
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 45)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: 11 signs that you lack emotional intelligence
    This article has been floating around on various web sites for a few months now....saw it on Ladders a few days ago and before that someone had posted it on LinkedIn. I'm not sure how much I am buying into it ---bluntly I don't see myself as having a high EQ--I'm not convinced EQ is even a real measurement yet ---and I knew how to sell enough so that I made not a good but a very good living doing so for more than a decade.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it really a fantasy?
    Subraman is the Rene Descartes of our group--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_Descartes
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    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Just Enjoy the Fantasy (No Need to be Jaded)
    What skibum609 said.....with the addition that if some of the older more experienced guys didn't warn the newer members of what can happen and to share with you their experiences this board wouldn't have much value. Understand you can have P4P and have emotion and caring.....just realize in many cases you will not and in others even if you do the P4P element is the tie that binds. To me SS is more when you are being hustled--and not in a good way--or worse out and out lied to, which also does happen.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    "A positive attitude, good work ethics, and good character, used to be the formula for success, but for many reasons, it’s just not enough anymore." While this very well might be true spending time on endless selfies and following the Kardashians to the point they are your role models isn't going to cut it either. The largest difference in being successful and maintaining a level of success in today's world seems to me to be the single fact you need to constantly keep educating yourself and understand what you learned ( regardless of how or where you were educated) is going to become obsolete knowledge. I can't stress enough I am not lumping everyone between the ages of 22-35 into one big pot but my own observations male and female, friends & family, sex workers and non sex workers is the pot with people not wanting to put in the time and effort is getting larger. There are opportunities for someone who has the drive and determination but everyone wants it now. To me this is where the downside of social media comes to light......the images of someone living the good life with little effort but a a good line and some street hustle can work for a chosen few, but it is very few, and in those cases it has as much to do with luck and who that person knew than it did anything else. I see what I would call "wannabes and posers fooling people into believing the BS and people in that 22-35 age bracket buying into it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers and addicts
    twentyfive--I'd never say forced as much as saying "more susceptible" to becoming users and from moving to user status to addict. I realize you were not replying directly to me above--but I thought I would offer more detail.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers and addicts
    People are wired differently --it sounds crass but it is true and for some the use of drugs becomes the only way to experience first pleasure ( dopamine) and then eventually dependence. Understanding how drug use feeds the need for more use and only the use to satisfy the limbic system (sp) is above my paygrade. I hard lesson I've recently learned is you can't save everyone, especially from themselves. I do my best when in clubs or even via SA meets to avoid ladies who are addicts once I identify they are....not always easy to do at first.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Your Education
    Both private and public school---( never did like nuns which is why public in the end) Private college--Business---Banking and Finance Private College-- Project Management Certification and Masters Degree Started Law School but got very tired of it early on and also realized I had enough debt after 4 years.......... I'm an IT guy as well----when I finished my four years--banks paid squat and ended up moving into technology.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo0KjdDJr1c This is supposed to be satire-----but----but......I hate to tell you how much this rings true on more than one occasion.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Bj99 FEBRUARY 24, 2018 I feel like it does inspire a lot of girls to reach their own personal heights of vanity, and phoniness. It’s like a whole culture of duck face. The whole narcissist conversation we had a few weeks ago---comes to light at well. A friend of mine calls what I use to term the "me too" follower mindset as what is now referred to as FOMO---or fear of missing out.....it's what keeps the followers trying to live the fake lives portrayed by the famous for being famous......and the circle keeps turning.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    I don't necessarily understand the fascination with social media nor have I but I am older, probably older than the majority of people on this site but from the few relationships I have had wit younger women they seem hooked on following other women and then talking about who they follow on IG with their Twitter accounts. You'll see comments like "making my own brand" and attempts to be paid by signing up for other IG accounts which by doing so supposedly get you more followers.....I've always called it the I'm famous for trying to be famous on IG job description but if you can get enough people to buy into the BS there are a tiny % that do make a decent living.....although I think it is a lot smaller of a % than most people realize--- I use to tell my one ex if she spent just a 1/3 of the time working to be successful as she did trying to convince people on her social media accounts she was successful she would have been a lot further ahead in life. And I guess I fit Ishmael's description --I'm over 40 and I blame a fair amount of the nonsense that goes on in today's culture on millennialism........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Is chivalry dead?
    Bj99--I know a couple dancers who are vets.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Strippers banging club managers
    The tips are another form of what I deem the trap of a dancer thinking she is making a lot of money when in reality she is making it for everyone else.......some girls are forced to tip out depending on the club culture........bouncers, bartenders, DJ's, managers, club mom as have, etc.....the list is endless. I mentioned on here before at Legends there is a booking fee......
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Is chivalry dead?
    I can't count the number of times I've had something similar happen to me over the past 25 plus years. I'll never change....it was ingrained in me at a young age you open doors for women, you offer them your seat if they are standing, you help any time they appear to be struggling. You do what feels right.......and hopefully people understand the intent was real.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tax Season
    I always laugh because after the first of the year the commercials start hitting the airwaves on filing and refunds....and I keep thinking why is everyone dancing and celebrating...you just gave Uncle Sam an interest free loan of your money for 52 weeks...... It's been decades since I received one and even then it was small. As far as how it relates to clubbing unless my eyes are deceiving me and what I hear overall is untrue most of the dancers see a drop off about the last week of March due to the 4/15 date of filing.......and it doesn't pick up for a couple of weeks after.....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SW vs civvies
    The only real option is to not play the game..............and I happen to think this applies more today than it ever did in my younger days..... I'm the first to admit it helps if you have some wealth but I didn't catch on until I hit my late 20's and I was far from wealthy at that point in my life.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Strippers banging club managers
    The other secondary issue is when your supply takes it as a promotion and starts trying to tell the other dancers what to do, how they will do it, and when......and when confronted has the manager step in and back her..........I'm not sure the status over there at this point but I do know the some of the dancers went to other places and in some cases even other cities. If it had been one dancer stating what went on I would have taken it with a grain of salt....two my ears pick up.....three.......and especially when the three are not all of the same clique...........
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    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Strippers banging club managers
    I know of one.......same name as the place you mentioned in Cleveland where this goes on from multiple sources. I haven't been t in Brunswick for over a year and there was enough drama going on because of the inside favoritism and dating I quit.......I'm much more apt to be in BrookPark or Cleveland myself when I am in the area now.
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    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Strippers banging club managers
    "That sounds pretty shitty to me. How nice of an establishment was it?" Taxi_driver.......ever been to Brunswick?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper Mode
    From every girl I have met in the business eventually they do mix and you will change.......the longer you stay in the business the more you will change. It is neither something you need to be ashamed of or proud but it is something to ponder. I've dated two girls who are strippers--and by date I mean no money exchanged hands to spend time with either---both changed the longer they stayed....the catch is of course the money is so good as is attention you receive from guys.......but your friends will change---as another current topic being discussed on here now---you may even start dating within the club since at first in some ways it's easier to deal with guys who know .........your world changes and your view of men does as well.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Strippers banging club managers
    The surprise is ? Sorry to say this is something that drove me away from the clubs some years back and over the years it hasn't gotten any better.....ever ask yourself why certain managers/bouncers are more aggressive with certain girls than others..... Ever wonder why sometimes the DJ's seem to promote certain girls after their routines?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Longest time that has gone by since you have heard from a stripper.....and is it
    twentyfive--this is my second go around and I haven't been back into the clubs but a few years---I didn't respond until the first girl told me who she was......and I didn't recognize her number because she had changed phones....once I recognized her even then I was very cautious at first ( FTR--Christies in Canton) But it was the comment coming across my name along with the second and third contact in one afternoon that caused me to comment on here....... it seems more than a bit strange. I tend to think money as the reason and it probably is with all three but the timing along with prolonged no contact from two of them? My ex is a different matter entirely and in some ways more disturbing. She's the only one I ever would consider more than an arrangement because we met prior to her becoming a stripper. And she had to have a motive. I didn't reply or acknowledge her in any way. Shailynn I am constantly amazed at how small our world has become.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do Dancers wear High Heels?
    Pops out the butt, makes their legs look longer and their calf muscles more defined. I would think they could pose a risk depending on how strenuous their stage routine is and how much they do gymnastics with the pole ( landings)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Thin waste--long legs.....can smile with her eyes ( yeah, I know it probably means little to some) and has minimal tattoos.......