Wrong about Vegas - Palomino kinda rocks

So, after years of telling PLs that Vegas is a complete waste, and suggesting you skip SCing there entirely -- save the $$ and SC almost anywhere else, you'll have a better time -- Palomino may have changed my mind. Ironically I was in Vegas with some total-non-PL rookies, who (I thought) were looking more for a "boys night out VEGAS! WOOOOO!" type experience, so I described SR and Sapphires to them, along with the warnings of the hustle level, the pulchritude of the girls, etc. Then I mentioned, "there's this other club, Palomino, nudity AND alcoho--" I didn't get any farther than that before the guys decided Palomino was the right answer. I warned them that I'd never been there, I heard it was divier than SR/Saph and the girls were nowhere near as good looking, and maybe SR/Saph was more the experience they were looking for. But they would not be discouraged.
So, to Palomino we went, in the free limo. Driver sold us bottle service -- I was going to speak up and tell them "guys, the limo driver selling you bottle service is always a hustle", but they guys were now in "Vegas! Wooo!" mode, and one of the guys basically said "bottle service on me" and paid for it all (I think it came out to $75-ish per person? for multiple bottles and beers, which actually is not any more than what I usually spend on alcohol, and we got a table for the night with it as well).
So, keep in mind my local SC scene is horrendous so I may be overly-impressed with Palomino. First of all, the girls were very good looking on a weekend nightshift. Not SR goodlooking, but very attractive. The polework shocked me -- much of it was very good! Lapdances were $20, she'd go topless, no touching the titties ("we have to go upstairs for that"), surreptitious stickshifting common. I did not do a 3/$100 or 15min/$150, but those are nude, in private, and the guys who did them seemed to come back deliriously happy. None of them asked for extras (or even knew to ask for extras) as far as I know, but they could also be keeping it on the downlow -- as I said, this was not my usual all-PL crew.
Still, if I were in Vegas, Palomino (based on that one trip) would be my place, no doubt. If the dayshift is even halfway decent, it'd be a real find.
last commentHave never SCed in Vegas - but per TUSCL reviews, and posts on the board, in the past, seems Palomino was the preferred choice in terms of decent bang-for-the buck in terms of club, talent, and mileage.
AFAIK it's also off the strip so perhaps less of a tourist-trap b/c of it?
Good to know. I had a great time in Spearmint Rhino in Vegas BUT the cost was probably not really worth what I paid. Then I loved the old Olympic Garden. But OG was not that great of a strip club, but rather a great place to find a stripper to do OTC.
I wonder if the girls at Palomino to OTC. Did you get any offers ?
Papi: It's outside Vegas proper, as far as I know, so outside the insane regulation level
Warrior15: No, didn't ask, since I didn't even do any privates and not sure if or when I'll be back
Well......March will be here in no time......and I have yet to set foot in any club in Vegas.
I might change my mind based on your comments --Thank-you.
I think this is TUSCLer timothyjames55's club when he hits Vegas and I believe he pulls OTC from there
Palomino has closed doors and beds. Most mileage in Vegas is behind the curtain at SR dayshift. Sapphire day shift is hit or miss but name it I've done it in the VIP. Anybody that says Vegas is a waste isn't doing it right or listening to the taxi drivers. Sure there are far better options like COi, Tampa, Detroit, Miami... But Vegas is far from horrible.
And OGs... That was a terrific free for all in its glory days
I’m local and haven’t been there in years. Actually it’s in North Las Vegas close to downtown. It was always decent enough but as a rule Vegas is no longer an extras Mecca with the demise of OG and the old Tally Ho.
^Lolz at the Tally Ho reference.
pistola: what does "behind the curtain at SR dayshift" cost? Is this a $100 VIP type of thing?
I figured that a smart local who knows how to work the system can always get more than a tourist -- I have engineered some fun outcomes here, too, otherwise I would have stopped SCing. But as a tourist, you won't be likely to have tons of fun in SF
Palomino is great. Never heard of extras being offered there though. The dancers were all pretty hot last time I was there. YMMV as I have had dancers there without the “no touching up top downstairs” rule.
Sidnote: Palomino does a pretty good job of advertising their selection on their social media (especially Instagram). If your unsure of what to expect, I’d look there first.
Oh interesting... one of the girls was very careful to say, "no touching up top downstairs ... it's a CLUB RULE!! not mine"
@Subra no it's expensive relative to other parts of the country. In a nutshell during dayshift at SR (which is still a lot of fun) bv the club is only partially open there is basically one VIP room open that contains both 15 minute and 30 minute pricing. Not much difference between the two. That said in that room is one curtained area. I think its 400-500 for the hour and they let whatever go on in there. Most likely it's a HJ, BJ or discreet panties to the side ride. Is it worth it? Depends. If you ask a gal about 'the curtains' shell know what you're talking about.. One thing that sucks about SR dayshift though is almost no TVs to watch sports (for those of you thinking about March Madness you should call them to check out the TV situation) HTH
Final thing about Vegas that some yall should realize. The clubs have their rules, the dancers have theirs. Most of the dancers are in and out from other areas and less inclined to break the rules. So if you're chatting with a gal and she sounds like she's been there a while, knows management, is a regular dancer you're likely to get higher mileage than a dancer who just popped in to work for 3 days and doesn't have a rapport with the mgmt. So keep in mind that's a big reason why the mileage isn't always as high as expected, lots of new girls not knowing the boundaries or management well enough.
Pistola: have you explored crazy horse III dayshift (assuming it's still there, and has one?). That was our place 20 years ago, wondered whether it's still any good. Obviously, no use mourning OG
Im going this summer and I might try palomino Subra. I have been to SR and sapprire. and like most Tuslers i find vegas Sc's too complicated and over priced. I did used to like the old crazy horse. But I'll give Palomino a try and report back.
I would like to point out that those of us who don't like Vegas for strip clubbing usually come from areas where hot girls and extras exist for half the price. Having said that, back in the day the $10 lap dances at Cheetah were great and the old Crazy Horse was fun too. OG was also classic. Then Vegas went upscale and ruined it imo. I did post taht I went to Sapphire dayshift and had a blast. As much fun as anywhere and the Palomino is good, for a vegas club as well and where I gowith my wife. To me its similar to my regular club, just without extras and at a higher cost, especially drinks. Drink prices are insane in Vegas. Paid $22 at Sapphire at night for a coors light. At home club $20 buys me 5.
@Subra CH2 was my all time fav even more than OG. CH3, located by the Mandalay Bay and no affiliation with 2 or the Deuce as it used to be called is still going. Dayshift is worth a look. Hit or miss. Most I've gotten there is discreet HJ in the back which is not uncommon. I liked CH3 dayshift, reason I liked others better is no consistency of talent at CH3 so sometimes youd walk in and be like Wow! And sometimes you'll walk in and go 'Is this fat ghetto girl day?' Good thing about these clubs is they're all relatively close and if you call ahead and ask for the out of town cover to be waived most will say no problem.
I agree with CH 3 day shift. Quite a few of the old OG day shift girls went there. Discreet HJ is pretty much the norm there for some of them. I’ve gotten BBBJ there as well so truthfully there’s more to be had BUT I think the girls need to know you and that you’re safe first.
I agree with CH 3 day shift. Quite a few of the old OG day shift girls went there. Discreet HJ is pretty much the norm there for some of them. I’ve gotten BBBJ there as well so truthfully there’s more to be had BUT I think the girls need to know you and that you’re safe first.
good intel fellas ... based on this, I'll skip Palamino and with it all other SCs in vegas.
I've got quite a few reviews of Palomino on my account. There is a rule about not breast touching downstairs but it's really easy to get the girls to break it, at least the ones I got dances with. It's also, ironically, more private downstairs. Upstairs the VIP host won't be watching the cameras downstairs because he'll expect the funny business to be happening in the VIP booths. Downstairs at the back of the room, you can keep an eye on the manager and stop doing anything risky when he turns to his podium to look at the cameras. Sort of feels like Grand Theft Auto V.
Interesting read on Ch3---from the people I know there you would never think anything goes on. That includes dancers, bartenders, and waitresses.
I've been to Palomino a couple of times and liked it, but it's a club I haven't been to lately. The last club I went to was CHIII, and the experience was memorable in a bad way. The Rhino was the club I liked the most, but like 4Play in LA just wasn't going to pay the going rate for a 9/10 experience instead of a serviceable 8 somewhere else. Aside from OG, the best time I ever had ITC in Vegas was at Little Darlings. That was literally ten years ago, so that's not a recommendation if LDLV is still there.