
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    don’t really need any advice but feel free to critique
    Generally I have found no response has more of an impact than you can imagine. (I've been here and done that) ^ Papi--you'd be surprised. Sometimes money is not the issue.....knowing you are out there and still hooked at some level plays as much into their ego as well ^ Rick---yes they do. First time I heard it was from a bunch of stock broker types in a NYC bar. GPS that is....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Would you let your gf be a stripper?
    #2 from first hand experience.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    don’t really need any advice but feel free to critique
    I'd be surprised if she doesn't know what GPS stands for. but regardless it all depends on how bad you want to burn the bridge if I'd spell it out for her. Since I don't know the girl at all I can't comment with certainty but from my own experience when I receive text similar the first thing that comes to mind is are they drunk or had a bit too much weed. Especially when they don't seem uniform throughout the conversation.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    I recognize the daddy issues but I do not need to be called daddy on any level.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Wrong about Vegas - Palomino kinda rocks
    Interesting read on Ch3---from the people I know there you would never think anything goes on. That includes dancers, bartenders, and waitresses.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So has the split discussion sections worked out? Just curious.
    So far I've only used the ignore button on one poster. I have however used the "mental ignore button" on a handful of them. Depending on how much I am in front of a computer on a given day I check in here three times a day (I'm a creature of habit to some extent) and I'm lucky if I look in the front room twice a week.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Wrong about Vegas - Palomino kinda rocks
    Well......March will be here in no time......and I have yet to set foot in any club in Vegas. I might change my mind based on your comments --Thank-you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So has the split discussion sections worked out? Just curious.
    It's 30 days in so I'd call it a work in progress but with the exception of leaving the cave door open and a few trolls creeping in over here for a bit I like it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    I'm Jealous
    Which balloon? I mean I can see someone being a little twisted on Betty Boop......if on the other hand you are looking at Ronald McDonald or Snoopy we got a whole different level of issues.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    How to open an otc discussion: a helpful guide for those who are concerned.
    my experience is directly against the belief here that "every stripper either OTCs with everyone, or doesn't do OTC at all; and if she does not say "hell yes", then it's a permanent no". I'd have missed out on some amazing experiences if I bothered to believe any of that. +1---which is why I will state again it either happens in a natural progression or it doesn't. I've had a few girls waffle on me which I hate more than being told no but as a rule what I have generally found is if they will sit at the bar and have a couple of drinks with you it means they are sizing you up one way or another......and one of the ways is if you can be trusted, which is half the battle. Girls who are purely on the hustle will get the dances out of you and either hit you up for VIP or go looking for the next target.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    How to open an otc discussion: a helpful guide for those who are concerned.
    Sitting at the bar after coming back from 3 dances for 60.00 semi-private area and having a drink with her. What nights during the week to you typically work turns into what do you do on your off nights to what is your favorite food turns into OTC two nights later. It shouldn't feel like work and it shouldn't require "running game" as some like to put it.......it either fits or it doesn't. Sorry if it breaks someones rules or code of ballers ( actually I'm not)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Not sure how this review got approved
    There seems to be more of this situation with certain areas of the country--Vegas being one of them. I'm not sure what the answer is except that the people local to the area of the club reviewed need to speak up as you did when they see something out of line.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So a Georgia Bulldog will win a Super Bowl ring this year
    From what I understand and this is purely unsubstantiated but Notre Dame was asked if they wanted to put OSU back on the regular schedule and OSU was told NFW. The last couple of times they played it didn't turn out so well for the Fighting Irish. I now understand ND is looking to try and set up something with Penn State which is funny (and media substantiated) since one of the reasons they declined to play OSU is they didn't want to play a Big 10 schedule.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So a Georgia Bulldog will win a Super Bowl ring this year
    Hines Ward is actually one of my favorite players due to his toughness and his ability to get the most out of any situation. I'd add the Saints and the old Oilers. The Southeast Coast portion of Texas considers itself southern- probably more so in many ways than the Dolphins. As for the past couple of decades I realize people like to believe the SEC owned college football but to a large extent what they owned is the politics and the bowl system which transferred over to the National Championship. And this is where we disagree. Home field advantage and cherry picking opponents has a lot to do with the outcomes of some of those bowl games. Even the Rose Bowl based on the comments of one of the most winning college coaches of the PAC 10 is a uphill battle for Midwest teams, especially when the West Coast team is USC or UCLA. And I should know since he was a relative--surprise-surprise. Even this year I found it interesting OSU got overlooked. I didn't cry foul but I also felt very confident the team at the end of the year could of held it's own in the playoffs and that was without what many people think is going to be the #1 draft choice in this years NFL draft.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So a Georgia Bulldog will win a Super Bowl ring this year
    OSU I'll remind you of what I posted a few weeks ago; "I gave up on trying to talk logic with Daddillac and SEC football. One of my best friends who moved to Atlanta described it best to me years ago that Georgia fans basically live in a world that every third kid is named Buck or Herschel and once you get 20 miles outside of Atlanta it only goes down hill from there. " I could make the point that there are five/six Buckeyes playing on the Saints alone. Or that the leading RB in the NFL this year and the leading wide receiver both are Buckeyes but to me it's all incidental and a non-factor. Once you get to the NFL and since it is a team sport you need to look at the other guys around you as the reason your team has made it this far. FWIW I'm a Steelers fan and have been for 49 years to be exact but not because there have been OSU players on the roster over the years. I am hopeful the Saints win it all.but it has more to do with the fact I lived in New Orleans for a number of years and happen to like Drew Brees....although he played for Purdue and that alone if you follow the same logic as our friend would make me hate him since Purdue beat OSU this year............. I haven't looked in recent years but I'm pretty sure the college with the most players in the NFL is either LSU or USC. Georgia to be fair is in the top 10.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Playoffs start today
    I feel it is a mistake to look at the Saints the first three or four games of the year ---the defense kicked in around game eight/nine and since then they have been a better teams despite their level of play against the Cowboys. I have until Friday to turn in my picks this week but Chiefs and Saints are probably the direction I am headed
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    In the future do you think we will see stripping become more career oriented
    Rick--a couple of points and then I need to log off for a bit. 1) Normally FB is not the culprit. FB as has been mentioned on here before by others and myself is typically vanilla. Normally the issue is IG but the problem goes a step beyond their page to their friends or even their friends of friends page. If your four closest friends all work at a strip club, two of your male contacts are bartenders or club managers, and a handful of your clients follow you and 100 other girls guess what? And your picture shows up on their feed no matter what setting you might have on your account.....which then brings in Google as well as even YouTube. I hate to use the phrase trust me but on this one the comment I made about six degrees of separation hits home and the more the weeks turn into months and the months turn into years the harder it becomes to lead a double life. The few dancers I know well as friends ( and I do mean friends) work three or four nights a week. Over time they all have a tolerance to liquor that they can drink me under the table-takes about two years of working as a dancer to build up that type of tolerance but it also means they are not getting up the next day to go to school for class or work in a corporate job. And from what I have observed first hand the longer they dance the more they get pulled into that world as well. Their circle of friends tend to be other dancers or club workers. If the club is large enough they date other staff members or at the very least people the other staff workers know because civilians for lack of a better term don''t think like they do and don't understand the lifestyle. I'm sure there are exceptions and maybe you know a few but overall from my own experience it takes about a year before the shift in life choices starts to take hold permanently. After that it is like quicksand.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    In the future do you think we will see stripping become more career oriented
    Stripping has nothing to do with a girl's moral character. The words of an epitaph found on many a dancers professional career.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How much to you think is a reasonable price for OTC "Outside the Club" in Los An
    When I go to Vegas the last couple of times I look for a "tour guide" with benefits. She can stay overnight if she likes or leave and come back especially on the days I have something to do work related. 2 K for 5-6 days and nights. Both of the women have been very attractive and a lot of fun to be around. On days I am not working it pretty much is typical pool time-private time-out for dinner/drinks/show/ and more private time. I got Merry Christmas text from both of them.....also wanting to know if I would be back out in Vegas in 2019....so the money must be okay for them and I'm happy with the arrangement.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    In the future do you think we will see stripping become more career oriented
    For obvious reasons I'm not going to go into details but yes, yes, and yes to both of you RD and 25. In part because she had me to fall back on for a couple of years and I'd take her back and she'd stop she was able to talk around some of the gaps and inconsistencies but it isn't hard if you are from a small area and your social media starts linking you to events and people that are out in the open about what they do and where they work. Additionally the movie six degrees of separation isn't all that far out of a concept. I knew two summers ago the veil was starting to drop and the truth was starting to leak out but I couldn't convince her. I haven't dated her in over 18 months but I do hear from her when she's down and out. I'm pretty sure at this point even her family knows, even if they don't come out and confront her or ask.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    In the future do you think we will see stripping become more career oriented
    I tried ( key word-tried) having this conversation with my one time ex when she was bouncing in and out of dancing. It was always going to be temporary and she was headed back to school so she could chase after her dream job. I don't know if you want to call it stubbornness, being naive, or just plain ignorance but she refused to acknowledge the fact that word would eventually get out and when it did she would lose friends and career choices. Well she's in Vegas now dancing and for the most part she found out people are judgemental and some secrets can never stay secret. Truely a case example that you can in some instances never go home again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    In the future do you think we will see stripping become more career oriented
    There are still too many barriers to stripping ever becoming mainstream. In certain cultures it has more acceptance but overall doubtful it changes for decades if at all. Besides the example Rick cited I saw something the other day where a woman wasn't sure what to do with the gap in her work history and decided to play it honest and put exotic dancer as her occupation. She ended up not getting hired by any of the local hospitals despite the fact she had decent grades and they were looking for people. Worse once word got out ( and HR Directors do network) she was basically done. Outside of Vegas where it seems the stigma isn't as bad a dancer is going to run into brick wall after brick wall trying to have a career fully dressed.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Playoffs start today
    I'm sitting in 3rd place in a local poll at the moment. The Eagles beating the Bears the previous week being my one miss but point difference is also a factor as well in this thing. For instance yesterday I had the Saints winning 31-14 ( my comment above on the Eagles getting 14 in the first Q being what I had projected for them the entire game.)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Letting an older and well versed sugar baby teach me the ways
    Don't overthink things. SA is pretty simple --find someone you think will be fun. Decide if you are looking 1 to 1 or you are going to use the site as an escort board. Realize that life is going to come up at times and be flexible if you can. Set expectations with the SB. Don't settle and if she doesn't keep her part of the arrangement move on.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Playoffs start today
    Well the Eagles just scored what I expected them to get for the entire game......and it is Q-1.