
Comments by Rick999 (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tax reform
    Bad idea. Only a crazy dancer would fork over her name and number and address to own a share and give me money to buy it too.
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    7 years ago
    Tax reform
    I'd be trying to get business with every lap dance and dancer drink. Makes me wonder if this is possible.
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    7 years ago
    Tax reform
    I'm thinking if this becomes law it might help me short term. However I heard individual tax cuts were temporary. It would be nice if I could think of a way to become CEO and write off strip clubs as an entertainment expense. Did corporations and businesses keep their entertainment expenses or is that a no go possibility? I have no idea if entertainment can be considered valid if you go solo. Maybe valid if I attempt to sell at least one share in the company? That would be funny. I hear wanna buy a dance? I say wanna buy stock in my company? Bingo, business expense.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: So What Could Hillary Clinton Have Done Differently?
    I'd also apply six sigma lean concepts to federal departments and maybe give temporary bonuses to departments that find ways to cut significant spending. Our government needs to implement Lean like corporations have done for years to cut spending and save money. Look at it form the big picture first. Would we be better off without an entire federal department of education for example? Could a private enterprise do it a lot better or for a lot less money or cost to taxpayers? Every dollar our government spends probably adds to our debt which I believe makes our overall situation worse. Some think it's already too late and we are on the titanic waiting for the ship to sink. I think that is too pessimistic. I don't want a sudden shift to a new currency devaluing our current dollars. They could suddenly outlaw cyrptos in such a crisis really hurting people trying to diversify. There is nothing politicians won't think of doing to save their own hides.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: So What Could Hillary Clinton Have Done Differently?
    To answer a question, I would hold off on any major spending cuts getting enacted until maybe after 4 years or even 8 years when a democrat might be in office. Be sneaky like them and have tax increases go into effect when the next person is in office. I don't like cutting social programs too much but the problem our country has is that the spending or growth rate is too high for our country to afford it or pay for it all. I was actually ok with Hillary's increase in social security taxes by eliminating the wage cap on social security taxes. If my pay suddenly jumped tens of thousands of dollars, I think it would be fair for myself and everyone making as much as me to not escape additional social security taxes on income above 90k or 100k or whatever the cap is at now. This is not at all in agreement with Republicans though. I might actually look at defense programs for possible cuts to see if certain programs were not needed. I would also work on possibly cutting the size of the federal government and see if we could elimate the education department or other departments. Do we need all these huge federal departments? Could our government save trillions of dollars a year by allowing a private enterprise to do whatever is needed that they do? One big problem, hundreds of thousands of federal employees could lose their jobs. Unemployment would be bad. Might not cut everyone loose at one time to mitigate the surge in unemployment but do it in stages so they could more easily get jobs during someone else's administration. Unfortunately our government won't have enough money to pay for all the expected increases in entitlement programs without draconian budget cuts in another 10 to 20 years when I might be collecting, 20 years that is. I prefer making gradual plans now rather than our benefits getting cut 20% or more suddenly later on. Republicans probably won't raise taxes on anyone but that's ok. I know the democrats will be in favor of raising all kinds of taxes unfortunately. Bernie wants to turn this country into Venezuela. I'd prefer to raise GDP growth up to 8% a year and then we wouldn't need to cut spending unless it was a complete waste. I agree that most Americans hate spending cuts if it affects what they get or what their friends or relatives get. I don't want relatives Medicare benefits cut. I don't want my future social security benefits cut. However if you tell me we either enact certain tax increases and or cut a little or raise the retirement age up a little, I might not like it but it would be preferable over a sudden 25% cut 20 years from now or even 10 years from now because of government crisis. I much prefer our economy grows faster. That would solve a lot of issues. Tax the low and middle class less not more. Grow the economy faster and more tax revenue gets collected to pay for it all.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: So What Could Hillary Clinton Have Done Differently?
    republicans could reconsider immigration. I heard many Muslim countries do not believe in women holding positions of authority. ISIS could take over and then we wouldn't have to worry and debate who got elected. We'd already be screwed and know it. Of course Americans are hopeful. We like thinking we're not already screwed. Actually this was the democrats plan to let as many Muslims into the country as possible but they were gong to let all of Latin America and South America come here as well. Everyone on government assistance and not enough money to go around. All these immigrants from the Americas would never vote republican and want spending cuts. Problem is we now have 2 democrat parties with none doing government spending cuts. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/28/on-tax-reform-democrats-have-already-won-the-battle-commentary.html?recirc=taboolainternal
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off topic Was someone at abc shorting the market or seeking revenge against tru
    I consider fake news a lot more likely or inaccurate reporting since not only is there a profit motive, but a revenge motive against Trump by tanking the market with fake news since Trump uses the market as a measure of success. They should wait until next year in my opinion when people will stop waiting to sell stocks with cheaper tax rates. Tanking the market can hurt millions of investors as well. If they had waited 10 minutes I would have sold a stock that was up yesterday. Crossing my fingers, I stayed in it. Was still up by end of day but not as much.
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    7 years ago
    Off topic Was someone at abc shorting the market or seeking revenge against tru
    I will plan ahead next time with buy orders at key levels. I saw one ETF drop 10% in minutes then recover 7% before the day was over and the news that key information was left out was slow to be reported. I guess we should expect a lot more fake news since profit is easy to do with some inaccurate reporting that isn't instantly corrected. A little piece of fake news could tank any stock, etf or even Bitcoin 50% in a day and then watch it recover. I suppose if no one at ABC profited, they will just laugh it off, can't prove anything.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    10 Years
    I'm new here but setting a new record in taking a break from strip clubs. 3 months and counting. It helps that strip clubs rules suck in my area. What I don't understand is why I stopped getting emails from club Lust and started getting them from Bucks but don't remember contacting either one to change anything. Hacker in clubs email databases?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dear penis...
    A total of about 2 strippers over my life asked me this question. I said no and no. However I do call it penis. They said that's not a name. One or two strippers came up with a name which I forgot quickly. I thought the whole idea was silly like do you have a name for each finger? I do not. Do you name your head or each leg? Silly in my opinion. It might be a topic some females talk about though. Just name each of your fingers and confuse the hell out of the strippers when you say tom, joe, Larry are virgins but Mac, shadow, mr cat, are very experienced. Strippers will be thinking wtf?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Counterfeit dollar bills?
    If I wasn't sure if the bills were counterfeit, I think I would give them away in a strip club. However if someone was stupid enough to make cheap fake one dollar bills, they might be stupid enough to do bigger bills too. If I liked the strip club and wanted the stupid counterfeiter caught, someone needs to notify the police and let the secret service investigate. I once had a one dollar bill that glowed brightly in the light in the strip club. I couldn't tell it was counterfeit. A stripper suggested it might have gone through the laundry and have detergent on it.
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    7 years ago
    Bitcoin in 2018
    Do you guys know of stocks for companies that mine cyrptos? I probably know of two if I remember the names.
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    7 years ago
    Bitcoin in 2018
    Question to whomever knows? I saw a webinar last night for a stock IPO on a company whose stock is already trading around a dollar but they are shifting their company to mining cyrpto currency. It is a Canadian company doing this already involved in information technology but shifting their business model to mine cyrpto with a pre IPO price of 35 cents a share. Anyone know the company name? They are setting up servers in Washington state where the cost of electricity is only something like 3 cents a kilowatt hour. I stopped listening when they wanted 2 to 3 thousand for their research. From Wyatt Research I believe. They also said the normal requirement to get in on a pre IPO was income over 200,000 or one million plus in assets. Supposedly price would more than double since share price already around one dollar and you would have warrants you could exercise at 75 cents a share with all shares and warrants being able to be exercised or sold between 4 to 6 months. 6 months for the pre IPO shares, 4 months for the warrants. Anyone know what the company name and ticker is?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bitcoin in 2018
    The way I see it, two IRS and possibly the Fed want to tax the cyrpto currency as an asset or capital gain or income as is required already per US law if you have gains. Part of the problem with certain wallets acting like cash and being anonymous, they have to start regulating the exchanges. The Fed might be concerned with circumventing US laws not allowing US citizens to move their money out if the country without paying mega taxes on all of it. Put your money in crypto, exchange it back out in another country going around the $10,000 limit that otherwise would get heavily taxed. I can imagine a lot more scrutiny and the IRS wanting their required cut as well. That would suck to pay thousands in taxes and then have your cyrpto currency crash and then be limited to $3000 per year maximum write off. I liked the idea better when I didn't think about paying taxes on the rise of the asset value every year. If you don't report it though and pay taxes, you are breaking the law.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Jun-Jul 2018 WSOP Events
    I'd like to play poker for money but South Carolina has laws on the books against playing any game involving chance in South Carolina and have a history of arresting people using money even if it's just a card game at someone's house. Some guys got arrested already. I'm not ready to risk arrest and prosecution. I'd rather just write and email representatives asking them to change our stupid laws.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    And here's another one. I rate her a "7".
    4. Something I thought too. We seem to be in agreement. Not better looking than an average looking person. Maybe below average if you live where the females look good.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Paying for VIP in advance at stage?
    I would never do that. I suspect whenever I return to the local club I'm going to get a lot of attention asking me where I disappeared to. I haven't been there in 4 months.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Sexual Harassment / And Victoria’s Secret
    20 something years ago a girl at work surprised me and pinched me on the rear. I tried to get even and pinch her rear but she was too quick. Everyone seemed to think it was funny. No one reported anything. Less than a few months later she asked in front of other females at work if I would like to do a one night stand. Again no one brought the matter up at a later time. Sexual harassment or a blown opportunity? If a guy did this nowadays , he could be immediately fired even if the woman didn't complain. Of course someone would have to report it. In my case neither the female workers nor I reported anything. If I had reported something that long ago to some bosses, they might have asked why I didn't take her up on the offer. Things have changed and almost everywhere in work we have sexual harassment training so that you don't do anything inappropriate while at work. I don't know if that makes our society better. I didn't ask one hot girl out at work because I didn't know how she might take it. She ended up moving to Australia. You lose opportunities when you are worried about taking a chance. 20 some years ago it was ok to play around without getting in any trouble. I guess it still is if no one reports anything but I have doubts no one would say anything nowadays if they worry about getting fired for staying quiet.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    Am I supposed to lick it?
    I used to avoid licking but I've visited one club where on 2 occasions, a dancer started the dance by grabbing my hand and putting it on her pussy. Did she want me to finger her?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do so many strippers have broken down cars?
    They could do research and buy a good quality used car checking consumer reviews for reliable cars online but hey they are strippers, they don't worry about planning to save money. If they did that much planning, they might not be stripping.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Has a stripper ever been more agressive than you?
    Yes, I usually enjoy it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Respectable Level Below Whale
    I remember one club a dancer would want me to buy her 2 of 3 beers over 2 or 3 hours and at least 2 or 3 ten dollar table dances. She liked talking to me she said. She was hot and other dancers sat at our table but I did not buy drinks for everyone. I think she would have sat with me all night if I kept buying. Maybe 3.75 per beer so roughly 15 In beer and maybe 30 in dances for 3 hours. I spent more on dances after I got rid of her so I could get dances from others but less on drinks. Most dancers didn't sit, drink, and spend hours with you. I enjoyed that sometimes. Less so at certain times when she would immediately always come over to me. It was like either I let her spend time with me or she avoids me because I wanted to get dances from others. However she was one of the hottest girls in the club and friends with the other so didn't want to avoid her too much. She was sort of giving me a gf experience especially when she fussed at me for not immediately getting rid of some guy saying he wouldn't mind getting dances from her. One guy came over to our table and butted in but she had been sitting with me for 3 hours and she was working. I was ready for her to go but didn't want her fuming again about me getting rid of her. She was actually causing me to spend less money than normal. Her dances were kind of hands off so I only bought table dances from her. Some if these small clubs, it seems like you are rarely alone if you buy a girl drinks and buy the minimum dances every hour.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Do they talk about us?
    If you are really friendly, some dancers act like your friend and will update you on certain aspects of their personal life. I usually didn't mind. I don't want to hear about a dancers kids right before she dances for me though. I remember a dancer that told me a spider bit her pussy and she swelled all up with some kind of venomous spider bite. Very painful she said. I wanted to see a before and after picture when she told me she had pics but all I saw was a swollen pussy pic. She said it was ok to show me because I'd seen her pussy a lot already. The spider might have been a brown recluse in her bikini bottom.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Do they talk about us?
    Of course some new dancers offered two for 20 from the start. Some asked two for 40 or two for 50, I ignored them figuring they were dancing somewhere else before they came to Greenville. Sounds like maybe the Columbia PP club. That was one big reason I stopped visiting. They wanted too much money. Not counting music so loud I brought ear plugs to prevent my ears from ringing and no available chairs late on weekends before they closed the Greenville club. I remember one dancer at PP Columbia offered me two for 10. Apparently she didn't talk to others too much except a bouncer said not to stay in the back so long anymore. It wasn't any longer than 30 to 40 minutes. I couldn't pass up $5 dances when everyone else wanted at least 10 if they agreed to a two for one. The way I saw it, she made more money in less time from me because she wasn't walking all over the club chatting asking if someone wanted a dance etc etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    Do they talk about us?
    Dancers who are friends talk and share information between themselves and their regulars. Other dancer info has to be taken with a grain of salt like possible leads or tips to LE based on what people post online. I know because dancers have shared info with me. I once had multiple favorites and at least a couple were friends with each other at different clubs in the same club. It's the reason they sometimes wait to ask to dance to let another dancer ask first. In one case I made a deal to get less expensive prices if I was willing to buy more dances. Another dancer told me she knew I made a deal with a dancer and date said she could match it. Of course both said not to share the info with the world. This was at the now closed platinum plus in Greenville. I was already getting two for 30. If I bought more than 2 sets and went with 3 sets of 2 for ones, the third two for one would be 2 for 20 and if I really wanted a lot of dances that night, she would keep doing two for 20. I rarely did that but I knew the dancers were talking. .