Longest time that has gone by since you have heard from a stripper.....and is it

avatar for Warrenboy75
Anywhere in the USA on any given day
Yesterday afternoon I received three text messages from three different women all hitting me up to come see them again on some level.........

In the case of the first one I haven't heard from her in over two years.......she started off tentatively as did I because she had a different phone number......eventually she told me who she was but it was both weird and a bit creepy....I mean no contact for two years and bang she wants to meet me when I come back into the area again.......says she came across my name......which leaves a lot open for interpretation.

As this is going on I get another text from a different girl.......haven't heard from her in nearly a year..........at least it was from the same number ......but the intent of the text was the same ( come see me....lets meet OTC for coffee....)

And then the bomb drops......my ex...recent......bad breakup...........comes from Vegas area code...........which is on the other side of the country for me and as far as I was concerned would probably never hear from again...........knowing her as I do or at least think I do this is a foot in the door contact........letting me know something I don't need to know about her life at the moment.........which I didn't reply at all.......

So is any of this normal.......does the word normal even apply with dancers?


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avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
“Normal” can apply to strippers, as long as you qualify it with “for strippers.”

Longest for me was about 5 years. She’d left town and then come back. Given that it wasn’t that great the last time, I just said “Hi.” Didn’t hear back after that.
avatar for K
7 years ago
It is not unusual. I have run into dancers over a decade later but i think six years is the longest for a phone call. She was getting divorced and needed off the books income. There have been a few two and three year gaps when they found my card, came back to the area, found my number on their phone or got out of jail.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I hear from strippers often over the years but once I delete their number I no longer know who they are or how long it’s been. It’s very rare that I reply to a text or voicemail message that isn’t in my contact list.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Since nowadays I refuse to get too committed to any strippers, it’s very seldom but my Ex-ATF, retired ATF (whatever you want to call her) still will out of the blue txt or call me about once every two years. It always starts off nice with something like “something made me think about you and I wanted to see how you’re doing” then within 5 minutes into the conversation she starts talking without pausing for breath about how crazy her life is, at that point I just want to hang up, which I usually make some excuse that I have to go.

3 in one day is insane.

Want to make it even crazier? My ATF was in Vegas when I was seeing her at the time (just like your ex) and I’m pretty sure I grew up close to where you’re from.

Small world.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
Like a year.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
A month ago tumblingdice's ex fiancee left a message on my answering machine to call her so that we can catch up. She mentioned finally breaking up with him and getting a new job. She lives 300+ miles away and the last time I saw her was 4/2/15. WTF? Why calling me now? I didn't return the call.
avatar for jaredlucas
7 years ago
They must have heard you won the lottery or came into an inheritance.
In that case there is no time limit to when they will reach out.

Nevertheless sometimes old times are worth revisiting.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
twentyfive--this is my second go around and I haven't been back into the clubs but a few years---I didn't respond until the first girl told me who she was......and I didn't recognize her number because she had changed phones....once I recognized her even then I was very cautious at first ( FTR--Christies in Canton)

But it was the comment coming across my name along with the second and third contact in one afternoon that caused me to comment on here....... it seems more than a bit strange. I tend to think money as the reason and it probably is with all three but the timing along with prolonged no contact from two of them?

My ex is a different matter entirely and in some ways more disturbing. She's the only one I ever would consider more than an arrangement because we met prior to her becoming a stripper. And she had to have a motive. I didn't reply or acknowledge her in any way.

Shailynn I am constantly amazed at how small our world has become.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
I had two unexpected texts this last September, before school started, for obvious reasons.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I get it @Warrenboy75 I had a girlfriend become a stripper while we were dating I was the idiot who took her to a strip club for the first time, but once she started dancing the money and lack of contact with normalcy changed her thinking she has texted me more than a few times but it doesn’t work for me.
avatar for Mainster
7 years ago
Maybe the girls are counting on tax return money. I've had a handful of "Come see me" calls over the past week or so.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I started strip clubbing in 1975 and have never heard from one...I win.
avatar for Asor619
7 years ago
It was probably a good 8 years! I used to see this gal regularly at her club for maybea year. A couple of OTCs... Club got busted so she disappeared and we just lost touch. A few months ago I was at my watering hole next to the old club I used to see her at and I recognized her at the bar and she was an old dude.. Then I noticed her go hang with a bunch of other old Mongers.. I knew one of them and I him later if that was her.. He said yes and hooked me up with her number.. I hit her up and she was suprised.. I went to go visit her at her new club which is horrible!!! Now she hits me up regularly... To Funny.
avatar for Roadworrier
7 years ago
The only thing weirder than not hearing from my ex-ATF for 4 months is going to an event with my wife, and seeing the gal there with a couple guys who worked at / went to her old club. Talking about both us trying hard to totally ignore each other.
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