
Comments by HedonistBG

  • review comment
    6 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    The Best Club in the DTW Scene
    You sound like you are probably too young to have experienced it, so, FYI, Landing Strip got famous in the 80s-90s when there were scores of 9-10s who danced there and you could get lap dances for $20 a pop. Full contact lap dances were still a relatively new phenomenon then, and most mongers were happy to get them from gorgeous young women without obsessing about getting "extras"; you could easily spend the night getting dances from 10 or more gorgeous dancers and leave very happy. Most of the dances took place upstairs and in the main stage room – unlike now when you go down to the basement. It was almost more like a nightclub back then. Then there were police crackdowns throughout Wayne county and elsewhere in Michigan even on simple full contact lap dances, and it has never really been the same since. Though the crackdown eventually passed, law enforcement now is basically nonexistent, and the club has really just become an expensive brothel. Dancer talent has gone way down IMO–and that is typical of brothels. The interior also looks shabbier and more like a dive than a nightclub. Might still be the best of the area clubs, but it is a shadow of what it once was as far as I'm concerned.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Why is it so hard ?
    Why cheaper? Germany because it's legal, and Colombia and Mexico because it's legal and the alternatives for women pay much less than what by US standards would be low prices. Brazil for the last reason. Legality affects prices in a simple way--a sex worker will ask herself how much do I have to earn for this to be worth my while? If it involves risk of arrest, then obviously they are going need to earn more for them to be willing to take the risk.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    @squarecastle "the odds of getting a serious STD in a sc are actually quite low in comparison with say taking a girl home from a nightclub" LOL. Is that based on your survey of strip club patrons and participants in night club hook ups?
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Austin Clubs
    Was visiting from out of town and got scammed at Yellow Rose a few years back after I agreed to private dances with one dancer. Nobody told me before I took the dancer in there that the "cabanas" are extra or what the price was. But they forced me to pay $100 afterwards because they took my driver's license before I went (and I was drunk, so forgot they didn't give it back). And then while the dancer was stroking me, some waitress comes in and wants me to sign a paper that authorizes charges to my credit card for whatever--talk about putting me at a disadvantage! They were basically operating like an old-fashioned clip joint and should have been thrown in jail as far as I'm concerned. I wound up having to call the cops to get my driver's license back, but of course he took them at their word against an out-of-towner that I owed them $100, so I lost that.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Medical care over the years
    Obamacare is great. Don't have to worry about being denied health insurance for pre-existing conditions any more. (Unless the orange bozo and his party succeed in duping enough voters again and repeal it; their dire predictions about Obamacare have all proven to be absurd.) Insurance marketplaces make it much easier to compare plans. You can also research doctors online now before selecting one to check their credentials and patient ratings. Online research has helped me pick pcp's who are patient focused. My pcp's are all very responsive to emails--and it's great to be able to communicate with them like that. In the old days, you'd have to make another appt just to ask a question. However, insurance companies are getting trickier about evading the law though about what they are supposed to cover and making people pay out of pocket for preventive care; should be able to clamp down on them if the democrats get back in control of congress.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Flight Club off bucket list
    @londonguy Cross-posted with you. $700 is ridiculous. I was there just over a year ago and several of the dancers were holding out for $500. I try to avoid this club now. Last time I was at Landing Strip it didn't have great talent overall, but there might be a few 8 or 9s in the evening. Hope you have a good time, but the whole process at these clubs is fucked as far as I'm concerned. Songs are super short at LS, so if you try to go by dance count you basically get robbed--especially if you try to add an extra on top of it. And if you just negotiate for certain extras before going downstairs, the dancer can just perform the act mechanically and then demand the money and ditch you. Boring.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Flight Club off bucket list
    I've visited this place over multiple decades. Dancers have always been especially mercenary compared to other clubs. I always go in with high expectations, but generally go away disappointed regardless of whether I get extras.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Best Extras Clubs in 2024 in the US for solo vacation
    @everythingonred Limited experience with these places, but I'd look at California--the Bay area and SoCal city of industry. Also Phoenix. Check the reviews. As for Cubans, we don't have an open border with Cuba or any other country, but they have an easier time getting temporary immigration/asylum status because Cuba is considered to be a repressive regime, similar to, e.g., North Korea. I don't have any problems with Cuban dancers myself. If they weren't here strip club talent would be even less than it is I expect. The pandemic obviously forced many dancers and would-be dancers to look elsewhere for employment, including onlyfans. And the current economy and job market are strong, so they likely have quite a few options apart from clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    "What are the odds you get in trouble." Assuming you are talking about itc, the main thing to worry about is STDs. hj and cbj are probably the safest things you can do; any dancer willing to do more has probably done it with a bunch of guys. I'd be very, very cautious about doing anything else; if you do, you should probably get tested afterwards. And I wouldn't consider an offer akin to winning the "jackpot"; like anything else in sex, it can go well or poorly.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Nobody Could Even Give It Away
    Afternoons have always been hit or miss at GGC in my experience. Sounds like you might have gone for Maya, but she was too busy?
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Weird Lap Dance Incidents
    [Also posted this in the "what to wear discussion"--but seems a better fit here.] Was getting a lap dance at the Gold Club in Baltimore, and a dancer asked if she could rip my dress shirt open--like they do in passionate love scenes in the movies. I was drunk and didn't want her to do it, but decided not to say anything thinking that would both avoid spoiling the mood and avoid the rip. But she took my silence as agreement, and ripped my shirt open sending buttons flying everywhere. I was stunned, and it brought an immediate end to my night, since I had just had a shirt ruined and didn't have anything else to wear. Needless to say, she didn't get a tip. Guess this dancer just had an irrational itch for the dramatic she needed to scratch.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    I'd live this way again
    “ATF” Ad Rejection Option
    "Not enough details" can cover a variety of problems in addition to being too focused on ATF experience. My pet peeve is reviews that just have generic info without any details of what happened during the visit. For all we know, the author could just be summarizing what's in the club listing without having actually visited the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    What to wear?
    I'm older and don't go out that often, and when I do I like to have dancers approach me for dances rather than go begging, so I usually dress up a little to draw attention similar to a date, e.g. wear a sport coat and nice shirt. But I also go for the thin pants (or shorts if it is hot out). The skin-to-skin contact on laps with the shorts is nice. Also, I never wear an undershirt beneath my dress shirt and unbutton my top two shirt buttons in case roving hands want to explore. ;-) On a related topic, once I had a dancer who was giving me a dance ask if she could rip my dress shirt open--like they do in passionate love scenes in the movies. I was drunk and didn't want her to do it, but decided not to say anything thinking that would both avoid spoiling the mood and avoid the rip. But she took my silence as agreement, and ripped my shirt open sending buttons flying everywhere. I was stunned, and it brought an immediate end to my night, since I had just had a shirt ruined and didn't have anything else to wear. Guess this dancer just had an irrational itch for the dramatic she needed to scratch.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    2nd Attempt at Baby Dolls. Never Coming Back Here.
    good review except for the click bait headline
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Top value but lots of Cubans
    " Entry is still $3, you can’t beat that anywhere! $3 to see tits and ass??!!, wow what a deal. Beer is $7, which is fair. I don’t think there is another club in the country where it’s only $10 for entry and a drink. Most places are $30-40 before you even sit down, lol. " But you give it only a 6 for value???
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Good Bye $20 Wednesdays
    Terrible news--especially about the troll collecting the club's cut; but thanks for letting us know. I think post-pandemic a lot of clubs are struggling financially because the dancer talent has thinned--though mitigated some places by the arrival of latina dancers. But squeezing the PL's for more $$ is probably going to be counterproductive in the long run. Especially in this case when GGC seems to be abruptly firing dancers that give anything like extras.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    First time VIP at Baby Dolls
    According to the review it was $600 for 3 dances plus 30 minutes in a VIP room and tips. That's a lot but not outrageous--and might well be worth it regardless of what specific extras were had. An hj can be boring or amazing depending on the dancer and the overall experience.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Spring Training--Force Ranking the 26 MLB markets
    Baltimore isn't bad--I'd leave it out of the bottom 10. But Dallas, Houston, LA, Phoenix, and probably Atlanta (based on reviews) should be above it and probably higher overall on your list. D.C. might belong in the bottom 10 because it doesn't have legal lap dances and the clubs are small; but some clubs offer VIP rooms now. I wouldn't put Detroit #1 either; I'd put it below the Florida clubs and Dallas.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Dallas Rhino - Long Legs and Hot Blondes
    @Cunnbunn It was $5 per dance to the troll. I don't think there is a set price for dances there; I agreed to 3/$100 (had seen that figure in previous reviews) and then $15 to troll on top of that. The dancer initially asked for 3/$120. Review seems unduly positive, but reviewer looks to have a legit history.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Dallas Rhino - Long Legs and Hot Blondes
    Hmmm. Went there a couple weeks ago on Friday night and Thursday afternoon. Didn't see any dancers I'd rank above a seven. Also, you didn't mention the $5 per dance you have to pay to the club.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    TUSCL feature request: mark all alerts read
    Thank you for adding a mark all read button Founder!
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Latest poll of presidential scholars: Lincoln 1, Biden 14, Rgn 16 & Trump last
    If you want to learn more about the survey (instead of making false claims that the respondents were only democrats), look at the PDF linked to in the second paragraph of the article. Respondents included those who identified as democrats, republicans, and independents. There was not a strong partisan divide in rating Trump--even among Republican respondents he was ranked only 41 on average (45 is the bottom). Not a big partisan divide with Biden either--even among republican respondents he was rated #30 and #19 among independents.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Leftist Hypocrisy
    @5footguy "Did you forget the obvious variable that Trump is running for re-election, and is an active political opponent?" No I didn't. Every one term president is a possible future political opponent. Bush 1 could have been. Carter could have been. Ford could have been. None have been targeted--nor do I recall any non-presidents but potential leading candidates ever dealing with similar lawsuits.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Leftist Hypocrisy
    If all the lawsuits and charges against Trump are just ordinary political payback, then why is Trump the only former president to face such suits and charges? Did Clinton go after Bush I when he defeated him? Did Obama go after Bush II? No and no--nor any other instances I can recall. Kind of strongly suggests that what's different is that Trump really is corrupt and a criminal.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Consensus Best City?
    Good question but would be better if you stated what you are looking for in a club. The big Detroit area clubs have become high-priced brothels where you can get extras (so worth a visit if that is your kind of thing), but often dancers aren't interested in just doing regular lap dances--or don't put much effort into it. Landing Strip used to have a lot of really hot dancers back in the day, but now that extras are the norm dancer quality has declined significantly--really pretty girls don't want to risk stds just to earn a few bucks, they can earn in other ways. Flight Club can have 9s or 10s, but the hot dancers' prices start at $500. IMO these clubs were a lot more fun when they focused on laps rather than extras--then you'd get lots of hot college girls and even UM law school students dancing in the club. Visited Dallas recently; they have some good clubs where some dancers still give good laps, but I didn't see any 9s or 10s. Wonder if there are any clubs with 9's or 10's that focus on laps in the country any more?