
What causes you to go to one club over another?

Living well and enjoying my retirement
In my area, there are numerous options within a 20-30 minute drive, for me it’s either a favorite girl or a favorite bartender, what makes you guys in areas like mine choose where to go. I do understand that some areas don’t really offer good choices, so this question is for those of you who have many options.


  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Numerous options here, but the clubs are different from each other -- from super-high-$ extras, to lower-$ extras with gross ghetto girls, to super hot no extras, to hit-or-miss hot no-extras, etc.

    All of that means that if I know what kind of experience I'm in the mood for, it's usually easy to pick the club that matches it. Usually, that means a club that serves alcohol, hit-or-miss lineup hotness & low hustle (the alcohol club w/ super hot lineups goes high-hustle when the # of customers hits some critical mass, it's how like grasshoppers know when to turn into locusts). The couple of clubs like this I enjoy, I put in the little bit of effort to be on good terms w/ the manager, bartender, bouncers, this can pay big divididends.

    More rarely, I just want the kid-in-a-candy-store experience and take a risk going to the super hot alcohol club (I turn around and walk right out if I can see we're in locust territory), or go to the hit-or-miss extras club
  • 623
    6 years ago
    It is exactly like choosing where to fish or hunt, it is the place you’ve had good luck at and that you think you have the best chance of finding what you are looking for. Duh?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Well actually, I have had good luck at numerous places,more often than not, so that doesn't really factor into my decision process. it's funny but I recently stopped liking a girl, who's company that I really enjoyed, and I realized that I've been getting more than a little burned out with the whole scene, last few nights out I have found myself in a plain vanilla sports bar, and had a few successes with a couple of different civilian woman, and it's seemed to make the strip clubs kind of tedious lately.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I go to Follies!
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    A place I can do my business deals with nobody caring.

    I think the dancers like that they get to see me get paid in cash right before their eyes. But I usually pay for VIP with drugs.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    25 - You have a lot of options that are close to you. I'd go broke if I lived in Broward County.

    But the answer to your question. My goal is sex. So I'm going to go to the club that gives me the best and most economical opportunity for that.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    if it’s somewhere where there’s a group of clubs that I’ve already visited then my number 1 motivation to go to a particular club is to see a specific dancer. 2nd would be attractiveness of dancers, 3rd would be likelyhood of extras.

    If there’s a group of clubs that I’m not too familiar with or have never been to, then I try the ones that have the best raviews from here.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    I usually go to the club with the best looking white women, particularly if they are on the younger side and especially if they are likely to have redheads. But occasionally the little head and Mary Jane conspire and I find myself in some extras friendly dive instead.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    1. Cost
    2. Club vibe
    3. Attractiveness of dancers

    Once I find clubs I like it comes down to which club has girls with whom I have developed chemistry.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I have a handful of options and the following factors play in:

    1. BAR SERVICE OR BYOB: I must admit that this is near the top of the list. I only club at night and enjoy cocktails with my titties. Nude juice bars are depressing as fuck as they are generally filled with quiet pervy old guys often staring intently at the girls on stage.

    2. TALENT: There is no use going to a strip club that is filled with girls who are < 7 or otherwise do not appeal to you. In many locales, including this one, this limits me to a few realistic options as I don't like black clubs or low rent jack shacks.

    3. OTC OPTIONS: Now OTC options can be found in most clubs, but some clubs are easier hunting grounds than others. For example, some clubs are prone to hiring new girls. Others only hire girls that can work in restrictive environments where alcohol consumption by dancers, leaving early and other conduct is strictly controlled, which in turn leads to a club filled with more uptight dancers. Others will readily fire a girl at the merest whiff that she might be seeing someone outside. All of these things, and other practices, lead to certain clubs where a higher % of the talent will avoid OTC.

    4. PRICING: I might tolerate a club ripping me off a little if the top 3 categories above are all in alignment, but only to a degree. That is assuming, of course, that it is much better than my next best option. If there are other clubs in the area that are competitive in 1-3 above, I will avoid the rip-off club. One cannot club multiple times per month and stay within a remotely reasonable budget if one is getting turned over and shaken down on every club visit.

    5. OVERALL COMFORT: I tend not to spend a lot of time in clubs with cranked up music, spot or strobe lights in my eyes, uncomfortable seating arrangements, people packed in close together or in other situations that impact my comfort. As with pricing above, I might tolerate a bit of this if the club has other serious advantages, but all else being equal (or close to) I will avoid a club that makes it hard to relax and settle into the night.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    I agree with John Smith

  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    I agree with Cflock
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    In my area, price and dance mileage is fairly uniform among the clubs.

    Liking variety I like a club that has a good # of dancers that are my type (curvy ebonies).

    Also look for a club that doesn't aggravate me and that I can just sit-back and have a good time as long as I'm spending $$$ - in some clubs one has to work at having a good time by overcoming some type of BS (rude or incompetent staff; rude/aggressive/ROBish dancers; hit or miss vs consistent mileage; club nickel-and-diming you; etc).
  • TacoBob
    6 years ago
    My first priority is club atmosphere / service. My favorite home club is upscale, but relaxed. It has a full bar and restaurant (with delicious food). The servers are attentive without being pushy. And the bouncers patrol the seating (especially the private booths), meaning I can head off to the VIP rooms, or just wander away to the smoking lounge or to take a phone call from work without fear that someone will try to steal my seat.

    Don't get me wrong, the quality of the dancers, the dances themselves, and the pricing all play into the decision. But first and foremost, I'm looking to have a fun, relaxing evening out. I like to buy a booth and hang out for 4-6 hours while getting to know multiple dancers over dinner and drinks. I always feel welcome, and I never feel rushed, or pressured into spending more than I want to at any given moment. That's key for me.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I seldom go when in my home area anymore--simply it isn't worth it.

    There are a couple of hole in the wall type places and one that seems to get decent if inconsistent reviews on here but to me it is like a local bar with a few dancers. ( and an extremely overzealous guys who do double duty as security.)

    So that leaves when I travel. Most of those decisions anymore are spur of the moment --nothing else to do.

    Lately my focus has been elsewhere---similar to Twentyfive in simply going to clubs or going the SA route.

  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    ^^^ I've spent the past year spending more time on SA than SCs -- actually, as I look back at it, *far* more time on SA, I didn't realize at the time how much difference there was. In the past 2 months I've gotten back to the SC and it's like I hit the refresh button, definitely super enjoying it again.
  • _Constantine_
    6 years ago
    What’s your home club Bob?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    My philosophy for selecting a go-to club is similar to the real estate saying - it’s based on - extras, extras, extras! The dirtier the hoes (or dancers - if you prefer) - the better.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    As a dancer: Busier clubs during the night time. That way, I only have to go on stage 1-2x. I also like obnoxious loud music that cuts conversation short and encourages getting straight to lapdances. Preferably topless & club serves liquor so that I can get out of drinking. I’ve been at a byob setting before and it’s too easy to get wasted.

    As a customer: Probably a nude byob club. Especially if there’s lots of pole tricks.

    I’ve heard that at the first club I ever worked at (that is byob but not nude because of San Antonio laws), the club will sometimes serve hookah. As a dancer that makes me not want to go back, because that attracts too many cheap college students. But I was thinking about going as a customer and tipping some friends, because I am a cheap college student who loves hookah.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Short answer ... mood.

    Longer answer ... Ultimately, where do I think I'll find the hottest women who'll offer the type of fun I want. I generally like high contact and low hustle.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    As is often the case, my answer closely resembles Subras. The kind of experience I'm in the mood for largely dictates the club. Within clubs that have the same sort of options, a preferred or fave dancer often helps make the decision.

    One thing that sometimes impacts my decision but I haven't seen someone else mention is proximity to other options. I'll sometimes hit up a club with a low barrier to entry or low success rate knowing that its nearby another club I know I'll have a good time at.

    I mostly find myself picking a club and establishing a fave dancer and visiting it often. The benefits can be significant. I won't rehash them all them here, but I know there's a thread about being a regular. I know I get much better service in every regard at my "regular" club.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Dolfan I agree but lately I’m just loosing patience with the overt greediness being exhibited by the dancers these days. Might be a factor that it’s slow and the money they’re hoping for isn’t coming, but lately I’ve had a better time at some of the busier sports bars running along the intercostal between Boynton and Fort Lauderdale, 5 of the last 7 times I’ve been out to one of those clubs, Wednesday’-Friday evenings and I’ve met a bunch of single or at least unattached females, super good looking, got a few numbers and had real dates no p4p, and easier to deal with, no drama with all of the fun.
  • woodstock
    6 years ago
    Is the CF working at a particular club that day? Am I in the mood to try something new and explore a bit? Will A**** be at the Rose again, and will she offer up OTC for $1300, like last visit? How much available time do I have, what time of day is it, what is traffic going to be like, how far do I feel like going for a club visit?

  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I live in an area where extras are very difficult to come by. So l pretty much look for “extras” outside of the strip club environment entirely. At the club, it’s usually a combination of eye candy and a friendly vibe I’m looking for.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    Many clubs I've visited, I kept returning for the dancers of course, but staff can also make a big difference. Most every club where I became a regular, there was always that barmaid that kept me there as well as the dancers.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ I absolutely get Club, I’m not passing any judgement on anyone, I’m just a bit tired of the bullshit lately, and it’s not likely to last that long, prolly I’ll hit a club in the next few weeks and some gorgeous broad will get my motor running again, in the meantime I’ll just keep on keeping on.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I pick clubs based on the ease of fucking my wife if she worked there.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    It really doesn't matter what club I go to, with my looks, demeanor, and stylish back brace, I'm the cock of the walk of any club I walk into. I never fail to get female attention, and I'll soon be locking down the hottest dancer in the club.

    Really the only problem I have is the grumbling and dirty looks I get from the other customers when I lock down the hottest chick for the evening, but much like the guys on this board, none of them have the cojones to confront me f2f.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Why do guys keep going to strip clubs, instead of getting regular OTC's going with one dancer?

  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    @SJG - obviously you're not aware that unlike the other losers on here I date (FWB, not P4P) model-quality civilian hotties and have multiple 9+ dancers that I regularly see OTC.

    When I do go to the club it's just to socialize, scout out new OTC material, and lock down the hottest dancer there for the night.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    So with all of these 9+ hotties lined up, what exactly is it that makes you decide to go to a strip club, instead of just pumping some loads into one of your regulars?

  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    @SJG - Have you ever heard the saying, "behind every beautiful woman is a guy in a back brace that's tired of fucking her."
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    Enjoyability / mood / ambience / style.

    It all adds up. If I'm there for the sexual service and the service is no good, that reduces my mood. If I'm not there for the sexual service, then the other things can increase or reduce my mood. If they make it fun for me to be there, then I go again.

    Oh, as an aside, at least in my opinion, a ready availability of low-priced high-level sexual services delivered by engaging willing hot women is fun.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    I think it kind of depends on what you do with them during your times together, how you orchestrate it.

    I mean certainly you can only fuck them so many times in a time interval. But there are lots more things which can be done during and extended session.

    But for you, what makes you decide to go to a strip club, instead of calling up one of your regulars?


    Path of Initiation 10 Pistis Sophia and Yaldabaoth Gnostic
  • IHearVoices
    6 years ago
    I go to the biggest club possible for two reasons: 1) more dancing options, and 2) I have more room to move around. Of course, in South Florida that adds up to one place - Tootsies. With prices being pretty much the same in mixed clubs all over, I want my options...at Tootsies I get them. It also helps that Tootsies has the sports bar and such.

    In Atlanta, there's also only one option...but it's for a different reason. There's just no experience in the A - or anywhere else - like the one at Follies, even with the downturn.

    If South Florida had one club that was head and shoulders above the rest, like a Follies, I would go there. The experience (which mainly means mileage and/or dancing fun) comes first, with options being second. You couldn't pay me to go to a DC area club that's not Ebony Inn. You would have to pay me to go to a NO club that isn't Passions. The experience at both is singular in their respective areas. Dallas; I'd probably rotate between Baby Dolls, La Zona Rosa (I love Latinas, sue me), and XTC. The experience is more similar between the three clubs (price, mileage, etc) IME, and my choice would probably depend on the dancer ethnicity I was seeking that night.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    When I go in to the club it's to party and hang out for a bit with a very few select 9+ dancers that I have an OTC relationship with, and while I do occasionally get dances, that’s not my usual style. Remember one very important thing, it’s easy to be important to one or two girls, the budget I use may be very different from yours; I chose the best looking ones in the club and treat them like mini sugar babies, keep in mind my appearance, demeanor, and means is probably completely different from yours.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So to party and hang out, is it just you and the dancers, or do you mean there are also male friends?

    Best looking ones? There are girls I like, some more than others. But I don't really go by that numerical scale. But I always approach things as civilian interactions, so keeping in mind how I present myself is important.

    Sugar Babies is an idea I have never liked, sounds like immaturity and frivolity.

    But in most countries other than the US, well of guys have mistresses. These are practical and responsible women, often those blessed with both brains and beauty.

  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    "Sugar Babies is an idea I have never liked, sounds like immaturity and frivolity"

    You're thinking of daddy dom / little girl age play, that's different.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Criteria 1: if SJG patronizes a club, I find a different one.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    Either just the search for variety, or I am trying to avoid a dancer (or two).
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Lopaw made a good point. I’ve picked a club before just for the sake of avoiding a dancer at another club. One local club had a door troll who was really annoying. You’d walk in and she would start nagging for a dance. She kept getting rejected by everyone so she’d stand at the door to hit on anyone who walked in. And she seemed to always be working.

    So there are clubs I’ve avoided for a while if there are really annoying dancers there.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    There are many options in Dallas but my favorite spot is PTs. Primarily because it’s BYOB. There are plenty of hot dancers and most get nude. If not on stage, at least during the dances.
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