Latest poll of presidential scholars: Lincoln 1, Biden 14, Rgn 16 & Trump last

avatar for HedonistBG

I'm sure all the MAGA fanboys will be convinced by this.😂 But a wide range of scholars were sampled.

Biden's biggest accomplishments so far IMO are (1) beating Trump and stopping the decline of America's global standing that Trump started, and (2) resuming the fight against global warming that was urgently needed after four lost years under Trump.

Trump was basically the most unamerican president ever--he was and is, against democracy and believes rich and powerful people like him are special and above the law. Both of these positions are contrary to what has made America special and great. But in fairness I will say that there were a couple of things I liked about his administration. He hit China with some tariffs, but didn't start the trade war that many had feared. And he did seem to deter illegal immigration--though his tactics were inhumane. (Biden administration has actually sent back more illegals than Trump's, but that is partly because more have been trying to get in.)

I wish Biden hadn't run again because of his age; but he is 100 times better than a second term of the narcissist-in-chief.


last comment
It's not Biden's age, it's his cognition that is collapsing. Look at news footage from 4 years ago compared to today.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
Well, if "a wide range of scholars" in their objective, non-politically-biased judgment say it is so, then it must be so! Can't make this shit up 🤣

Thank goodness the global warming flat-earthers have been warning us all these years ...…
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
2023 was the hottest year on record ever for our planet. Being too stupid to believe in climate change doesn't make it not real.
I'd flip Lincoln and Washington. Reagan over Biden when Biden is declining mentally even earlier than Reagan did and has only been in office 4 years is madness. Biden shouldn't have even been in the poll he's not done yet. I'd push up Kennedy because he had to navigate a crazy time and he actually grew as a politician while in office. Trump should definitely be last.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
Wow, you poll a bunch of Democrats and surprisingly they conclude Democrats are awesome.

Under Biden, things are less affordable, the country is more divided, the world is less peaceful, and neighborhoods are less safe than they were under Trump.

Anyone who ranks Trump, whose legacy is still being defined, after Buchanan who split the country and Andrew Johnson who botched Reconstruction, has an agenda and is not to be taken seriously. Not like there's an agenda to trash Trump before an election, or anything...
Raegan: he defeated and destroyed the USSR without firing a bullet. Real history will not be kind at all to Biden, Woke historians will continue to adore him until at some point Historians will say, "What the Hell was all this Woke SHIT, and why was he sniffing little girls hair?"

There was a 1970s Honda motorcycle commercial based a few 100 years in the future. A guy in the museum looking at a Honda, the signed reads "50 Miles Per Gallon". The guy asks the historian, "50 Gallons of what?" The historian responds, "We don't know."

This is how history will look at the Democrats and Woke crowd, just as we do today with 1800s Slavery. Like in "The Blues Brothers" putting the band back together, the Democrats, the Party of Plantations, Slavery and Segregation, are trying to put the Plantations back together. When Biden says, 'You ain't Black if you don't vote Democrat" is just as racist as it gets.
The woke shit especially on gender and just a general lack of patriotism is going to be horrific to look back on. But I don’t think the country is divided because of Trump or Biden it’s divided because neither party is talking what they need to talk economically for the middle class.

The idea that Trump with rhetoric and disrespect for the basics of democracy is less divisive is really pushing it logically.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Mogul you spelled Reagan wrong. Reagan's trickle down economics was a miserable failure. Look at the explosion in the wealth gap from 1981 and on. Reagan lowered taxes for the super
rich. Trump also lowered taxes for the super rich and raised taxes for everyone else. The largest factor in inflation has been extreme corporate greed which was greatly helped by Reagan and Trump. What does Trump do for the middle class? Nothing. Biden went to help striking union workers. Does Trump do that? Absolutely not.
It's no surprise that academic zombies who live their lives believing they have moral superiority because they destroy anyone with the "wrong" opinions would place Trump last. But Biden 14th? C'mon man.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
"2023 was the hottest year on record ever for our planet. Being too stupid to believe in climate change doesn't make it not real."

I believe 100% in climate change. And I believe in treating our planet well. Some things I don't believe in:

(*) the ability to accurately measure global temperatures more than 150 or so years ago within one degree celsius, thus making it impossible to truly know the historical record for temperatures

(*) shutting down clean, safe nuclear plants which would have run for decades longer, to meet a bullshit "low carbon" agenda (Germany)

(*) using slave labor to mine for lithium so that entitled rich leftists who are insulated from the peons can post on their petroleum- and mineral-derived iPhones (also made with a lot of slave labor) how righteous they are for driving electric vehicles, which only actually reduce carbon footprint if they're driven about 200K miles (due to the upfront carbon cost to make the car)

We need to care for our planet because it's all we've got. But ironically, the failed predictions in the article I referenced are counterproductive. When you've got idiots like Al Gore predicting that there will be no more polar ice caps in 10 years time, any sane person knows he's either being dishonest, or is an absolute moron, or both. This takes a very serious issue and caricaturizes it.

I also don't believe in calling someone "stupid" for having a different perspective. But in this case I'll make an exception, you pseudointellectual stupid ass.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
@5foot - very well said. If the greens really wanted to fight climate change, they'd take an "all of the above" approach including building nuclear left and right. It seems more like Gaia worship and guilt for humanity.

Climate change is huge for leftist social engineers but way the fuck down the list for the average American.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Trump has flat out said that he doesn't believe climate change is real as have many others. Trans people and drag shows are way down the list of importance for me while Republicans waste time arguing about irrelevant nonsense like that as the sea levels get higher and we have more wildfires every year as the planet gets hotter and hotter. Do I care about being Mr nicey nice and not offending people arguing whether climate change is real? Absolutely not. It's ridiculously obvious that climate change will affect all of us if ignored.
Why should we care about climate change? We humans will destroy ourselves long before the weather does.
avatar for blahblahblahs
a year ago
Rising sea levels are a threat to one of my favorite clubs, which is near the beach. Lack of snowfall means I have not had an excuse to visit the Jay Ballet, which still has $10/dap dances.

Stories like these are why we should care. Also, you know, massive suffering, potential food shortages, and unpleasantly hot summers.

This is a good book on the history of taxation in America, printed 2022 so it is current:…

Liberals have used "Trickle Down" excuse for over 100 years, now called Supply Side Economics. I've yet to see any society tax itself to prosperity. The highest taxed states/cities are disasters with crime, homelessness, education, welfare. CA is now running a $73B deficit when I few years back they had a nice surplus.

Keep in mind, when the wealthy buy a big house, like let's say Obama or the Bidens or to be fair Trump, they employ people to take care of it, the Hollywood "elites" do too. They employ people to take care of their property, homes (do you think Oprah mops her floors or changes her sheets or does her laundry?), planes, yachts, make their dinners, on and on and on. Swag Bags at Hollywood events can be over $100K. Anyway...

Reagan & Trump: (thanks to whoever the spelling fuck cop is, I can't edit once posted and I have a bit of dyslexia - like no ever misspells here) Lowering marginal tax rates actually increased collections on the Top 5%.

Per the IRS 2020 data (most recent): The Top 5% pay 63% of all Income Taxes. 63%!
NOTE: This is just Federal, not State. Places like NJ. IL, NY, CA nail the wealthy, and NYC has it's own City Income Tax, not to mention the Cost of Living in these big liberal cities is wicked expensive:
Top 1%, over $550K, account for 42% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Top 5%, over $220K, account for 63% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Top 10%, over $152K, account for 74% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Top 25%, over $86K, account for 89% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Top 50%, over 42K, account for 98% of Personal Federal Income Taxes Collected
Bottom 50%, making less than $42K account of 2% of personal Federal Income Taxes Collected

I'm quoting real data from gov't sources, not CNN, The View, MSNBC or Harvard. America is collecting more taxes year over year, and yet we continue to spend way more than we collect rather than tempering spending to pay down the debt and reduce deficit spending.
Dustyj: To clarify "IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most"…

The biggest problem propelling inflation is excessive gov't spending and printing Green Backs. "How Government Spending Fuels Inflation - When debt grows so much that people don’t believe the Treasury will pay it, they sell their bonds and buy other things, sending prices through the roof." This is from the Wall Street Journal:…
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
@mogul Supply Side works, but it's like watering a plant. Too much and the plant dies. It worked under JFK, but it failed under Reagan. It only "succeeded" under Reagan, it the sense that politicians found out they could run a structural deficit with no real plans to fix it, and still get reelected. The Baby Bush and Trump tax cuts were not about Supply Side, they were about this:…
Anyone with a lick of sense cares about climate change, this is still the only planet we know how to live on, earthquakes, Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, don’t care about left or right wing politics. Nor do they differentiate between rich, poor, or middle class.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
I'm sure that Jackson's slaves, and the native people he forced to walk the Trail of Tears would say he was a worse President than Trump. Like the saying goes, opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
a year ago
Yes climate change is real. But, if we make it priority #1 to stop it, that's likely to make the government too powerful, making us poor and unfree. And, dubious it will work anyways. Environmentalists have a long track record of not knowing the difference between gestures and effective action. For example, shipping plastic waste to Asia (thus releasing a lot of CO2), where it's burned in the open air, in places that already have deadly air pollution.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago… Trump and his tax cuts
The survey lost all credibility when it ranked Biden anywhere outside the bottom 10. FDR #2? He failed miserably at lifting the US out of the Great Depression. He allowed the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor because he knew he needed a war to deficit spend and create wartime Jobs. Obama had the mist dismal economic "recovery" of any Democrat. No, this survey is clearly a bunch of liberals sucking each other off, with any dissenters afraid of the repercussions of being honest.…
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Did the thumbs down already watch the video or do you just already have your mind made up about Trump so you aren't going to let things like facts get in the way?
The idea that Biden has done anything other than destroy our worldwide credibility forever is astounding. He cannot even get shithole countries like Yemen to do what he wants. All Biden does is some Jew hating on Israel and lefties blow a load in their pants.
Todays; Moron making rhe stupidest comment ever award goes to the ass munch who claimed 2023 was the hottest year in the history of the planet. Show me weather records from 1500 years ago asshole. Compared to progressives shit smells nice and cancer a good thing to have.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
And you are a geriatric loser skibum. How about hottest year recent history? Does that mean it's not getting hotter science wizard skibum?
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Skibum will still be arguing about the lack of importance of climate change while a wildfire is about to engulf his home on one side and a tsunami tidal wave is coming from the other direction both caused by climate change. Still arguing, I was right. It's a hoax.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
@gammanu - consensus is that the New Deal prolonged the Great Depression. I don't get the FDR boner either.

@ilbbaicnl - "Environmentalists have a long track record of not knowing the difference between gestures and effective action."

Nailed it. The only way past climate change is innovation, not repenting of western civilization. We tell China, India, Southeast Asia, and Africa not to modernize via fossil fuels, they're going to (rightfully) tell us to go fuck ourselves in the ass.

Not to mention enviro doomsayers have a long and distinguished track record...of failure. If they were right, Miami would be a coral reef, the ice caps would be gone, and the coasts would have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.

I'm a climate change believer, but I'm not willing to go back 200 years to end it, and definitely not to placate Mother Gaia.
If you want to learn more about the survey (instead of making false claims that the respondents were only democrats), look at the PDF linked to in the second paragraph of the article. Respondents included those who identified as democrats, republicans, and independents. There was not a strong partisan divide in rating Trump--even among Republican respondents he was ranked only 41 on average (45 is the bottom). Not a big partisan divide with Biden either--even among republican respondents he was rated #30 and #19 among independents.
Distyj is stupid even for a progressive. The climate has been changing since the earth was created. We've had the ice age, the little ice age and on and on and on chicken little. By the way 2023 being the hottest year ever, means most likely the hottest year in the last 150 years for which there are some weather records. The coldest year for which there are records was 1816, which means it was getting colder back then, which of course meant it was warmer before, because it couldn't be colder then than the ice age, which means as much as it getting hotter now, because as we all know taking a 20 year period out of an 800 million year history is just the best way to do things. Luckily socialism will save us. Look what the Socialist Nazis did for Germany.
The climate is changing. Oh well. Even if this country killed itself by doing what the lameoid morons known as progressives want, it would have no effect on climate change. Zip. Zero. Nada. Every country would have to do the same and in a world we still kill each other over nothing, that ain't happening.
Progressives seem to skew younger, which is why I look at climate change and think: maybe soak some firewood in used motor oil and burn it all weekend......
@dustyj: a lot of cities are paved and have gazillon of tons of concrete that retains heat, and measurements are taken there. While, yes it is heat, the number of people dying from heat and cold has been greatly reduced over the past 50 years. North America up into Alaska was once tropical. How do we know? Plant fossils of tropical trees have been found. Humans havea very small affect on "Climate Change" compared to one good volcano blast.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Yes Skibum you are correct. There are only so many old white men left to vote Republican. Interesting thing in my area the lakes area has very nice homes and a highly educated population. There are zero Trump signs. Only democrat signs in front of those beautiful homes. Then I go to rural areas where the homes are in poor condition needing many repairs and a far less educated area. That is where the Trump signs are in front of Goober's shack. Why do you think that is?
avatar for blahblahblahs
a year ago
There are a lot of bad assumptions on this thread about "what liberals want," and liberal beliefs on mitigating climate change. Also, I think some of the liberals on this thread wrongly assume that the conservatives are all climate deniers, etc. I think it is fair to say that people of both persuasions would like to slow climate change and maintain a high standard of living. It would be nice if we could debate policy options rather than demonizing each other, but whatevs.

As an example, all liberals that I know (and given that I'm in the North East I know a lot) want increased nuclear power generation. Most are aware of the shortcomings of recycling and do what they can to mitigate it. I'd suggest to my fellow PLs that happen to consume a lot of talk radio or cable news, it might be worth you while to seek out a little bit of the other side's media to see what liberals actually want. I think you'll find that it is quite different than what you currently think. Also, MSNBC and CNN suck, don't start there.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
"That is where the Trump signs are in front of Goober's shack. Why do you think that is?"

What a gentle way to say that Democrats have contempt for the American working class.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
That's what you got out of that Puddy? Trump said he loves the poorly educated! The poorest and least educated counties in the country generally vote 97-99% red. It's called voting against your own interests.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
^ Yes, dustyj, you made a condescending remark, but unfortunately that's representative of the Democratic party these days. "Bidenomics" is a whole campaign of "you idiots can't appreciate our greatness."

Democrats used to be for the little guy, rather than holding them in contempt. Perhaps you don't know their interests and priorities?"
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Yes Puddy, taking women's rights away is way nicer.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
^ Another snide comment. Obviously abortion rights isn't high up on their list. But hey, according to you, they have to have the same priorities as you do, or they're bumpkin mouth breathers who don't deserve a voice.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Trump has literally zero good qualities at all. Rapist, liar, business fraud, smooches up to murderous dictators What greatness?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
^ So you think. Your lack of empathy killed you in 2016. If not for a global pandemic, Trump would have won in 2020.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Why do you care if Trump wins? He doesn't care about you. I guarantee if Trump could be president again but 20 million of his supporters had to die today or Trump could not be president but zero of his supporters would die, 100% guarantee Trump would trade your death in a heartbeat to be back in power. He's never cared about anyone but himself and everyone who's ever worked with Trump has nothing good to say about him. Why do you think that is?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
^ Why? I'm a Republican, if you could tell, and I'm sure he doesn't care about me. I'm aware that he's a narcissistic asshole. And wasn't a very effective Republican. He was too ADHD to pass conservative legislation, or even focus on a message long enough. And for someone who places a premium on loyalty, he inspired very little.

So why do I want him to win? Because under the Democrats we're hurtling towards the abyss. Divided by demographic characteristic and played against each other. The border is being overrun with not just criminals (literally released from jail) but young, military-age males from terrorist or enemy nations including Russia, Iran, and China. Inflation has hiked prices and there's no putting that genie back in the bottle--Dems love to talk about GDP, unemployment, and other stats that have more relevant to the securities-owning class than the working class. We have new flashpoints in the world, including Ukraine where we seem to have no strategy, Israel where we're trying to have it both ways.

I'll take a whatever -ist -ist -ist asshole over the forces of chaos.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
The border. You realize that Trump doesn't want anything done to improve the border now because it makes Biden look bad. Trump always puts himself over country. The economy does better with a democrat. Bush- giant mess then way better off after Obama. The biggest driver of inflation has been corporate greed inflating prices. Is Trump really going to be for the little guy over super rich corporations ever? Absolutely not.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
^ The border bill normalizes the current situation. We had a controlled border under Trump, so I'm not worried.
Trump is trusted WAY more than Biden on the economy. After the real estate crash and COVID, a big rebound is natural. No extra credit for that, in fact, it should have been better.
Corporate greed? Always been there. Somehow under Trump it didn't lead to inflation.

The world under Biden is more expensive and less safe. I didn't vote for Trump in 16 or 20, but I'll be sprinting to the polls to vote for him this year. I'll vote for a potted plant if it gets Democrats out of office.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Well you will be in the minority. Republicans calling card used to be smaller government and more freedom. Now it's evangelical Christians trying take women's rights away and ban this and ban that. Trump wants to be dictator and be able to get away with whatever he wants. How anyone would expect the country to be better off with Trump in power is baffling.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
^ Actually, Trump voters are less religious than Republicans on the whole. I think Trump chose Pence because the known womanizer and bon vivant needed credibility with the religious right. He focused a lot less on "morality" issues than say, DeSantis and his 6 week abortion ban (suicidal for his chances). The "book bans" are a nothingburger except among radical activists.

We know what to expect from Trump, since he was already president for 4 years. The Trump = Armageddon scare doesn't fly anymore. Especially when second term presidents start as lame ducks and have less capital to work with than in the first.

I would have loved someone to take a hatchet to the government and the permanent bureaucracy, the surveillance state, the censorship state, the military bureaucracies (we have more generals and admirals than we did during WW2), slash spending, and simplify the tax system (not necessarily cut, but simplify).

I know that under Trump, he will probably attempt most of these without great effect. Under Biden, I would expect all this to get worse. Biden can't run as "not Trump" anymore. He has a record and Americans don't approve of it.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
I know sometimes it doesn't feel like it but under Biden GDP is much higher, unemployment is very low, many jobs were added. Trump has zero plans to rollout vaccines. If he was elected again the pandemic likely would have dragged on and the economy would have recovered slower. Trump's entire handling of the pandemic was awful
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
@dustyj - GDP is of more interests to economists and the capital owning class. Unemployment affects a few people on the margins. People see prices and wages above all. Wage growth only recently overtook price growth. They see the interest rates needed to fight inflation and how it locks people out of affordable housing.

Don't confuse egg head stats with those the American people care about.
avatar for dustyj
a year ago
Do you really think Trump would do better? How? His businesses failed one after another. He stole from his own charity. Trump's casinos even fail. That's the guy who is going to improve things. Really? He's more interested in playing golf.
OK, I’m posting a LOT on this thread. Get a beer if you want to wade through all this, or ignore it, up to you. I provide data to backup what I say, and not opinion talking head shit. Puddy is way more accurate than dustyj who clearly regurgitates (dustyj meaning BARFS UP) from whack jobs like Rachel Maddow , Joy Reid and the The View Cows.

I had a major family life event (death) happen last week, I needed to find a distraction to take my mind off it and one is I write a lot, so here I go.

And tomorrow, I’ll hit the range with 200 rounds of 9s to break in my new HK VP9. Why mention this? To PISS OF LIBERAL DEMOCRATS. Next up will be a Staccato XC.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma. Remember, he supported those 51 former “intelligent” officers who used the false flagging of “Russian interference” to stop Donald Trump winning a second term as president have never apologized for being proven wrong. Reich is an operative for the Democrats agenda to morph America to Amerika ensuring they have power and control forever. Is it any wonder Putin and Xi support Biden (or whomever the Dems will run – my guess is Newsom/Haley or Whitmer/Haley)?
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma. Reich - "This is how Fascism takes root and spreads" - Merriam-Webster definition of Fascism: “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”. This is exactly what we saw under 8 years of Obama/Biden and another 3 years (so far) under Harris/Biden. Look no further than NY, NJ, IL, CA, OR, WA, MD, PA, CO (I live here), ect to see what we have coming down at us over the next 30 years or less. The Democrats control Social Media (Twitter/X – they had to change their underwear when Musk took over and showed the extreme bias and shadow banning of anything even close to The Right), MSM, Education, Health Care, and even allow Tik Tok to run unfettered with Chinese spy balloons. And now, the CIA is ratting out one of their trusted informants as lying about Ukraine giving Hunter and Joe $5M each 6 years ago. And, Trump was found guilty in NYC of fraud and fined $350M, YET, not one banker said they were harmed nor were they charged as Conspirators to help benefit Trump, Inc.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma – NATO. Trump negotiated by threatening to drop out of NATO and got those deadbeats to pony up the required 2% of their GDP to fund NATO after decades of not paying. When Biden took over, their funding dropped. Trump is a hard-ass negotiator, and yes, countries need to know they’ve had 80 years post-WWII to start taking care of their own security. We are not going to drop out of NATO. The Dems are masters of spreading fear with this, and saying “Republicans want to push granny off the cliff by cutting Medicare”. Medicare and SS needs serious tuning for sure as they are facing serious financial challenges in the next 8 years. Lest we forget all the Anchor Babies that are coming as the Illegal Aliens roll in and then Chain Migration can go to Ramming Speed too. Congress, all of them are cowards to deal with this. SS and Medicare can be adjusted for those 50 and under giving them 10-20 years to plan and prepare. SS was never designed to be a retirement program as so many use it as. They need to create an IRA and push for 401k programs to allow more tax deferred saving; Roth IRAs for those under 30 is a HUGE GIFT for tax exempt income when they retire. Schools need to educate on how to retire, plan and save rather than Trans and Woke bullshit.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma: Immigration & Wall: In the early/mid-2000s, Congress voted to Build A Wall several time (virtue signaling and pandering for votes and donations), and never did. Trump says he’ll build a wall, comes in, wants to build a Wall and other security and enforcement policies yet Congress and the “Deep State” do all they can to block it. In 1987, the Dems promised Raegan if he signed Amnesty, they’d secure the border. He signed, they lied, CA went socialist and now we have Biden’s Immigration disaster that is a real threat to national security and individuals. Biden signed over 90 ExOs to neuter Trump’s Border Policies – 90 can all be reversed. The House passed HR 2 last May, and Chuck Schumer refuses to even touch it; that’s 9 months. So, they blame Republicans/MAGA for not dealing with the Senate Bill which actually: 1) is not needed as POTUS already has tools he refuses to use and ExOs he can reverese; 2) this Bill allows over 2M Illegals to cross annually; 3) it has verbiage to prevent whoever is POTUS in 2025 to not veto or neuter it – they strongly suspect Trump, or the GOP, will win so they added a Poison Pill. The Dems definition of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” is just amnesty, again. Worked in 1987, rinse, lather, repeat.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma. Muslim Ban – there was NO MUSLIM BAN! That’s a bald face lie. Trump block travel from like 7 countries that happened to be Islamic states that had zero control over passports – you could buy them on the street. Indonesia has the highest Islamic population was not blocked nor was Saudi Arabia. Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen – yah, block the Hell out of these and others to that have failed governments. And while I’m at it, in SC Trump said, "There were very fine people on both sides, & I'm not talking about the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists because they should be condemned totally." So Dems only quote, “There were very fine people on both sides." THAT’S PROPAGANDA a Fascist would do.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma. Language of Hitler - poisoning the blood of our country. Trump wasn’t “channeling” Hitler. I’ll take that any day over Biden saying, “You ain’t Black if you don’t vote Democrat.”, or Biden saying about Obama, “I mean, you got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." Biden, as well as Clinton and Obama, eulogized and praised former Senate Major Leader Robert “KKK Sheets” Byrd (D-WV), and didn’t get canceled – even Obama! The Democrats even use the same propaganda techniques that Joseph Goebbels created. No, the Democrats aren’t Nazis, they adopt the same methods just as the Jesuits did in the late 1700s, “Give us your children until they are 7 and we’ll have them for life.” So, the Dems control K-College when Carter created the Department of Education in 1978/79 - perfect. And, the Democrats are using Stalin’s Andrey Vyshinsky who said "Give me the man and I will give you the case against him" – Trump and all his associates, yet not one Democrat gets the same “justice”. Back to what I said about the Democrats and Fascism.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma. Those Lacking Health Insurance increased: Health insurance cost has gone non-linear since the passing of Obamacare. Health care for those who had major medical issues needed help, however, the entire industry didn’t need to be over-hauled. Millions had great coverage, and few didn’t. Those few who really needed help could have been covered with Medicaid, but no, Obama had to take over the industry with bureaucratic controls. At the same time, student loans were taken over, and interest from them is used to fund Obamacare. They couldn’t even do a website for $1B with outsourcing to a Canadian company; Founder could have done one for $50M. Insurance premiums and deductibles blew-up. To add, Biden has YET to even try to bring back antibiotic pharmaceutical manufacturing from China that we found out in 2020 during COVID-19 account for 90% we use today – Made In China. What if China decides to cut back on supply? 90% is a big nut.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma. Spending - That is a huge problem for Trump for sure and it needs to be dealt with. Democrats have done NOTHING to reduce deficit spending, they’ve increased it. We bring in more tax revenue than ever yet we don’t have a plan to temper spending to reduce these $1.5T annual deficits since 2020, and unused COVID-19 money is NOT being clawed back.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma. The only thing China, Russia, Iran, North Korea understands is force. China has serious economic issues today that can be leveraged to our benefit. “That’s not fair”, a Democrat would say. Horseshit – China does it globally ALL THE TIME. And Climate Change – China and India are building dirty, real dirty, coal plants as fast as possible and yet the USA needs EVs and no gas stoves. Iran was economically decimated under Trump’s sanctions. Today, Iran doing $80B in oil sales to India, North Korea and China, and Biden’s buddy Putin is too. Iran can be defeated economically as can Russia. Good job Biden stopping LNG facilities so we can sell Europe NatGas – the cleanest fuel next to nuclear. When we had Arab Spring during Obama, he did NOTHING to offer support, and those protesters were crushed.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma. Jamie Dimon spouting lies. Hilarious! Sure, he is supporting Trump and that is his right. He is seen as a traditor to the Democrats. I’m really surprised Reich didn’t say Dimon is just a Putin Puppet. Guess that will come later.
@dustyj: Robert (not so) Reich Tik Tok blathering his political dogma. Influential leaders in America need to stand up - like who? Reich doesn’t say who. Al Sharpton? Al Gore – The Earth has a Fever dude? Claudine “Plagiarizer” Gay? These people work in the background and use the MSM and schools to spread their idea of what AMERIKA will look like in the next 30 years. It’s all about the Long Game with the RINOs, Democrats and Globalists. Show Me The Money, and I’ll do whatever you want.
@dustyj: Women's rights and all - they support ONLY when they have leverage it for power and control. Obama had a solid Congressional Majority when he did ObamaCare, and destroyed healthcare costs. The one thing he said he'd do would be to codify Roe v. Wade, and he didn't. And what did we get? NY, CA and CO allowing partial birth abortions under any condition. Even SCJ RBG said Roe was a shit decision, and she was hardcore Left as the SC ever had. To be clear - I do support a woman's right to abortion to 12-16 weeks or in the event of her life. If the child is viable, it should be saved. And Planned Parenthood was a creation of Margaret Sanger in 1916 to help reduce the Black population in America - yeah, she was a genocidal racist. But then the Democrats are OK with that.

The Democrats, the Party of Plantations, Slavery and Segregation are doing all they can to bring back the Plantation forever this time. And all the Wokesters just support it.

And you are concerned about Trump? I've heard Trump interviews dating back over 30 years, and what he said then is the same today. Biden is just a parroting tool who says what he thinks people want to hear.
Here is a study by one of the most renown Economist in the world, the youngest Black tenured professor in history at Harvard at 30. He did a study about racial bias in police shootings. He was told “this doesn’t fit the narrative” by many and of all people then-Harvard Chancellor Claudine “Plagiarizer” Gay. The narrative was more important than the truth. Imagine that. There is an hour plus YouTube you can watch:…

The one from Gutfeld! is only a few minutes and takes clips from the YouTube highlighting important points. Now, the Democrats here will freak out this is on Gutfeld!/Fox – OMG! I’ve watch the YouTube interview and Gutfeld!, and Gutfeld! is a good, accurate abridged segment.…
One of the stupidest surveys ever. They hand-picked over 550 people, stated without proof it was a bipartisan group and then only 33% responded. The idea Biden is a top 14 President is pablum for the impotent. Anyone taking this poll as accurate is stupid and should never breed.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
@dustyj - "Do you really think Trump would do better?"

Trump HAS done better, despite his faults and ego. Better running in place than dashing towards the abyss. We can't take another term of being played against each other, or of this many million more unassimilated illegals.
Trump said to Black voters: "Vote for me, you have nothing to lose." Trump's record on Black employment was the best ever. WSJ, Jan-2022, "The Trump Boom Lifted Black Americans
Before the pandemic, the economy grew in ways that mostly benefited low-income and middle-class households."…
Trump has done remarkable things, he’s built a wall across the southern border and gotten Mexico to pay for it, he’s increased Tariffs on Chinese manufactured goods and forced the Chinese to pay those fees, he’s gone bankrupt on five separate occasions while owning a casino.
The correct word to use when describing
Donald J. Trump is truly unbelievable.
^ Trump has never ever declared personal bankruptcy. Not once. Let's look at how Biden has fared: China blockading the Philippines; China threatening Taiwan Dail; Chinese Navy in the Red Sea; Russia committing genocide in the Ukraine; Houthis attacking us; Syrian attacking us; Iraqis attacking us, all paid for by Iran, whom Biden bends over for daily; open border; democrat-controlled cities going bankrupt... yeah, a great guy. Biden, being a democrat is sadly all too believable from the party of foreigners, deviants and traitors.
Bankruptcy by an owner of a casino what an addition to a resume, great job by a great businessman.
^ Im just pointing out some of Trump’s many remarkable accomplishments!
^ I was pointing out a misstatement of fact.
I never claimed that he declared personal bankruptcy but since you seem to be all in on the distinction, take note that I pointed out what a great businessman he is, while I praise his many attributes let’s take note of how many people he owes money to, if being a debt dodger, isn’t praiseworthy what about being a draft dodger, and let’s not forget Trump University, what a great institution of higher learning he founded.
You should also give Trump credit for how many new Biden voters he continues to create, just the thought of another Trump term is the only way that Biden will get re-elected.
^ Ahem - 10:1 Biden will not run by saying "I've decided not to run for office. I need to spend more time with my family, Barrack and Michelle who have taken care of me while I was POTUS," My longshot guess will be the Super Delegates, between riots and mayhem, will put-up Newsom/Whitmer, not Harris/Biden.
^ Purposefully ignoring a granddaughter, what a family guy.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
^ Biden polls better against Trump than any challenger.

Trump beats Harris, who came in 5th in her home state and hasn't distinguished herself as VP.
Trump beats Newsom. Go figure, Make America Great Again beats Make America California.
Trump thrashes Whitmer and her COVID baggage.
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