Bull shit reviews

avatar for shadowcat
Unfortunately some guys like to bull shit about their experiences to make themselves look good to their peers. This some times rolls over to their club reviews. So do you approve or reject these reviews. If you knew the reviewers identity you could check him out to see how reliable he is but since you don't, do you accept it as being accurate or reject it? What reason do you give for a rejection.

I rejected one recently that I thought was bull shit but rejected it as being too explicit even though no dancer names were used.


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I'm never going to understand bragging on an anonymous forum to people you don't actually know.
avatar for Daddillac
7 years ago
For some people they tell the lie so often even they start to believe it is true.

It is a sad world we live in.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Yeah jackslash is the worst when it comes to embellishing about stripper stories. - kidding
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
I haven't seen one I know was bullshit since we started the new process. If one was bullshit, I'd reject it. I'd probably check a few boxes. Shill/Too Explicit for sure. I'd have to be damn sure it was bullshit though, like it would have to be a club I know well and it would have to be way outside of norms and have little to no redeeming value in terms of accurate descriptions of other aspects.

Things that are borderline or suspicious might prompt me to follow up with a comment once the review was published. I know we're always asking for features around here, but I still think it would be nice to have a way for reviews to get rated. So suspect reviews like that may get published but it would be obvious that they were suspect and readers unfamiliar with the reviewer or club would know that others thought the review was suspect.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
Im weary of reviews that make a club sound too good or too bad. Explicit ones are just stupid. I would never put what really goes on at a club in a review.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
I've never been a big believer in reviews regardless on this site or any other unless I know the person doing the review.

And I learned pretty quickly on here that there are just as many guys who don't want you sharing information as there are that do.

With that in mind I tell people if asked to PM me and I am happy to share what I experienced.
avatar for BN1ce
7 years ago
Embellishing , especially in a review on this site is absurd. The whole point is to give people a realistic heads up into what to expect and how to act at different clubs so no ones day is fuct up
avatar for etsutwigg222
7 years ago
Remember the immortal words of George Castanza....." It is not a lie, of you believe it."
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Aside from bullshit I think one issue is what reviewers views as “extras” or “extra mile” or “left happy” as dolfan kinda pointed out.

For example some guy bragged in a review that he got all these extras in VIP (being vague) in his review. I PMd him since I had been to that club several times and asked “what exactly happened in VIP, am I missing something?” Finally after several PMs he admitted he was naked in VIP and doing self service while the dancer was in the corner masturbating. To me, that’s not extras. To others, if a stripper grinds on their boner they think it’s extras.

Sometimes it’s clear someone is embellishing, other times they may be talking up what was a great club visit for them, but to you and regulars on the board, it would be a sub-par visit.
avatar for ToyChaser
7 years ago
I don't even count it as a lap dance if she doesn't grind on my boner. I like the girls who can put thier labia right on it, feels good in track pants, in sweatpants. Oh, soo good indeed. That's the only reason I'll get the second dance.
avatar for Liwet
7 years ago
"Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."

Some people are worse at writing fiction than others.
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