…I'm sure all the MAGA fanboys will be convinced by this.😂 But a wide range of scholars were sampled.
Biden's biggest accomplishments so far IMO are (1) beating Trump and stopping the decline of America's global standing that Trump started, and (2) resuming the fight against global warming that was urgently needed after four lost years under Trump.
Trump was basically the most unamerican president ever--he was and is, against democracy and believes rich and powerful people like him are special and above the law. Both of these positions are contrary to what has made America special and great. But in fairness I will say that there were a couple of things I liked about his administration. He hit China with some tariffs, but didn't start the trade war that many had feared. And he did seem to deter illegal immigration--though his tactics were inhumane. (Biden administration has actually sent back more illegals than Trump's, but that is partly because more have been trying to get in.)
I wish Biden hadn't run again because of his age; but he is 100 times better than a second term of the narcissist-in-chief.
last commentThank goodness the global warming flat-earthers have been warning us all these years ...…
Under Biden, things are less affordable, the country is more divided, the world is less peaceful, and neighborhoods are less safe than they were under Trump.
Anyone who ranks Trump, whose legacy is still being defined, after Buchanan who split the country and Andrew Johnson who botched Reconstruction, has an agenda and is not to be taken seriously. Not like there's an agenda to trash Trump before an election, or anything...
There was a 1970s Honda motorcycle commercial based a few 100 years in the future. A guy in the museum looking at a Honda, the signed reads "50 Miles Per Gallon". The guy asks the historian, "50 Gallons of what?" The historian responds, "We don't know."
This is how history will look at the Democrats and Woke crowd, just as we do today with 1800s Slavery. Like in "The Blues Brothers" putting the band back together, the Democrats, the Party of Plantations, Slavery and Segregation, are trying to put the Plantations back together. When Biden says, 'You ain't Black if you don't vote Democrat" is just as racist as it gets.
The idea that Trump with rhetoric and disrespect for the basics of democracy is less divisive is really pushing it logically.
rich. Trump also lowered taxes for the super rich and raised taxes for everyone else. The largest factor in inflation has been extreme corporate greed which was greatly helped by Reagan and Trump. What does Trump do for the middle class? Nothing. Biden went to help striking union workers. Does Trump do that? Absolutely not.
I believe 100% in climate change. And I believe in treating our planet well. Some things I don't believe in:
(*) the ability to accurately measure global temperatures more than 150 or so years ago within one degree celsius, thus making it impossible to truly know the historical record for temperatures
(*) shutting down clean, safe nuclear plants which would have run for decades longer, to meet a bullshit "low carbon" agenda (Germany)
(*) using slave labor to mine for lithium so that entitled rich leftists who are insulated from the peons can post on their petroleum- and mineral-derived iPhones (also made with a lot of slave labor) how righteous they are for driving electric vehicles, which only actually reduce carbon footprint if they're driven about 200K miles (due to the upfront carbon cost to make the car)
We need to care for our planet because it's all we've got. But ironically, the failed predictions in the article I referenced are counterproductive. When you've got idiots like Al Gore predicting that there will be no more polar ice caps in 10 years time, any sane person knows he's either being dishonest, or is an absolute moron, or both. This takes a very serious issue and caricaturizes it.
I also don't believe in calling someone "stupid" for having a different perspective. But in this case I'll make an exception, you pseudointellectual stupid ass.
Climate change is huge for leftist social engineers but way the fuck down the list for the average American.
Stories like these are why we should care. Also, you know, massive suffering, potential food shortages, and unpleasantly hot summers.
This is a good book on the history of taxation in America, printed 2022 so it is current:…
Liberals have used "Trickle Down" excuse for over 100 years, now called Supply Side Economics. I've yet to see any society tax itself to prosperity. The highest taxed states/cities are disasters with crime, homelessness, education, welfare. CA is now running a $73B deficit when I few years back they had a nice surplus.
Keep in mind, when the wealthy buy a big house, like let's say Obama or the Bidens or to be fair Trump, they employ people to take care of it, the Hollywood "elites" do too. They employ people to take care of their property, homes (do you think Oprah mops her floors or changes her sheets or does her laundry?), planes, yachts, make their dinners, on and on and on. Swag Bags at Hollywood events can be over $100K. Anyway...
Reagan & Trump: (thanks to whoever the spelling fuck cop is, I can't edit once posted and I have a bit of dyslexia - like no ever misspells here) Lowering marginal tax rates actually increased collections on the Top 5%.
Per the IRS 2020 data (most recent): The Top 5% pay 63% of all Income Taxes. 63%!
NOTE: This is just Federal, not State. Places like NJ. IL, NY, CA nail the wealthy, and NYC has it's own City Income Tax, not to mention the Cost of Living in these big liberal cities is wicked expensive:
Top 1%, over $550K, account for 42% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Top 5%, over $220K, account for 63% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Top 10%, over $152K, account for 74% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Top 25%, over $86K, account for 89% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Top 50%, over 42K, account for 98% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Bottom 50%, making less than $42K account of 2% of personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
I'm quoting real data from gov't sources, not CNN, The View, MSNBC or Harvard. America is collecting more taxes year over year, and yet we continue to spend way more than we collect rather than tempering spending to pay down the debt and reduce deficit spending.…
The biggest problem propelling inflation is excessive gov't spending and printing Green Backs. "How Government Spending Fuels Inflation - When debt grows so much that people don’t believe the Treasury will pay it, they sell their bonds and buy other things, sending prices through the roof." This is from the Wall Street Journal:……
@ilbbaicnl - "Environmentalists have a long track record of not knowing the difference between gestures and effective action."
Nailed it. The only way past climate change is innovation, not repenting of western civilization. We tell China, India, Southeast Asia, and Africa not to modernize via fossil fuels, they're going to (rightfully) tell us to go fuck ourselves in the ass.
Not to mention enviro doomsayers have a long and distinguished track record...of failure. If they were right, Miami would be a coral reef, the ice caps would be gone, and the coasts would have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.
I'm a climate change believer, but I'm not willing to go back 200 years to end it, and definitely not to placate Mother Gaia.…
The climate is changing. Oh well. Even if this country killed itself by doing what the lameoid morons known as progressives want, it would have no effect on climate change. Zip. Zero. Nada. Every country would have to do the same and in a world we still kill each other over nothing, that ain't happening.
Progressives seem to skew younger, which is why I look at climate change and think: maybe soak some firewood in used motor oil and burn it all weekend......
As an example, all liberals that I know (and given that I'm in the North East I know a lot) want increased nuclear power generation. Most are aware of the shortcomings of recycling and do what they can to mitigate it. I'd suggest to my fellow PLs that happen to consume a lot of talk radio or cable news, it might be worth you while to seek out a little bit of the other side's media to see what liberals actually want. I think you'll find that it is quite different than what you currently think. Also, MSNBC and CNN suck, don't start there.
What a gentle way to say that Democrats have contempt for the American working class.
Democrats used to be for the little guy, rather than holding them in contempt. Perhaps you don't know their interests and priorities?"
So why do I want him to win? Because under the Democrats we're hurtling towards the abyss. Divided by demographic characteristic and played against each other. The border is being overrun with not just criminals (literally released from jail) but young, military-age males from terrorist or enemy nations including Russia, Iran, and China. Inflation has hiked prices and there's no putting that genie back in the bottle--Dems love to talk about GDP, unemployment, and other stats that have more relevant to the securities-owning class than the working class. We have new flashpoints in the world, including Ukraine where we seem to have no strategy, Israel where we're trying to have it both ways.
I'll take a whatever -ist -ist -ist asshole over the forces of chaos.
Trump is trusted WAY more than Biden on the economy. After the real estate crash and COVID, a big rebound is natural. No extra credit for that, in fact, it should have been better.
Corporate greed? Always been there. Somehow under Trump it didn't lead to inflation.
The world under Biden is more expensive and less safe. I didn't vote for Trump in 16 or 20, but I'll be sprinting to the polls to vote for him this year. I'll vote for a potted plant if it gets Democrats out of office.
We know what to expect from Trump, since he was already president for 4 years. The Trump = Armageddon scare doesn't fly anymore. Especially when second term presidents start as lame ducks and have less capital to work with than in the first.
I would have loved someone to take a hatchet to the government and the permanent bureaucracy, the surveillance state, the censorship state, the military bureaucracies (we have more generals and admirals than we did during WW2), slash spending, and simplify the tax system (not necessarily cut, but simplify).
I know that under Trump, he will probably attempt most of these without great effect. Under Biden, I would expect all this to get worse. Biden can't run as "not Trump" anymore. He has a record and Americans don't approve of it.
Don't confuse egg head stats with those the American people care about.
I had a major family life event (death) happen last week, I needed to find a distraction to take my mind off it and one is I write a lot, so here I go.
And tomorrow, I’ll hit the range with 200 rounds of 9s to break in my new HK VP9. Why mention this? To PISS OF LIBERAL DEMOCRATS. Next up will be a Staccato XC.
The Democrats, the Party of Plantations, Slavery and Segregation are doing all they can to bring back the Plantation forever this time. And all the Wokesters just support it.
And you are concerned about Trump? I've heard Trump interviews dating back over 30 years, and what he said then is the same today. Biden is just a parroting tool who says what he thinks people want to hear.
The one from Gutfeld! is only a few minutes and takes clips from the YouTube highlighting important points. Now, the Democrats here will freak out this is on Gutfeld!/Fox – OMG! I’ve watch the YouTube interview and Gutfeld!, and Gutfeld! is a good, accurate abridged segment.…
Trump HAS done better, despite his faults and ego. Better running in place than dashing towards the abyss. We can't take another term of being played against each other, or of this many million more unassimilated illegals.
Before the pandemic, the economy grew in ways that mostly benefited low-income and middle-class households."…
The correct word to use when describing
Donald J. Trump is truly unbelievable.
You should also give Trump credit for how many new Biden voters he continues to create, just the thought of another Trump term is the only way that Biden will get re-elected.
Trump beats Harris, who came in 5th in her home state and hasn't distinguished herself as VP.
Trump beats Newsom. Go figure, Make America Great Again beats Make America California.
Trump thrashes Whitmer and her COVID baggage.