
Comments by Cashman1234 (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Banned from a club after being refunded for a ROB dance
    I think datinman got it right with his last sentence. BTE - take a minute and think before posting more drivel. The folks on this strip club website don’t believe your accusations regarding this club and the dancers. Do you think the police will believe you? Do you think civilians will believe a guy who posts under a name Big Third Eye as an asshole connoisseur - when you try to introduce your crap as evidence?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Banned from a club after being refunded for a ROB dance
    I avoid using ignore - but this BTE troll is making me rethink my stance on ignoring other members.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Banned from a club after being refunded for a ROB dance
    GoldmongerATL - there was a guy named LightningKay who filed crazy lawsuits against a strip club. As I remember it, his posts were barely readable - and he seemed to find trouble in many places. I think that guy was too far out there to be a troll. However, with BTE the smell of troll is very strong.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Banned from a club after being refunded for a ROB dance
    If you aren’t just continuing your trolling then this is sad. You sound like a whiny little boy who got his feelings hurt, and now you are running home to tell mommy and daddy to fight your battle. You acted like a baby, made a written complaint over a $200 dance, and now you can’t face reality and you won’t find another club. The idea that you think spending $5,000 over 10 months in a strip club makes you a significant customer is also sad.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Banned from a club after being refunded for a ROB dance
    If there was any doubt regarding the inept abilities of BTE to deal with other people, he has made it clear in this discussion. Providing a written complaint to a strip club instead of dealing with the situation properly is a sad way for anyone to handle their strip club experience. You should have taken Rick’s advice rather than acting like a scared little boy. But, I doubt it’s possible for you to take Rick’s advice as I highly doubt you’ve ever been in a strip club. If you are throwing around a number like $5,000 as clout, you aren’t going to be considered a big strip club spender.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Christine Mcvie ‘43-‘22
    This is sad news. I don’t know the history of Fleetwood Mac, but I enjoyed her smooth voice on their songs. RIP Christine.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Banned from a club after being refunded for a ROB dance
    A customer who has spent thousands of dollars and brought friends to this club to spend more money - and yet this big spender has a single club review? I smell a troll. If this poster is real, and his club conduct is similar to his conduct on this site, then banning him for life seems like the best choice for the club and everyone involved. He posts about going to a club that requires customers to prepay for dances. Then he complains and calls dancers ROBs because they don’t deliver what he thinks they should provide. But he doesn’t switch clubs? If this guy is real, then he’s already been banned from other clubs and this is the last one in his area that finally had enough of his stupid shit!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    DEBATE TOPIC: *ANY* Use of Dancer Names in a Review
    I’m still not in agreement regarding naming dancers. There are many different definitions of ROB behavior, and putting a dancer name out there because of a perceived ROB action, can be dangerous for the dancer. There are guys who define ROB behavior vastly differently - and that will be another challenge to find agreement on.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Wtf? Is this Fortnight? Foot night? Or some sort of Foot and Food night? If you are going to post a topic - check the spelling! This seems like a fetish thing for a very specific small group of customers. If it’s a guy renting a club for a specific purpose, then it’s up to the guy renting the place.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Kanye 2024 or 2028?
    When Dave is impressed with a candidate - that’s when I get concerned for the candidate’s mental health. In the case of Kanye, I already knew he had mental health issues.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    DEBATE TOPIC: *ANY* Use of Dancer Names in a Review
    I think 623 is taking the idea of information sharing to the extreme. He’s posted that this site is about information sharing, and therefore names should be shared. That’s not entirely correct, as it’s about strip club information sharing, not strippers. If there was a stripper review section, that would be different. I don’t recommend that, as it would expose dancers to additional danger. There are guys who want to know all the details, and they are usually lurkers with no reviews or comments. My guess is they just message others asking for details, and they don’t contribute to the site. I don’t know what they will do with names, but I don’t care to share information that could endanger a dancer (and possibly myself).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Ever take a DNA test?
    One of my sisters took one of those tests. She’s big into tracing family roots and that sort of stuff. It was no surprise to me as an adult. We are mostly from Eastern Europe. Ishmael is correct about the potential family upset aspect of some findings. If I had learned this as a child, I would have had lots of questions, as we were told our heritage was primarily Irish from both sides. Only as adults were we informed that our mother is an orphan of a Prussian immigrant.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    DEBATE TOPIC: *ANY* Use of Dancer Names in a Review
    I agree with not naming dancers in reviews. I think the OP makes a good point about reviewing the club, and not reviewing the actions of a single dancer. This makes for a more useful review. I think it’s impossible to review a club without including the dancers in the review - so it’s important to not just describe the furniture and drink prices. I stop reading reviews when the headline is “Bubbles is back and better than ever!” Sorry, I’m not part of the Bubbles fan club, and I don’t bark off to a poster of her in my bedroom. That type of review is likely better posted elsewhere, as it’s not a review of the club. I don’t want to be a rude customer, but I don’t care what the dancers names are. My phone has a description of the dancer and her number - as that’s all I need to know. It might sound impersonal, but I know that Bubbles at Club A - becomes Juicy at Club B - and then she’s Minx at Club C - so it’s not worth the effort to play the name game. Leave names out of reviews and things should be safer for the dancers. The only folks who will get annoyed are the guys who want the TUSCL Price Match Guarantee! As far as I know - that doesn’t exist. If guys want that crap - they should go to Best Buy!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A girl asking who else I played around with
    This jealousy idea is silly and sophomoric at best. I think the discussions about her motivations are unlikely to provide a reasonable conclusion, as there is a component of stripper logic involved. Based on my experience - it’s another time when a girl is setting a trap - and the best answer is to not give any information.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Trumper Mass Murderer pleads guilty in Buffalo
    The killer is a POS racist. I made no mention of him being a Trump supporter. I didn’t find any direct connection between his actions and him being a Trump supporter.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    Naming names in an all extras place
    I agree with Warrior - and BHarlem. They both make good points. Not naming dancers in any review is a good practice.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Trumper Mass Murderer pleads guilty in Buffalo
    This guy is a true POS racist killer. He will hopefully live a miserable existence in prison - and regret his crimes each and every day of the rest of his worthless life.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    Naming names in an all extras place
    I’m still not naming names. The extras performed are still illegal - and there is no reason to endanger a dancer’s employment by giving out a name. We think that managers know extras are common in known extras clubs - but what if we are incorrect? What if a manager reads a review that names a dancer - and she gets fired? I don’t want to take that chance. What about those idiots who read a review that names a dancer, and provides prices and acts - and this fool goes to the club tells the dancer JoeBlow123 from TUSCL got a BBBJCIM for $125 - and he’s not paying more - or he will tell the manager? There is little good to come from naming names and acts - and I won’t do it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What did 50 Cent do when he got hungry? 58.
    Shill Review
    They have no shame! That’s almost too obvious for Scrubbie to call out!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A girl asking who else I played around with
    Blah makes several good points in her comment. There is little chance that the girl is actually jealous.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Do you have a club uniform?
    Warrior - if you add a tin foil antenna to your propeller cap - you would look like a member of a certain organization (that has stripper quality hotties)…
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Alyssa Milano
    I agree with Warrior - about her Charmed scenes. I enjoy that show on mute. But, she made a fool of herself with her attempt at “owning” Musk. You’d think she would do a little research when trying to make a point? I would be a happy man if I saw her dancing in a filthy strip club! I agree with the folks who mentioned how good she looks. At a certain point - this woke shit - and cancel culture - is going to implode on itself. There is likely something distasteful in every person’s past - and in every product’s past - if you do enough research through family or corporate histories. Maybe Alyssa is an example of those who can not learn from history are condemned to repeat it? Acting like she is better than Elon Musk, and not understanding the history of Volkswagen seems like a foolish thing to post about on social media.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    taste the rainbow
    Cell phones at work
    I was at a local club with a steady dollar parade (Hitching Post in Paterson NJ). The dollar parade has been mentioned in several reviews. I don’t have an issue with the dollar parade, as I am happy to pay to see some booty. I noticed a guy who would tip certain dancers - but with other dancers he would act as though he was interested in his phone. The dancers didn’t take the hint - and they would just stand there waiting. I could see he wasn't happy with them standing and waiting - so he would keep staring at his phone and say “Go away!” after a few minutes. It was the first time that I noticed this type of interaction - with a customer. It was unusual - and I was surprised the dancers didn’t just move on (until he told them to go away).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Tattoo Model I Like
    I like that model’s look. She obviously enjoys having tattoos and displaying them in her photos. I think she looks both sexy and beautiful. She would be an easy yes for me!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Do you have a club uniform?
    I don’t have a specific set of clothes for club trips. I usually wear comfortable soft golf pants and a soft button down shirt - with black shoes. I will wear a pair of very soft old jeans and a soft polo from time to time too. I’ve worn Adidas track pants with shiny black dress shoes - and a white tank top a few times - with my Kangol cap. But, I don’t have gold jewelry to complete the look properly. I may need to pick up a gold chain and bracelet - as it is cyber Monday - so I have a good shine to my look!