
Keep it 100: TUSCL

I just make them raise their right-hand and swear they are clean - then its all BBJ's & FS
Tuesday, June 26, 2018 11:21 PM
I feel like some of the guys who use this site only do so because they can't make it to the strip club every week, so they try to live off of the stories of other guys banging these girls out. Most of the reviews miss out on what is truly important. Do I really care about the price of drinks if I only have to buy 1? No. Do I really care about the door fee if i can just peep the rest of the night for free? No. Honestly, there is a good measure for each and everything but some of the ops on here seem more than frugal, you would be doing the same thing at a night club. at least the girls here are naked. Reviews need less blah, more story telling ability and Explicit stuff that should be in sex novels. An I know my reviews aren't the best but, I would feel obligated to try harder on them if other ops did to. I really feel like we can turn this thing around.


  • SCPandit
    6 years ago
    I feel as thought I give good reviews. Check out my old ones
  • SCPandit
    6 years ago
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Gotta love loser trolls who join a discussion board just to tell all the established contributors how to do things.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    You should listen to the man - he’s a cop - or a pipe fitter - or a dude who fucked 300 women this year! Regardless of his claims - he’s proven to be an impressive troll.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    Cashman1234 - get real. ;) Aren't you reading. He is a cop and a pipefitter and a dude who fucked 300 women this year. He was laying pipe while he was fitting pipe! ;)
  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    I don't think you guys realize how much Union pipe fitters make...
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Union Pipefitters are called Union Steam Fitters FYI that’s how I know you are a troll TouChaser=Trucidos
  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    @cashman an that was last year, which is possible. You need to be more aggressive if your only bedding 52 ( 1 a week if you can even afford that) I could swing that for $7800 prolly If that Baltimore girls don't expect much
  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    Actually they call themselves fitters,
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    Toy, Son, here's the story from an old time TUSCLer. Due to a number of issues, I can no longer club as I did in my last 45+ years. I know many members here and keep up with their antics and how they are doing in general. Sort of clubbing vicariously through them and others, one could say. I would have to second flag's post. So, sonny, if you are not a troll, spend some time on TUSCL (much more then part of a month), learn from the veterans and once you learn the ropes, then toss out your 2¢, otherwise STFU (said in true 25 style)!
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Maybe others care what the door fee is. It’s not all about you.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    He should have claimed to be a welder. A lot of guys on here would line up to give him a rusty trombone if he was.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Baltimore girls don't "expect much" DC girls expect" much more"......knowing where that line is located is one of the keys to being a successful monger in the Chesapeake area...........( just saying)
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Nope. I like this site coz im too involved with hoes and i like that theres a community of guys with similar experiences
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