
Comments by Rick999 (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of you believe Sunday no alcohol laws are stupid nonsense?
    We have no laws against eating hot dogs or pork but that was used as an example of laws applying morals for one religion onto everyone else. Seems like it should not be a law in my opinion anywhere. If we don't get the little stuff fixed, applying new rules like requiring nipples to be covered in strip clubs seems acceptable to whomever required it and enforces it. We can't play poker for any money even in private homes in some states or we risk getting arrested like some have already in Sourh Carolina. There are nation wide laws against online poker involving money. Obviously it's not against many peoples morals. Just raising awareness that one or two religions are still using the law to apply their morals onto everyone else in my opinion by keeping outdated laws on the books. If no one complains, nothing ever changes. Thought I was talking to the choir here but I guess this thread digressed a lot.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of you believe Sunday no alcohol laws are stupid nonsense?
    I thought many southern states have blue laws for Sunday. South Carolina has laws against any form of poker as well or laws against playing any game involving chance. I'd like to be able to buy beer or wine on Sunday. I'd like to play poker online legally and win or lose maybe some cash without worrying about getting arrested. However I can't legally. I abide by the laws but it's not against my morals to drink beer or wine on Sunday nor is it against my morals to play a game online. Yet we still have these laws in various places. It's not against my morals to allow strippers in strip clubs to show their nipples in the club. In some states, we seem to be going backwards in our freedoms. I just wanted to say something. As far as the paranormal if you don't believe in it, I'm not going to convince you unless you experience it first hand and I have no control over whatever happens. Some people could even post videos if they had evidence but others would claim it was fake. Even when US forces invaded Iraq, someone was denying US forces were anywhere close to Baghdad. Someone will always deny something if they want to. Anyway the question was why I still go to church. I provided an answer. I sometimes go on Sunday. I just don't think it's right to have laws enforcing morals of one religion onto everyone else. If it's the Baptists who don't believe in drinking or gambling, well they can keep their beliefs but it shouldn't affect me nor you unless you want to go their church and follow their beliefs. If a majority of Muslins suddenly move into a state or county and don't believe in eating pork, I don't think I should be banned from eating pork or hot dogs because of one religion. Yet we still have these old laws on the books and enforced in some areas. I've read arguments why we should keep these laws like some people or addicts can't control themselves or may have gambling problems. That's like banning all cars because someone might get killed. Thousands of lives could be saved each year by banning all automobiles. Actually that is a more valid reason to ban cars for safety than banning gambling or drinking on Sunday. Thousands won't die because they bet a few dollars on a poker game. As far as taxes and education, that is just to appease those who want sin taxes on everything. They already tax everything else that is legal. It wouldn't bother me if we had no taxes at all but everyone keeps electing politicians who spend more than they collect in revenue.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of you believe Sunday no alcohol laws are stupid nonsense?
    should have read in a row since I was using luck to win. I had another brother in law refuse to play risk with me as a teenager. He didn't like the way the dice came up when I threw them. Back on topic, yeah no one seems to want to change the old outdated laws on the books. Can't buy beer and wine today at the grocery store. Can't play poker online legally in South Carolina. Why? You can name stupid reasons. I've even read in past papers that some people can't control their gambling. Their gambling gets so out of control that they need public assistance at tax payer expense to support them because they lose everything to gambling. I believe that's a lame excuse. Legalize gambling and tax it. Use the tax money to have support programs for people who become easily addicted. Use the tax money to create basic income for the unemployed and homeless so that maybe we don't have any more homeless any more. Tax sex trades too. Legalize it. Use the tax money to educate people on the dangers of sex with paid sex workers and pay for sexual testing to help prevent the spread of diseases. Instead society does nothing for now. Things are stagnant. We need more pragmatism and common sense and raise revenue for our national liabilities of 100 trillion dollars. FYI, every person owes or will owe on average about $333,000 on that $100 trillion in national liabilities. A family of four will owe about $1 million. If we don't have the money to pay,a lot of that is owed to Americans to pay for future social security, Medicare,, Medicaid, etc, etc. If our economy gets stronger and grows at an 8% growth rate per year, no problem. If not, we need a more efficient economy and tax system. I think we might have anarchy and legal pot everywhere before sex for money becomes legal. We don't even have the right to buy beer on Sunday in some places. Unfortunately, if we have a currency crisis, it could wipe out the savings of millions and leave almost have the country depending upon government welfare, destitute. Then if police aren't getting paid, crime will run rampant. All these old laws and many good laws will be ignored. Anarchy will reign. I think many are hoping the economy grows a lot faster and nothing needs to change,
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of you believe Sunday no alcohol laws are stupid nonsense?
    I accidentally caused an atheist who didn't even believe in the paranormal to have a crisis of beliefs back in my college days. He said the things he saw happen around me, no way, no way could everything be an accident, the odds were like a million to one. He really seemed to suddenly feel freaked out one day, next day too. I never mentioned that someone or something may be watching me. Then he felt screwed as well. Maybe h e was just crazy. He even remembered me saying I wish it would rain and the sky went from suddenly clear blue to raining in less than a few hours. He wasn't as smart as he thought he was. He lost 8 games of chess in a row to me. I didn't think he was a very good player. I was actually surprised when he said he was his High School chess champion. I thought what a bunch of idiots they must have been. The rain was just a coincidence. I did have a brother in law once say he wasn't going to play any more games with me that involved dice because he said I was like the luckiest person in the world he ever saw. He was upset at losing 3 or 4 games of backgammon in a row she I was using luck to win. Sore losers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of you believe Sunday no alcohol laws are stupid nonsense?
    I might have had sex with an alien dancer in the past. Maybe now it all makes sense. Aliens might be watching me. Might be alien practical jokers too. I've had daydreams of hot female aliens beaming down in the middle of a church service, injecting me with nanobots to restore my memory of the alien language and my alien memories and then beaming us all out if church service to join them in combat on an alien planet. That was actually an old daydream. The newest daydream does not involve combat. It involves a hot alien human looking female opening a portal and asking me to come sight see and take pictures on an advanced planet in the Tau Ceti star system. I've dreamed of tall metallic structures in their cities and beautiful water features with superb landscapes. Then I come back and post pictures on Facebook and get arrested for breaking some alien non contact laws and have my Facebook page blocked by the US government because they block all alien knowledge. Alternative is that aliens have been messing with me. Back on topic, I see no good reason for blocking the sale of beer and wine on Sunday.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of you believe Sunday no alcohol laws are stupid nonsense?
    I've experienced paranormal events so I know there is more to life than what certain atheists believe. I'm just not sure what caused those paranormal things to happen. I'd like to think there is a higher power over everything. Man kinds feeble attempts at making sense of it all via organized religion makes many feel better that there is life after death. I'd like to think ghosts were messing with me on a few occasions because if it wasn't ghosts, then I must have telekinetic powers that only manifest on rare occasions. I don't believe that. I tried using the force like in Star Wars to make a pencil roll and couldn't even do that. There must be a higher power if ghosts exist. If ghosts and a higher power exist, best to play it safe because that means there might be life after death and God as well. So I continue to go to church to stay in good graces with the church. I realize many don't believe and many have doubts there is even a God and I've heard some don't even believe in the paranormal but if these people could have followed me around, they would have freaked out a couple of times. There are even some alien conspiracy theories that claim that Jesus was an alien and that one species of alien was trying to modify human behavior by introducing certain ideas and concepts. I even read one conspiracy theory that Moses was being led around by aliens and that when Manna from heaven fell, an alien spaceship created the manna and made it fall from the sky. I think a majority of people do believe that God exists. I know the paranormal exists without a doubt. It doesn't take up that much of my time to go to church, try to do good and play it safe. I'd rather think there was a God in charge rather than we are all part of an artificial sim reality and the AI likes screwing with me on occasion. However the AI in this real old computer game and in a new computer game has been screwing with me on occasion. So I don't know for sure. God, or AI in charge of the universe, at this point, does it even matter what the difference is? If I get punished for doing the wrong thing, I try not to do that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When a favorite gains weight
    I remember a dancer I would have rated a hot 9 at one point. She disappeared for over a year. Suddenly I saw her one night asking if I wanted a dance. Mentioned something about having a baby. She was fat and chubby. I wouldn't have rated her above a 6 or 6.5. I declined and thought, how sad she went downhill so much. Paying money for a lap dance you want to feel attracted to the dancer. If you're not, you're wasting money or donating money to her. I remember other hot dancers who had gained too much weight and started looking way too fat. In at least one case, the dancer lost weight and looked hot again. All this reminds me, a little bit of weight training or resistance training helps keep muscles so that as you age, you don't gain as much weight. I need to start lifting those Dumbbells again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    30 min ViP champagne room
    Why ask us? Ask the girl. As far as my experience, I never went to the champagne room. If the mileage was that good, I met up later. In my experience mileage has always been higher when you are alone with the girl with no bouncers or anyone else. It's less expensive that way too. One thing I didn't care for was not getting back home until the next day until noon sometimes. Only an hour away so that's a long night out. Us vampires usually fall asleep at dawn for at least a few hours. Vampire dancers included. I got my sleep schedule all messed up without visiting strip clubs, wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night. That seems strange especially on the weekend.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    San Jose Guy's Organizations Revealed
    I think I may have found SJG's organization recruiting a girl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apGrfXshQ4w
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    That guy owned her all night
    This thread reminds me of a guy I overheard in a strip club saying if he had tits and ass, he could make an easy killing instead of his regular job. Of course she has to have the hot looks guys desire unless she's doing more then just looking good.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Could all of this inappropriate touching work it's way into strip clubs?
    Well if all I could do at a strip club is look at the view, I doubt I would be spending much money there anymore. The only difference from a strip club and myfreecams would be resolution and talking to someone. There are AI programs that can talk. I have beer already in the refrigerator. Spoken by someone living in an area with heavy restrictions and I haven't spent a dime in strip clubs in months. I first disappeared from strip clubs for 2 or 3 months when they started using electrical tape to cover breasts permanently. I can see a lot more online for free. It seemed like a violation of our freedom of speech or expression having that new rule. Both dancers and customers didn't like it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    And how do we rate this one?
    From foxnews, is it the same girl? The one on the left no, I'd say 5, the one on the right 7.5 It's an amazing transformation.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip clubs vs golf
    I once used to play 18 holes in about 2.5 hours. I was getting good and so was my boss whom I was playing golf with after work. Golf became less enjoyable one evening when one group from another company played extremely slow, wouldn't let us play through them, and then I made a mistake on a par 4 or par 5. I thought since it was par 4 or par 5, I probably would not hit the golf ball all the way to the green where the group was parked just in front of. I hit a long shot. Right towards the group. I yelled FORE since I was always taught to do so. In hind site should have stayed quiet. The group was real mad yelling and cursing. Probably ruined someone's golf shot. The couple behind us did the same thing in the exact same spot. Missed us. I was wondering if I hit somone but no one said anything when we drove by the group. We went onto the back nine and the manager of the course came out to watch. Saw us tee off and land both balls within 2 feet of the hole on the green on the par 3 in less than a minute. Manager told us they were angry but let us play on. My boss told him we waited on them for several holes and they wouldn't let us play through. Some people get all bent out of shape. I have an in law that no one wanted to play with because he used to throw golf clubs around when his shot was off. I rarely see guys get that pissed off and annoying at strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip clubs vs golf
    Golf prices can vary along with memberships and you can spend hundreds of thousands buying a house next to a golf course but overall I think most who make either a hobby spend more on strip clubs than golf. Golf is very time consuming. I could get back into it if sone Hooters girls played with me in short shorts or topless but topless is probably against the rules unless you are where no one sees or cares.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    RIP Pornstar August Ames
    That's sad someone could be driven to suicide over social media comments if this is the case. I'd rather see someone close all their social media accounts and disappear before they take their own life. Those calling for suicide have blood on their hands in my opinion. RIP.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC Safety
    I usually like to have her name and know where she works at before meeting up with her. I like to build up a sense of trust first. A long time ago I could feel a sense of trust if I saw her tits first or she danced for me. I don't trust civvie girls trying to take me home out of the blue in a strip club. I don't know their name or anything. Now if they showed me their tits first, we'd be half way there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    It was bound to happen w/ those stupid nipple piercings
    Only safe way to bite the nipples that one dancer really liked and got excited about and said I did it perfect is to not use your teeth. Protect her nipples from your teeth but press firmly with lips. Most people do not enjoy any pain. Kind of like most guys do not want to feel teeth during a BJ. Not everyone is the same though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Uber ride last night
    Wiped out not wooed out
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    7 years ago
    Uber ride last night
    Actually I saw a webinar video saying in larger accounts, you should only use max 1% in a trade. Risk management they call it. Best way not to get wooed out is to never lose too much. I need to try to maintain that. Well maybe no more than 5 or 10%. I'm not sure how you limit risk on outside the uber.
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    7 years ago
    Uber ride last night
    Many of us here are older and wiser at avoiding trouble. True risk takers get burned on occasion but enjoy it when they get away with it. Some get burned, get diseases, or even go to jail or get fatal diseases. If it's worth the risk, only you can decide if the reward is worth the risk. I've older now and don't like feeling burned in any way. I actually made money from the fake news from Friday instead of losing so I took a risk and bought more stock when everyone else was selling like a nuke went off somewhere. I could have been badly burned over leveraging my account. Reward versus risk
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atl to NC
    Has anyone made a stripper cum during dances?
    Not cum but I saw a dancer shooting milk all over the place at one customer like it was some kind of game. She was pumping her tits like squirt guns. The bouncer was not happy with the mess. Milk was all over the sofa and floor.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Chip Porn
    Makes me think about going up to NC and playing some poker games since I think playing poker for money in SC is the only reason you get arrested in South Carolina for playing poker. Cherokee has casinos correct? Makes me wonder about minimums to play and if everything is legal and how many experts or pros play there or if it's almost all small time players just having a little bit of fun.
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    7 years ago
    Uber ride last night
    I have no idea really though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Uber ride last night
    He's married? If he catches more than he wants from the encounter, his wife will know for sure. :) Or the uber take out driver could come by and threaten him to pay up or she will tell the wife about the whole thing. I'm sure he wouldn't feel obligated to pay her anything in such a situation. He could explain it to the police and his wife and have her arrested for extortion or blackmail. Or just pay an extra 10 grand or whatever she wants this time. maybe more later. She could start off small then milk it more after she finds out if he's willing to pay to keep things quiet.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tax reform
    I don't like any taxes either. Let's get rid of them all.