Sexual Harassment / And Victoria’s Secret
They never tell you what you need to know.
Man, what an add news day. I open up the USA Today app and just about every stinking article is about Matt Lauer and sexual harassment in general.
Then, every other article and video is all about Victoria Secret models with their boobs hanging out.
Sometimes I feel like this is a witch hunt on males, but then I go back and think, I’ve worked forever in the same job and have been around absolute smokeshows and I’ve always behaved myself, why can’t these guys? Don’t they know about strip clubs?
Then, every other article and video is all about Victoria Secret models with their boobs hanging out.
Sometimes I feel like this is a witch hunt on males, but then I go back and think, I’ve worked forever in the same job and have been around absolute smokeshows and I’ve always behaved myself, why can’t these guys? Don’t they know about strip clubs?
This seems to be a malady of the rich and powerful who have lived in an entitlement bubble. But maybe they are just the ones who make the news. At any rate, there are all sorts of opportunities for fun times when it’s ok. Like Shailyn says, strip clubs are an example. The rest of the time it shouldn’t be that difficult to act like a decent human being.
I suspect that there is some witch hunting mixed in with legit complaints, but since it is all he said/she said, we will never know.
But all of these unsubstantiated claims are going to start backfiring on women. They already are in corporate settings, where women who are fired for performance reasons are increasingly leveling claims of hostile work environments as a means of picking up a little more on the way out. Male bosses are becoming increasingly reluctant to be alone with female subordinates, whether in the office or elsewhere.
I've actually been thinking about how to use this whole damn sexual harassment issue to my benefit. Now we have an opening to discuss the issue with civilian women in a non-threatening way. No telling what it could lead to.
I agree. It's not an excuse but it might be a partial explanation. Men will eventually try to fuck whatever's around. If they spend 2/3 of their lives at work (and the rest of the time they're sleeping), it stands to reason that the office might become their sexual outlet as well.
If a guy did this nowadays , he could be immediately fired even if the woman didn't complain. Of course someone would have to report it. In my case neither the female workers nor I reported anything. If I had reported something that long ago to some bosses, they might have asked why I didn't take her up on the offer. Things have changed and almost everywhere in work we have sexual harassment training so that you don't do anything inappropriate while at work. I don't know if that makes our society better. I didn't ask one hot girl out at work because I didn't know how she might take it. She ended up moving to Australia. You lose opportunities when you are worried about taking a chance. 20 some years ago it was ok to play around without getting in any trouble. I guess it still is if no one reports anything but I have doubts no one would say anything nowadays if they worry about getting fired for staying quiet.