
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 31)

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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    why is everyone.......
    I'm curious ( and I said at first I wasn't going to touch this topic) if somehow misogyny came up on your word of the day calendar or what it is exactly that brought this on. I think you used it seven/eight times in your opening comment. A few days ago someone pointed out how if you go on a particular womens board for dancers you'd see a fair amount of what appeared to be locker room talk about what bags of crap men are. As I recall the feline defense of this behaviour had something to do with venting and locker room talk. Oddly now on this board, which is mostly a male discussion board, comments of equal or from what I can tell lesser venom are suddenly being described as misogynistic. In this age of equality it seems we have a goose/gander, ying/yang double standard being applied And as far as I know the definition of misogyny is a hatred for women by men. I'm not sure what your definition is or why we would need to wait for you to define it. We have Webster's and years of life on this planet among an English speaking population to help us get it right.
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    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    how are u guys not broke lol
    Discretionary income comes last and I do account for what I am going to spend be it in the club or outside of it. I don't rob Paul to pay Peter....(seems better to say it in reverse order in this case) Except for joc13 since he makes $350k
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    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bull shit reviews
    I've never been a big believer in reviews regardless on this site or any other unless I know the person doing the review. And I learned pretty quickly on here that there are just as many guys who don't want you sharing information as there are that do. With that in mind I tell people if asked to PM me and I am happy to share what I experienced.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Have you ever meet a girl working in the adult bussines that does enjoy sex?
    There are a handful of girls I got to know pretty well over the years--meetings for dinner or simply talk with no money involved. A couple still call me for advice although I haven't seen them professionally for some time. I never asked, instead letting them tell me what they were comfortable in sharing and each of their stories of how and why they started are very similar. Not a strong connection with family, small town roots, moved to the big city to be a actress, musician, artist and found out they couldn't afford to pay their bills. A few of them started as dancers, a couple working for non sexual escort services, but eventually to keep their lives and dreams going they became sex workers. The goal was always to get in for a year or two and get out but none of them did. at least not for many years past their original intent. And none of them made it in their first chosen field. A few of them retired for years and came back because they missed the lifestyle. ( which I am sure means the money) I mentioned the other day I had received e-mails from a few people who I had not heard from for years and as far as I had know they were retired as sex workers. The one has to be pushing 40 but she's coming back east from the west coast and wanted to let me know as well as ask me a few questions about DC since it had been years since she had been in the district. To some extent it's rather sad and the song Comfortably Numb comes to mind..........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How To Become Wealthy (Or At Least Comfortable)
    Echo one thing to consider is your tolerance for risk, which will determine almost every long term move you make as it relates to money. Following the advice of others through books and or videos sounds great until the sh*t hits the fan--like I mentioned in 2008/2009. Also learn to trust what you see around you and how it relates to good investments or trends, up and down. I got hit during the last downturn but not as bad as a lot of people because I started to notice a few things that made little or no sense going on.....loans of 110% for instance to young couples for a new house when their credit sucked --no down payments--taking out multiple loans on the same house. Once the dust settled having cash to buy on the dip and being confident in what you stuck your money into helped me recover and then some.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Have you ever meet a girl working in the adult bussines that does enjoy sex?
    Damn I got robbed --I paid the full price for the GW ( and I still can't get past the traffic in the AM rush) I think there are women ( pros's) who do enjoy sex, some of them a lot. Many don't and almost without exception all of then became sex workers for something else but a love hopping in bed with numerous strange men--$$$
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I gave up on S/A
    BHF--I can't imagine anyone being more skeptical than I was since I am a cynic at heart about most things in life, but the first girl I met one week after joining the site was a Eurasian spinner type that I saw every other week for six months. The only reason she was on the site had to do with student loans. She moved otherwise it would have gone on longer. Second girl was a young red head from a nearby college. Also her last semester in school. ( it took her an extra half year to finish school so she needed money) Agan I couldn't ask for a better match. Her sex drive was incredible. Not once with either of these two did they ever ask for extra money or have a timer/clock. It was a flat rate for as long as I wanted to stay. After the first two I was sold on the concept and have been using the site ever since.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How To Become Wealthy (Or At Least Comfortable)
    +1 on Suzy Orman---and she has you start with Mutual Funds as well --typically American Funds as I recall from memory. And before anyone says those funds carry a load/sales charge yes they do but if you buy and hold the management fee is less than the majority of no load funds. In about three years the cost of ownership evens out.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How To Become Wealthy (Or At Least Comfortable)
    I've bought land twice and both worked out very well but there are some very particular circumstances you need to be aware of before doing it.........buying the land one or two parcels past the end of a dead end street is one smart play. Buying land in a development when you live in an historic area and you notice the municipality is running new water and sewer lines is another ( chances are there will be a pause placed on developing new residential areas and only lots already approved and zoned for building will be able to have any construction done while the pause is in place)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I gave up on S/A
    I've actually shied away from conversations when the girl brought up money or sex first. For one thing it is the sign of a pro or a SA Troll and I tend to stay away from both if I can. Second I am looking to set a meeting, nothing more, nothing less from an initial site contact. You'll see a lot of women complain about guys wanting to waste time going back and forth.....from my own experience it is the other way around. I've never been suspended in the five plus years I have been on ( off and on) As for getting fleeced. I've been dinged once but it was an odd set of circumstances and the amount was in the hundreds, not the thousands.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How To Become Wealthy (Or At Least Comfortable)
    If you are asking me I have always invested using a "value" approach and learned not to chase the DOW or any flash investment. Some people would say I have missed out on some great opportunities but I also went to Vegas two months ago and didn't hit 00 on the roulette wheel either. I'm pretty much invested across the board but I started out with Mutual Funds until I had a base level amount invested and then started to look at other options such as stocks and bonds. Real estate and commodities came next, and eventually into limited partnerships. I'm where I need to be so I've started to pull back in the last five years and cut down on risk and this is despite taking a hit in 2008/2009
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I gave up on S/A
    He's in a part of the country where SA is not as easy to navigate--not saying it can't be done but I know from first hand experience it doesn't seem to work as well from NYC -north. Too much GPS going on. On the other hand I think you need to approach SA the way women do about dancing at the club.....yes you can hit a bd night or nights but it only takes one guy who is willing to spend ( or in this case a SB willing to meet up and be what you are looking for) to make it worth your time and money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How To Become Wealthy (Or At Least Comfortable)
    skibum ---I used to have this conversation on another board with people all of the time. The difference between rich and wealth.....rich = professional athletes wealth= owners of professional teams. I will never be wealthy by my own standards of measurement but I live a comfortable lifestyle. And yes, I spend more than 5 K a year on women in one form or another year in year out. I try not to think about it but it's pretty obvious I could have purchased that second ( or third home in my case) with the money I have spent on women over the last 25 years. Real Wealth is not defined by what a person makes in a year but what resources they have available to them at any given time. If I recall a few years back Warren Buffet made a big splash by his statement that he paid less taxes than his secretary because in reality she made more money a year than he did. I've never been a 1%er, ever..........but I have been in the 2.5% range for the better part of two decades.......and to me that is the best way to build wealth, by consistently sustaining a level of income directly or indirectly for 10-25 years and learning to live well within your means.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I just make them raise their right-hand and swear they are clean - then its all BBJ's & FS
    Keep it 100: TUSCL
    Baltimore girls don't "expect much" DC girls expect" much more"......knowing where that line is located is one of the keys to being a successful monger in the Chesapeake area...........( just saying)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How To Become Wealthy (Or At Least Comfortable)
    Budget your money for mongering expenses just as you would for any other expense.....if you don't budget start doing it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Decent Side Jobs/Gigs
    Uber is a great idea......on a more direct note I only know of one city in the USA with an Echo's Pizza and if you are there Amtrak is hiring both full and part time.....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What kind of dancer do you look for ?
    Long legs, flat stomach, good eye contact and a rear you can bounce a quarter off............doesn't hurt if she has a few other attributes as well both in the looks and personality department.....but a pair of legs that knows how to move will get my attention every time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Attitude on stripper web.
    On some of the now defunct escort boards there were "ladies only boards" and just about all the male members of the perspective sites always wanted to somehow gain access and read the females perspective.....that is until they did which was enough to sour guys from ever wanting to see some of the women again. I would think the same principles that applied then apply her as well. In this case I'd rather be unknowing than meet someone with a preconceived idea of what they are like ( if that ever happened). an ruin the moment. Keep in mind there is a lot of posturing that goes on in regards to electronic media. In part it's why I take such a dim view at times of social media in general so having a few women who want to set the tone for the entire board and thinking the majority feel the same way is probably unfair.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Making It Rain - Help me to understand this.
    should read the lights are then turned up on the stage......
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Making It Rain - Help me to understand this.
    @twentyfive I had a guy actually come over to the bar where I was sitting with the girl he had rained on and ask me WTF -it was funny although I tried hard not to laugh. Overall I'm with Subraman on this one however the girls love it, not only because it is money that doesn't require them to grind on anybody but it also promotes them to entire club guest....everyone wants the girl someone else wants. I only frequent one club that it seems to happen in repeatedly and I have yet to see it in the two I am most often in. In the one club it happens in the managers there promote it--make a big deal out of sweeping up the bills with big brooms and the lights the lights turned up on the stage.....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Who is your favorite...
    Tracy Lauren Marrow
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Making It Rain - Help me to understand this.
    I've "ragged" on the rainmen for over a year now on this board..........from my own observation it normally happens when a group of guys/people go to the club together and one needs to show he is the main dude of the group........and show the club he knows .......( what he knows of course is up for debate)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Give Your Opinion On This Woman
    Well.....rappers and "dancers" go hand in hand in the land of IG and videos. But they aren't typically dad and daughter.......
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    ALL....time favorite........I'm not done yet.....so as of now it is still up for debate.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here kitty kitty
    Using Cash apps in clubs
    I would be very very careful about how you have the app set up ( unless you don't care about privacy) Some of the different cash apps allow networking.....people can see who you have sent and received money from.