The Biden dementia care and nursing administration has imposed over 500 new sanctions on Russia in response to Navalny's death in custody (why there were any sanctions not already enacted is baffling). At the same time, the Biden injustice department and aligned leftist prosecutors and justices seek to defame, destroy, harass, intimidate, bankrupt, and imprison their chief political rival and his supporters.
Our government does not have the moral high ground anymore.
Just think the Alabama Supreme Court recently made a ruling regarding embryos be aged in their words it was due to the creation “in the image of God”. Talk about some hypocrisy regarding a ruling without separation of church and state.
Biden's Ukraine war sanctions have done jack shit. His weaponization of the dollar has hurt us. Now we're seeing a huge anti-US, anti-dollar trading bloc opening up.
Doesn't help that this administration, like Obama's, has opened its asshole for Iran.
Want to know how to sanction Russia? Fund Ukraine and take the win on funding border protection. Our elected representatives on the Right are working against what is best for our country.
And fuck that noise on Iran. Which administration ripped up the Iran nuclear deal without a replacement plan in place? Estimates are that Iran is within 12 months of having enough nuclear material to make a bomb.
Having conversations with people that think there’s some kind of moral equivalence between the U. S. and Russia is stupid and counterproductive, especially people that give any legitimacy to any claims made by Vladimir Putin.
There is not a single major politician in any major position of influence in our government who is not a hypocrite, a con man, corrupt, or all three. Not the left, not the right.
There might be those in minor positions who aren't yet corrupted, but they won't be allowed in any major decision position making until they've sold their souls to the party apparatus.
Either the Tree of Liberty will be properly watered soon, or the U.S. will turn into Iran, Russia, China, or some combination of all three.
The Uran nuclear deal was never a treaty. Just incompetence and cheating from the sick disgusting Muslim rump swab Obama the traitor. Amazingly Trump will never be the worst person on earth as long as there are progressives.
LOL, a deal with no teeth, relaxing oil sanctions, giving them money (and just like with Griner, rewarding kidnapping of American citizens), giving their proxy Hamas funding that Trump stopped, not retaliating against the Houthis. They're going to ass to mouth and back on us.
A slight distinction between the Navalny and Trump situations. Publicly available evidence shows Trump committed sexual assault, financial fraud, and election fraud, and has also bragged that he could get away with his criminal and other corrupt conduct (He said "I could shoot someone on the streets of New York and get away with it," or words to that effect.) Navalny was imprisoned only for criticizing Putin.
I didn’t say the Iran deal was good. It wasn’t. But it slowed their production of nuclear material and the former Commander in Thief ripped it up with no plan for what came after. Same as the TPP. Ripped it up and cost the USA business and raised our expenses with no replacement plan. That’s what happens when you govern by sound bites.
Governing by opening the borders is far inferior to governing by sound bites. The Iran nuclear deal slowed absolutely nothing. The deal, which relied on the honesty of the Iranians, was designed to delay not deny nukes for Iran. Never has more ado been made of something so absolutely valueless, except for the terrorists in Iran.
Putin is the main problem, shut him down and the Mullahs that are terrorizing their own people in Iran, become the next theocracy to get overthrown. If there’s no support from the Russians the Iranians will overthrow the Ayatollahs and you’ll see a new Middle East led by the Saudis.
So you're saying Trump is above the law because he's Biden's political opponent? If it's all just a witch hunt, won't the Supreme Court eventually throw it all out?
@hank - did it, now? The deal was incredibly leaky without good mechanisms for verification.
I take it the rest of what I said is undisputed, the ways Obama and Biden (probably under Val Jarrett's direction) have just sucked mullah cock. It fits their pattern.
No, it’s just not worth responding to. It’s a click bait thread about hypocrisy, designed to get each side pointing at the other. I’m a republican and comfortable pointing out my own side’s hypocrisy because on this board, it’s basically an echo chamber saying the left is wrong. Not much discussion.
Hank we've got lefties on here too. That's why we've got to elect nicespice as President when she turns 35. She's smart, and more trustworthy than any current politician. And she has great ta tas, which this website proves is what will Make America Bipartisan Again. nicespice...America's Housemom.
"If it's all just a witch hunt, won't the Supreme Court eventually throw it all out?"
"Eventually" is the key word there. The lefties and their corrupt DAs and Judges all know damn well that everything Trump is facing will "eventually" be turned over on appeal. They are only hoping to keep this circus show going long enough to sway the election.
But the irony is that not a single Trump supporter will be dissuaded by these false allegations. These are nothing more than feel-good measures for those who already live in Trump-hating districts, so it accomplishes nothing except to make him a martyr.
On the other hand, every single person in America, whether they admit it or not, knows that Biden is completely incapable of leading this nation, and the rate of his cognitive decline is now obvious on an almost daily basis. Used to be they would show video of him from 10 or 15 years ago and contrast it against one of his present day incoherent speeches. But now you can see he is worse today than even just a few months ago.
That will draw votes away from Biden because there will be some people who just can't bring themselves to vote for this mental midget again. That's assuming he will even finish his current term in office without a complete breakdown. There's a good chance his dementia may progress to where he can't remember his own first name, even if someone asks, "What is your name, Joe?"
Illegal aliens who know who the fuck they are waltz right into the country, fed, clothed, housed on the back on the American taxpayer. (Homeless Vets? Go fuck yourself) Decide to commit more crime, beat the living shit out of cops in NYC, get immediately released on bail, flee to California with both middle fingers up. Anyone that objects to any of that is ofcourse a racist. Wanna vote to change it? Yeah you can just mail in your ballot now, no ID required at all. We’re going on the trust system.
Damn looks like your get hustled America, might wanna wake the fuck up.
In 2017 Trump was President, with a Republican House and Senate. Why didn't he fix the illegal immigration problem then? For our economy, illegal immigration is like fast food. Not a healthy diet, but you can't just stop eating.
It looks like there are maneuvers to prevent seizures of Trumps properties during the appeals process:… . Seems likely Trump and somebody from the bank shook hands over a loan deal, and the banker told him what the numbers needed to add up to on the loan application. And it was understood the bank didn't care how he got the numbers, as long as they added up. But he should have seen it coming. Same as a black person knows, when they get behind the wheel, they'll get pulled for a rolling stop, when a white person probably wouldn't.
The whole thing is fucked! Is trump a total dipshit of course, he can’t shut his mouth when he should. That being said he is right about a lot of things and could have done a lot more good shit if he could just keep his fingers off his twitter account. He’s like an angry stripper who reads a review on here and fires back. Biden is a total joke, it’s honestly embarrassing to have him as the so called leader of the free world. Everyday he is in office feels closer and closer to watching Rome burn. The country racks up more and more debt paying for yet another foreign war and paying countless billions to an invading horde.
The idea illegal immigrants are good for the economy is beyond fucked up. Our economy relies on some illiterate asshole pushing a broom and sending money via western union to a shithole country elsewhere? Fucking retarded. All immigrants legal and cheating scum collect public benefits at a rate of 2-1 over native born and these illegal rats murder school budgets everywhere they infest. Overthrow Putin and Iran disappears? Lmao step on her toe and she will come makes more sense. Overthrow Putin and start a nuclear war, typical stupid leftist foreign policy. China props up Putin, you know the country that owns Buden and the Democrats.
My #1 concern with the left isn't the economy, nor even the border. It's their obsessive tearing at the social fabric of America, pitting them into groups against one another. Male vs female. Black vs white. LGBTQ vs straight. All for their own benefit, and that of the radical activists they fund.
Case in point, I have always loved black women and they love me. Now, I get led in with questions like "why would you date a black woman?" with a suspicious air (like, am I some fetish to you or are you going to hurt me). Or other political grilling. I don't hide what I believe anywhere, but it becomes all about race and politics.
On a larger scale, everyone is getting pitted against everyone, with leftist advocacy groups collecting. Who the fuck else would fund Ibram X. Kendi (aka Henry Rogers but that doesn't sound exotic and African enough to get funding) to produce no scholarly work and embezzle most of his cash? Or the LGBTQ thing, right as gay marriage is accepted, they focus on trans people (who Biden called "the civil rights issue of the day") despite never caring about them before? Cross gender identification occurs in clusters and has gone up by a factor of a hundred. You must be pretty dense if you don't think it's a social contagion.
America can deal with a shit economy or illegal immigrants or foreign entanglements (though they all suck). America can't deal with 330 million people hating or suspicious of one another.
Right, all the border jumpers are living large off of charity. You only see them in restaurants and on construction sites cause they're doing volunteer work.
You can't just label all of DEI as divisive. If I say "hey, why did you punch me in the nose?" that's only divisive if you didn't punch me in the nose. Whether or not a DEI criticism is divisive depends on whether it's true or not. What's always divisive, is when you whip up fear against others just because they are speaking unpleasant truths.
Well, this thread is going in its predictable and intended direction. Want to have an interesting hypocrisy discussion? Each side should look in the mirror and point out its own hypocrisy. Prove you’re as objective as you are projecting when you call the other side hypocrites. If you can’t do that and see your own side’s flaws, you’re just a mindless parrot.
Case in point - the left is hypocritical because they tear at the social fabric of the country and are divisive. Really? You want to make that argument this week? Which side overturned 50 years of abortion rights and now has a state saying that some cells in a test tube are a person, capable of being murdered? That’s not destroying americas social fabric? That’s not divisive? Fuck outta here. If a fertilized egg is a person, what about jizz? Here come the cops to arrest you for getting a blowjob and killing thousands of your half children.
@HM Objectively speaking there is such a thing as right and wrong, there is such a thing as objectively being so fair minded that your argument doesn’t work. Truth be told Putin is a murderous thug, any other opinion is not credible. There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, absolutely none and anyone claiming that there is is a moron at best.
@Hank - You misread what I wrote. Who does Roe vs. Wade pit against each other by virtue of its very being? I'm pro-choice, but even RBG said it was bad law. Abortion is now where it should be, in the hands of the states and the legislative branch. You can move...which is funny, since movement is occurring out of blue paradises like California and New York to red, pro-life, "backwards" states. Not sure what the Alabama egg fertilization or jizz has to do with dividing up the country, other than that you don't like it.
Divisive is educating people to hate one another by accident of their birth. Giving one group an unearned claim on the wealth of another. If there were more race riots this year, the results might be a lot worse than 2020. Ibram Kendi should be no more accepted than the KKK.
If all the lawsuits and charges against Trump are just ordinary political payback, then why is Trump the only former president to face such suits and charges? Did Clinton go after Bush I when he defeated him? Did Obama go after Bush II? No and no--nor any other instances I can recall. Kind of strongly suggests that what's different is that Trump really is corrupt and a criminal.
"Kind of strongly suggests that what's different is that Trump really is corrupt and a criminal."
Did you forget the obvious variable that Trump is running for re-election, and is an active political opponent? Bush 1 did not seek a 2nd term, and Bush 2 couldn't run again, so, you're not comparing similar situations at all. Maybe he broke the law and maybe he didn't. The courts will decide. But your conclusion (or what you say is 'strongly suggested') does not follow from those prior cases.
@HedonisticBG I don’t know if you should call Trump's prosecution ordinary, but you need to admit that he certainly invited them, and despite his protestations to the contrary, he sure as hell isn’t going to resolve any of them by being an asshole. On balance I believe he’s getting exactly what he wants and probably deserves worse.
@5footguy "Did you forget the obvious variable that Trump is running for re-election, and is an active political opponent?" No I didn't. Every one term president is a possible future political opponent. Bush 1 could have been. Carter could have been. Ford could have been. None have been targeted--nor do I recall any non-presidents but potential leading candidates ever dealing with similar lawsuits.
No president prior to Trump was ever subjected to the kind of baseless harassment that he was and is undergoing. The new left, the radical, hate-fueled, socialists and never-Trumpers, does not have a shred of decency, and they have corrupted and toxified politics in Washington and states everywhere beyond repair. BLM and ANTIFA are domestic terror groups being funded by politicians like Kamala Harris! That has never happened before. The final thing to remember is that Trump is an outsider. Carter, Bush, etc.- they were all insiders. Career politicians. They were longtime swamp dwellers (Bush helped create the swamp). They were never going to be attacked the way an outsider like Trump was. Trump was trying to drain the swamp and return some sanity to politics- shrinking bureaucracy, asking questions about things no one dared question, etc. I'm not saying he was an angel on a mission from God, I am not saying this was not done with entire purity of heart and charity aforethought; but I am saying that he was looking to undo things that had been strictly benefitting career politicians for a long time, and that is why they want to destroy him utterly.
last commentDoesn't help that this administration, like Obama's, has opened its asshole for Iran.
There might be those in minor positions who aren't yet corrupted, but they won't be allowed in any major decision position making until they've sold their souls to the party apparatus.
Either the Tree of Liberty will be properly watered soon, or the U.S. will turn into Iran, Russia, China, or some combination of all three.
LOL, a deal with no teeth, relaxing oil sanctions, giving them money (and just like with Griner, rewarding kidnapping of American citizens), giving their proxy Hamas funding that Trump stopped, not retaliating against the Houthis. They're going to ass to mouth and back on us.
I didn’t say the Iran deal was good. It wasn’t. But it slowed their production of nuclear material and the former Commander in Thief ripped it up with no plan for what came after. Same as the TPP. Ripped it up and cost the USA business and raised our expenses with no replacement plan. That’s what happens when you govern by sound bites.
I take it the rest of what I said is undisputed, the ways Obama and Biden (probably under Val Jarrett's direction) have just sucked mullah cock. It fits their pattern.
The center->left posts are getting more likes than the reverse.
Besides, the political debates here are more civil than on the rest of the internet.
"Eventually" is the key word there. The lefties and their corrupt DAs and Judges all know damn well that everything Trump is facing will "eventually" be turned over on appeal. They are only hoping to keep this circus show going long enough to sway the election.
But the irony is that not a single Trump supporter will be dissuaded by these false allegations. These are nothing more than feel-good measures for those who already live in Trump-hating districts, so it accomplishes nothing except to make him a martyr.
On the other hand, every single person in America, whether they admit it or not, knows that Biden is completely incapable of leading this nation, and the rate of his cognitive decline is now obvious on an almost daily basis. Used to be they would show video of him from 10 or 15 years ago and contrast it against one of his present day incoherent speeches. But now you can see he is worse today than even just a few months ago.
That will draw votes away from Biden because there will be some people who just can't bring themselves to vote for this mental midget again. That's assuming he will even finish his current term in office without a complete breakdown. There's a good chance his dementia may progress to where he can't remember his own first name, even if someone asks, "What is your name, Joe?"
Illegal aliens who know who the fuck they are waltz right into the country, fed, clothed, housed on the back on the American taxpayer. (Homeless Vets? Go fuck yourself) Decide to commit more crime, beat the living shit out of cops in NYC, get immediately released on bail, flee to California with both middle fingers up. Anyone that objects to any of that is ofcourse a racist. Wanna vote to change it? Yeah you can just mail in your ballot now, no ID required at all. We’re going on the trust system.
Damn looks like your get hustled America, might wanna wake the fuck up.
It looks like there are maneuvers to prevent seizures of Trumps properties during the appeals process:… . Seems likely Trump and somebody from the bank shook hands over a loan deal, and the banker told him what the numbers needed to add up to on the loan application. And it was understood the bank didn't care how he got the numbers, as long as they added up. But he should have seen it coming. Same as a black person knows, when they get behind the wheel, they'll get pulled for a rolling stop, when a white person probably wouldn't.
Biden is a total joke, it’s honestly embarrassing to have him as the so called leader of the free world. Everyday he is in office feels closer and closer to watching Rome burn. The country racks up more and more debt paying for yet another foreign war and paying countless billions to an invading horde.
Overthrow Putin and Iran disappears? Lmao step on her toe and she will come makes more sense. Overthrow Putin and start a nuclear war, typical stupid leftist foreign policy. China props up Putin, you know the country that owns Buden and the Democrats.
Case in point, I have always loved black women and they love me. Now, I get led in with questions like "why would you date a black woman?" with a suspicious air (like, am I some fetish to you or are you going to hurt me). Or other political grilling. I don't hide what I believe anywhere, but it becomes all about race and politics.
On a larger scale, everyone is getting pitted against everyone, with leftist advocacy groups collecting. Who the fuck else would fund Ibram X. Kendi (aka Henry Rogers but that doesn't sound exotic and African enough to get funding) to produce no scholarly work and embezzle most of his cash? Or the LGBTQ thing, right as gay marriage is accepted, they focus on trans people (who Biden called "the civil rights issue of the day") despite never caring about them before? Cross gender identification occurs in clusters and has gone up by a factor of a hundred. You must be pretty dense if you don't think it's a social contagion.
America can deal with a shit economy or illegal immigrants or foreign entanglements (though they all suck). America can't deal with 330 million people hating or suspicious of one another.
13 posts advancing the conversation
7 posts debating against the original premise
4 posts attempting typical liberal misdirection
And one dopey old man who is still obsessed with me (living in his head, rent free)
“ Our government does not have the moral high ground anymore.”
Puts you in the category of front runner for stupid poster of the year and the year’s not even half over
Case in point - the left is hypocritical because they tear at the social fabric of the country and are divisive. Really? You want to make that argument this week? Which side overturned 50 years of abortion rights and now has a state saying that some cells in a test tube are a person, capable of being murdered? That’s not destroying americas social fabric? That’s not divisive? Fuck outta here. If a fertilized egg is a person, what about jizz? Here come the cops to arrest you for getting a blowjob and killing thousands of your half children.
I'm just going to leave this here:…
Objectively speaking there is such a thing as right and wrong, there is such a thing as objectively being so fair minded that your argument doesn’t work. Truth be told Putin is a murderous thug, any other opinion is not credible. There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, absolutely none and anyone claiming that there is is a moron at best.
Divisive is educating people to hate one another by accident of their birth. Giving one group an unearned claim on the wealth of another. If there were more race riots this year, the results might be a lot worse than 2020. Ibram Kendi should be no more accepted than the KKK.
Did you forget the obvious variable that Trump is running for re-election, and is an active political opponent? Bush 1 did not seek a 2nd term, and Bush 2 couldn't run again, so, you're not comparing similar situations at all. Maybe he broke the law and maybe he didn't. The courts will decide. But your conclusion (or what you say is 'strongly suggested') does not follow from those prior cases.
I don’t know if you should call Trump's prosecution ordinary, but you need to admit that he certainly invited them, and despite his protestations to the contrary, he sure as hell isn’t going to resolve any of them by being an asshole. On balance I believe he’s getting exactly what he wants and probably deserves worse.