks in his head.
^ I got cut off, that is misogeny of the worst kind!
Sorry 25, you are the one who is projecting that difference. You are the misogynist, and you are the one with rocks in the head.
^get help you’re as sick as they get
I totally agree women can be as degrading tp men as they can be to women..and ive called girls out many times 4 having double standards. But i stil gotta ask, if we cant make racist jokez, why are we ok with misogynistic ones? You would never be ok with a satirical racist comment being a "joke", but its ok to make jokes abt women.hmmm.lmao #s-m-fucking -h #double standards. Have a nice day.
^^^ 25, you are the one who has a problem. Treat them as you would any other woman, and take this to heart.
^^^ Nicole,
My view is that in P4P situations it is essential to not treat the woman any differently than you would treat any other woman. One should not be dividing women into two categories, or taking that attitude that they are primarily motivated by money.
@sjg my comment was not towards u but rather the notion tht no one here would make a racist joke with term nigger(in public) but they/y'all ok with making misogynistic "jokes". Obvi i cant control what yall do or how u think..but it is such a paradoxical phenomenon that i wanted to let them/y'all know.
Most of the guys here divide women into two categories, and so they go to P4P environments with the attitude that the women are primarily motivated by money, and so they then negotiate sex acts.
My view is that that whole approach is stupid and idiotic.
-> "But he does talk incessantly about "pumping loads into them all night long" like breeding cattle..."
SJG justifies everything that he wants to do to a woman by first projecting the assumption that she wants whatever it is that he's projecting. DFK? It's because she wants it. Sleepy time rape? Again she wants it. Sex (i.e. getting a load pumped in her)? Yet again she wants it and most definitely not because of the money.
This is san_jose_creep's M.O. on the boards. Project an assumption about how someone else thinks and then follow up the projection with something he wants and needs that is justified by the projection. It's his way of making "truth" about the lies he tells himself. And as a narcissist he has to believe that women want him and basically everything anyone does revolves around subserving what he wants in his own head.
It likely beats his literal reality. He's homeless in San Jose, he's got no money to monger, and no woman wants any part of him. But by golly he's got the reality he creates on TUSCL.
I didnt think abt that.they are right tho that many of them are primarily driven by money instead of being personable.. So i can feel.where they may come from, but it does justify outright objectification.
san_jose_creep posted -> "Most of the guys here divide women into two categories, and so they go to P4P environments with the attitude that the women are primarily motivated by money, and so they then negotiate sex acts.
My view is that that whole approach is stupid and idiotic.
^ But yet you still P4P those same women the same way as the guys that you assume are categorizing them.
The only thing that is really different is how you justify the P4P. In the end you still are paying just like the same PLs you denigrate.
please post a link to this study, and I assume you only mean high class escorts because it can't be street walkers and tranny's who trade handjobs with LDK,
But it does not justify outright objectification **
@DC9428 my simple point was I don’t care what you do, that’s your business, and I’m sure there are escorts that enjoy their job, but I don’t believe that it is a mainstream career choice for most and I do believe that most women in that life are there because something went wrong at some point, not that they grew up with that as an objective in mind.
^^^^ 25, I think a lot of it just depends upon the environment and the situation in which the women are working.
And also, some women really do like getting dolled up and fucked, and in quantity. That was how it was with the core group of our local Latinas. They really loved what they did, and this was why they were so good at it.
Mention one of their names to the local club dancers and they get mad. I tried to understand this. Its because they are jealous of those girls because they are so good at what they do.
They really interact from an open and non-judgemental place.
They did this ITC, and they did it lining up all the OTC they could get.
^ Not talking to you GTFOH I’m done with you’re stupid babbling allow others to have a convo you freakin moron.
And 25, relief is on the way:
Usually when they talk to sex workers, what they say is that they want to be free to decide who they engage with and who they don'f, and they want to handle all the preliminaries themselves.
And this makes sense, guys will respect them more if they are in charge, than if they are property.
In brothels, most types, they don't have all of these powers.
But if you go to the TJ HK bar and approach a girl, I believe she is entirely on her own in how she handles it, and the same in DV TJ.
An escort usually will not have this right of refusal without having to justify it.
Out on the TJ sidewalks, the girl can do whatever she wants, and really no one is making money off of her. So if you want a quickie, or if you want to take her to lunch and then dancing in LC, and then for TLN, that is entirely between you and she. I cannot imagine that she would not be extremely happy. And all the more so if you are offering contact info and regular contact.
Hey creep, you always talk about how busy you are with your affairs yet according to the time stamps you've been posting here continuously for over 5 hours. Looks like you're not so busy after all except for spamming TUSCL. Just like your posts, your full of shit when you lie about how busy you are.
^^^^^ Go back to your gay bath house. The sun is still shining. It will disintegrate you. You can't stand the sun.
No creep, I won't meet you at the bathhouse, I have a date with your Ex-wife. Lol
Should have asked earlier, I'd of paid you to take her.
You've been posting here continuously for over 5 hours but of course you don't want to discuss that because it blows apart your false narrative and exposes your pitiful empty life.
Then why are you paying a private detective to track her?
So that I can get to you before you kill yourself.
You've been posting here continuously for over 5 hours but of course you don't want to discuss that because it blows apart your false narrative and exposes your pitiful empty life.
Nothing to discuss, I'm just concerned about your habit of sucking on shotgun muzzles.
You've been posting here continuously going on 6 hours now but of course you don't want to discuss that because it blows apart your false narrative and exposes your pitiful empty life.
He's a broke ass creep on a bike riding past strip clubs and AMPs that he can no longer go to. He ran out of money and/or he got himself banned. He looks on with envy, fantasizing but never actualizing GFEs with women he can never have without paying. He lost his wife and he has ED.
But by golly he's still got dreams of that organization. And he's got us as his TUSCL support system.
"That’s certainly a stupid bit, but nowhere has he ever topped the thread, where he introduced his firewall. than a few days later was outed as Lloyd. That’s his number one hit. Nothing has topped that yet. lol"
TheeOSU, special flavored gun oil for suicidals, muzzle in his mouth. Those 0.33" lead balls just waiting.
You've been posting here continuously over 6 hours now but of course you don't want to discuss that because it blows apart your lies about how busy you are and exposes your pitiful empty life.
Unlike you mr creep, I actually do have things to do, ba bye creepboy!
Hes not creepy, hes being honest. Whats creepy is going to strip clubs looking for hoes and then pretending to be an upright citizen and family man, acting like the women you pay to fuck are beneath you. thats fucking creepy.
Phatboy that's an assumption he makes. No one here has said they think the girls that share their bodies with us for money are beneath us. SJG is the one that always assumes that.
My problem with SJG is that he thinks that only things he likes to do is 'the right way' to have fun.
Phatboy you've been here a month so you have a very limited knowledge of the creep's history. He has posted about penetrating women while they sleep, stalking AMP whores, and his failures to control his ex-wife. He's also threatened murder and physical violence to members here and others in his daily life that have views opposing his. You're entitled to whatever opinion you want to have about him but among those of us that know his posting history, many consider him a creep.
"Phatboy that's an assumption he makes. No one here has said they think the girls that share their bodies with us for money are beneath us. SJG is the one that always assumes that.
My problem with SJG is that he thinks that only things he likes to do is 'the right way' to have fun."
@TFP san_jose_creep is the master of the strawman argument. In this case his strawman is the ASSumption that all other PLs think a sex worker is beneath them. Then just like a master at it, he attacks that strawman with a vengeance. It's a very weak form of debate actually. And as old of a tactic as debating itself.
And once again he does all of this to feed his narcissistic ego that he is a better PL and monger than others here which is ultimately a way of feeling better about his own personal failure at losing his wife and ruining his life.
@SJG - Why keep coming back for more hate? What happened when you were a kid to make you seek out this negative interaction?
This is like the reverse of internet bullying, where instead of bully picking on the runt, here the run keeps coming back for more:
Phatboy I find your insult offensive and challenge you to a duel! You and me at the strip club, who gets the hot bitch is our game. You can have the bottom bitch you can manipulate.
you can manipulate any bitch you want. i just got my side bitch to fund a present for my main bitch.
I'm still pretty sure that SJG has never seen a vagina.
Just a hunch...
^ He claims to have DATY with AMP whores in many of his earliest discussions that he started.
But LMAO in the same threads the AMP whores use excuses not to fuck him like Aunt Flo is visiting or they are sick.
My hunch is that he's a homeless guy in San Jose that only gets a window of time every afternoon to troll and spam TUSCL with his personal projections / manifestos. And now his entire interactions with AMP whores and strippers are only in his head.
Not all hookers are drug riddled junkies. Some are single mothers that are providers that only work a few days a week and make over 150k/yr. I met one who is a 35yo bank manager. She sees maybe 2 guys a week at $450 a pop. She does it because she loves sex.
Why do you call anyone who doesnt live a vanilla life a troll?
and no, i really don't buy the happy hooker myth. ive known too many of them
The strippers and stripper-escorts that I interact with regularly are just as civilian as civilian women. They are just as cool, just as crazy, just as bitchy, just as nice, just as mean. DUH!
That san_jose_creep claims that others don't treat a woman like a woman regardless of her profession is...
...wait for it...
...a strawman argument!
"Whats creepy is going to strip clubs looking for hoes and then pretending to be an upright citizen and family man, acting like the women you pay to fuck are beneath you. thats fucking creepy."
PhatBoy is right on point!
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