For those of you using SA--or thinking about it.

avatar for Warrenboy75
Anywhere in the USA on any given day

Now is the one of the best times of the year if not the best time to be looking at an influx of new accounts.

Back to college as well as back to school for those with young children or that are School Teachers.


last comment
avatar for RandomMember
6 yrs ago


avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

Oddly enough, I'm not seeing that at all... the past few weeks have been the slowest rate of new accounts that I've seen in a loooong time. Maybe it'll take an other week or two before it shows up here

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

My observation coincides with Subraman’s. I live in Louisville. Between UofL, UK, and IUS, not to mention WKU and EKU, I would expect to see lots more newbies if the OP’s contention were true.

avatar for RandomMember
6 yrs ago


The only SA story I recall from your posts is one where you had sex the first night and her pimp knocked on the door that same night. I’m too lazy to dredge up your old post. Nothing remotely like that has every happened to me, and it leads me to believe that you’re looking for Backpage whores and not college students.

I’ve made the completely unremarkable claim that if you live with driving distance of 100,000 college students, and cull from the top 3% to 5% on SA, you’ll end up with several hundred very attractive college girls at any given time. At least stripper quality and without the SS nonsense that we discuss ad infinitum. And if you discount the skimpy stripper outfits and dark lighting in the club, the 5% number is conservative.

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago

I tried three geographical locations over the last 24 hours. Chesapeake Bay area, Easter Pa, and N.E. Ohio. In all three proportionately to their user base there is a uptick on the amount of females.

I'm not saying I have more hits--I let my membership go dormant a month plus ago-- but there are more fresh faces and plenty of sign up dates to go along with those fresh faces reflecting the uptick in the last 10 days.

This has over the last few years been a consistent trend I've noticed.

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

W: ya, right now, with the filters I've always used, if I sort by Newest, by the time I'm 5 girls down, it's "joined 5 days ago". When the rush hits, "joined 5 days ago" will be several pages into the Newest search. Think it's just delayed here compared to where you are

I'm surprised it starts this early. I would think September or October. What kind of girl wants to fuck some middle-aged slob for money when she's still trying to figure out where her dorm is? Don't they need to get settled in first?

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