how are u guys not broke lol
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
sex session /OTC/fun night @ strip club =@ a least $100-150 a night.
-100*2 (for twice a month)= $200.00
200.00* 12(twelve months)= at least $2,000.00
..but notice i was being frugal in my calculations, so 2k is the bare minimum IF I AM correct. well i guess when you have graduated from college, 2,000 honestly isn't TOO much to spend for leisure once a yr lol.
-100*2 (for twice a month)= $200.00
200.00* 12(twelve months)= at least $2,000.00
..but notice i was being frugal in my calculations, so 2k is the bare minimum IF I AM correct. well i guess when you have graduated from college, 2,000 honestly isn't TOO much to spend for leisure once a yr lol.
How are you guys not broke? Who says we're not?
I don't rob Paul to pay Peter....(seems better to say it in reverse order in this case)
Except for joc13 since he makes $350k
So, there are 5M-10M men in America who earn serious money. That, right there, is every stripper’s target demographic.
(make 60-70 k) ..who spend a similar amt of money. i am speaking to that demographic..i am sure there are one or two of y'all in the latter demographic of this comment.
More likely, these are young guys who make a big show of spending money in the club ( making it rain with singles ) but seldom have a $300 night.
Or, these are guys who have 1 or 2 big nights, then disappear from the club scene for long periods of time.
Look at LecherousMonk, he lives at home and spends on his income on strippers. Strippers probably think he’s a baller. I bet he doesn’t tell them he’s paying them with his lawn mowing money.
Count Basie……
(i’m jealous.)
The more I work, the less time I have to actually go clubbing. So it seems like I might only go once a month, sometimes twice but that's rare. So I just spend more money on that one visit and have a really good blow out couple hours.
It’s good to understand what you really want from sex workers and spend moderately and consistently to get it. The best value I’ve experienced is with a time-generous SB, on a economical monthly stipend.
Many of us older guys bought homes years ago when property was more reasonable --I had my mortgage burning party last year. My home is easily worth 3 times what the original purchase price was back in the late 80's.
Because we’re not stupid and we understand how money works maybe?
I’ve spent over $35,000 on strippers in certain years. Those years were high business volume years - when my bank carried a great debt rating - and interest rates were advantageous to certain investments.
The markets changed a bit after the mess involving bank bailouts. Lending is strong - but there were other changes that influenced how we leverage our assets - so it’s a bit more competitive now - and some bonuses aren’t as big as they once were.
At that time, my house will be paid off, I will pay off my kids' college loans in full and won't have any debt, while hopefully continuing to work full-time. I anticipate my savings will be in seven figures and I might not even need to dip into it to monger if I continue working full-time.
That's when I'll increase the mongering budget to at least 10k, maybe twice that. Couple trips to TJ, an annual FKK excursion to Germany.Might even get into SA on a limited basis.
I want to enjoy life again after 10 years of absolute hell due to my break-up.
But I'm also going to be smart about it. My main priority in life is to leave a huge inheritance to my kids, so they know how much their dad loved them. And then I can die happy and in peace.
@nicole1994 posted: "sex session /OTC/fun night ... i know that very well @mark ... but this does not take away from the fact that there are men who earn nowhere near that salary, dont even make 6 figures
(make 60-70 k) ..who spend a similar amt of money. i am speaking to that demographic..i am sure there are one or two of y'all in the latter demographic of this comment."
I'm one of those guys right in that range, closer to 60 than 70. Sole breadwinner. Like a lot of guys like myself, we make it work by going not very often (once or twice a year) or my sticking to modest budgets, like under $100 visit. At that budget, no, we aren't buying sex. But we're OK with that. Really we are OK with it. Usually the guys getting something on the side either see escorts or just fuck someone from the workplace for free.
For the record, while I'm pro-choice I personally never want to get an abortion and never have. Yay for safe sex.
46 freaking years!
Wait, your home prices went UP?!? Based on recent sales my home is down 40% of the original purchase priced from mid '00s, lol!