
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 26)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Favorite cut of steak and why
    Ribeye as well.
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    6 years ago
    % Of Dancers Nationally That Do Extras
    FWIW Ishmael is spot on as far as I am concerned. I feel we all forget this board's membership does not represent the normal guy who goes to a club. I doubt we are 1/ 2 of 1/10th of 1%. And as much as I have a I don't care who I am seen with attitude chances are I'm not bringing a dancer to a family function and introducing her as the future Mrs. From the dancers perspective however it seems that after a couple of years go by they do seem to care less and less if people know. As for the extras part which is the real topic at hand I forgot which of our ladies posted that because of the nature of the job the idea at some point crosses every dancers mind. We can argue about in or outside the club and what the circumstances are and how much we dress it up but I would wager the percentage of dancers that have never done extras if they have been dancing for a year or more is a lot smaller than most of the comments state in this conversation.
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    6 years ago
    % Of Dancers Nationally That Do Extras
    Is this question REALLY if or is it how much? Man to Dancer: Would you sleep with me for one million dollars? Dancer: Sure. Man: How about for ten dollars? Dancer: What do you think I am? Man: We’ve already established what you are. All we’re doing is bargaining about price.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Demographic Changes and Strip Clubs
    We are also becoming more of a blended society. The idea of you must date within your own race has dissipated over the past two decades considerably, especially in urban areas. So not only are people not thinking the same way they did about what makes a person attractive but physically there is a blending of traits....
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    6 years ago
    Demographic Changes and Strip Clubs
    I'm more of a leg and ass man as well as brown hair and dark eyes.......everyone has their own taste but from what I notice the girls who do the best overall seem to be blondes with long hair and enhancements. Some of the recent comments I shared on here about Sapphire's of Vegas seems to support the idea that too many minorities impact their bottom line ( dancers) Oddly I also noticed after it a was discussed on here that suddenly their (Sapphires) social media accounts went out of their way to show pictures of Latin ladies and AA ladies.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    What causes you to go to one club over another?
    I seldom go when in my home area anymore--simply it isn't worth it. There are a couple of hole in the wall type places and one that seems to get decent if inconsistent reviews on here but to me it is like a local bar with a few dancers. ( and an extremely overzealous guys who do double duty as security.) So that leaves when I travel. Most of those decisions anymore are spur of the moment --nothing else to do. Lately my focus has been elsewhere---similar to Twentyfive in simply going to clubs or going the SA route.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    WTF with the Big 10
    If what I have heard about the Maryland coach is true then he deserves to have his ass fried and Sandusky and Penn State is about as bad as it gets although we are talking something from a few years ago. With Meyer at the moment every day is a new day on who said what, did what, and didn't do. I heard over the weekend it was Tom Herman ( Texas and ex Houston) coach who leaked the report of the assistant coach but that he did it not to sink Meyer but the assistant......( of course he denies it) Herman was the offensive coordinator at OSU---which of course means he knew as well....so what about his career?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    WTF with the Big 10
    Flagooner have you been reading the ESPN dribble lately? Curious because they had a very similar titled article published.......from a guy who went to Florida ........but seems okay with everything that has gone on the last 25 years with Fla, Fla State, and Miami........and Forbes oddly didn't allow reader comments.....how odd.....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Dancer:Customer Ratios
    "It's been a slower-than-usual summer, and quality at my favorite clubs has fallen drastically as a result, as the girls abandon dayshift for nightshift".---I've been hearing a lot of the same comment so it's just not local to your area--including from friends I have in Las Vegas that bartend in the clubs. Last time I was in a club there were maybe 20 guys and about 15 dancers on a Wed night around 9 PM. A year ago at the same place it had three times as many guys and twice as many dancers. As for the ratio I'm more in line with Shailynn's thoughts--I can normally get one of the girls I am interested in to come over and sit. Then it's on me to keep her attention.
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    6 years ago
    Walmart late night LMAO
    Walmart at least the very few times I have been in one is a place Charles Darwin would have found his prize.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Nyc or Atlantic City
    Nina--I'd stay out of Wine Country this year....the grapes are at the least a bit smokey.
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    6 years ago
    Is it okay to break the golden rule if you have a strong head on your shoulders?
    two bits -I actually never said I was over her, pity means I still feel something, but I'm smart enough to realize there isn't going to be another time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is it okay to break the golden rule if you have a strong head on your shoulders?
    The story would take a novel but when I met her she was 3.6+ GPA student and a working actress and model. I realize today everyone thinks they are a model on Social Media but this one was on TV working and was pretty well known in the area she lived. Agency contract, runway, movies, TV, ( no BS and no kidding) I met her on line dating but we started to see each other any time I was in her area. Without getting into details I broke it off with her basically for not being honest with me. About a month before we parted ways she had mentioned her friends were telling her she should be a dancer but it was a once and done conversation and I didn't give it any thought until she contacted me about five months later and wanted to get back together. At that point she was dancing. I tried twice and during the time I did whenever we would have a knock down dragout fight she'd go back to the pole. Each cycle she's basically fallen further and further into all the normal traps you see, hear, and read about strippers. Her life and pretty much all her dreams and ambitions in my mind are pretty much down the drain. Financially she is living hand to mouth. If I believe her she hates her life and she hates dancing but of course all her decisions are someone else's fault. The guy she dated before me was a professional jock...( talk about pressure) but most of the guys that have come along since I left are pretty much deadbeats and wannabe's I hear about it third party all the time. At the moment she is in Vegas working the graveyard shift at one of the clubs and living in an Air-BnB --one room, living a double life and trying to fake out the people she knows back in her hometown as if life is wonderful. Pretty sure the lie is wearing thin and people are a lot smarter than what she thinks. I won't see her again, nor will I go out and spend time with her. I was in Vegas this year and I didn't know for certain but I had heard she was there. Instead of looking her up I spent my week with a girl from SA. I did finally start talking to her about a month ago, mostly e-mails. I won't give her my cell. Changed the number. Mostly at this point I pity her. I'd suggest you stick to your budget. As a rule money comes into play at some point in all relationships and the way to keep the craziness at an acceptable level is to stay within the lines you set.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is it okay to break the golden rule if you have a strong head on your shoulders?
    Regardless of what any of us say chances are you are going to move forward. Been there so from first hand experience all the "Are you nuts comments" won't stop you or even slow you down. I've been in a handful of relationships with sex workers -notice the broad based term-- and strippers in my experience are the most difficult to maintain any semblance of normal. Cashman has the most on spot answer in my mind which is its really only dating/relationship if you aren't paying her to spend time with you. You could look back at some of my past comments. In my case I dated a dancer off and on starting before she became a dancer and to me it is also the most telling because the changes in her in how she thinks about men, life in general, and money since she started dancing are immense. ( and in her case rather sad) For the majority of guys I'd caution against it. I still talk to my ex although I didn't for over six months, but I'll never take her back again.
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    6 years ago
    Pay for conversation?
    I normally sit at the bar so if she sits down with me I will offer her drinks as well as food. If she wants to eat (and more times than not they do) I can't think of a time didn't at the very least get floor dances from her but as a rule in addition to the dances I tip her for her time around $ 75.00
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Nyc or Atlantic City
    Zoey and Nina--I am scheduled to be in Philly a couple of times in September and I typically stay about a mile or so away from Delilah's when there. If either of you are still there at that time let me know.
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    For those of you using SA--or thinking about it.
    I tried three geographical locations over the last 24 hours. Chesapeake Bay area, Easter Pa, and N.E. Ohio. In all three proportionately to their user base there is a uptick on the amount of females. I'm not saying I have more hits--I let my membership go dormant a month plus ago-- but there are more fresh faces and plenty of sign up dates to go along with those fresh faces reflecting the uptick in the last 10 days. This has over the last few years been a consistent trend I've noticed.
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    6 years ago
    Nyc or Atlantic City
    I've been to Delilah's and normally on a Thursday it is packed although I typically am there more in the Fall and Winter than in the Summer months. I love NYC in the Summer as a visitor but a lot of the reason I do is because it clears out Thur-Sun and most of the ones who leave town are the brokers/investment bankers. For a dancer that can't be good.
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    6 years ago
    Nyc or Atlantic City
    The thing to remember about NYC in the summer time is all the money runs out to Long Island on on the weekends.( or Block Island) So your better days normally are going be void of the proverbial whale all dancers in Manhattan love. And stay the hell out of AC---I haven't been there in over a decade but from what I recall it was the last refuge for the Leisure Suit left Might I suggest Philadelphia for a summer visit.....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    What do you say after an LDK?
    "was it good for you too? "
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Yall are crazy omg cuz y'all pay for female attention
    I don't pay for their attention.....I pay for the right to have them go away once I don't want their attention. Thinking along those lines what is the dollar assigned to having you go away for good?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Magnum P.I.
    ^--I realize at my age I'm not in anyone's demographic these days unless they are selling Depends or Geritol........still I find Hollywood's lack of originality at times to be mind-boggling. And if they want to aim at a different group due to age they probably should shy away from using the Magnum P.I. tag altogether. .....still wondering on which show after T.C. calls the new female Higgins "higgy baby" she files a sexual harassment charge..........or if the dobermans will have pink ribbons on to show they are also now female as they take a bite out of Magnum's backside.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Magnum P.I.
    Hollywood never learns..........There's a reason certain movie remakes never work and it is a simple one--the character's role and the original actor are so ingrained in our minds as being one nobody can ever hope to fill the role and gain the same acceptance. Magnum is one of those roles with Tom Selleck ---additionally a lot of the plot and backdrop of the show revolved around the war in Southeast Asia ( not just Vietnam to include Higgins) and the special ops Magnum and the characters ( guest stars included ) played. I don't see anyone successfully getting in Ben Hur's chariot and I don't see anyone getting in Robin Masters red ferrari and peeling out on the coastal highway.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Sounds Like Urban Is Toast
    Thanks to Matt, Charlie, and Harvey basically it's open season on anyone with a penis---justifiable or not. I would think the husband is pretty much done as a college coach at this point although his attorney now is claiming the bruises on her arms came from him grabbing her when she was trying to assault him--meanwhile of course OSU who was picked to finish to win the Big Ten and probably finish the year in the playoff picture is in turmoil ( with a new young QB no less) So what we have now is a matter between spouses that has turned into a giant cluster he said she said that even her attorney didn't want her to start.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Sounds Like Urban Is Toast
    We had a previous discussion a few days back, of course since then there have been a few twist and turns, not the least interesting being that the woman's attorney came out and stated he had advised her against going public concerning Urban since she had only directly communicated with his wife. It is also rather funny that the largest majority of the writers calling for his head are in fact ( no surprise) based in Michigan. The Big Ten east is loaded this year with four good teams and probably two of the better QB's in the nation.